#0 CI_DB_driver->display_error(Array ([0] => Error Number: 1054,[1] => Unknown column '127≤vel' in 'where clause',[2] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`promotions` main) JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-04-29' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '12' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '114') AND main.category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND main.category IN(127,127≤vel=4) ORDER BY `main`.`endpublish` ASC)) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/system/database/DB_driver.php:330] #1 CI_DB_driver->query(SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`promotions` main) JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-04-29' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '12' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '114') AND main.category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND main.category IN(127,127≤vel=4) ORDER BY `main`.`endpublish` ASC) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/system/database/DB_active_rec.php:963] #2 CI_DB_active_record->get() called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/core/MG_Model.php:417] #3 MG_Model->get(Array ([#literal#] => (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-04-29' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '12' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '114') AND main.category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND main.category IN(127,127≤vel=4) ), 0, 0, main.endpublish ASC, ) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/promotions_model.php:472] #4 Promotions_Model->get(Array ([#literal#] => (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-04-29' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '12' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '114') AND main.category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND main.category IN(127,127≤vel=4) ), 0, 0, main.endpublish ASC) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/promotions_model.php:1326] #5 Promotions_Model->get_list_promotions(, brazil, portugiesisch, Array ([id] => 1,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-08-01 18:21:06,[update_timestamp] => 2014-09-09 14:17:31,[sysname] => adults,[order] => 0,[active] => y,[image_language_small] => 2Ys000336_1.jpg,[image_language_large] => adults1.jpg,[segment] => 0,[filter] => ,[home_publish] => n,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => de,[name] => Sprachreisen für Erwachsene,[description] =>
Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene. Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten Sprachkurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden im Ausland tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
,[short_title] => {LANG}kurse für Erwachsene,[short_description] =>

Mit ei­ner Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.

,[short_title_country] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[short_description_country] =>
Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene, Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten {LANG}kurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
,[short_title_city] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[short_description_city] =>

{LANG} lernen in {LOCATION} für einen Sommer , wird ein paar Wochen , Monate oder ein Jahr als Erwachsener geben Ihnen eine neue Perspektive auf sich. Wohnen in {LOCATION} wird ständig fordern Sie sich in vielen neuen und aufregenden Möglichkeiten und gewinnen ein Maß an Vertrauen in der {LANG}en Sprache. Sie werden in der {LANG}en Sprache , Kultur und Menschen von {LOCATION} eingetaucht werden und lernen Sie das Leben als Einwohner und nicht nur als Tourist zu erleben. Diese {LANG}kurse für Erwachsene und Studenten in {LOCATION} wird Ihnen helfen, die Grammatik und Struktur der {LANG}en Sprache , entwickeln ihre Sprechen, Hören , Lesen und Schreiben Fähigkeiten . Live- Erfahrungen aus erster Hand und Immatrikulation in einen {LANG}kurs für Erwachsene in {LOCATION} heute .

,[long_title] => {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene,[long_description] =>
Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene, Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten {LANG}kurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
,[mtitle] => Sprachreisen für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle2] => {LANG} Sprachreisen für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle3] => {LANG} Sprachkurse für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle4] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[mtitle5] => {LANG} Courses in {LOCATION} for Adults and Students,[idid] => 5,[subsegment] => ,[link] => /programs/adults/portugiesisch), Array ([segment] => 1,[rtype] => Array ([0] => 6,[1] => 7),[atype] => Array ([0] => 13),[coursetype] => Array ([0] => 127,[1] => 127≤vel=4))) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/promotions_model.php:1425] #6 Promotions_Model->search(Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Portugiesisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugiesisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portugiesisch Sprachkurs - Portugiesischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Portugiesisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Portugiesisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Portugiesischkurse, Portugiesisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Portugiesisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Portugiesisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die portugiesische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Portugiesischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Portugiesischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Portugiesischschulen im Ausland an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Portugiesisch im Ausland zu lernen.

Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portugiesisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Portugiesischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Portugiesischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Portugiesisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[idid] => 56,[link] => /kurs-portugiesisch,[search_link] => /kurs-portugiesisch), Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => en,[name] => Brazil,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 354,[link] => /kurs-portugiesisch/brazil), , Array ([id] => 1,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-08-01 18:21:06,[update_timestamp] => 2014-09-09 14:17:31,[sysname] => adults,[order] => 0,[active] => y,[image_language_small] => 2Ys000336_1.jpg,[image_language_large] => adults1.jpg,[segment] => 0,[filter] => ,[home_publish] => n,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => de,[name] => Sprachreisen für Erwachsene,[description] =>
Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene. Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten Sprachkurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden im Ausland tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
,[short_title] => {LANG}kurse für Erwachsene,[short_description] =>

Mit ei­ner Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.

,[short_title_country] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[short_description_country] =>
Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene, Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten {LANG}kurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
,[short_title_city] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[short_description_city] =>

{LANG} lernen in {LOCATION} für einen Sommer , wird ein paar Wochen , Monate oder ein Jahr als Erwachsener geben Ihnen eine neue Perspektive auf sich. Wohnen in {LOCATION} wird ständig fordern Sie sich in vielen neuen und aufregenden Möglichkeiten und gewinnen ein Maß an Vertrauen in der {LANG}en Sprache. Sie werden in der {LANG}en Sprache , Kultur und Menschen von {LOCATION} eingetaucht werden und lernen Sie das Leben als Einwohner und nicht nur als Tourist zu erleben. Diese {LANG}kurse für Erwachsene und Studenten in {LOCATION} wird Ihnen helfen, die Grammatik und Struktur der {LANG}en Sprache , entwickeln ihre Sprechen, Hören , Lesen und Schreiben Fähigkeiten . Live- Erfahrungen aus erster Hand und Immatrikulation in einen {LANG}kurs für Erwachsene in {LOCATION} heute .

,[long_title] => {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene,[long_description] =>
Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene, Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten {LANG}kurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
,[mtitle] => Sprachreisen für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle2] => {LANG} Sprachreisen für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle3] => {LANG} Sprachkurse für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle4] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[mtitle5] => {LANG} Courses in {LOCATION} for Adults and Students,[idid] => 5,[subsegment] => ,[link] => /programs/adults/portugiesisch), Array ([segment] => 1,[rtype] => Array ([0] => 6,[1] => 7),[atype] => Array ([0] => 13),[coursetype] => Array ([0] => 127,[1] => 127≤vel=4))) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/courses_model.php:2099] #7 Courses_Model->search(Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Portugiesisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugiesisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portugiesisch Sprachkurs - Portugiesischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Portugiesisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Portugiesisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Portugiesischkurse, Portugiesisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Portugiesisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Portugiesisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die portugiesische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Portugiesischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Portugiesischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Portugiesischschulen im Ausland an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Portugiesisch im Ausland zu lernen.

Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portugiesisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Portugiesischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Portugiesischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Portugiesisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[idid] => 56,[link] => /kurs-portugiesisch,[search_link] => /kurs-portugiesisch), Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => en,[name] => Brazil,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 354,[link] => /kurs-portugiesisch/brazil), , Array ([id] => 1,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-08-01 18:21:06,[update_timestamp] => 2014-09-09 14:17:31,[sysname] => adults,[order] => 0,[active] => y,[image_language_small] => 2Ys000336_1.jpg,[image_language_large] => adults1.jpg,[segment] => 0,[filter] => ,[home_publish] => n,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => de,[name] => Sprachreisen für Erwachsene,[description] =>
Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene. Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten Sprachkurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden im Ausland tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
,[short_title] => {LANG}kurse für Erwachsene,[short_description] =>

Mit ei­ner Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.

,[short_title_country] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[short_description_country] =>
Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene, Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten {LANG}kurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
,[short_title_city] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[short_description_city] =>

{LANG} lernen in {LOCATION} für einen Sommer , wird ein paar Wochen , Monate oder ein Jahr als Erwachsener geben Ihnen eine neue Perspektive auf sich. Wohnen in {LOCATION} wird ständig fordern Sie sich in vielen neuen und aufregenden Möglichkeiten und gewinnen ein Maß an Vertrauen in der {LANG}en Sprache. Sie werden in der {LANG}en Sprache , Kultur und Menschen von {LOCATION} eingetaucht werden und lernen Sie das Leben als Einwohner und nicht nur als Tourist zu erleben. Diese {LANG}kurse für Erwachsene und Studenten in {LOCATION} wird Ihnen helfen, die Grammatik und Struktur der {LANG}en Sprache , entwickeln ihre Sprechen, Hören , Lesen und Schreiben Fähigkeiten . Live- Erfahrungen aus erster Hand und Immatrikulation in einen {LANG}kurs für Erwachsene in {LOCATION} heute .

,[long_title] => {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene,[long_description] =>
Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene, Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten {LANG}kurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
,[mtitle] => Sprachreisen für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle2] => {LANG} Sprachreisen für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle3] => {LANG} Sprachkurse für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle4] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[mtitle5] => {LANG} Courses in {LOCATION} for Adults and Students,[idid] => 5,[subsegment] => ,[link] => /programs/adults/portugiesisch), Array ([segment] => 1,[rtype] => Array ([0] => 6,[1] => 7),[atype] => Array ([0] => 13),[coursetype] => Array ([0] => 127,[1] => 127≤vel=4)), 0, 15) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/controllers/coursessearch.php:358] #8 Coursessearch->index(kurs, portugiesisch, brazil, program-adults) #9 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => Coursessearch Object ([] => de,[] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => de,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[idid] => 6),[] => Array ([id] => 5,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:53:09,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:11,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-16,[1] => c-117,[2] => c-64,[3] => c-118,[4] => c-101),[code] => de,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => de_DE,[file] => ,[image_language] => german.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 85,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => de,[name] => Deutsch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => deutsch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Deutsch sprachkurse, Sprachschulen, Lernen Sprache,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Besonderen Angeboten für Deutsch Sprachkurs, deutsch sprachkurse, sprachkurs deutsch, sprachschulen deutsch, deutsch sprach kurs, deutsch sprachschulen, deutsch sprache lernen, lernen deutsch sprache ,[mkeys] => deutsch sprachkurs, deutsch sprachkurse, sprachkurs deutsch, sprachschulen deutsch, deutsch sprach kurs, deutsch sprachschulen, deutsch sprache lernen, lernen deutsch sprache ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise für Deinen Deutsch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Deutsch sprachkurse Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die deutsche Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland ?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Deutschschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland , bis Du „Deinen Deutschkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland  zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Deutschschulen im Ausland  an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Deutsch im Ausland  zu lernen.

Unsere Service Garantie


 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Deutsch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Deutschkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Deutschkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Deutsch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[idid] => 28),[] => ,[] => ,[isdev] => ,[] => Array ([en] => /search/learn-portuguese/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4,[es] => /search/cursos-portugues/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4,[it] => /search/corso-portoghese/brasile/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4,[de] => /search/kurs-portugiesisch/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4,[fr] => /search/cours-portugais/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4,[pt] => /search/cursos-portugues/brasil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4,[ru] => /search/kursy-portugalyskiy/braziliya/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4,[zh] => /search/learn-portuguese/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4,[ko] => /search/learn-portuguese/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4,[ja] => /search/learn-portuguese/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => 2400,[] => Array ([0] => Array ([id] => 11,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 10:48:19,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 09:58:06,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => c-181),[code] => ar,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => 01simple.xlsx,[image_language] => 2arabic.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 0,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 11,[lang] => de,[name] => Arabisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => arabisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Arabisch Sprachkurs - Arabischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Arabisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Arabisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen,Arabischkurse, Arabisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Arabisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Arabisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die Arabische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Arabischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Arabischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Arabischschulen im Ausland an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Arabisch im Ausland zu lernen.

Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Arabisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Arabischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Arabischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Arabisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 51),[1] => Array ([id] => 20,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-04 12:48:47,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-14 15:12:18,[topdestinations] => Array (),[code] => ca,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => 2catalan.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 3,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 20,[lang] => de,[name] => Katalanisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => katalanisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Katalanisch Sprachkurs - Katalanisch Sprachreisen,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Whatever type of Catalan course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Katalanisch Sprachkurs!,[extradesc] =>

Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die Katalanische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Katalanischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Katalanischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Katalanischschulen im Ausland an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Katalanisch im Ausland zu lernen.



Unsere Service Garantie



 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.



Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Katalanisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Katalanischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Katalanischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Katalanisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 96),[2] => Array ([id] => 10,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-04-27 19:34:39,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 09:58:34,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-23,[1] => c-93,[2] => c-92),[code] => zh,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => zh_CN,[file] => ,[image_language] => chino.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 52,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 10,[lang] => de,[name] => Chinesisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => chinesisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Chinesisch Sprachkurs - Chinesisch Sprachschule Chinesischkurse,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Chinesisch Sprachreisen nach im Ausland. Besonderen Angeboten für Chinesisch Sprachkurse. Sprachreisen kombinieren Sie Urlaub mit Sprachkurs! ,[mkeys] => Learn Chinese,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Chinesisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Chinesisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die chinesische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?
Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Chinesischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Chinesischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Chinesischschulen im Ausland an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Chinesisch im Ausland zu lernen.





Unsere Service Garantie






 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.



Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr










,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Chinesisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Chinesischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Chinesischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Chinesisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 46),[3] => Array ([id] => 13,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 13:19:21,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 09:59:03,[topdestinations] => Array (),[code] => cs,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => 2Czech.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 0,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 13,[lang] => de,[name] => Tschechisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => tschechisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Tschechisch Sprachkurs - Tschechischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Tschechisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Tschechisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Tschechischkurse, Tschechisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Tschechisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Tschechisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für Tschechische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung auch auch immer, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum güstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Tschechischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Tschechischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen von Ausland zu verschaffen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Tschechischschulen im Ausland an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Tschechisch im Ausland zu lernen

Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Tschechisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Tschechischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Tschechischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Tschechisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 61),[4] => Array ([id] => 14,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 15:59:15,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 09:59:18,[topdestinations] => Array (),[code] => da,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => 4Danish.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 0,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 14,[lang] => de,[name] => Dänisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => danisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Dänisch Sprachkurs - Dänischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Dänisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Dänisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Dänischkurse, Dänisch Sprachschulen ,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Dänisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Dänisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für Dänische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung auch auch immer, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum güstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Dänischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Dänischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen von Ausland zu verschaffen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Dänischschulen im Ausland an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Dänisch im Ausland zu lernen.

Der beste Preis im Dänisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Dänischkurse, Dänisch Sprachschulen

,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Dänisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet dänischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren dänischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen dänisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 66),[5] => Array ([id] => 2,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-03 15:53:42,[update_timestamp] => 2023-08-29 16:59:28,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-113,[1] => p-196,[2] => p-77,[3] => p-33,[4] => c-48,[5] => c-2,[6] => c-1,[7] => c-147,[8] => c-41,[9] => c-79),[code] => en,[sort] => 50,[active] => y,[locale] => en_US,[file] => ,[image_language] => english.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 1387,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 2,[lang] => de,[name] => Englisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => englisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Englisch Sprachreisen - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Englisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im english sprachkurs ?Angebote und Pakete ?Bewertungen von Studenten, ?detaillierte Beschreibungen ? Englischkurse ? Englisch Sprachschulen ,[mkeys] => englisch lernen, englisch sprachschulen, sprachschulen englisch, studieren englisch, englischkurse, englischkurs, englisch sprachkurse, english sprachkurs, business englisch,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise für Deinen Englisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Englisch SprachkurseSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die englische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland? Für welche Sprachweiterbildung du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Englischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Englischkurs“ gefunden hast. Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen von Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Englischschulen im Ausland an. Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Englisch im Ausland zu lernen.

Englisch Sprachreisen im Ausland. Besondere Angebote für Englisch Sprachkurse. 



Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen.
,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Englisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Englischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Englischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Englisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 30),[6] => Array ([id] => 4,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:52:27,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 09:59:44,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-113,[1] => p-17,[2] => c-51,[3] => c-24,[4] => c-61),[code] => fr,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => fr_FR,[file] => ,[image_language] => french2.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 138,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => de,[name] => Französisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => franzosisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Französisch sprachkurse - Kurse französisch Sprachreisen,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Französisch Sprachreisen nach Frankreich und Canada. Besonderen Angeboten für Französisch Sprachkurse. Sprachreisen kombinieren Sie Urlaub mit Sprachkurs!,[mkeys] => französisch sprachkurse, französisch sprachreisen, kurse französisch, kurs französisch,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise für Deinen Französisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Französisch sprachkurse Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die französische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland ? Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Französischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland , bis Du „Deinen Französischkurs“ gefunden hast. Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen  im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Französischschulen im Ausland an. Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Französisch im Ausland zu lernen.



Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Französisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Französischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Französischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Französisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 29),[7] => Array ([id] => 17,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-01-17 10:52:08,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 09:59:57,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-205),[code] => ka,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => 2Georgian.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 1,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 17,[lang] => de,[name] => Georgisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => georgisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Georgisch Sprachkurs - Georgischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Georgisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Georgisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen,Georgischkurse, Georgisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Georgisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

 Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die Georgische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Georgischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Georgischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Georgischschulen im Ausland an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Georgisch im Ausland zu lernen.

,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Georgisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Georgischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Georgischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Georgisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 81),[8] => Array ([id] => 5,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:53:09,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:11,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-16,[1] => c-117,[2] => c-64,[3] => c-118,[4] => c-101),[code] => de,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => de_DE,[file] => ,[image_language] => german.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 85,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => de,[name] => Deutsch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => deutsch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Deutsch sprachkurse, Sprachschulen, Lernen Sprache,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Besonderen Angeboten für Deutsch Sprachkurs, deutsch sprachkurse, sprachkurs deutsch, sprachschulen deutsch, deutsch sprach kurs, deutsch sprachschulen, deutsch sprache lernen, lernen deutsch sprache ,[mkeys] => deutsch sprachkurs, deutsch sprachkurse, sprachkurs deutsch, sprachschulen deutsch, deutsch sprach kurs, deutsch sprachschulen, deutsch sprache lernen, lernen deutsch sprache ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise für Deinen Deutsch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Deutsch sprachkurse Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die deutsche Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland ?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Deutschschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland , bis Du „Deinen Deutschkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland  zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Deutschschulen im Ausland  an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Deutsch im Ausland  zu lernen.

Unsere Service Garantie


 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Deutsch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Deutschkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Deutschkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Deutsch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 28),[9] => Array ([id] => 15,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-10-20 22:14:40,[update_timestamp] => 2014-04-14 15:18:29,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-202,[1] => c-183),[code] => gr,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => 3greek.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 2,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 15,[lang] => de,[name] => Griechisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => griechisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Sprachschulen Griechisch - Griechischkuse - Griechisch Schulen,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Für welche Sprachweiterbildung auch auch immer, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum güstigsten Preis!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Griechisch sprachkurs!,[extradesc] =>

Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für Griechische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule?
Für welche Sprachweiterbildung auch auch immer, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum güstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Griechischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten, bis Du „Deinen Griechischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen von Greece zu verschaffen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Griechischschulen an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Griechisch zu lernen.

Griechisch Sprachreisen nach Greece. Besonderen Angeboten für Griechisch Sprachkurse. Sprachreisen kombinieren Sie Urlaub mit Sprachkurs!

,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Griechisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Griechischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Griechischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Griechisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 71),[10] => Array ([id] => 19,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-04 12:20:07,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:24,[topdestinations] => Array (),[code] => he,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => 2hebrew.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 0,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 19,[lang] => de,[name] => Hebräisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => hebraisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => The lowest prices for hebrew Language Courses,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Whatever type of hebrew course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Study Hebrew: Find the lowest prices for Hebrew Language Courses!,[extradesc] =>

Are you looking for Hebrew language schools or a Hebrew summer school? How about study Hebrew or language courses for adults? Whatever type of Hebrew course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!

Browse over many Hebrew courses in many locations until you find the Hebrew course and school that is right for you. We make it easy to find discount prices at the most popular schools and we provide detailed school information, photos, videos and students reviews for a great variety of Hebrew schools. Choose Languagebookings.com for all your courses reservations, and see why more and more students are choosing us to study Hebrew language!

Our Service Guarantees

Best Price Guaranteed

Best Price Guaranteed

100% guaranteed, that you will pay the lowest price. We offer you the lowest possible course rates - you never pay more than if you booked directly with the school itself or anywhere else. Besides, our service is free. We do not charge any booking fees.
Excellent Advice

Exceptional Customer Support

Whenever you need assistance, you can always call our customer support. Before, during and after your course, we are here for you. You can easily contact our experienced and friendly consultants. We're always just a click away through e-mail, phone call, skype or even live chat!
100% Confirmed

Your booking 100% confirmed!

It's very unlikely that something will go wrong with your booking once confirmed by the language schools. In fact we're so confident, that if you don't have your course place at the selected school, we'll credit your account with your full deposit AND find another possible alternative for you.

Trust and SafetyTrust & Safety

We are a marketplace that promotes trust and collaboration. This is why we have built the best ever class tools and services to surely assist and hone you into making the right decisions. Find students reviews, host references, school quality seals and accreditations, ... learn more


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Hebräisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Hebräischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Hebräischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Hebräisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 91),[11] => Array ([id] => 26,[insert_timestamp] => 2014-03-25 10:44:16,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:37,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-197),[code] => hu,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => hu-HU,[file] => ,[image_language] => hungarian-language.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 0,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 26,[lang] => de,[name] => Ungarisch,[name2] => hungarian,[sysname] => ungarisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Ungarisch Kurse nach Ungarn - Studium an der besten Ungarischen Sprachschulen,[mtitle2] => Live and Learn Hungarian in Hungary,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis in der Ungarischen Kurse - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Karten und Fotos von hoher Qualität ...,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise für Deinen Ungarisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die Ungarische Sprache? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland ?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Ungarischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland , bis Du „Deinen Ungarischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Deutschschulen im Ausland an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Ungarisch im Ausland zu lernen.

Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen.
,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Ungarisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Ungarischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Ungarischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Ungarisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 220),[12] => Array ([id] => 7,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:50,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:59,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12,[1] => c-81,[2] => c-83,[3] => c-40),[code] => it,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => it_IT,[file] => ,[image_language] => italian.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 322,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => de,[name] => Italienisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => italienisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Italienisch Sprachurlaub - Studieren in den besten italienischen Sprachschulen,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Für welche Sprachweiterbildung auch auch immer, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum güstigsten Preis!,[mkeys] => learn and speak italian, beginners italian, language course italian, Italian schools abroad, study centers of Italian, Italian scholarships, fellowships to study Italian, Italian intensive courses, Italian classes in foreign language courses abroad for young, Italian classes abroad, scholarships for overseas study Italian, learn Italian summer abroad, Italian language courses abroad, learn Italian abroad, Italian courses abroad, Italian language courses abroad mec agencies, Italian courses abroad, overseas mec courses, study abroad scholarships, summer courses abroad Italian , Italian courses abroad, Italian abroad summer MEC abroad, foreign Italian adults, subsidized courses abroad, overseas scholarships, study abroad Italian, learn Italian abroad, Italian language courses abroad, Study abroad summer , Italian study overseas, Italian Scholarship to study abroad, language schools abroad, learning Italian abroad, study Italian abroad, language courses abroad for young, Italian academies abroad courses Study abroad scholarships mec, learn Italian abroad, foreign language courses, Italian courses abroad,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Italienisch Sprachkurs !,[extradesc] =>

Italienisch sprachurlaubSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die italienische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule ?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Italienischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten , bis Du „Deinen Italienischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Italienischschulen an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Italienisch zu lernen.


Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Italienisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Italienischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Italienischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Italienisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 31),[13] => Array ([id] => 6,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:54:06,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:01:13,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-89,[1] => c-26),[code] => ja,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ja_JP,[file] => ,[image_language] => japanese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 16,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 6,[lang] => de,[name] => Japanisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => japanisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Japanisch Kurse nach Japan - Studium an der besten japanischen Sprachschulen,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis in der japanischen Kurse - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Karten und Fotos von hoher Qualität ...,[mkeys] => Japanisch Schulen, Zentren für Japanologie, Japanisch Zuschüsse, Stipendien zu studieren Japanisch, Intensivkurse in Japanisch, Japanisch Klassen in Japan, Japanisch Kurse für Jugendliche, Japanisch Klassen in Japan, Stipendien zu lernen Japanisch in Japan studiert Japanisch Japan im Sommer Japanisch Kurse in Japanisch, Japanisch lernen Japanisch, Japanisch-Kurse Japan, Japanisch Sprachkurse in Japanisch mec, Agenturen Japanisch Kurse in Japan, Japanisch mechanische Kurse, Stipendien für Japanisch, Japanisch Sommerkurs japon Studie Japanisch Kurse in Japan, Japaner in der japanischen Sommer MEC Japan, Japanisch Erwachsenen Japan subventioniert Kurse in Japan, Japan Stipendien für ein Studium in Japan Japanisch, Japanisch lernen in Japan, Japanisch Sprachkurse, Japanisch Sommer Studie Japanische Japan, Stipendien-Studie in Japan Japanisch, Sprachschulen in Japan, das Lernen in Japan Japanisch, studierte Japanisch in Japan, Japanisch-Sprachkurse für junge Akademien der Japaner in Japan, Japanisch Sprachkurse Stipendien mec, lernen in Japan Japanisch, Japanisch Sprachkurse, Kurse in Japanisch,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise für Deinen Japanisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die japanische Sprache? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland ?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Japanischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland , bis Du „Deinen Japanischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Deutschschulen im Ausland an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Japanisch im Ausland zu lernen.

Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Japanisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Japanischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Japanischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Japanisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 32),[14] => Array ([id] => 25,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-11-27 14:18:32,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:01:24,[topdestinations] => Array (),[code] => ko,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ko_KR,[file] => ,[image_language] => ,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 0,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 25,[lang] => en,[name] => Korean,[name2] => Korean,[sysname] => korean,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => ,[extradesc] => ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => ,[short_description] => ,[multilang_id] => 174),[15] => Array ([id] => 18,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-05-05 13:33:24,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:01,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-12),[code] => la,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => latin.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 2,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 18,[lang] => de,[name] => Latein,[name2] => ,[sysname] => latein,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Latein Sprachreisen - LanguageBookings.com,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Whatever type of Latin course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Unsere Service Garantie,[extradesc] =>

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Latein Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Lateinkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Lateinkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Latein können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 87),[16] => Array ([id] => 21,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-17 20:53:28,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:19,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-169),[code] => pl,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => polish.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 6,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 21,[lang] => de,[name] => Polnisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => polnisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Polnisch Sprachreisen - Polnisch Sprachkurse,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Finde die günstigsten Preise für Deinen Polnisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Polnisch Sprachkurs!,[extradesc] =>

Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die polnisch Sprache? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener polnisch schulen, an verschiedenen Orten , bis Du „Deinen Russischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener polnisch schulen an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um polnisch zu lernen.

Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.


Trust and SafetyVertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Polnisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Polnischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Polnischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Polnisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 106),[17] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Portugiesisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugiesisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portugiesisch Sprachkurs - Portugiesischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Portugiesisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Portugiesisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Portugiesischkurse, Portugiesisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Portugiesisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Portugiesisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die portugiesische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Portugiesischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Portugiesischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Portugiesischschulen im Ausland an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Portugiesisch im Ausland zu lernen.

Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portugiesisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Portugiesischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Portugiesischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Portugiesisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 56),[18] => Array ([id] => 9,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-04-26 22:13:48,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:03:01,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-183,[1] => c-91,[2] => c-90),[code] => ru,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ru_RU,[file] => ,[image_language] => russian.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 33,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 9,[lang] => de,[name] => Russisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => russisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Russisch Sprachreisen - Russisch Sprachkurse,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Finde die günstigsten Preise für Deinen Russisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Russisch Sprachkurs!,[extradesc] =>

Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die russische Sprache? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Russischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten , bis Du „Deinen Russischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Russischschulen an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Russisch zu lernen.

Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Russisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Russischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Russischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Russisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 41),[19] => Array ([id] => 3,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:45:47,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:03:24,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => c-82,[1] => c-35,[2] => c-27,[3] => c-119),[code] => es,[sort] => 40,[active] => y,[locale] => es_ES,[file] => back_video.jpg,[image_language] => 3spanish.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 634,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => de,[name] => Spanisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => spanisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Spanisch Intensivkurs, Sprachurlaub, Sprachkurse Spanisch, Schülersprachreisen,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Die besten Preise in Sprachkurse Spanisch, Schülersprachreisen- Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Karten und Fotos von hoher Qualität.,[mkeys] => spanisch intensivkurs, lernen spanisch, spanisch lernen, spanisch kurse, sprachurlaub spanisch, spanisch sprachkurs, sprachkurse spanisch, spanisch sprachkurse, schülersprachreisen spanisch, kurs spanisch, spanisch anfänger, spanisch sprachschule, sprachschule spanisch, sprachreise spanisch, spanisch sprachreise, sprachreisen spanisch, spanisch sprachreisen, sprachschulen spanisch, spanisch sprachschulen, spanisch schule, spanisch sprachurlaub,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise für Deinen Spanisch Sprachkurs!,[extradesc] =>

Spanisch Intensivkurs Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die spanische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule?

Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest , LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Spanischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten, bis Du „Deinen Spanischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Spanisch Schulen zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Spanischschulen an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Spanisch zu lernen.

Spanisch Sprachreisen. Besondere Angebote für Spanisch Sprachkurse. 

Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Spanisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Spanischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Spanischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Spanisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 27),[20] => Array ([id] => 22,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-23 13:14:08,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:03:43,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-86,[1] => p-190,[2] => p-75,[3] => p-178,[4] => p-54),[code] => th,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => thai.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 3,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 22,[lang] => de,[name] => Thai,[name2] => ,[sysname] => thai,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Thai Sprachreisen - ThaiKurse LanguageBookings,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Whatever type of Thai course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Unsere Service Garantie,[extradesc] =>

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Thai Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Thaikurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Thaikursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Thai können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 102),[21] => Array ([id] => 16,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-30 18:10:14,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:04:04,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-51,[1] => c-448,[2] => c-558),[code] => tk,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => ,[file] => ,[image_language] => turkish.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 12,[web_lang] => n,[ownid] => 16,[lang] => de,[name] => Türkisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => turkisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Türkisch Sprachkurs - Türkisch Sprachschule Türkischkurse,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Türkisch Sprachreisen nach im Ausland. Besonderen Angeboten für Türkisch Sprachkurse. Sprachreisen kombinieren Sie Urlaub mit Sprachkurs! ,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Türkisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

Türkisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die Türkische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?
Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Türkischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Türkischkurs“ gefunden hast.

Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Türkischschulen im Ausland an.

Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Türkisch im Ausland zu lernen.

Unsere Service Garantie

 Beste-Preis Garantie

Beste-Preis Garantie

100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
Excellent Advice

Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
100% Confirmed

Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Türkisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Türkischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Türkischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Türkisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
,[multilang_id] => 76)),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[benchmark] => CI_Benchmark Object ([marker] => Array ([total_execution_time_start] => 0.08178400 1713856935,[loading_time:_base_classes_start] => 0.08180100 1713856935,[loading_time:_base_classes_end] => 0.08580800 1713856935,[controller_execution_time_( coursessearch / index )_start] => 0.08587800 1713856935,[profilechrono_start] => 0.22772000 1713856935,[mgcontroller_start] => 0.09008700 1713856935,[mgcontroller_end] => 0.12928500 1713856935,[initialization_start] => 0.12957700 1713856935,[s_init_start] => 0.17234600 1713856935,[s_init_end] => 0.17412700 1713856935,[s_normalization_start] => 0.17413800 1713856935,[s_normalization_end] => 0.18446000 1713856935,[s_courses_start] => 0.18446900 1713856935,[s_courses_end] => 0.22397500 1713856935,[s_filters_start] => 0.22398400 1713856935,[s_filters_end] => 0.22401400 1713856935,[s_filteredget_start] => 0.22402000 1713856935,[s_promotion_start] => 0.22752800 1713856935)),[hooks] => CI_Hooks Object ([enabled] => 1,[hooks] => Array ([post_system] => Array ([0] => Array ([class] => ,[function] => save_report,[filename] => post_system.php,[filepath] => hooks,[params] => Array ()))),[in_progress] => ),[config] => CI_Config Object ([config] => Array ([base_url] => https://de.languagebookings.com/,[index_page] => ,[uri_protocol] => AUTO,[url_suffix] => ,[language] => english,[charset] => UTF-8,[enable_hooks] => 1,[subclass_prefix] => MG_,[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-,[allow_get_array] => 1,[enable_query_strings] => ,[controller_trigger] => c,[function_trigger] => m,[directory_trigger] => d,[log_threshold] => 1,[log_path] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/../logs/,[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s,[cache_path] => ,[encryption_key] => tT/x`s!Zon$)m~C lb_session,[sess_expiration] => 604800,[sess_expire_on_close] => ,[sess_encrypt_cookie] => ,[sess_use_database] => 1,[sess_table_name] => sessions,[sess_match_ip] => ,[sess_match_useragent] => 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3,[ALL] => 4),[config] => Array ([base_url] => https://de.languagebookings.com/,[index_page] => ,[uri_protocol] => AUTO,[url_suffix] => ,[language] => english,[charset] => UTF-8,[enable_hooks] => 1,[subclass_prefix] => MG_,[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-,[allow_get_array] => 1,[enable_query_strings] => ,[controller_trigger] => c,[function_trigger] => m,[directory_trigger] => d,[log_threshold] => 1,[log_path] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/../logs/,[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s,[cache_path] => ,[encryption_key] => tT/x`s!Zon$)m~C lb_session,[sess_expiration] => 604800,[sess_expire_on_close] => ,[sess_encrypt_cookie] => ,[sess_use_database] => 1,[sess_table_name] => sessions,[sess_match_ip] => ,[sess_match_useragent] => ,[sess_time_to_update] => 300,[cookie_prefix] => ,[cookie_domain] => .languagebookings.com,[cookie_path] => /,[cookie_secure] => ,[global_xss_filtering] => ,[csrf_protection] => ,[csrf_token_name] => lb_sec,[csrf_cookie_name] => 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=> localhost,[redis_port] => 6379,[raven_client] => http://48243411207a482abe059e79be6eca58:dd383ffc6cd34f399f4625eb7aef36e2@,[raven_config] => Array (),[raven_log_threshold] => Array ([0] => ERROR),[raven_environments] => Array (),[recaptcha_site_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAG2nPcVS6c0dIj_Ks2T8qIE1gZl7,[recaptcha_secret_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAA7H1DSM9O4e-psNYPGX19dbmAt5),[is_loaded] => Array (),[_config_paths] => Array ([0] => ../application/))),[router] => CI_Router Object ([config] => CI_Config Object ([config] => Array ([base_url] => https://de.languagebookings.com/,[index_page] => ,[uri_protocol] => AUTO,[url_suffix] => ,[language] => english,[charset] => UTF-8,[enable_hooks] => 1,[subclass_prefix] => MG_,[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-,[allow_get_array] => 1,[enable_query_strings] => ,[controller_trigger] => c,[function_trigger] => m,[directory_trigger] => d,[log_threshold] => 1,[log_path] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/../logs/,[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s,[cache_path] => ,[encryption_key] => tT/x`s!Zon$)m~C lb_session,[sess_expiration] => 604800,[sess_expire_on_close] => ,[sess_encrypt_cookie] => ,[sess_use_database] => 1,[sess_table_name] => sessions,[sess_match_ip] => ,[sess_match_useragent] => ,[sess_time_to_update] => 300,[cookie_prefix] => ,[cookie_domain] => .languagebookings.com,[cookie_path] => /,[cookie_secure] => ,[global_xss_filtering] => ,[csrf_protection] => ,[csrf_token_name] => lb_sec,[csrf_cookie_name] => lb_c_sec,[csrf_expire] => 7200,[compress_output] => ,[time_reference] => local,[rewrite_short_tags] => ,[proxy_ips] => ,[redis_host] => localhost,[redis_port] => 6379,[raven_client] => http://48243411207a482abe059e79be6eca58:dd383ffc6cd34f399f4625eb7aef36e2@,[raven_config] => Array (),[raven_log_threshold] => Array ([0] => ERROR),[raven_environments] => Array (),[recaptcha_site_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAG2nPcVS6c0dIj_Ks2T8qIE1gZl7,[recaptcha_secret_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAA7H1DSM9O4e-psNYPGX19dbmAt5),[is_loaded] => Array 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=> Array ([1] => search,[2] => kurs-portugiesisch,[3] => brazil,[4] => program-adults),[rsegments] => Array ([1] => coursessearch,[2] => index,[3] => kurs,[4] => portugiesisch,[5] => brazil,[6] => program-adults),[config] => CI_Config Object ([config] => Array ([base_url] => https://de.languagebookings.com/,[index_page] => ,[uri_protocol] => AUTO,[url_suffix] => ,[language] => english,[charset] => UTF-8,[enable_hooks] => 1,[subclass_prefix] => MG_,[permitted_uri_chars] => a-z 0-9~%.:_\-,[allow_get_array] => 1,[enable_query_strings] => ,[controller_trigger] => c,[function_trigger] => m,[directory_trigger] => d,[log_threshold] => 1,[log_path] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/../logs/,[log_date_format] => Y-m-d H:i:s,[cache_path] => ,[encryption_key] => tT/x`s!Zon$)m~C lb_session,[sess_expiration] => 604800,[sess_expire_on_close] => ,[sess_encrypt_cookie] => ,[sess_use_database] => 1,[sess_table_name] => sessions,[sess_match_ip] => ,[sess_match_useragent] => ,[sess_time_to_update] => 300,[cookie_prefix] => ,[cookie_domain] => .languagebookings.com,[cookie_path] => /,[cookie_secure] => ,[global_xss_filtering] => ,[csrf_protection] => ,[csrf_token_name] => lb_sec,[csrf_cookie_name] => lb_c_sec,[csrf_expire] => 7200,[compress_output] => ,[time_reference] => local,[rewrite_short_tags] => ,[proxy_ips] => ,[redis_host] => localhost,[redis_port] => 6379,[raven_client] => http://48243411207a482abe059e79be6eca58:dd383ffc6cd34f399f4625eb7aef36e2@,[raven_config] => Array (),[raven_log_threshold] => Array ([0] => ERROR),[raven_environments] => Array (),[recaptcha_site_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAG2nPcVS6c0dIj_Ks2T8qIE1gZl7,[recaptcha_secret_key] => 6LdFIVcUAAAAAA7H1DSM9O4e-psNYPGX19dbmAt5),[is_loaded] => Array (),[_config_paths] => Array ([0] => ../application/)))),[output] => CI_Output Object ([] => ,[] => 0,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([hqx] => application/mac-binhex40,[cpt] => application/mac-compactpro,[csv] => Array ([0] => text/x-comma-separated-values,[1] => text/comma-separated-values,[2] => application/octet-stream,[3] => application/vnd.ms-excel,[4] => application/x-csv,[5] => text/x-csv,[6] => text/csv,[7] => application/csv,[8] => application/excel,[9] => application/vnd.msexcel),[bin] => application/macbinary,[dms] => application/octet-stream,[lha] => application/octet-stream,[lzh] => application/octet-stream,[exe] => Array ([0] => application/octet-stream,[1] => application/x-msdownload),[class] => application/octet-stream,[psd] => application/x-photoshop,[so] => application/octet-stream,[sea] => application/octet-stream,[dll] => application/octet-stream,[oda] => application/oda,[pdf] => Array ([0] => application/pdf,[1] => application/x-download),[ai] => application/postscript,[eps] => application/postscript,[ps] => application/postscript,[smi] => application/smil,[smil] => application/smil,[mif] => application/vnd.mif,[xls] => Array ([0] => application/excel,[1] => application/vnd.ms-excel,[2] => application/msexcel),[ppt] => Array ([0] => application/powerpoint,[1] => application/vnd.ms-powerpoint),[wbxml] => application/wbxml,[wmlc] => application/wmlc,[dcr] => application/x-director,[dir] => application/x-director,[dxr] => application/x-director,[dvi] => application/x-dvi,[gtar] => application/x-gtar,[gz] => application/x-gzip,[php] => application/x-httpd-php,[php4] => application/x-httpd-php,[php3] => application/x-httpd-php,[phtml] => application/x-httpd-php,[phps] => application/x-httpd-php-source,[js] => application/x-javascript,[swf] => application/x-shockwave-flash,[sit] => application/x-stuffit,[tar] => application/x-tar,[tgz] => Array ([0] => application/x-tar,[1] => application/x-gzip-compressed),[xhtml] => application/xhtml+xml,[xht] => application/xhtml+xml,[zip] => Array ([0] => application/x-zip,[1] => application/zip,[2] => application/x-zip-compressed),[mid] => audio/midi,[midi] => audio/midi,[mpga] => audio/mpeg,[mp2] => audio/mpeg,[mp3] => Array ([0] => audio/mpeg,[1] => audio/mpg,[2] => audio/mpeg3,[3] => audio/mp3),[aif] => audio/x-aiff,[aiff] => audio/x-aiff,[aifc] => audio/x-aiff,[ram] => audio/x-pn-realaudio,[rm] => audio/x-pn-realaudio,[rpm] => audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin,[ra] => audio/x-realaudio,[rv] => video/vnd.rn-realvideo,[wav] => Array ([0] => audio/x-wav,[1] => audio/wave,[2] => audio/wav),[bmp] => Array ([0] => image/bmp,[1] => image/x-windows-bmp),[gif] => image/gif,[jpeg] => Array ([0] => image/jpeg,[1] => image/pjpeg),[jpg] => Array ([0] => image/jpeg,[1] => image/pjpeg),[jpe] => Array ([0] => image/jpeg,[1] => image/pjpeg),[png] => Array ([0] => image/png,[1] => image/x-png),[tiff] => image/tiff,[tif] => image/tiff,[css] => text/css,[html] => text/html,[htm] => text/html,[shtml] => text/html,[txt] => text/plain,[text] => text/plain,[log] => Array ([0] => text/plain,[1] => text/x-log),[rtx] => text/richtext,[rtf] => text/rtf,[xml] => text/xml,[xsl] => text/xml,[mpeg] => video/mpeg,[mpg] => video/mpeg,[mpe] => video/mpeg,[qt] => video/quicktime,[mov] => video/quicktime,[avi] => video/x-msvideo,[movie] => video/x-sgi-movie,[doc] => application/msword,[docx] => Array ([0] => application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,[1] => application/zip),[xlsx] => Array ([0] => application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet,[1] => application/zip),[word] => Array ([0] => application/msword,[1] => application/octet-stream),[xl] => application/excel,[eml] => message/rfc822,[json] => Array ([0] => application/json,[1] => text/json)),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => 1),[security] => CI_Security Object ([] => ,[] => 2ca601895e528fc781da690b74d854da,[] => 7200,[] => lb_sec,[] => lb_c_sec,[] => Array ([document.cookie] => [removed],[document.write] => [removed],[.parentNode] => [removed],[.innerHTML] => [removed],[window.location] => [removed],[-moz-binding] => [removed],[] => -->,[ <![CDATA[,[] => <comment>),[] => Array ([0] => javascript\s*:,[1] => expression\s*(\(|&\#40;),[2] => vbscript\s*:,[3] => Redirect\s+302,[4] => (["'])?data\s*:[^\1]*?base64[^\1]*?,[^\1]*?\1?)),[input] => CI_Input Object ([ip_address] =>,[user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com),[_allow_get_array] => 1,[_standardize_newlines] => 1,[_enable_xss] => ,[_enable_csrf] => ,[] => Array (),[security] => CI_Security Object ([] => ,[] => 2ca601895e528fc781da690b74d854da,[] => 7200,[] => lb_sec,[] => lb_c_sec,[] => Array ([document.cookie] => [removed],[document.write] => [removed],[.parentNode] => [removed],[.innerHTML] => [removed],[window.location] => [removed],[-moz-binding] => [removed],[] => -->,[ <![CDATA[,[] => <comment>),[] => Array ([0] => javascript\s*:,[1] => expression\s*(\(|&\#40;),[2] => vbscript\s*:,[3] => Redirect\s+302,[4] => (["'])?data\s*:[^\1]*?base64[^\1]*?,[^\1]*?\1?)),[uni] => CI_Utf8 Object ()),[lang] => CI_Lang Object ([language] => Array (),[is_loaded] => Array ()),[load] => MG_Loader Object ( *RECURSION*,[db] => CI_DB_mysqli_driver Object ([dbdriver] => mysqli,[_escape_char] => `,[_like_escape_str] => ,[_like_escape_chr] => ,[_count_string] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS ,[_random_keyword] => RAND(),[delete_hack] => 1,[use_set_names] => ,[ar_select] => Array ([0] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *),[ar_distinct] => ,[ar_from] => Array ([0] => `promotions` main),[ar_join] => Array ([0] => JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en'),[ar_where] => Array ([0] => (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-04-29' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '12' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '114') AND main.category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND main.category IN(127,127≤vel=4) ),[ar_like] => Array (),[ar_groupby] => Array (),[ar_having] => Array (),[ar_keys] => Array (),[ar_limit] => ,[ar_offset] => ,[ar_order] => ,[ar_orderby] => Array ([0] => `main`.`endpublish` ASC),[ar_set] => Array (),[ar_wherein] => Array (),[ar_aliased_tables] => Array ([0] => main,[1] => lang),[ar_store_array] => Array (),[ar_caching] => ,[ar_cache_exists] => Array (),[ar_cache_select] => Array (),[ar_cache_from] => Array (),[ar_cache_join] => Array (),[ar_cache_where] => Array (),[ar_cache_like] => Array (),[ar_cache_groupby] => Array (),[ar_cache_having] => Array (),[ar_cache_orderby] => Array (),[ar_cache_set] => Array (),[ar_no_escape] => Array ([0] => ),[ar_cache_no_escape] => Array (),[username] => lb2,[password] => aHCWz6RE37WXHUZA,[hostname] => localhost,[database] => lb2,[dbprefix] => ,[char_set] => utf8,[dbcollat] => utf8_general_ci,[autoinit] => 1,[swap_pre] => ,[port] => ,[pconnect] => 1,[conn_id] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[stat] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[result_id] => ,[db_debug] => 1,[benchmark] => 0.015125513076782,[query_count] => 92,[bind_marker] => ?,[save_queries] => 1,[queries] => Array ([0] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `code` = 'de',[1] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `code` = 'de',[2] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[3] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[4] => SELECT * FROM languages_lang WHERE ownid IN(11,20,10,13,14,2,4,17,5,15,19,26,7,6,25,18,21,12,9,3,22,16) AND lang = 'de',[5] => SELECT * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `currency_lang`.`ownid` AND currency_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = 1,[6] => SELECT * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `currency_lang`.`ownid` AND currency_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = 1,[7] => INSERT INTO tracking.lb2_tracker_queue (query) VALUES ('INSERT INTO tracking.lb2_tracker (id,ip,inpag,outpag,intime,views,referer,lastviewtime,browser,affid) VALUES (\'292398519\',INET_ATON(\'\'),\'/search/kurs-portugiesisch/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4\',\'/search/kurs-portugiesisch/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4\',\'2024-04-23 09:22:15\',1,\'https://de.languagebookings.com/search/kurs-portugiesisch/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6%253B7&atype=13&coursetype=127%253B127%25E2%2589%25A4vel=4\',\'2024-04-23 09:22:15\',\'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)\',\'\')'),[8] => INSERT DELAYED INTO tracking.lb2_tracker_track (ownid,pag,timestamp,referer,`host`) VALUES ('292398519','/search/kurs-portugiesisch/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4','2024-04-23 09:22:15','https://de.languagebookings.com/search/kurs-portugiesisch/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6%253B7&atype=13&coursetype=127%253B127%25E2%2589%25A4vel=4','de.languagebookings.com'),[9] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `sysname` = 'portugiesisch',[10] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'portugiesisch',[11] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `lang` = 'de' AND `main`.`id` = '12',[12] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `lang` = 'de' AND `main`.`id` = '12',[13] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `sysname` = 'brazil',[14] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'brazil',[15] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `lang` = 'de' AND `main`.`id` = '114',[16] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `lang` = 'de' AND `main`.`id` = '114',[17] => SELECT * FROM (`segments` main) JOIN `segments_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `segments_lang`.`ownid` AND segments_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `sysname` = 'adults',[18] => SELECT * FROM (`segments` main) JOIN `segments_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `segments_lang`.`ownid` AND segments_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'adults',[19] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[20] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[21] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `code` = 'pt',[22] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `code` = 'pt',[23] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[24] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[25] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[26] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[27] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[28] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'it' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[29] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[30] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'it' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[31] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[32] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[33] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[34] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[35] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[36] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'fr' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[37] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[38] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'fr' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[39] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[40] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'pt' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[41] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[42] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'pt' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[43] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[44] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'ru' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[45] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[46] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'ru' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[47] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[48] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'zh' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[49] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[50] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'zh' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[51] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[52] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'ko' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[53] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[54] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'ko' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[55] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[56] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'ja' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[57] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[58] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'ja' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[59] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[60] => SELECT id, sales FROM categories WHERE idi = 12 ORDER BY sales DESC,[61] => SELECT lessons, SUM(sales) ventas FROM courses GROUP BY lessons ORDER BY ventas DESC,[62] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accreditations` main) JOIN `accreditations_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[63] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[64] => SELECT * FROM accreditations_lang WHERE ownid IN(19,1,2,81,3,33,4,102,5,34,6,7,92,8,9,103,115,10,104,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,105,46,20,86,90,116,108,22,23,24,25,84,109,26,87,27,70,106,28,29,30,95,31,96,32,110,133,93,124,120,36,37,132,69,112,118,38,39,82,100,71,40,79,131,66,35,44,42,117,80,75,43,76,45,107,123,89,111,47,122,67,130,88,74,48,101,68,49,51,50,113,52,97,53,54,18,99,128,129,55,94,114,119,85,41,57,56,83,73,98,77,58,126,78,59,127,72,134,60,61,62,125,65) AND lang = 'de',[65] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accommtypes` main) JOIN `accommtypes_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `order` asc,[66] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[67] => SELECT * FROM accommtypes_lang WHERE ownid IN(20,26,21,18,22,23,17,19,11,12,13,14,16,24,25) AND lang = 'de',[68] => SELECT * FROM single WHERE id = 3,[69] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`courses` main) JOIN `courses_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `language` = '12' AND school IN(SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active = 'y' AND s.city IN (SELECT c.id FROM cities c WHERE c.country = '114' AND c.active = 'y')) AND category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `rating` DESC,[70] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[71] => SELECT * FROM courses_lang WHERE ownid IN(6078,6079,6080,6081,6082,4034,4037,4038,4039,4040,4041,6710,6712,11062,9330,9356) AND lang = 'de',[72] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[73] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[74] => SELECT * FROM countries_lang WHERE ownid IN(229,228,107,124,231,125,40,226,127,27,126,235,122,123,121,219,223,119,225,218,118,217,116,221,25,115,120,24,114,145,220,224,117,222,86,37,113,110,191,215,157,39,23,112,85,129,216,213,11,96,111,109,15,108,212,211,36,151,106,210,56,99,209,21,105,44,208,101,103,104,17,100,170,156,207,14,205,16,3,236,202,9,206,203,98,201,43,204,200,199,198,97,197,91,22,95,92,93,196,138,94,12,214,195,89,139,90,84,88,194,128,35,192,87,190,183,189,185,186,182,187,82,184,180,81,173,75,174,179,77,80,176,175,76,135,20,102,132,181,177,78,30,74,178,73,171,70,31,227,72,69,4,71,172,233,232,79,32,2,65,165,6,68,66,64,67,19,169,166,167,133,164,63,18,62,38,193,188,168,47,45,160,57,5,130,42,162,131,234,58,59,141,137,140,163,159,41,8,83,61,158,161,55,60,13,1,50,53,49,54,155,154,152,150,52,51,153,7,149,148,48,230,33,147,34,28,146,142,237,46,143,144,10,29,136,134,26) AND lang = 'de',[75] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `iso2` = 'US',[76] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `iso2` = 'US',[77] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[78] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[79] => SELECT * FROM currency_lang WHERE ownid IN(15,6,17,8,9,16,1,12,3,7,14,11,13,2,21,5,10,19,4) AND lang = 'de',[80] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '584',[81] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '584',[82] => SELECT * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `currency_lang`.`ownid` AND currency_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '4',[83] => SELECT * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `currency_lang`.`ownid` AND currency_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '4',[84] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '719',[85] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '719',[86] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1037',[87] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1037',[88] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1599',[89] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1599',[90] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`courses` main) JOIN `courses_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `language` = '12' AND school IN(SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active = 'y' AND s.city IN (SELECT c.id FROM cities c WHERE c.country = '114' AND c.active = 'y')) AND category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND school IN (SELECT school FROM schoolsaccomms WHERE type_accomm = 13) AND school IN (SELECT school FROM schoolsaccomms WHERE persons = '6' OR persons = '7') AND `category` IN ('127', '127≤vel=4') AND `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `rating` DESC,[91] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[92] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`promotions` main) JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-04-29' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '12' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '114') AND main.category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND main.category IN(127,127≤vel=4) ORDER BY `main`.`endpublish` ASC),[query_times] => Array ([0] => 0.00026988983154297,[1] => 0.00023102760314941,[2] => 0.00044107437133789,[3] => 0.0001828670501709,[4] => 0.00017499923706055,[5] => 0.00017905235290527,[6] => 9.4175338745117E-5,[7] => 0.00022292137145996,[8] => 0.00032901763916016,[9] => 0.00021505355834961,[10] => 0.00015115737915039,[11] => 0.00014996528625488,[12] => 0.00010800361633301,[13] => 0.00015401840209961,[14] => 7.9870223999023E-5,[15] => 0.00013899803161621,[16] => 7.6055526733398E-5,[17] => 0.00015878677368164,[18] => 8.8930130004883E-5,[19] => 0.00013613700866699,[20] => 7.2002410888672E-5,[21] => 0.00014877319335938,[22] => 8.6069107055664E-5,[23] => 0.0001521110534668,[24] => 0.00015020370483398,[25] => 8.4877014160156E-5,[26] => 0.00013995170593262,[27] => 6.8902969360352E-5,[28] => 0.00013089179992676,[29] => 7.9870223999023E-5,[30] => 0.00013494491577148,[31] => 6.5803527832031E-5,[32] => 0.00014281272888184,[33] => 8.2969665527344E-5,[34] => 0.00010299682617188,[35] => 6.6995620727539E-5,[36] => 0.00014305114746094,[37] => 8.392333984375E-5,[38] => 0.00012993812561035,[39] => 6.6995620727539E-5,[40] => 0.00014710426330566,[41] => 8.2015991210938E-5,[42] => 0.00014114379882812,[43] => 6.8902969360352E-5,[44] => 0.00014305114746094,[45] => 7.8916549682617E-5,[46] => 0.00014209747314453,[47] => 7.1048736572266E-5,[48] => 0.00013613700866699,[49] => 8.1062316894531E-5,[50] => 0.00013303756713867,[51] => 6.8902969360352E-5,[52] => 0.0001070499420166,[53] => 7.7009201049805E-5,[54] => 0.00012898445129395,[55] => 6.6995620727539E-5,[56] => 0.00014185905456543,[57] => 7.9870223999023E-5,[58] => 0.00013017654418945,[59] => 6.8187713623047E-5,[60] => 0.00011706352233887,[61] => 6.1988830566406E-5,[62] => 0.0004730224609375,[63] => 0.00019502639770508,[64] => 0.00017499923706055,[65] => 0.00013399124145508,[66] => 0.0001068115234375,[67] => 5.6982040405273E-5,[68] => 0.00011801719665527,[69] => 0.00025820732116699,[70] => 0.0001521110534668,[71] => 7.3909759521484E-5,[72] => 0.00040197372436523,[73] => 0.00017619132995605,[74] => 0.00017499923706055,[75] => 0.00017595291137695,[76] => 7.7962875366211E-5,[77] => 0.00011706352233887,[78] => 0.00011205673217773,[79] => 4.9114227294922E-5,[80] => 0.00015807151794434,[81] => 9.3936920166016E-5,[82] => 0.00012803077697754,[83] => 5.2928924560547E-5,[84] => 0.00017905235290527,[85] => 0.0001070499420166,[86] => 0.0001680850982666,[87] => 0.00010013580322266,[88] => 0.0001680850982666,[89] => 0.00010490417480469,[90] => 0.0027542114257812,[91] => 9.3936920166016E-5,[92] => 0),[data_cache] => Array (),[trans_enabled] => 1,[trans_strict] => 1,[_trans_depth] => 0,[_trans_status] => ,[cache_on] => ,[cachedir] => ,[cache_autodel] => ,[CACHE] => ,[_protect_identifiers] => 1,[_reserved_identifiers] => Array ([0] => *),[stmt_id] => ,[curs_id] => ,[limit_used] => ,[stricton] => ),[modulegenerator] => Modulegenerator Object ([obj] => Single_Model Object ([] => 0,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => single,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 25,[] => en,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[fields] => ,[buttons] => Array (),[posterrors] => ,[javascript] => Array ([includes] => ,[general] => ,[class] => try { jsObjects['left_topdestinations'] = new selectwidget("left_topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['add_topdestinations'] = new button("add_topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['remove_topdestinations'] = new button("remove_topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['topdestinations'] = new selectwidget("topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['left_geotargeting_select'] = new selectwidget("left_geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['add_geotargeting_select'] = new button("add_geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['remove_geotargeting_select'] = new button("remove_geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['geotargeting_select'] = new selectwidget("geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['price_particular[{I}][volume]'] = new inputtext("price_particular[{I}][volume]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['price_particular[{I}][price]'] = new inputtext("price_particular[{I}][price]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][aeropuerto]'] = new inputtext("transfer[{I}][aeropuerto]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][precio]'] = new inputtext("transfer[{I}][precio]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][precioiv]'] = new inputtext("transfer[{I}][precioiv]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][activa]'] = new radio("transfer[{I}][activa]"); }catch(e){ }; ,[onload] => ),[js_incluidos] => ,[jsok] => Array (),[cmd] => ,[default_width] => 200,[CI] => Coursessearch Object ( *RECURSION*,[jsfiles] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js,[1] => /js/widgets/fileupload.js,[2] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[3] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[4] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[5] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[6] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[7] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[8] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[9] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[10] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[11] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[12] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js,[13] => /js/widgets/courseprice.js,[14] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[15] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[16] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[17] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[18] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js,[19] => /js/widgets/autocomplete.js,[20] => /js/widgets/autoterms.js,[21] => /js/widgets/googlemap.js,[22] => https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyDxgA4uG6EPIjaJ041H6HNvTmF4NVz3Uh0&sensor=true,[23] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[cssfiles] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[2] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[3] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[4] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[widgetvars] => Array ([topdestinations] => Array (),[file] => Array (),[image_language] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[image] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[image_language_small] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[image_language_large] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[geotargeting_select] => Array (),[price] => ,[discount_publication_start] => Array (),[discount_publication_end] => Array (),[discount_reservation_start] => Array (),[discount_reservation_end] => Array (),[price_particular] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[city] => Array (),[autoterms] => Array (),[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => ,[longitude] => ),[transfer] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0)),[widgets] => Array ([Languages_Model-topdestinations-selectmove] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => topdestinations,[widget] => Array ([name] => Top Destinations,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ())),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

Seleccionar Todos

Seleccionar Todos
),[Languages_Model-file-fileupload] => MGW_Fileupload Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/fileupload.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => fileupload,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => file,[widget] => Array ([name] => File,[widget] => fileupload,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/../language/locales/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wait to 100%))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[Languages_Model-image_language-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([1200x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[1170x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
    ),[Countries_Model-image-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
      ),[Segments_Model-image_language_small-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language_small,[widget] => Array ([name] => Small Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
        ),[Segments_Model-image_language_large-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language_large,[widget] => Array ([name] => Large Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[90x90] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
          ),[Accreditations_Model-image-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x75] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            ),[Courses_Model-geotargeting_select-selectmove] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => geotargeting_select,[widget] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting Länder,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

            Seleccionar Todos

            Seleccionar Todos
            ),[Courses_Model-price-courseprice] => MGW_Courseprice Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/courseprice.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => courseprice,[] => ,[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price,[widget] => Array ([name] => Kurs-Preisliste,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wochen {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => courses,[colspan] => 1,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

            Course price list + Add new price list

            Start date Weeks Tools
            New Minimum weeks Maximum Weeks
            Start Date Weeks Actions
            Please click in the button "Add new price list" to add a price list without this the courses will not be visible in our store
            ),[Courses_Model-discount_publication_start-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird veröffentlicht und kann gebucht werden))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird veröffentlicht und kann gebucht werden
            ),[Courses_Model-discount_publication_end-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird nicht veröffentlicht und kann nicht gebucht werden))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird nicht veröffentlicht und kann nicht gebucht werden
            ),[Courses_Model-discount_reservation_start-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Ab wann der Kurs stattfinden wird))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            Ab wann der Kurs stattfinden wird
            ),[Courses_Model-discount_reservation_end-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Wenn der Kurs schließen oder beenden wird))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            Wenn der Kurs schließen oder beenden wird
            ),[Courses_Model-price_particular-dynamicfields] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price_particular,[widget] => Array ([name] => price classes particulars,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Preis hinzufügen,[fields] => Array ([volume] => Array ([name] => Anzahl der Klassen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => form,[width] => 75,[tip] => )),[price] => Array ([name] => Gesamtpreis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €)))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            Anzahl der KlassenGesamtpreis 
            ),[Schools_Model-city-autocomplete] => MGW_Autocomplete Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autocomplete.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autocomplete,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => city,[widget] => Array ([name] => City2,[widget] => autocomplete,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[disabled_permanent_filter] => 1),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1)),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[Schools_Model-autoterms-autoterms] => MGW_Autoterms Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autoterms.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autoterms,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => autoterms,[widget] => Array ([name] => Autoterms,[widget] => autoterms,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1,[currency] => €))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

            Dienste müssen vollständig bezahlt werden Tage vor dem Kurs beginnt um die Anmeldung abzuschließen und sichern Sie sich einen Platz im Kurs und/oder Unterkunft. Buchungen sind nicht übertragbar. Bankgebühren sind zahlbar von Studenten Studenten müssen Jahre alt oder älter


            Die Kündigung muss schriftlich mitzuteilen, die Schule von der Person, die den Kurs gebucht. Erstattungen bei Kursabsage ausgleichen dürfen keine Kurs-Änderungen. Wo ist eine Stornierung Tagen nach Anmeldung es werden überhaupt keine Erstattung. Die Anzahlung wird nicht zurückerstattet. Einschreibegebühren sind nicht erstattungsfähig. Gebühr für die Eintragung sind nicht erstattungsfähig. Unterkunft Buchungsgebühren werden nicht erstattet. Zur Verkürzung der Dauer des Kurses nach der Zahlung erfolgt keine Rückerstattung. Sobald der Kurs begonnen hat, gibt es keine Erstattung für jede Stornierung. Nach ein Kurs begonnen hat, ist keine Rückerstattung für jede Unterkunft oder ein anderes Element gebucht. Keine Rückerstattung der Studiengebühren werden aus verspäteter Ankunft, vorzeitiger Abreise oder Abwesenheiten, aus irgendeinem Grund von Klassen während jeder Kurs gegeben. Wenn ein Schüler fehlt für eine oder mehrere Wochen hintereinander, können Vorkehrungen für die Dauer des Kurses ohne erweitert werden zusätzliche Kosten.


            Keine Rückerstattung erhalten bei Stornierungen jeglicher Art. Stornierungsgebühr sind basierend auf Zulassung, Studiengebühren oder Unterkunft berechnet. Stornierungsgebühr werden als Prozentsatz der gesamten Zahlung berechnet. Stornierungsgebühr sind ein fester Betrag.


            Buchungen bis zu Absage werden Wochen vor Kursbeginn ohne Strafe oder Gebühr

            Wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist mehr als Tage vor dem Beginn die folgenden fallen Gebühren an:


            Woche Unterricht

            Woche Unterkunft

            Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor dem Startdatum folgenden Gebühren gelten:


            Woche Unterricht

            Woche Unterkunft

            Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor dem Startdatum folgenden Gebühren gelten:


            Woche Unterricht

            Woche Unterkunft

            Wenn Sie ein Kurs stornieren weniger als Tage und das Startdatum gelten folgenden Gebühren:


            Woche Unterricht

            Woche Unterkunft

            Betrag festsetzen

            Buchungen bis zu Absage werden Wochen vor Kursbeginn ohne Strafe oder Gebühr.

            Eine Stornogebühr von € gilt, wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist weniger als Woche/s vor dem Eingangsdatum Kurs.

            Eine Stornogebühr von € gilt, wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist weniger als Woche vor Kurs Beginn Datum.


            Buchungen bis zu Absage werden Wochen vor Kursbeginn ohne Strafe oder Gebühr.

            Wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist mehr als Tage vor Kursbeginn: % Erstattung

            Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor Kursbeginn starten:

            Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor Kursbeginn: % Erstattung

            Wenn Sie ein Kurs stornieren weniger als Tage vor der Start Datum vollen Preis berechnet wird.


            Keine Rückerstattungen sind für die Visa-Verweigerung jeglicher Art. Weigerung Visagebühren werden basierend auf Zulassung, Studiengebühren oder Unterkunft berechnet Weigerung Visagebühren sind ein fester Betrag.

            Betrag festsetzen

            Für den Fall, dass dem Teilnehmer ein Visum verweigert wird, berechnet die Schule Euro und der Restbetrag werden dem Teilnehmer nach Erhalt eines original VISA-Verweigerung-Briefes zurückerstattet.


            Wenn kein Einreisevisum erteilt wird und die Schule wird informiert über Tage vor dem Beginn die folgenden fallen Gebühren an:


            Woche Unterricht

            Woche Unterkunft

            Wenn kein Einreisevisum erteilt wird und die Schule wird zwischen informiert und Tage vor dem Startdatum folgenden Gebühren gelten:


            Woche Unterricht

            Woche Unterkunft

            Der Student nach Erhalt eines original VISA-Verweigerung-Briefes wird der Restbetrag zurückerstattet.

            ),[Schools_Model-coordinates-googlemap] => MGW_Googlemap Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/googlemap.js,[1] => https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyDxgA4uG6EPIjaJ041H6HNvTmF4NVz3Uh0&sensor=true),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => googlemap,[] => Array ([latitude] => ,[longitude] => ),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => coordinates,[widget] => Array ([name] => Koordinaten,[widget] => googlemap,[options] => Array ([tip] => Drücken Sie die Taste, wenn Sie möchten das System suchen Sie nach der Schule auf der Karte und ziehen dann das rote Pivot auf die genaue Lage.,[setlocation] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

            Festgelegten Position nach Ihrer Adresse

            Drücken Sie die Taste, wenn Sie möchten das System suchen Sie nach der Schule auf der Karte und ziehen dann das rote Pivot auf die genaue Lage.

            ),[Schools_Model-transfer-dynamicfields] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => transfer,[widget] => Array ([name] => Transfers,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Add transfer,[fields] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Array ([name] => Flughafen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 200)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Preis-Abreise,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[precioiv] => Array ([name] => Preis Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeiten,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[activa] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein)))))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
            FlughafenPreis-AbreisePreis Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeitenaktiv 
            )),[acl] => admin,[oldobjs] => Array (),[widget] => ,[widgetscache] => Array ([Languages_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[name2] => ,[sysname] => ,[topdestinations] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => topdestinations,[widget] => Array ([name] => Top Destinations,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ())),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

            Seleccionar Todos

            Seleccionar Todos
            ),[code] => ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => ,[extradesc] => ,[file] => MGW_Fileupload Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/fileupload.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => fileupload,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => file,[widget] => Array ([name] => File,[widget] => fileupload,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/../language/locales/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wait to 100%))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[short_title] => ,[short_description] => ,[image_language] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([1200x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[1170x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
              ),[home_publish] => ),[Currency_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[symbol] => ,[value] => ,[iso] => ,[active] => ),[Countries_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[sysname] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[language] => ,[languageb] => ,[currency] => ,[image] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                ),[active] => ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ),[Segments_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[description] => ,[short_title] => ,[short_description] => ,[image_language_small] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language_small,[widget] => Array ([name] => Small Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                  ),[long_title] => ,[long_description] => ,[image_language_large] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language_large,[widget] => Array ([name] => Large Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[90x90] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                    ),[segment] => ,[short_title_country] => ,[short_description_country] => ,[short_title_city] => ,[short_description_city] => ,[filter] => ,[sysname] => ,[order] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mtitle2] => ,[mtitle3] => ,[mtitle4] => ,[mtitle5] => ,[active] => ,[home_publish] => ),[Accreditations_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[image] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x75] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      ),[order] => ,[active] => ),[Accommtypes_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[description] => ,[order] => ,[active] => ),[Courses_Model] => Array ([school] => ,[sku] => ,[language] => ,[category] => ,[lessons] => ,[duration_lesson] => ,[avgclasssize] => ,[max_students_class] => ,[age_min] => ,[classdays] => ,[hstart] => ,[hend] => ,[certificate] => ,[levels] => ,[calification] => ,[mainimg] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[geotargeting_option] => ,[geotargeting_select] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => geotargeting_select,[widget] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting Länder,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                      Seleccionar Todos

                      Seleccionar Todos
                      ),[charges_admin] => ,[material_type] => ,[material] => ,[type_course] => ,[price] => MGW_Courseprice Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/courseprice.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => courseprice,[] => ,[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price,[widget] => Array ([name] => Kurs-Preisliste,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wochen {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => courses,[colspan] => 1,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                      Course price list + Add new price list

                      Start date Weeks Tools
                      New Minimum weeks Maximum Weeks
                      Start Date Weeks Actions
                      Please click in the button "Add new price list" to add a price list without this the courses will not be visible in our store
                      ),[discount_active] => ,[discount] => ,[minweeks] => ,[maxweeks] => ,[discount_publication_start] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird veröffentlicht und kann gebucht werden))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird veröffentlicht und kann gebucht werden
                      ),[discount_publication_end] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird nicht veröffentlicht und kann nicht gebucht werden))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird nicht veröffentlicht und kann nicht gebucht werden
                      ),[discount_reservation_start] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Ab wann der Kurs stattfinden wird))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      Ab wann der Kurs stattfinden wird
                      ),[discount_reservation_end] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Wenn der Kurs schließen oder beenden wird))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      Wenn der Kurs schließen oder beenden wird
                      ),[commission] => ,[order] => ,[active] => ,[holidays] => ,[price_particular] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price_particular,[widget] => Array ([name] => price classes particulars,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Preis hinzufügen,[fields] => Array ([volume] => Array ([name] => Anzahl der Klassen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => form,[width] => 75,[tip] => )),[price] => Array ([name] => Gesamtpreis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €)))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      Anzahl der KlassenGesamtpreis 
                      ),[horary_course] => ,[url] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ),[Schools_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[address] => ,[address2] => ,[cp] => ,[city] => MGW_Autocomplete Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autocomplete.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autocomplete,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => city,[widget] => Array ([name] => City2,[widget] => autocomplete,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[disabled_permanent_filter] => 1),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1)),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[respmarketing] => ,[resp1_charge] => ,[emailmarketing] => ,[skype] => ,[phone] => ,[fax] => ,[resp_reservations] => ,[resp2_charge] => ,[email_reservations] => ,[urlweb] => ,[currency] => ,[company] => ,[regnumber] => ,[vatnum] => ,[bankname] => ,[banksortcode] => ,[banknumber] => ,[bankiban] => ,[bankswift] => ,[bankaddress] => ,[bankaddress2] => ,[comm_course] => ,[commission_accomm] => ,[commission_expense_admin] => ,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => ,[comm_promotion] => ,[classrooms] => ,[averageage] => ,[minimumage] => ,[leveltest] => ,[nearestairport] => ,[airportdistance] => ,[yearschoolopen] => ,[openingtimeshi] => ,[openingtimeshf] => ,[openingdays] => ,[videos] => ,[facilities] => ,[accrs] => ,[autoterms] => MGW_Autoterms Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autoterms.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autoterms,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => autoterms,[widget] => Array ([name] => Autoterms,[widget] => autoterms,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1,[currency] => €))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                      Dienste müssen vollständig bezahlt werden Tage vor dem Kurs beginnt um die Anmeldung abzuschließen und sichern Sie sich einen Platz im Kurs und/oder Unterkunft. Buchungen sind nicht übertragbar. Bankgebühren sind zahlbar von Studenten Studenten müssen Jahre alt oder älter


                      Die Kündigung muss schriftlich mitzuteilen, die Schule von der Person, die den Kurs gebucht. Erstattungen bei Kursabsage ausgleichen dürfen keine Kurs-Änderungen. Wo ist eine Stornierung Tagen nach Anmeldung es werden überhaupt keine Erstattung. Die Anzahlung wird nicht zurückerstattet. Einschreibegebühren sind nicht erstattungsfähig. Gebühr für die Eintragung sind nicht erstattungsfähig. Unterkunft Buchungsgebühren werden nicht erstattet. Zur Verkürzung der Dauer des Kurses nach der Zahlung erfolgt keine Rückerstattung. Sobald der Kurs begonnen hat, gibt es keine Erstattung für jede Stornierung. Nach ein Kurs begonnen hat, ist keine Rückerstattung für jede Unterkunft oder ein anderes Element gebucht. Keine Rückerstattung der Studiengebühren werden aus verspäteter Ankunft, vorzeitiger Abreise oder Abwesenheiten, aus irgendeinem Grund von Klassen während jeder Kurs gegeben. Wenn ein Schüler fehlt für eine oder mehrere Wochen hintereinander, können Vorkehrungen für die Dauer des Kurses ohne erweitert werden zusätzliche Kosten.


                      Keine Rückerstattung erhalten bei Stornierungen jeglicher Art. Stornierungsgebühr sind basierend auf Zulassung, Studiengebühren oder Unterkunft berechnet. Stornierungsgebühr werden als Prozentsatz der gesamten Zahlung berechnet. Stornierungsgebühr sind ein fester Betrag.


                      Buchungen bis zu Absage werden Wochen vor Kursbeginn ohne Strafe oder Gebühr

                      Wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist mehr als Tage vor dem Beginn die folgenden fallen Gebühren an:


                      Woche Unterricht

                      Woche Unterkunft

                      Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor dem Startdatum folgenden Gebühren gelten:


                      Woche Unterricht

                      Woche Unterkunft

                      Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor dem Startdatum folgenden Gebühren gelten:


                      Woche Unterricht

                      Woche Unterkunft

                      Wenn Sie ein Kurs stornieren weniger als Tage und das Startdatum gelten folgenden Gebühren:


                      Woche Unterricht

                      Woche Unterkunft

                      Betrag festsetzen

                      Buchungen bis zu Absage werden Wochen vor Kursbeginn ohne Strafe oder Gebühr.

                      Eine Stornogebühr von € gilt, wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist weniger als Woche/s vor dem Eingangsdatum Kurs.

                      Eine Stornogebühr von € gilt, wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist weniger als Woche vor Kurs Beginn Datum.


                      Buchungen bis zu Absage werden Wochen vor Kursbeginn ohne Strafe oder Gebühr.

                      Wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist mehr als Tage vor Kursbeginn: % Erstattung

                      Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor Kursbeginn starten:

                      Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor Kursbeginn: % Erstattung

                      Wenn Sie ein Kurs stornieren weniger als Tage vor der Start Datum vollen Preis berechnet wird.


                      Keine Rückerstattungen sind für die Visa-Verweigerung jeglicher Art. Weigerung Visagebühren werden basierend auf Zulassung, Studiengebühren oder Unterkunft berechnet Weigerung Visagebühren sind ein fester Betrag.

                      Betrag festsetzen

                      Für den Fall, dass dem Teilnehmer ein Visum verweigert wird, berechnet die Schule Euro und der Restbetrag werden dem Teilnehmer nach Erhalt eines original VISA-Verweigerung-Briefes zurückerstattet.


                      Wenn kein Einreisevisum erteilt wird und die Schule wird informiert über Tage vor dem Beginn die folgenden fallen Gebühren an:


                      Woche Unterricht

                      Woche Unterkunft

                      Wenn kein Einreisevisum erteilt wird und die Schule wird zwischen informiert und Tage vor dem Startdatum folgenden Gebühren gelten:


                      Woche Unterricht

                      Woche Unterkunft

                      Der Student nach Erhalt eines original VISA-Verweigerung-Briefes wird der Restbetrag zurückerstattet.

                      ),[description] => ,[info_students] => ,[terms] => ,[mainimg] => ,[coordinates] => MGW_Googlemap Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/googlemap.js,[1] => https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyDxgA4uG6EPIjaJ041H6HNvTmF4NVz3Uh0&sensor=true),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => googlemap,[] => Array ([latitude] => ,[longitude] => ),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => coordinates,[widget] => Array ([name] => Koordinaten,[widget] => googlemap,[options] => Array ([tip] => Drücken Sie die Taste, wenn Sie möchten das System suchen Sie nach der Schule auf der Karte und ziehen dann das rote Pivot auf die genaue Lage.,[setlocation] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                      Festgelegten Position nach Ihrer Adresse

                      Drücken Sie die Taste, wenn Sie möchten das System suchen Sie nach der Schule auf der Karte und ziehen dann das rote Pivot auf die genaue Lage.

                      ),[details] => ,[location] => ,[practice_info] => ,[sysname] => ,[order] => ,[isready] => ,[visible] => ,[global_discount] => ,[active] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[followup_needs_editing] => ,[transfer] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => transfer,[widget] => Array ([name] => Transfers,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Add transfer,[fields] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Array ([name] => Flughafen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 200)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Preis-Abreise,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[precioiv] => Array ([name] => Preis Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeiten,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[activa] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein)))))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                      FlughafenPreis-AbreisePreis Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeitenaktiv 
                      ))),[debug] => ),[single_model] => Single_Model Object ([] => 0,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => single,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 25,[] => en,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[session] => MG_Session Object ([] => 1,[] => Redis Object ([socket] => Resource id #2),[sess_encrypt_cookie] => ,[sess_use_database] => 1,[sess_table_name] => sessions,[sess_expiration] => 604800,[sess_expire_on_close] => ,[sess_match_ip] => ,[sess_match_useragent] => ,[sess_cookie_name] => lb_session,[cookie_prefix] => ,[cookie_path] => /,[cookie_domain] => .languagebookings.com,[cookie_secure] => ,[sess_time_to_update] => 300,[encryption_key] => tT/x`s!Zon$)m~C flash,[time_reference] => local,[gc_probability] => 5,[userdata] => Array ([session_id] => e12902ffd8a67956d046378363b5b4ff,[ip_address] =>,[user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com),[last_activity] => 1713856935,[user_data] => a:3:{s:11:"currentlang";s:2:"de";s:8:"currency";i:1;s:7:"trackid";i:292398519;},[currentlang] => de,[currency] => 1,[trackid] => 292398519),[CI] => Coursessearch Object ( *RECURSION*,[now] => 1713856935,[setted_cookies] => Array ()),[Languages_Model] => Languages_Model Object ([] => Array ([es] => cursos-,[en] => learn-,[fr] => cours-,[de] => kurs-,[it] => corso-,[pt] => cursos-,[ru] => кursy-,[zh] => learn-,[ko] => learn-,[ja] => learn-),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[name2] => Array ([name] => Name Alternative,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Alternative name for russian and other languages),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => System name (not modify),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[topdestinations] => Array ([name] => Top Destinations,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ()),[code] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[separadorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separadorciudad] => Array ([name] => Metas para Landing,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separadorlanding] => Array ([name] => Extra text for Landing,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[extratitle] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[extradesc] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separadorfiles] => Array ([name] => Upload a file,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[file] => Array ([name] => File,[widget] => fileupload,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/../language/locales/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wait to 100%)),[separadornewlanding] => Array ([name] => New contents for landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title] => Array ([name] => Short Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description] => Array ([name] => Short Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image_language] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([1200x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[1170x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[home_publish] => Array ([name] => Published at home,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1))))),[] => Array (),[] => languages,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 22,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => name2,[3] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([YToxOntzOjQ6ImNvZGUiO3M6MjoiZGUiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 5,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:53:09,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:11,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-16,[1] => c-117,[2] => c-64,[3] => c-118,[4] => c-101),[code] => de,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => de_DE,[file] => ,[image_language] => german.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 85,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => de,[name] => Deutsch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => deutsch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Deutsch sprachkurse, Sprachschulen, Lernen Sprache,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Besonderen Angeboten für Deutsch Sprachkurs, deutsch sprachkurse, sprachkurs deutsch, sprachschulen deutsch, deutsch sprach kurs, deutsch sprachschulen, deutsch sprache lernen, lernen deutsch sprache ,[mkeys] => deutsch sprachkurs, deutsch sprachkurse, sprachkurs deutsch, sprachschulen deutsch, deutsch sprach kurs, deutsch sprachschulen, deutsch sprache lernen, lernen deutsch sprache ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise für Deinen Deutsch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

                      Deutsch sprachkurse Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die deutsche Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland ?

                      Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                      Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Deutschschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland , bis Du „Deinen Deutschkurs“ gefunden hast.

                      Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland  zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Deutschschulen im Ausland  an.

                      Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Deutsch im Ausland  zu lernen.

                      Unsere Service Garantie


                       Beste-Preis Garantie

                      Beste-Preis Garantie

                      100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                      Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                      100% Confirmed

                      Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                      Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                      Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                      Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Deutsch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
                      Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Deutschkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
                      Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Deutschkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Deutsch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
                      ,[idid] => 28),[YToxOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6MTM6InBvcnR1Z2llc2lzY2giO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Portugiesisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugiesisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portugiesisch Sprachkurs - Portugiesischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Portugiesisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Portugiesisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Portugiesischkurse, Portugiesisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Portugiesisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

                      Portugiesisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die portugiesische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

                      Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                      Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Portugiesischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Portugiesischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                      Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Portugiesischschulen im Ausland an.

                      Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Portugiesisch im Ausland zu lernen.

                      Unsere Service Garantie

                       Beste-Preis Garantie

                      Beste-Preis Garantie

                      100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                      Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                      100% Confirmed

                      Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                      Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                      Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                      Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portugiesisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
                      Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Portugiesischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
                      Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Portugiesischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Portugiesisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
                      ,[idid] => 56),[YToyOntzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjI6IjEyIjtzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiZGUiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Portugiesisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugiesisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portugiesisch Sprachkurs - Portugiesischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Portugiesisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Portugiesisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Portugiesischkurse, Portugiesisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Portugiesisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

                      Portugiesisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die portugiesische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

                      Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                      Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Portugiesischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Portugiesischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                      Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Portugiesischschulen im Ausland an.

                      Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Portugiesisch im Ausland zu lernen.

                      Unsere Service Garantie

                       Beste-Preis Garantie

                      Beste-Preis Garantie

                      100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                      Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                      100% Confirmed

                      Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                      Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                      Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                      Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portugiesisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
                      Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Portugiesischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
                      Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Portugiesischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Portugiesisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
                      ,[idid] => 56),[YToxOntzOjQ6ImNvZGUiO3M6MjoicHQiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Portugiesisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugiesisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portugiesisch Sprachkurs - Portugiesischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Portugiesisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Portugiesisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Portugiesischkurse, Portugiesisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Portugiesisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

                      Portugiesisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die portugiesische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

                      Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                      Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Portugiesischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Portugiesischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                      Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Portugiesischschulen im Ausland an.

                      Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Portugiesisch im Ausland zu lernen.

                      Unsere Service Garantie

                       Beste-Preis Garantie

                      Beste-Preis Garantie

                      100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                      Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                      100% Confirmed

                      Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                      Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                      Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                      Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portugiesisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
                      Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Portugiesischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
                      Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Portugiesischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Portugiesisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
                      ,[idid] => 56),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJlbiI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => en,[name] => Portuguese,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portuguese,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portuguese Courses - Portuguese language Schools Abroad,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Whatever type of Portuguese course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Find the lowest prices for Portuguese language courses abroad!,[extradesc] =>

                      Portuguese CoursesAre you looking for Portuguese language schools Abroad or a Portuguese summer school? How about studying Portuguese abroad or language courses for adults abroad? Whatever type of Portuguese course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!

                      Browse through numerous Portuguese schools in dozens of locations across the globe until you find the Portuguese course and school that is right for you. We make it easy to find discount prices at the most popular schools abroad and we provide detailed school information, photos, videos and student reviews for a great variety of Portuguese schools abroad. Choose Languagebookings.com for all your courses reservation, and discover why more and more students are choosing us to study Portuguese abroad!

                      Our Service Guarantees

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      100% guaranteed, that you will pay the lowest price. We offer you the lowest possible course rates - you never pay more than if you booked directly with the school itself or anywhere else. Besides, our service is free. We do not charge any booking fees.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Exceptional Customer Support

                      Whenever you need assistance, you can always call our customer support. Before, during and after your course, we are here for you. You can easily contact our experienced and friendly consultants. We're always just a click away through e-mail, phone call, skype or even live chat!
                      100% Confirmed

                      Your booking 100% confirmed!

                      It's very unlikely that something will go wrong with your booking once confirmed by the language schools. In fact we're so confident, that if you don't have your course place at the selected school, we'll credit your account with your full deposit AND find another possible alternative for you.

                      Trust and SafetyTrust & Safety

                      We are a marketplace that promotes trust and collaboration. This is why we have built the best ever class tools and services to surely assist and hone you into making the right decisions. Find students reviews, host references, school quality seals and accreditations.


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portuguese Language Courses Abroad,[short_description] =>
                      Portuguese courses abroad are a great way to see the world and immerse yourself in another culture and also a great opportunity to learn impeccable Portuguese. All of our language courses are designed to combine a cultural holiday with a language learning experience. The idea is to use your language course to enhance your holiday and your holiday to enhance your language course. You will be making a lot of international friends as you take classes and learn Portuguese with accredited, native Portuguese speakers with correct accents. 
                      ,[idid] => 54),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJlcyI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Portugués,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugues,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Portugues - Cursos de Portugués en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de portugues en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Cursos de portugues en el Extranjero!,[extradesc] =>

                      Cursos de PortuguesEstás buscando clases portugues en el extranjero? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de portugues el extranjero? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de portugues económica en el extranjero? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de portugues en el exterior? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de portugues en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                      Busca entre numerosos de cursos de portugues en el extranjero hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar clases de portugues al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en el extranjero. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de portugues. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de portugues al extranjero.

                      Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      El mejor precio garantizado

                      100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                      Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                      100% Confirmed

                      ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                      Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                      Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                      Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de Portugues en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
                      Cursos de Portugues en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender Portugues impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender Portugues con acreditados profesores de Portugues, nativos con acentos correctos.
                      Los cursos de Portugues en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su Portugues de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
                      ,[idid] => 53),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJpdCI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => it,[name] => Portoghese,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portoghese,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Corsi Portoghese Economiche - Scuola di lingue Portoghese all'estero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Qualunque sia il tipo di Corsi di Portoghese che stai cercando, Languagebookings.com ti aiutera’ a trovarlo — e al prezzo più conveniente!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Corsi portoghese economiche: Trova i prezzi più bassi per studiare portoghese all estero!,[extradesc] =>

                      Corsi PortogheseStai cercando delle vacanze studio di portoghese all'estero o una scuola estiva di portoghese? Oppure stai pensando di studiare portoghese all estero o forse un corso di lingua per adulti all'estero? Viaggi studio di portoghese? Qualunque sia il tipo di Corso di Portoghese che stai cercando, Languagebookings.com ti aiutera’ a trovarlo — e al prezzo più conveniente!

                      Potrai valutare l’offerta di numerose scuole di portoghese in decine di citta’ in tutto il mondo, fino a trovare il corso che piu’ si adatta alle tue esigenze. Noi ti aiutiamo a trovare i prezzi piu’ vantaggiosi delle scuole piu’ frequentate fornendo informazioni dettagliate sull’istituto, foto, video e recensioni di studenti.

                      Visita Languagebookings.com e scoprirai perché sempre più studenti stanno scegliendo il nostro sito per studiare il portoghese all'estero!

                      Garanzia dei nostri servizi

                      Best Price Guaranteed

                      Miglior Prezzo Garantito

                      Garantiamo al 100% che pagherai il prezzo più basso. Ti offriamo le tariffe più basse possibili per i corsi di lingua - non pagherai mai di più, nemmeno prenotando direttamente con la scuola stessa o da qualunque altra parte. Inoltre, il nostro servizio è gratuito. Non addebitiamo alcuna spesa di prenotazione.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Assistenza clienti eccezzionale

                      Ogni volta che avrai bisogno di assistenza, potrai sempre chiamare il nostro servizio clienti. Prima, durante e alla fine del tuo corso, noi saremo sempre qui per te. Puoi contattare facilmente i nostri cordiali e professionali consulenti. Siamo sempre ad un "click" da te, attraverso e-mail, telefono, skype o anche chat live!
                      100% Confirmed

                      La tua prenotazione confermata al 100%!

                      E' davvero poco probabile qualcosa vada storto con la tua prenotazione, una volta confermata dalla scuola di lingua. Infatti, noi siamo talmente fiduciosi, che se non avessi il tuo posto prenotato presso la scuola scelta, ti restituiremmo l'intero deposito e troveremmo un'altra possibile alternativa per te.

                      Trust and SafetyFiducia & Sicurezza

                      Siamo un'attività che promuove fiducia e collaborazione. Questo perchè abbiamo costruito i migliori strumenti di classe per assisterti ed aiutarti a prendere le giuste decisioni. Trova i commenti degli studenti, le referenze dei locatori e i marchi di qualità e le certificazioni della scuola, ... per saperne di più


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Corsi di portoghese e vacanze studio all'estero,[short_description] =>
                      Language Bookings propone corsi di portoghese all'estero, soggiorni studio e corsi di preparazione accademica a studenti internazionali.  I corsi di portoghese per studenti di tutti i livelli - principiante, intermedio e avanzato- sono studiati per aiutare gli studenti a raggiungere i propri obiettivi nel più breve tempo possibile, anche grazie alle attività di socializzazione organizzate dalla scuola per far sì che gli studenti continuino a praticare l' portoghese al di fuori delle aule. Con un soggiorno studio LanguageBookings lo studente avrà l'opportunità di viaggiare, venire a contatto con nuove culture, incontrare studenti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, consentirà di migliorare le prospettive di carriera, arricchire il CV e avere una mentalità più aperta nel mondo del lavoro. Il modo più efficace, e allo stesso tempo piacevole, per imparare o migliorare l' portoghese è partecipare ad una delle nostre vacanze studio.


                      ,[idid] => 55),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJkZSI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Portugiesisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugiesisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portugiesisch Sprachkurs - Portugiesischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Portugiesisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Portugiesisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Portugiesischkurse, Portugiesisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Portugiesisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

                      Portugiesisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die portugiesische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

                      Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                      Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Portugiesischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Portugiesischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                      Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Portugiesischschulen im Ausland an.

                      Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Portugiesisch im Ausland zu lernen.

                      Unsere Service Garantie

                       Beste-Preis Garantie

                      Beste-Preis Garantie

                      100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                      Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                      100% Confirmed

                      Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                      Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                      Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                      Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portugiesisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
                      Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Portugiesischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
                      Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Portugiesischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Portugiesisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
                      ,[idid] => 56),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJmciI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => fr,[name] => Portugais,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugais,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cours Portugais pas cher - Séjour Linguistique Portugais,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Quel que soit le type de cours d'portugais à l'étranger que vous recherchez, LanguageBookings.com vous aidera à trouver le meilleur prix possible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Séjour Linguistique portugais pas cher: Trouvez les prix les plus bas pour les cours d'portugais à l'étranger!,[extradesc] =>

                      Cours PortugaisVous cherchez pour enseigner l'portugais à l'étranger pas cher? Quels sont les cours intensifs d'portugais à l'étranger? Souhaitez-vous étudier à une économie académie portugaise à l'étranger? Ou trouver les centres d'étude de l'portugais à l'étranger? Séjour Linguistique portugais? Quel que soit le type de cours d'portugais à l'étranger que vous recherchez, LanguageBookings.com vous aidera à trouver le meilleur prix possible!

                      Consultez des milliers de cours d'portugais à l'étranger jusqu'à ce que vous trouviez celui de votre goût. Maintenant, il est facile de trouver des cours d'portugais au prix le plus bas pour les écoles les plus remarquables à l'étranger. Vous trouverez également des photos, vidéos et commentaires des étudiants réels sur une grande variété d'académies portugaise. Choisissez LanguageBookings.com pour toutes les réservations et pour les cours, hébergement et transferts, et vous verrez pourquoi les etudiants sont de plus en plus nombreux à nous choisir d`etudier l´portugais à l´etranger.

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                      100% garanti signifie que vous paierez le prix le plus bas. Nous offrons les cours au meilleur prix possible, pas cher! - vous ne paierez jamais plus que si vous réserviez directement avec l'école ou ailleurs. De plus, notre service est gratuit. Nous ne facturons pas de frais de réservation.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Service Client Exceptionnel

                      Dès que vous avez besoin d'aide, vous pouvez appeler notre service client. Avant, pendant et après vos cours, nous sommes là pour vous. Vous pouvez facilement contacter nor conseillers étudiants expérimentés. Ils sont juste à portée de clic via email, skype, téléphone et même le tchat!
                      100% Confirmed

                      Votre réservation 100% confirmée!

                      Il est très peu probable que quelque chose se passe mal une fois que votre réservation soit confirmée par l'école de langue. Et dans le cas où il y avait un souci et que vous n'obteniez pas de cours dans l'école que vous aviez choisi, nous vous rembouserons votre acompte et nous vous trouverons une autre alternative.
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                      Nous sommes un marché qui promouvoit la confiance et la collaboration. C'est pourquoi nous avons mis en place les meilleurs outils et services pour vous assister et vous aider à prendre les bonnes décisions. Retrouver les commentaires des étudiants, les références des hôtes, les labels et accréditations des écoles,....en savoir plus


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Séjour linguistique portugais,[short_description] =>
                      La manière la plus efficace pour apprendre l'portugais et améliorer son aisance en langue portugais est de partir en séjour linguistique portugais. LanguageBookings offre tout une gamme de cours d' portugais à l'étranger variant en durées et niveaux d'intensité. 
                      L'portugais est une des langues les plus parlées au monde, et grâce à nos séjours linguistiques d' portugais, vous pourrez choisir la formation qui vous correspond le mieux. Quel que soit votre niveau de langue, nous vous proposons un large choix de formules d’ portugais. 
                      ,[idid] => 57),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJwdCI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => pt,[name] => Português,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugues,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Português - Aulas de Português para estrangeiros,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Independente do tipo de curso de Português que você está procurando, Languagebookings.com vai ajudar você encontrá-lo com o menor preço possível!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encontre os preços mais baixos para aulas de Português para estrangeiros!,[extradesc] =>

                      Portuguese Courses Você está procurando escolas de língua portuguesa no esterior? Que tal estudar Português no exterior? Independente do tipo de curso Português que você está procurando, Languagebookings. com irá ajudá-lo a encontrá-lo — e pelo menor preço possível!

                      Navegue por inúmeras escolas de portugês em dezenas de locais em todo o mundo até você encontrar o curso de Português e a escola certa para você. Tornamos mais fácil para encontrar preços e descontos nas mais populares escolas no exterior e fornecemos informações detalhadas da escola, fotos, vídeos e comentários de estudantes além de uma grande variedade de escolas de portugyês no exterior. Escolha Languagebookings. com para fazer sua reserva de cursos e descubra por que mais e mais alunos estão nos escolhendo para estudar português no estrangeiro!

                      Nossas garantias de serviço

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                      100% garantido que você vai pagar o preço mais barato. Oferecemos-lhe as mais baixas taxas de curso possível - você nunca paga mais do que se tiver reservando diretamente com a escola em si ou em qualquer outro lugar. Além disso, nosso serviço é gratuito. Não cobramos quaisquer taxas de reserva.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Apoio ao cliente excepcional

                      Sempre que precisar de ajuda, você pode sempre chamar o nosso apoio ao cliente. Antes, durante e após o seu curso, estamos aqui para você. Você pode facilmente contactar nossos consultores experientes e amigáveis. Nós estamos sempre a apenas um clique de distância através de e-mail, telefone, skype ou chat mesmo ao vivo!
                      100% Confirmed

                      Sua reserva 100% confirmado!

                      É muito pouco provável que algo dê errado com sua reserva uma vez confirmada pelas escolas de idiomas. Na verdade nós estamos tão confiantes, que, se você não conseguir reservar o seu curso na escola selecionada, nós vamos creditar sua conta o depósito integral e encontrar outra alternativa possível para você.

                      Trust and Safety Confiança & segurança

                      Nós somos um mercado que promove a confiança e colaboração. É por isso que nós construímos as melhores ferramentas e serviços para auxiliar você a fazer as decisões certas. Encontre comentários de alunos, referências de host, selos de qualidade da escola e credenciamentos, tudo no nosso site!


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de língua Portuguesa,[short_description] =>
                      Cursos de Português no estrangeiro são uma ótima maneira de ver o mundo e mergulhar em outra cultura e também, uma grande oportunidade para aprender um Português impecável. Todos os nossos cursos de idioma são projetados para combinar férias culturais com uma experiência de aprendizagem de línguas. A idéia é usar seu curso de idiomas para melhorar suas férias e suas férias para aprimorar o seu curso de idiomas. Você estará fazendo um monte de amigos internacionais como você ter aulas e aprende Português com falantes de Português credenciados, nativos com acentos corretos.
                      ,[idid] => 126),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJydSI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => ru,[name] => Португальский,[name2] => Португальского,[sysname] => portugalyskiy,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Изучение Португальского за рубежом | Курсы Португальского Языка,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Независимо от типа курса Португальского, который вы ищете, Languagebookings.com поможет вам найти его — по самой низкой цене, которая возможна!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Найти самые низкие цены на курсы португальского языка за рубежом!,[extradesc] =>

                      Portuguese Courses Вы ищете школу Португальского Языка за рубежом или летние курсы Португальского? Как насчет учебы за рубежом или языковых курсов Португальского языка для взрослых за границей? Независимо от типа курса Португальского языка, который вы ищете, Languagebookings.com поможет вам найти его — по самой низкой цене, которая возможна!

                      Вы просматриваете бесчисленное количество школ Португальского в десятках мест по всему миру, пока не найдете курс Португальского и школу, которая подходит именно вам. Мы сделали этот процесс более простым, чтобы в одном месте вы нашли цены со скидкой на наиболее популярные школы за рубежом, а также подробную информацию с фотографиями, видео и отзывы студентов для большинства школ Португальского за границей. Выберите Languagebookings.com для бронирования всех ваших курсов и узнайте, почему все больше и больше студентов выбирают нас для изучения Португальского за рубежом!

                      Наш Сервис Гарантирует

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                      100% гарантия, что вы заплатите минимальную цену за курс. Мы предлагаем вам самые низкие цены на курсы - вы никогда не заплатите больше чем, если бы вы заказали, непосредственно связавшись со школой или в другом любом месте. Кроме того, наши услуги совершенно бесплатны. Мы не взимаем никаких дополнительных сборов за бронирование.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Исключительная Клиентская Поддержка

                      Всякий раз, когда вы нуждаетесь в помощи, вы всегда можете позвонить в нашу службу поддержки. До, во время и после курса, мы здесь для вас. Вы всегда и легко можете связаться с нашими опытными и дружелюбными консультантами. Мы всегда на расстоянии одного клика с помощью электронной почты, телефонного звонка, скайпа или чата!
                      100% Confirmed

                      Ваш заказ 100% подтвержден!

                      Существует очень малая вероятность того, что что-то пойдет не так с вашим бронированием в случае, когда оно подтверждено языковой школой. Мы в этом на столько уверены, что если вы не получите вами зарезервирован курс в выбранной школе, то мы вернем на ваш счет всю суму депозита и найдем другую альтернативу для вас.

                      Trust and Safety Доверие и Безопасность

                      Мы являемся площадкой, которая содействует распространению доверия и сотрудничества. Именно поэтому мы создали лучшие инструменты для этого и услуги, чтобы помочь вам в принятии правильных решений. Просмотрите мнения студентов, рекомендации, качество услуг предоставляемых школами и их аккредитование,... Узнать больше


                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Курсы Португальского Языка,[short_description] =>

                      Курсы Португальского языка за рубежом являются отличным способом, чтобы увидеть что-то новое и погрузиться в мир другой культуры, а также прекрасная возможность узнать безупречный Португальский. Все наши языковые курсы предназначены для того, чтобы совместить культурный отдых с изучением языка. Идея состоит в том, чтобы использовать языковой курс для улучшения вашего отдыха и свой отпуск для улучшения знаний иностранного языка. Вы сможете завести много друзей с других стран, так как вы будете ходить на занятия со студентами, которые приехали со всего мира. Вы будете изучать Португальский язык с аккредитованными преподавателями, для которых Португальский язык родной и которые имеют правильно поставленный акцент.

                      ,[idid] => 146),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJ6aCI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => zh,[name] => 葡萄牙语,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portuguese,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => 葡萄牙语课程-葡萄牙语语言国外学校,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => 任何类型的葡萄牙语课程你正在寻找,Languagebookings.com 将帮助你找到它 — — 和在尽可能低的价格 !,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => 葡萄牙语语言课程国外找到最低的价格 !,[extradesc] =>

                      Portuguese Courses你正在寻找国外葡萄牙语语言学校或葡萄牙的暑期学校吗?如何为国外成人学习葡萄牙语出国或语言课程吗?无论您正在寻找 Languagebookings 的葡萄牙语课程的类型。com 将会帮助你找到它 — 和在尽可能低的价格!

                      通过浏览众多的葡萄牙学校数十个地区在全球各地直到你找到的葡萄牙语课程和学校这就是你的权利。我们使它容易找到折扣价格国外最受欢迎的学校和我们提供详细的学校信息、 照片、 视频和学生评论为各种各样的葡萄牙学校国外伟大。选择 Languagebookings。com 所有课程预订,并发现为什么越来越多的学生都选择了我们去国外学习葡萄牙语!


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                      Trust and Safety信任与安全

                      我们是一个促进信任与协作的市场。这就是为什么我们已经建立的最佳过类工具和服务,当然协助和磨练你做出正确的决定。找到学生点评、 主机引用、 学校质量密封件和资格认证。.. 了解更多

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                      ,[idid] => 166),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJrbyI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => ko,[name] => 포르투갈어,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portuguese,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => 포르투갈어-포르투갈어 언어 학교 해외,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => 당신이 그것을 찾을 찾고, Languagebookings.com 데 도움이 됩니다 포르투갈어 코스의 어떤 종류-가장 낮은 가능한 가격에!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => 해외 포르투갈어 언어 과정을 위한 최저 가격을 찾을!,[extradesc] =>

                      Portuguese Courses 당신이 해외 포르투갈어 언어 학교 또는 포르투갈 여름 학교를 찾고 계십니까? 해외 성인 해외 포르투갈어 또는 언어 과정으로 공부 방법에 대 한? 포르투갈어 코스 찾고, Languagebookings의 어떤 종류. com는 그것을 찾는 데 도움이 됩니다 — 및 가장 낮은 가능한 가격!

                      포르투갈어 코스와 맞는 학교를 찾을 때까지 전 세계에 걸쳐 수많은 포르투갈 학교 위치 수십을 통해 찾습니다. 우리가 쉽게 가격을 찾을 수 할인 가장 인기 있는 학교 해외 자세한 학교 정보 제공, 사진, 동영상 및 학생 포르투갈 학교 해외의 중대 한 다양성에 대 한 리뷰. Languagebookings를 선택 합니다. 모든 코스 예약, com 발견 왜 더 학생 유학 포르투갈어를 선택!

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                      Excellent Advice

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                      Trust and Safety 신뢰 및 안전

                      우리는 신뢰와 협력을 추진 하 고 시장입니다. 이 때문에 우리가 만든 최고의 적 클래스 도구와 서비스를 확실 하 게 지원 하 고 올바른 결정을 내리기로 연마. 학생 리뷰, 호스트 참조, 학교 질 물개 및 인가, 찾기. . . 자세히 더 많은

                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => 포르투갈어 언어 과정,[short_description] =>
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                      로 공인, 네이티브 포르투갈어 스피커와 포르투갈어로
                      ,[idid] => 187),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJqYSI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => ja,[name] => ポルトガル語,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portuguese,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ポルトガル語コース - ポルトガル語学校留学,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Languagebookings.com を助けるために探しているポルトガル語コースのどんなタイプのあなたはそれを見つける- と最低の価格で !,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => ポルトガル語学留学のための最低価格を見つける !,[extradesc] =>

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                      ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => ポルトガル語コース,[short_description] =>
                      ,[idid] => 208)),[] => 1,[] => ),[remotestorage] => RemoteStorage Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => languagebookings,[] => img,[] => files,[] => d1wvdd0wr61utq.cloudfront.net,[] => Aws\S3\S3Client Object ([] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws/S3,[] => Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type)),[] => ,[] => Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Object ([] => Array ([AbortMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => AbortMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadAbort.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified multipart upload does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchUploadException)),[name] => AbortMultipartUpload),[CompleteMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CompleteMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CompleteMultipartUpload,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CompleteMultipartUpload),[CopyObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CopyObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectCOPY.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MetadataDirective] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-metadata-directive),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.,[class] => ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => CopyObject),[CreateBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CreateBucketConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LocationConstraint] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.,[class] => BucketAlreadyExistsException)),[name] => CreateBucket),[CreateMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadInitiate.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CreateMultipartUpload),[DeleteBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucket),[DeleteBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketCors),[DeleteBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETElifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[DeleteBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketPolicy),[DeleteBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketTagging),[DeleteBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketWebsite),[DeleteObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[name] => DeleteObject),[DeleteObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}?delete,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Delete,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Objects] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Quiet] => Array ([type] => boolean,[format] => boolean-string,[location] => xml),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => DeleteObjects),[GetBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketAcl),[GetBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketCors),[GetBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLifecycle),[GetBucketLocation] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?location,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLocationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketLocation),[GetBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlogging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLogging),[GetBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETnotification.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketNotification),[GetBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketPolicy),[GetBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketRequestPayment),[GetBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketTagging),[GetBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETversioningStatus.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketVersioning),[GetBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketWebsite),[GetObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ResponseCacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-cache-control),[ResponseContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-disposition),[ResponseContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-encoding),[ResponseContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-language),[ResponseContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-type),[ResponseExpires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-expires),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[SaveAs] => Array ([location] => response_body)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObject),[GetObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObjectAcl),[GetObjectTorrent] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?torrent,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectTorrentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETtorrent.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey))),[name] => GetObjectTorrent),[HeadBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => HeadBucket),[HeadObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => HeadObject),[ListBuckets] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListBucketsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTServiceGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListBuckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListMultipartUploadsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListMPUpload.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-uploads),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => upload-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListMultipartUploads),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versions,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectVersionsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => version-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListObjectVersions),[ListObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => ListObjects),[ListParts] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListPartsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListParts.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-parts),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => part-number-marker),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListParts),[PutBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutBucketAcl),[PutBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTcors.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CORSConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric))))),[name] => PutBucketCors),[PutBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => LifecycleConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Rules] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Status] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketLifecycle),[PutBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => BucketLoggingStatus,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketLogging),[PutBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTnotification.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => NotificationConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TopicConfiguration] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketNotification),[PutBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Policy] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body)),[name] => PutBucketPolicy),[PutBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RequestPaymentConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Payer] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketRequestPayment),[PutBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTtagging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Tagging,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TagSet] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Value] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))))),[name] => PutBucketTagging),[PutBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => VersioningConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketVersioning),[PutBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTwebsite.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => WebsiteConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketWebsite),[PutObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutObject),[PutObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => PutObjectAcl),[RestoreObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?restore,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => RestoreObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectRestore.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RestoreRequest,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Days] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => This operation is not allowed against this storage tier,[class] => ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => RestoreObject),[UploadPart] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html,[parameters] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[name] => UploadPart),[UploadPartCopy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartCopyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPartCopy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[CopySourceRange] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-range),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => UploadPartCopy)),[] => Array ([AbortMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CompleteMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CopyObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Bucket),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Deleted] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean),[DeleteMarkerVersionId] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Errors] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Error,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Error,[properties] => Array ([Code] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Message] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Rules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Rule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string),[Status] => Array ([type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLocationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => body,[filters] => Array ([0] => strval,[1] => strip_tags,[2] => trim)))),[GetBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TopicConfiguration] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Policy] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Payer] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TagSet] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Tag,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Value] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[sentAs] => RoutingRule,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectTorrentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListBucketsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Buckets] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Bucket,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Bucket,[properties] => Array ([CreationDate] => Array ([type] => string),[Name] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListMultipartUploadsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextUploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Uploads] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Upload,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Upload,[properties] => Array ([Initiated] => Array ([type] => string),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectVersionsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[DeleteMarkers] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[properties] => Array ([IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextVersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Versions] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Version,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Version,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => string),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Contents] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListPartsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextPartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Part,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id),[ObjectURL] => Array ())),[PutObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[RestoreObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartCopyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id)))),[] => ,[] => 2006-03-01,[] => ,[] => Array ([endpointPrefix] => s3,[serviceFullName] => Amazon Simple Storage Service,[serviceAbbreviation] => Amazon S3,[serviceType] => rest-xml,[timestampFormat] => rfc822,[globalEndpoint] => s3.amazonaws.com,[signatureVersion] => s3,[namespace] => S3,[regions] => Array ([us-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.amazonaws.com),[us-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com),[us-west-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com),[eu-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-northeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com),[sa-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com),[cn-north-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn),[us-gov-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com)),[iterators] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[waiters] => Array ([__default__] => Array ([interval] => 5,[max_attempts] => 20),[BucketExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchBucket)),[BucketNotExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => error,[success.value] => NoSuchBucket),[ObjectExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadObject,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchKey)))),[] => ),[] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\CompositeFactory Object ([] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\AliasFactory Object ([] => Array ([GetService] => ListBuckets,[GetBucket] => ListObjects,[PutBucket] => CreateBucket,[GetBucketHeaders] => HeadBucket,[GetObjectHeaders] => HeadObject,[SetBucketAcl] => PutBucketAcl,[CreateObject] => PutObject,[DeleteObjects] => DeleteMultipleObjects,[PutObjectCopy] => CopyObject,[SetObjectAcl] => PutObjectAcl,[GetLogs] => GetBucketLogging,[GetVersioningStatus] => GetBucketVersioning,[SetBucketPolicy] => PutBucketPolicy,[CreateBucketNotification] => PutBucketNotification,[GetBucketNotifications] => GetBucketNotification,[CopyPart] => UploadPartCopy,[CreateWebsiteConfig] => PutBucketWebsite,[GetWebsiteConfig] => GetBucketWebsite,[DeleteWebsiteConfig] => DeleteBucketWebsite,[CreateObjectExpirationConfig] => PutBucketLifecycle,[GetObjectExpirationConfig] => GetBucketLifecycle,[DeleteObjectExpirationConfig] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[] => Aws\S3\S3Client Object ( *RECURSION*),[1] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\ServiceDescriptionFactory Object ([] => Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Object ([] => Array ([AbortMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => AbortMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadAbort.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified multipart upload does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchUploadException)),[name] => AbortMultipartUpload),[CompleteMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CompleteMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CompleteMultipartUpload,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CompleteMultipartUpload),[CopyObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CopyObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectCOPY.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MetadataDirective] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-metadata-directive),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.,[class] => ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => CopyObject),[CreateBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CreateBucketConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LocationConstraint] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.,[class] => BucketAlreadyExistsException)),[name] => CreateBucket),[CreateMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadInitiate.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CreateMultipartUpload),[DeleteBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucket),[DeleteBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketCors),[DeleteBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETElifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[DeleteBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketPolicy),[DeleteBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketTagging),[DeleteBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketWebsite),[DeleteObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[name] => DeleteObject),[DeleteObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}?delete,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Delete,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Objects] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Quiet] => Array ([type] => boolean,[format] => boolean-string,[location] => xml),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => DeleteObjects),[GetBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketAcl),[GetBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketCors),[GetBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLifecycle),[GetBucketLocation] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?location,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLocationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketLocation),[GetBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlogging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLogging),[GetBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETnotification.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketNotification),[GetBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketPolicy),[GetBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketRequestPayment),[GetBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketTagging),[GetBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETversioningStatus.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketVersioning),[GetBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketWebsite),[GetObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ResponseCacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-cache-control),[ResponseContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-disposition),[ResponseContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-encoding),[ResponseContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-language),[ResponseContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-type),[ResponseExpires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-expires),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[SaveAs] => Array ([location] => response_body)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObject),[GetObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObjectAcl),[GetObjectTorrent] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?torrent,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectTorrentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETtorrent.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey))),[name] => GetObjectTorrent),[HeadBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => HeadBucket),[HeadObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => HeadObject),[ListBuckets] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListBucketsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTServiceGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListBuckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListMultipartUploadsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListMPUpload.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-uploads),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => upload-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListMultipartUploads),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versions,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectVersionsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => version-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListObjectVersions),[ListObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => ListObjects),[ListParts] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListPartsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListParts.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-parts),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => part-number-marker),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListParts),[PutBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutBucketAcl),[PutBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTcors.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CORSConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric))))),[name] => PutBucketCors),[PutBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => LifecycleConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Rules] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Status] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketLifecycle),[PutBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => BucketLoggingStatus,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketLogging),[PutBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTnotification.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => NotificationConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TopicConfiguration] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketNotification),[PutBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Policy] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body)),[name] => PutBucketPolicy),[PutBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RequestPaymentConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Payer] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketRequestPayment),[PutBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTtagging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Tagging,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TagSet] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Value] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))))),[name] => PutBucketTagging),[PutBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => VersioningConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketVersioning),[PutBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTwebsite.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => WebsiteConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketWebsite),[PutObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutObject),[PutObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => PutObjectAcl),[RestoreObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?restore,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => RestoreObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectRestore.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RestoreRequest,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Days] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => This operation is not allowed against this storage tier,[class] => ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => RestoreObject),[UploadPart] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html,[parameters] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[name] => UploadPart),[UploadPartCopy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartCopyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPartCopy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[CopySourceRange] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-range),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => UploadPartCopy)),[] => Array ([AbortMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CompleteMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CopyObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Bucket),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Deleted] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean),[DeleteMarkerVersionId] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Errors] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Error,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Error,[properties] => Array ([Code] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Message] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Rules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Rule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string),[Status] => Array ([type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLocationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => body,[filters] => Array ([0] => strval,[1] => strip_tags,[2] => trim)))),[GetBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TopicConfiguration] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Policy] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Payer] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TagSet] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Tag,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Value] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[sentAs] => RoutingRule,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectTorrentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListBucketsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Buckets] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Bucket,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Bucket,[properties] => Array ([CreationDate] => Array ([type] => string),[Name] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListMultipartUploadsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextUploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Uploads] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Upload,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Upload,[properties] => Array ([Initiated] => Array ([type] => string),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectVersionsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[DeleteMarkers] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[properties] => Array ([IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextVersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Versions] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Version,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Version,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => string),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Contents] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListPartsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextPartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Part,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id),[ObjectURL] => Array ())),[PutObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[RestoreObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartCopyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id)))),[] => ,[] => 2006-03-01,[] => ,[] => Array ([endpointPrefix] => s3,[serviceFullName] => Amazon Simple Storage Service,[serviceAbbreviation] => Amazon S3,[serviceType] => rest-xml,[timestampFormat] => rfc822,[globalEndpoint] => s3.amazonaws.com,[signatureVersion] => s3,[namespace] => S3,[regions] => Array ([us-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.amazonaws.com),[us-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com),[us-west-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com),[eu-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-northeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com),[sa-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com),[cn-north-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn),[us-gov-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com)),[iterators] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[waiters] => Array ([__default__] => Array ([interval] => 5,[max_attempts] => 20),[BucketExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchBucket)),[BucketNotExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => error,[success.value] => NoSuchBucket),[ObjectExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadObject,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchKey)))),[] => ),[] => ),[2] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\ConcreteClassFactory Object ([] => Aws\S3\S3Client Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Guzzle\Inflection\MemoizingInflector Object ([] => Array ([snake] => Array (),[camel] => Array ()),[] => 500,[] => Guzzle\Inflection\Inflector Object ())))),[] => Aws\Common\Iterator\AwsResourceIteratorFactory Object ([] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets,[input_token] => ,[output_token] => ,[limit_key] => ,[more_results] => ),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[] => Guzzle\Service\Resource\ResourceIteratorClassFactory Object ([] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\Iterator),[] => Guzzle\Inflection\MemoizingInflector Object ([] => Array ([snake] => Array (),[camel] => Array ()),[] => 500,[] => Guzzle\Inflection\Inflector Object ()))),[] => ,[] => Guzzle\Common\Collection Object ([] => Array ()),[] => aws-sdk-php2/2.6.0 Guzzle/3.8.1 curl/7.38.0 PHP/5.6.30-0+deb8u1,[] => Guzzle\Common\Collection Object ([] => Array ([key] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[secret] => 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,[client.backoff] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[signature] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type)),[scheme] => https,[version] => 2006-03-01,[service.description] => Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Object ([] => Array ([AbortMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => AbortMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadAbort.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified multipart upload does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchUploadException)),[name] => AbortMultipartUpload),[CompleteMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CompleteMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CompleteMultipartUpload,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CompleteMultipartUpload),[CopyObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CopyObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectCOPY.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MetadataDirective] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-metadata-directive),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.,[class] => ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => CopyObject),[CreateBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CreateBucketConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LocationConstraint] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.,[class] => BucketAlreadyExistsException)),[name] => CreateBucket),[CreateMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadInitiate.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CreateMultipartUpload),[DeleteBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucket),[DeleteBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketCors),[DeleteBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETElifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[DeleteBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketPolicy),[DeleteBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketTagging),[DeleteBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketWebsite),[DeleteObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[name] => DeleteObject),[DeleteObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}?delete,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Delete,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Objects] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Quiet] => Array ([type] => boolean,[format] => boolean-string,[location] => xml),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => DeleteObjects),[GetBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketAcl),[GetBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketCors),[GetBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLifecycle),[GetBucketLocation] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?location,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLocationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketLocation),[GetBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlogging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLogging),[GetBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETnotification.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketNotification),[GetBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketPolicy),[GetBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketRequestPayment),[GetBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketTagging),[GetBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETversioningStatus.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketVersioning),[GetBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketWebsite),[GetObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ResponseCacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-cache-control),[ResponseContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-disposition),[ResponseContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-encoding),[ResponseContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-language),[ResponseContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-type),[ResponseExpires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-expires),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[SaveAs] => Array ([location] => response_body)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObject),[GetObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObjectAcl),[GetObjectTorrent] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?torrent,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectTorrentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETtorrent.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey))),[name] => GetObjectTorrent),[HeadBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => HeadBucket),[HeadObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => HeadObject),[ListBuckets] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListBucketsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTServiceGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListBuckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListMultipartUploadsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListMPUpload.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-uploads),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => upload-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListMultipartUploads),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versions,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectVersionsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => version-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListObjectVersions),[ListObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => ListObjects),[ListParts] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListPartsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListParts.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-parts),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => part-number-marker),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListParts),[PutBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutBucketAcl),[PutBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTcors.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CORSConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric))))),[name] => PutBucketCors),[PutBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => LifecycleConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Rules] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Status] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketLifecycle),[PutBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => BucketLoggingStatus,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketLogging),[PutBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTnotification.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => NotificationConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TopicConfiguration] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketNotification),[PutBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Policy] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body)),[name] => PutBucketPolicy),[PutBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RequestPaymentConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Payer] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketRequestPayment),[PutBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTtagging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Tagging,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TagSet] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Value] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))))),[name] => PutBucketTagging),[PutBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => VersioningConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketVersioning),[PutBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTwebsite.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => WebsiteConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketWebsite),[PutObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutObject),[PutObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => PutObjectAcl),[RestoreObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?restore,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => RestoreObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectRestore.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RestoreRequest,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Days] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => This operation is not allowed against this storage tier,[class] => ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => RestoreObject),[UploadPart] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html,[parameters] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[name] => UploadPart),[UploadPartCopy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartCopyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPartCopy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[CopySourceRange] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-range),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => UploadPartCopy)),[] => Array ([AbortMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CompleteMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CopyObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Bucket),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Deleted] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean),[DeleteMarkerVersionId] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Errors] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Error,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Error,[properties] => Array ([Code] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Message] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Rules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Rule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string),[Status] => Array ([type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLocationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => body,[filters] => Array ([0] => strval,[1] => strip_tags,[2] => trim)))),[GetBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TopicConfiguration] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Policy] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Payer] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TagSet] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Tag,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Value] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[sentAs] => RoutingRule,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectTorrentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListBucketsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Buckets] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Bucket,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Bucket,[properties] => Array ([CreationDate] => Array ([type] => string),[Name] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListMultipartUploadsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextUploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Uploads] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Upload,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Upload,[properties] => Array ([Initiated] => Array ([type] => string),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectVersionsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[DeleteMarkers] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[properties] => Array ([IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextVersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Versions] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Version,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Version,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => string),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Contents] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListPartsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextPartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Part,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id),[ObjectURL] => Array ())),[PutObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[RestoreObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartCopyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id)))),[] => ,[] => 2006-03-01,[] => ,[] => Array ([endpointPrefix] => s3,[serviceFullName] => Amazon Simple Storage Service,[serviceAbbreviation] => Amazon S3,[serviceType] => rest-xml,[timestampFormat] => rfc822,[globalEndpoint] => s3.amazonaws.com,[signatureVersion] => s3,[namespace] => S3,[regions] => Array ([us-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.amazonaws.com),[us-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com),[us-west-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com),[eu-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-northeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com),[sa-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com),[cn-north-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn),[us-gov-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com)),[iterators] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[waiters] => Array ([__default__] => Array ([interval] => 5,[max_attempts] => 20),[BucketExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchBucket)),[BucketNotExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => error,[success.value] => NoSuchBucket),[ObjectExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadObject,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchKey)))),[] => ),[service] => s3,[region] => us-east-1,[base_url] => https://s3.amazonaws.com,[token] => ,[token.ttd] => ,[profile] => ,[credentials.cache] => ,[credentials.cache.key] => ,[credentials.client] => ,[curl.options] => Array ([10065] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Http/Resources/cacert.pem,[64] => 1,[81] => 2),[params.cache.key_filter] => header=date,x-amz-date,x-amz-security-token,x-amzn-authorization)),[] => https://s3.amazonaws.com,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestFactory Object ([] => Array ([getInstance] => 0,[__construct] => 1,[fromMessage] => 2,[fromParts] => 3,[create] => 4,[cloneRequestWithMethod] => 5,[applyOptions] => 6,[visit_headers] => 7,[visit_body] => 8,[visit_allow_redirects] => 9,[visit_auth] => 10,[visit_query] => 11,[visit_cookies] => 12,[visit_events] => 13,[visit_plugins] => 14,[visit_exceptions] => 15,[visit_save_to] => 16,[visit_params] => 17,[visit_timeout] => 18,[visit_connect_timeout] => 19,[visit_debug] => 20,[visit_verify] => 21,[visit_proxy] => 22,[visit_cert] => 23,[visit_ssl_key] => 24),[] => Guzzle\Http\Message\Request,[] => Guzzle\Http\Message\EntityEnclosingRequest),[] => Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher Object ([] => Array ([request.sent] => Array ([100] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Http\RedirectPlugin Object ([] => 5),[1] => onRequestSent)),[0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[1] => onRequestSent))),[request.clone] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Http\RedirectPlugin Object ([] => 5),[1] => cleanupRequest))),[request.before_send] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Http\RedirectPlugin Object ([] => 5),[1] => cleanupRequest)),[-255] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Signature\SignatureListener Object ([] => Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type))),[1] => onRequestBeforeSend))),[client.credentials_changed] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Signature\SignatureListener Object ([] => Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type))),[1] => onCredentialsChanged))),[request.exception] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[1] => onRequestSent))),[curl_multi.polling_request] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[1] => onRequestPoll))),[request.error] => Array ([-1] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Exception\ExceptionListener Object ([] => Aws\Common\Exception\NamespaceExceptionFactory Object ([] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Aws\S3\Exception,[] => Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception)),[1] => onRequestError))),[command.before_send] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Client\UserAgentListener Object (),[1] => onBeforeSend))),[command.after_prepare] => Array ([-255] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\BucketStyleListener Object (),[1] => onCommandAfterPrepare)),[0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Md5Listener Object ([] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type))),[1] => onCommandAfterPrepare))),[command.before_prepare] => Array ([-255] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\AcpListener Object (),[1] => onCommandBeforePrepare)),[0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Client\UploadBodyListener Object ([] => Array ([0] => PutObject,[1] => UploadPart),[] => Body,[] => SourceFile),[1] => onCommandBeforePrepare)))),[] => Array ())),[] => ),[Users_Model] => Users_Model Object ([] => Array ([firstname] => Array ([name] => Vorname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => maxlength,[value] => 30))),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[lastname] => Array ([name] => Nachname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => maxlength,[value] => 30))),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[email] => Array ([name] => E-Mail-Adresse,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([readonly] => ,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => email))),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[pass] => Array ([name] => Passwort,[widget] => password,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1,[tip] => Bitte Lass Dieses Feld Frei um Dein Aktuelles Passwort Zu Erhalten)),[nationality] => Array ([name] => Nationalität,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Countries,[label] => name))),[address] => Array ([name] => Profil-Adresse,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[address2] => Array ([name] => Adresse 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[postalcode] => Array ([name] => Postleitzahl,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[city] => Array ([name] => City,[widget] => location,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select))),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1),[phone1] => Array ([name] => Telefonnummer #1,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[searcheable] => 1),[phone2] => Array ([name] => Telefonnummer #2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibe Dich selbst,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([rows] => 5)),[avatar] => Array ([name] => Foto,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([212x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)))),[genre] => Array ([name] => Geschlecht,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([m] => Array ([name] => Male,[default] => 1),[f] => Array ([name] => Female)))),[birthdate] => Array ([name] => Geburtsdatum,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => )),[work] => Array ([name] => Arbeit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[languages] => Array ([name] => Sprachen,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Füge Mehr Sprachen hinzu,[defaultrow] => 1,[fields] => Array ([language] => Array ([name] => Sprache,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name)),[data] => Array ()),[level] => Array ([name] => Ebene,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 100),[data] => Array ([beginner] => Anfänger,[intermediate] => Fortgeschrittener Anfänger,[advanced] => Fortgeschritten,[native] => Muttersprachlichem))))),[confirmkey] => Array ([name] => Die Anwendung Schlüssel,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[confirmed] => Array ([name] => Bestätigt,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[level] => Array ([name] => Ebene,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([user] => Array ([name] => User,[default] => 1),[admin] => Array ([name] => Admin),[restricted] => Array ([name] => Restricted)))),[agent] => Array ([name] => Agent,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[affiliate] => Array ([name] => Affiliate,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Affiliates,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[register_web] => Array ([name] => Register web,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[ip_country] => Array ([name] => IP Country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[source] => Array ([name] => Source,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[agent_assigned] => Array ([name] => Agent assignated,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[contact_again] => Array ([name] => Kontakt wieder,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => )),[last_login_user] => Array ([name] => Letztes login,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => ),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[autolead] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => users,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => last_login_user DESC,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => firstname,[2] => lastname,[3] => email,[4] => phone1,[5] => phone2,[6] => last_login_user),[] => Array ([user] => Array ([fields] => Array ([firstname] => Array (),[lastname] => Array (),[email] => Array (),[pass] => Array (),[nationality] => Array (),[address] => Array (),[address2] => Array (),[postalcode] => Array (),[country] => Array (),[region] => Array (),[city] => Array (),[phone1] => Array (),[phone2] => Array (),[description] => Array (),[avatar] => Array (),[genre] => Array (),[birthdate] => Array (),[work] => Array (),[languages] => Array ()),[filters] => Array ([id] => {USERID}),[cmds] => Array ([0] => edit,[1] => processedit),[forced] => Array ([id] => Array ([value] => {USERID})))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([register_web] => y),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Currency_Model] => Currency_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[symbol] => Array ([name] => Symbol,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[value] => Array ([name] => Value,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => euro value)),[iso] => Array ([name] => ISO Code,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => mandatory!)),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein))))),[] => Array (),[] => currency,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 19,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([aToxO2I6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => de,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[idid] => 6),[czoxOiI0IjtiOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 4,[symbol] => U$D,[value] => 0.92336283,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:55:57,[iso] => USD,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => de,[name] => US Dollar,[sysname] => ,[idid] => 9)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Tracker_Model] => Tracker_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => tracking.lb2_tracker,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Customizations_Model] => Customizations_Model Object ([] => Array ([separador_customize] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Passen Sie Ihre Buchung)),[domain] => Array ([name] => Link,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[school] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name))),[header] => Array ([name] => Header-Bild,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /img/upload/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wählen Sie Bild oder Logo für Header-Buchungsseite)),[comcourse] => Array ([name] => Commission Course,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50,[default] => 10)),[comaccomm] => Array ([name] => Commission Accommodation,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[comcostadmin] => Array ([name] => Commission of the admin costs.,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[comcostadminaccomm] => Array ([name] => Commission of the admin accom costs.,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[comtransfer] => Array ([name] => Commission transfer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomcourse] => Array ([name] => Course deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomaccomm] => Array ([name] => Accomm deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomgastosadmin] => Array ([name] => Admin fee deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomgastosadminaloj] => Array ([name] => Accomm admin fee deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomtransfer] => Array ([name] => Transfer deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[separador_color] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Wählen Sie Farben für Ihre Buchungs-System. (Bleibt leer, um die Standardfarben festgelegt))),[infoblockheaderbg] => Array ([name] => Information block header background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[infoblockheadertxt] => Array ([name] => Information block header text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttonbg] => Array ([name] => Button background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttontxt] => Array ([name] => Button text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttonhoverbg] => Array ([name] => Button hover background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttonhovertxt] => Array ([name] => Button hover text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[importanttxt] => Array ([name] => Important texts,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2bg] => Array ([name] => Button 2 background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2txt] => Array ([name] => Button 2 text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2hoverbg] => Array ([name] => Button 2 hover background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2hovertxt] => Array ([name] => Button 2 hover text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[widgettxt] => Array ([name] => Widget text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[thingstitle] => Array ([name] => Things to note (title),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[thingsdesc] => Array ([name] => Things to note (text),[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein))))),[] => Array (),[] => customizations,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => domain,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Countries_Model] => Countries_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Country Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[languageb] => Array ([name] => Country Language 2,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[currency] => Array ([name] => Currency,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name))),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[separatorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatorcity] => Array ([name] => Metas for Landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => countries,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([YToxOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6NjoiYnJhemlsIjt9YjowO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => en,[name] => Brazil,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 354),[czozOiIxMTQiO2I6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => en,[name] => Brazil,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 354),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoiZXMiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => es,[name] => Brasil,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 114),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoiaXQiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => 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a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => en,[name] => Brazil,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 354),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoicHQiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => pt,[name] => Brasil,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brasil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 714),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoicnUiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => ru,[name] => Бразилия,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => braziliya,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 951),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoiemgiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => zh,[name] => 巴西,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 1191),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6Mjoia28iO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => ko,[name] => 브라질,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 1428),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoiamEiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => ja,[name] => ブラジル,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 1665),[YToxOntzOjQ6ImlzbzIiO3M6MjoiVVMiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 34,[language] => 2,[languageb] => 11,[currency] => 4,[image] => usa.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:09,[iso2] => US,[iso3] => USA,[importantcities] => a:10:{i:119;i:4;i:131;i:3;i:1;i:1;i:177;i:1;i:113;i:1;i:81;i:1;i:2;i:1;i:93;i:1;i:176;i:1;i:64;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:10:{i:131;a:1:{i:928;i:3;}i:93;a:1:{i:497;i:1;}i:119;a:2:{i:540;i:3;i:750;i:1;}i:176;a:1:{i:650;i:1;}i:2;a:1:{i:472;i:1;}i:64;a:1:{i:447;i:1;}i:113;a:1:{i:524;i:1;}i:1;a:1:{i:514;i:1;}i:177;a:1:{i:651;i:1;}i:81;a:1:{i:478;i:1;}},[nameold] => United States of America,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => -7,[sales] => 141,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 3,[reviewsnum] => 189,[reviewspoints] => 900,[ownid] => 34,[lang] => de,[name] => Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika,[title] => Sprachreise USA: Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Englisch sprachkurs in USA!,[description] =>

                      Sprachreise USASuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für Englische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule in USA?
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                      Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Englisch in USA zu lernen.

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                      100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                      Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
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                      Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

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                      ,[sysname] => vereinigte-staaten-von-amerika,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Sprachreise USA, {LANG} Sprachreisen, Sprachschule USA,[mdesc] => {LANG} Sprachreisen nach USA. Besonderen Angeboten für {LANG} Sprachkurse. Sprachreisen kombinieren Sie Urlaub mit Sprachkurs!,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 514)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Cities_Model] => Cities_Model Object ([] => Array ([lang] => Array ()),[] => Array ([region] => Array ([name] => Region,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([class] => select2,[filler] => Array ([model] => Regions,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Country Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name))),[currency] => Array ([name] => Currency,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name))),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[cover_image] => Array ([name] => Cover Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[separatorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatorcity] => Array ([name] => Metas for Landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatormec] => Array ([name] => Metas for Becas MEC,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mecmtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mecmdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mecmkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => cities,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => region,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([schoolcity] => y),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Schools_Model] => Schools_Model Object ([] => Array ([4] => Array ([id] => 4,[symbol] => U$D,[value] => 0.92336283,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:55:57,[iso] => USD,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => de,[name] => US Dollar,[sysname] => ,[idid] => 9)),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([separador_contact2] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Schule-Kontaktdaten)),[name] => Array ([name] => Name der Schule,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([events] => Array ([onchange] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);,[onkeyup] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);,[onblur] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);,[onselect] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);)),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[address] => Array ([name] => Straße und Hausnummer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[address2] => Array ([name] => Straße 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[cp] => Array ([name] => Postleitzahl,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[city] => Array ([name] => City2,[widget] => autocomplete,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[disabled_permanent_filter] => 1),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[respmarketing] => Array ([name] => Primäre Kontaktperson,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[resp1_charge] => Array ([name] => Position,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[emailmarketing] => Array ([name] => Kontakt e-mail,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[skype] => Array ([name] => Skype-ID,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[phone] => Array ([name] => Telefonnummer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please include country code i.e.: +353 (0)1 443 4037)),[fax] => Array ([name] => Fax,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please include country code i.e.: +353 (0)1 443 4037)),[resp_reservations] => Array ([name] => Reservierungen Kontakt Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[resp2_charge] => Array ([name] => Position,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[email_reservations] => Array ([name] => Kontakt e-mail,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[urlweb] => Array ([name] => Webseite,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[currency] => Array ([name] => Währung,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name),[tip] => Currency you use in your prices)),[company] => Array ([name] => Name des Unternehmens,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => As appears on the certificate of incorporation)),[regnumber] => Array ([name] => Firmenbuchnummer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[vatnum] => Array ([name] => Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => If no VAT number, please write EXEMPT)),[separador_bank] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Bank)),[bankname] => Array ([name] => Name der Bank,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[banksortcode] => Array ([name] => Bankleitzahl,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[banknumber] => Array ([name] => Kontonummer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankiban] => Array ([name] => IBAN-code,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankswift] => Array ([name] => SWIFT,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankaddress] => Array ([name] => Bank Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankaddress2] => Array ([name] => Bank Address,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[separador_comm] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Bestimmung)),[comm_course] => Array ([name] => Nachhilfe,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on tuition. To change this please email us at info@languagebookings.com,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[commission_accomm] => Array ([name] => Unterkunftstyp,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on accommodation.,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[commission_expense_admin] => Array ([name] => Anmeldegebühr,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on registration fee,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => Array ([name] => Accom. Vermittlungsgebühr,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on the accom. placement fee,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[comtransfer] => Array ([name] => Abholung Vom Flughafen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on transfers,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[comm_promotion] => Array ([name] => Kommission-Förderung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % This is the minimum commission accepted for promotions and special deals,[width] => 50,[default] => 20,[readonly] => 1)),[separador_info] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Schulinformationen)),[classrooms] => Array ([name] => Zahl der Klassenräume,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[averageage] => Array ([name] => Durchschnittliche Anzahl der Schüler p/Klasse,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[minimumage] => Array ([name] => Mindestalter,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[leveltest] => Array ([name] => Einstufungstest am ersten Tag,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein)))),[nearestairport] => Array ([name] => Nächstgelegenen Flughafen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[airportdistance] => Array ([name] => Entfernung zum Flughafen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[tip] => Km)),[yearschoolopen] => Array ([name] => Jahr Schule (eröffnet),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[openingtimeshi] => Array ([name] => Öffnungszeiten von,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[continue] => 1,[tip] => to),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00)),[openingtimeshf] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00)),[openingdays] => Array ([name] => Öffnungstage,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 7),[values] => Array ([0] => Sonntag,[1] => Montag,[2] => Dienstag,[3] => Mittwoch,[4] => Donnerstag,[5] => Freitag,[6] => Samstag))),[videos] => Array ([name] => Video,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Enter the Youtube URL for the promotional video of your school here)),[separador_facilities] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Einrichtungen)),[facilities] => Array ([name] => Einrichtungen,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[class] => facilitiesColumns),[filler] => Array ([model] => Facilities,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal,[colspan] => 1)),[separador_accreditations] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Akkreditierungen und Qualitätssiegel)),[accrs] => Array ([name] => Akkreditierungen,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[class] => facilitiesColumns),[filler] => Array ([model] => Accreditations,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal,[colspan] => 1)),[separador_terms] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen)),[autoterms] => Array ([name] => Autoterms,[widget] => autoterms,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1,[currency] => €)),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Beschreibung)),[description] => Array ([name] => Schulinformationen,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please provide a short description of the school (you must enter it in English, all other languages are optional)),[multilang] => 1),[info_students] => Array ([name] => Infos für Studierende,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please provide useful information for the student about your school (you must enter it in English, all other languages are optional)),[multilang] => 1),[terms] => Array ([name] => Nutzungsbedingungen,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([counter] => 500,[tip] => Please provide the terms and conditions of the school (you must enter it in English, all other languages are optional)),[multilang] => 1),[separador_images] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Bildergalerie,[description] => To upload pictures click on the "browse button" and select as many pictures as you want, then click on the "Open" button on the window and all the pictures will upload, to select the main picture just click on one picture and save. The more pictures you upload the more attractive your profile will become. Image must be greater than 800x600px.)),[mainimg] => Array ([name] => Hochladen Sie Bilder:,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Images,[label] => image,[filter] => Array ([school] => {ID}))),[data] => Array ()),[separador_map] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Lage - Stadtplan)),[coordinates] => Array ([name] => Koordinaten,[widget] => googlemap,[options] => Array ([tip] => Drücken Sie die Taste, wenn Sie möchten das System suchen Sie nach der Schule auf der Karte und ziehen dann das rote Pivot auf die genaue Lage.,[setlocation] => 1)),[details] => Array ([name] => Informationen,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[location] => Array ([name] => Ort,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[practice_info] => Array ([name] => Praxis-info,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[isready] => Array ([name] => Ist bereit,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[visible] => Array ([name] => Sichtbar,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[global_discount] => Array ([name] => Global Discount,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta-Titel,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Desc,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta-Tasten,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[followup_needs_editing] => Array ([name] => Followup_needs_editing,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[transfer] => Array ([name] => Transfers,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Add transfer,[fields] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Array ([name] => Flughafen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 200)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Preis-Abreise,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[precioiv] => Array ([name] => Preis Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeiten,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[activa] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein)))))))),[] => Array (),[] => schools,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => city),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([0] => description,[1] => info_students,[2] => terms),[] => Array ([czozOiI1ODQiO2I6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 584,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-12 14:21:06,[update_timestamp] => 2023-03-01 19:52:25,[mainimg] => 7168,[location] => ,[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => -23.56923848805689,[longitude] => -46.65990114212036),[videos] => ,[autoterms] => 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=> 4,[vatnum] => CNPJ 06.787.880/0001-74,[comm_course] => 15,[commission_accomm] => 15,[commission_expense_admin] => 0,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => 0,[order] => ,[active] => y,[respmarketing] => Marcia,[resp1_charge] => Director,[emailmarketing] => info@fastforward.com.br,[resp_reservations] => Marcia Camisa,[resp2_charge] => Director,[email_reservations] => info@fastforward.com.br,[skype] => marciacamisa,[phone] => +551130517112,[fax] => +551130517112,[urlweb] => www.fastforward.com.br,[address] => Alameda Lorena, 684, Casa 4 Sao Paulo, SP,[address2] => ,[cp] => 01424-000,[classrooms] => 10,[averageage] => 5,[minimumage] => 16,[leveltest] => y,[airportdistance] => 32,[nearestairport] => Guarulhos International Airport,[yearschoolopen] => 1991,[openingtimeshi] => 900,[openingtimeshf] => 1800,[openingdays] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5),[bankname] => Fast Intercambio Cultural Ltda,[banksortcode] => .,[banknumber] => 130063705,[bankiban] => .,[bankswift] => BSCHBRSP,[bankaddress] => BANCO SANTANDER (BRASIL) S/A,[bankaddress2] => AGENCIA 3563 - AV. 9 DE JULHO/ SÃO PAULO – SP,[logo] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[transfertmp] => ,[photo] => ,[city] => 148,[com_expenses_admin_accomm] => 0,[bankbic] => ,[accommfee] => 0,[currencytmp] => ,[facilities] => Array ([0] => 15,[1] => 13,[2] => 5,[3] => 23,[4] => 18,[5] => 8,[6] => 1,[7] => 2,[8] => 4,[9] => 6,[10] => 16,[11] => 19,[12] => 14),[sysname] => fast-forward-language-and-cultural-institute-sao-paulo,[transfer] => Array ([0] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Guarulhos International Airport,[precio] => 100,[precioiv] => 200,[activa] => y),[1] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Congonhas Domestic Airport,[precio] => 100,[precioiv] => 200,[activa] => y),[2] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Congonhas Domestic Airport,[precio] => 100,[precioiv] => 200,[active] => y,[transfer_id] => 2557),[3] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Guarulhos International Airport,[precio] => 110,[precioiv] => 220,[active] => y,[transfer_id] => 2556)),[holidays] => ,[sales] => 1,[reviewavg] => 3.5,[country] => 114,[youtube] => ,[accrs] => Array ([0] => 47),[pagehits] => 38755,[cancels] => 0,[isready] => y,[manualrating] => 50,[reviewnum] => 1,[refer] => ,[simpleschool] => 0,[cheapestacc] => -1,[rating] => 33.504972677596,[visible] => y,[award] => ,[company] => Fast Intercambio Cultural Ltda,[regnumber] => CNPJ 06.787.880/0001-74,[comm_promotion] => 20,[transfer2] => a:2:{i:0;a:6:{s:10:"aeropuerto";s:31:"Guarulhos International Airport";s:6:"precio";s:2:"90";s:8:"precioiv";s:3:"180";s:6:"activa";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:584;s:5:"ownid";i:584;}i:1;a:6:{s:10:"aeropuerto";s:26:"Congonhas Domestic Airport";s:6:"precio";s:2:"90";s:8:"precioiv";s:3:"180";s:6:"activa";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:584;s:5:"ownid";i:584;}},[location_lat] => -23.56923848805689,[location_lng] => -46.65990114212036,[status] => live,[global_discount] => y,[followup_needs_editing] => 0000-00-00,[global_discount_value] => ,[tmpdistance] => ,[ownid] => 584,[lang] => de,[name] => Fast Forward Language and Cultural Institute - Sao Paulo,[description] => Die Sprachschule befindet sich in einem grünen Wohngebiet in Sao Paulo, wenige hundert Meter vom Geschäftsviertel in der Paulista Avenue. Rund um das Kurszentrum sind mit Bäumen gesäumte Straßen mit Restaurants, Bars, Diskotheken, im Gegensatz zu den umliegenden Parks, wo es angenehm zu gehen ist beschäftigt. Wir haben mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Unterrichten von Portugiesisch als Fremdsprache.,[details] => ,[amenities] => ,[info_students] => Interaktive Methoden und engagierte Lehrer fördern Kommunikation und Verständigung durch Eintauchen in die Sprache zu fördern. Schule Gästen acht komfortable Klassenzimmer, einen Aufenthaltsraum mit TV und DVD-Player, Computer mit kostenlosem Internetzugang und eine kleine Essecke. Neben dem Kurs ein Kiosk verkauft Snacks und Getränke und viele Restaurants bieten abwechslungsreiche Essen zu vernünftigen Preisen in seiner unmittelbaren Umgebung.,[practice_info] => ,[terms] => Eine Stornierung wird nach Erhalt von Fast Forward Language Institute schriftliche oder verkabelte Bekanntgabe wirksam. Wenn Sie Nein spätestens 4 Wochen Abbrechen vor Beginn des Kurses, behalten wir uns nur die Gebühr für die Eintragung. Kündigen Sie weniger als 4 Wochen vor Beginn des Kurses, erstatten wir Ihnen 80 % der Kurs und Unterkunft Kosten. Keine Erstattung ist möglich im Falle der Kündigung drei Tage oder weniger vor Beginn des Kurses. ,[url] => ,[separatormetas] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[accomms] => a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:11:"Gastfamilie";s:11:"descripcion";s:539:"Private Zimmer. Gastfamilien sind die am häufigsten Gehäuse Option gewählt. Fast Forward Language Institute stellt sicher, dass jede Familie eine Qualität-Lebenssituation bietet und Hinsicht jeder Student so viel wie möglich in die Familie Auswahl will. Die Gastfamilien selbst sind erfahrene und begeisterte Teilnehmer das Studentenleben. Wenn es zum Eintauchen ins Leben, Sprache, etc., ist mit einer Gastfamilie zu Leben bei weitem die am intensivsten. Es ist wirklich ein Erlebnis, das man nicht nach oben weitergegeben werden.";}},[transfer_backup] => ,[autotranslated] => y,[idid] => 1271),[czozOiI3MTkiO2I6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 719,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-01-09 16:49:35,[update_timestamp] => 2023-03-01 19:52:25,[mainimg] => 56785,[location] => ,[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => -13.00278061598139,[longitude] => -38.528398275375366),[videos] => http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syjSDjewjyA&feature=player_embedded,[autoterms] => a:3:{s:11:"termselects";a:4:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:12:"cancellation";a:1:{i:2;s:1:"5";}s:9:"refundsub";a:3:{i:1;a:13:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:5;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:8;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:9;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:11;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:12;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:13;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:15;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:16;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:2;a:3:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:3;a:5:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:1;a:6:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:6;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}}s:10:"termchecks";a:5:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:2;s:1:"1";}s:12:"cancellation";a:4:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";i:5;s:1:"1";i:11;s:1:"1";}s:6:"refund";s:11:"percentage3";s:4:"visa";s:7:"visafix";s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}s:10:"terminputs";a:3:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:3;s:2:"18";}s:9:"refundsub";a:2:{i:2;a:2:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}i:3;a:3:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"42";}}}}},[currency] => 4,[vatnum] => 57813,[comm_course] => 15,[commission_accomm] => 0,[commission_expense_admin] => 0,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => 0,[order] => ,[active] => y,[respmarketing] => Tamila Carvalho,[resp1_charge] => Marketing,[emailmarketing] => dialogobrasil10@gmail.com,[resp_reservations] => Cristina Duarte,[resp2_charge] => Communication Dept.,[email_reservations] => office@dialogo.tur.br,[skype] => dialogo.school,[phone] => (00+55 71) 3264-0053,[fax] => ,[urlweb] => www.dialogo-brazilstudy.com,[address] => Rua Dr. João Pondé. 240, Barra,[address2] => Salvador-Ba Brazil ,[cp] => 40140-810,[classrooms] => 7,[averageage] => 5,[minimumage] => 16,[leveltest] => y,[airportdistance] => 28,[nearestairport] => Aeroporto Luis Eduardo Magalhães,[yearschoolopen] => 1989,[openingtimeshi] => 800,[openingtimeshf] => 1700,[openingdays] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5),[bankname] => DIALOGO IDIOMAS E CULTURA BRASILEIRA LTDA.,[banksortcode] => ABA: 026002561 CHIPS UID: 0256 ,[banknumber] => 3544034644001,[bankiban] => n/A,[bankswift] => BSCHBRSP ,[bankaddress] => Banco Santander (Brasil) SA ,[bankaddress2] => Salvador - Bahia, Brazil,[logo] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[transfertmp] => ,[photo] => ,[city] => 205,[com_expenses_admin_accomm] => 0,[bankbic] => ,[accommfee] => 0,[currencytmp] => ,[facilities] => Array ([0] => 15,[1] => 5,[2] => 23,[3] => 18,[4] => 11,[5] => 8,[6] => 1,[7] => 7,[8] => 6,[9] => 19),[sysname] => dialogo-language-school,[transfer] => Array ([0] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Aeroporto Luis Eduardo Magalhães,[precio] => 60,[precioiv] => 120,[activa] => y),[1] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Aeroporto Luis Eduardo Magalhães,[precio] => 143,[precioiv] => 260,[active] => y,[transfer_id] => 2710)),[holidays] => ,[sales] => 5,[reviewavg] => 0,[country] => 114,[youtube] => ,[accrs] => Array (),[pagehits] => 71837,[cancels] => 0,[isready] => y,[manualrating] => 50,[reviewnum] => 0,[refer] => ,[simpleschool] => 0,[cheapestacc] => -1,[rating] => 23.312894810074,[visible] => y,[award] => ,[company] => DIÁLOGO ENSINO DE LÍNGUAS E TURISMO CULTURAL LTDA ME,[regnumber] => 05.913.125-0001-26,[comm_promotion] => 20,[transfer2] => a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:10:"aeropuerto";s:33:"Aeroporto Luis Eduardo Magalhães";s:6:"precio";s:2:"60";s:8:"precioiv";s:3:"105";s:6:"activa";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:719;s:5:"ownid";i:719;}},[location_lat] => -13.00278061598139,[location_lng] => -38.528398275375366,[status] => live,[global_discount] => y,[followup_needs_editing] => 0000-00-00,[global_discount_value] => ,[tmpdistance] => ,[ownid] => 719,[lang] => de,[name] => Dialogo Brazil,[description] => Eine der ersten Sprachschulen in Brasilien. Wir bieten Gruppen und Einzelunterricht-Programme, einschließlich der Capoeira, Samba und Gastronomie-Klassen, Excurssions und Unterkunft. Spezielle Programme für Hochschulen, Unternehmen und Botschaften. Ehrenamt und Internship Programme.,[details] => ,[amenities] => ,[info_students] => Im allgemeinen dürfen Studenten bis 18 Jahre nicht in den Programmen, wenn sie von einem Elternteil begleitet werden. Die Altersgruppe variiert in der Regel zwischen 25 und 50. Die Schule erhält Studenten aus der ganzen Welt, vor allem aus den USA, Europa, Kanada und Japan. Students Motivation um Portugiesisch zu studieren sind Tourismus, Universitätslehrgänge oder beruflichen und geschäftlichen Gründen. ,[practice_info] => ,[terms] => -Gebühren sind zahlbar durch Studenten - Studenten müssen Jahre alt sein oder über - Anmeldegebühr wird nicht zurückerstattet. -Wo eine Tage nach der Anmeldung Stornierung gibt es keine Rückerstattung. -Wenn ein Schüler fehlt für eine oder mehrere Wochen hintereinander, können Vorkehrungen für die Dauer des Kurses ohne erweitert werden zusätzliche Kosten. -Die Anmeldegebühr wird nicht zurückerstattet. -Stornogebühr wird als Prozentsatz der gesamten Zahlung berechnet. -Weigerung Visagebühr ist eine feste amoun,[url] => ,[separatormetas] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[accomms] => a:7:{i:0;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:11:"Gastfamilie";s:11:"descripcion";s:380:"Gastfamilien sind: -Einzelzimmer -Frühstück -Badezimmer -Zu Fuß von der Schule Gastfamilien können die Schüler direkt die Bahia Lebensweise durch den täglichen Kontakt mit Brasilianer probieren. Alle Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten beginnt am Sonntag und endet am Samstag Morgen. Studenten, die bei einer Gastfamilie bleiben möglicherweise die Möglichkeit, Halbpension";}i:1;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:14:"Einfache Hotel";s:11:"descripcion";s:508:"Alle Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten beginnt am Sonntag und endet am Samstag Morgen. Zusätzliche Übernachtungen können erworben werden, wenn der Student ankommen, bevor Sonntag oder Samstag verlassen muss. Doppelzimmer können nur von zwei Personen, was bedeutet, dass Kunden eine buchen können nicht gebucht werden Halbjahr Doppelzimmer. -Einfache Hotel verfügt über: -Kleine und einfache Zimmer -Frühstück -Klimaanlage -Badezimmer -Kühlschrank -Safe -5 Minuten Fuß vom Strand und der Schule ";}i:2;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:10:"Gästehaus";s:11:"descripcion";s:512:"Frühstück . Badezimmer auf der Etage . Direkt am Strand (50 m) . Zu Fuß von der Schule entfernt (15 Minuten) . Einfache Küche. Kleine Wäscherei . Zimmer mit Ventilator oder Klimaanlage . 4 bis 6 Personen Zimmer Preis: je nach Saison. Dies ist eine preiswerte und gute Option für junge Menschen oder Rucksacktouristen mögen zu gehen in der Nacht, nahe zur Schule und zum Strand. Dies ist auch eine Möglichkeit, Menschen aus anderen Teilen von Brasilien sowie Praxis Ihre Portugiesisch gerecht.";}i:3;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:11:"Gastfamilie";s:11:"descripcion";s:380:"Gastfamilien sind: -Einzelzimmer -Frühstück -Badezimmer -Zu Fuß von der Schule Gastfamilien können die Schüler direkt die Bahia Lebensweise durch den täglichen Kontakt mit Brasilianer probieren. Alle Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten beginnt am Sonntag und endet am Samstag Morgen. Studenten, die bei einer Gastfamilie bleiben möglicherweise die Möglichkeit, Halbpension";}i:4;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:34:"Schulwohnheim - Einzelzimmer + Bad";s:11:"descripcion";s:419:". Einzel- oder gemeinsam genutzten Raum. Wäscherei. Grosse Küche. Kostenlose Bettwäsche und Decken auf dem Bett . Zu Fuß zur Schule und zum Strand (10 Minuten) . Kostenloser Internetzugang und WiFi, TV-Raum. Sichere und edlen Bereich (Restaurants, Kino, Theater, Banken, Einkaufszentrum) Es ist ein großes und schönes Haus, moderne und neue Gebäude, einfache Zimmer, Jugendliche, Kontakt mit Brasilianern. ";}i:5;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:45:"Schulwohnheim - Doppelzimmer + Zimmer mit Bad";s:11:"descripcion";s:419:". Einzel- oder gemeinsam genutzten Raum. Wäscherei. Grosse Küche. Kostenlose Bettwäsche und Decken auf dem Bett . Zu Fuß zur Schule und zum Strand (10 Minuten) . Kostenloser Internetzugang und WiFi, TV-Raum. Sichere und edlen Bereich (Restaurants, Kino, Theater, Banken, Einkaufszentrum) Es ist ein großes und schönes Haus, moderne und neue Gebäude, einfache Zimmer, Jugendliche, Kontakt mit Brasilianern. ";}i:6;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:33:"KARNEVAL - SPEZIELLE UNTERKÜNFTE";s:11:"descripcion";s:135:"Während des Karnevals sind die Unterkunft Preise teurer, aufgrund der Nachfrage. 5 Tage Unterkunft. Identisch mit der Gastfamilie. ";}},[transfer_backup] => ,[autotranslated] => y,[idid] => 1796),[czo0OiIxMDM3IjtiOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 1037,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-02-26 10:28:25,[update_timestamp] => 2023-03-01 19:52:26,[mainimg] => 9233,[location] => ,[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => -23.563441329033004,[longitude] => -46.691733598709106),[videos] => ,[autoterms] => a:3:{s:11:"termselects";a:4:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:0;s:2:"14";}s:12:"cancellation";a:1:{i:2;s:2:"14";}s:9:"refundsub";a:3:{i:1;a:13:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:5;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:8;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:9;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:11;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:12;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:13;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:15;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:16;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:2;a:3:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:3;a:5:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"30";}i:2;a:2:{i:0;s:2:"21";i:1;s:2:"30";}i:3;a:2:{i:0;s:2:"11";i:1;s:2:"20";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"10";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:1;a:6:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"14";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:2:"13";}i:6;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}}s:10:"termchecks";a:6:{s:4:"main";a:3:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";}s:12:"cancellation";a:11:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";i:5;s:1:"1";i:6;s:1:"1";i:7;s:1:"1";i:8;s:1:"1";i:9;s:1:"1";i:10;s:1:"1";}s:6:"refund";s:11:"percentage3";s:9:"refundsub";a:1:{i:3;a:4:{i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";}}s:4:"visa";s:7:"visafee";s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:1;a:5:{i:1;s:1:"1";i:5;s:1:"1";i:6;s:1:"1";i:7;s:1:"1";i:8;s:1:"1";}}}s:10:"terminputs";a:3:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:3;s:2:"18";}s:9:"refundsub";a:2:{i:2;a:2:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}i:3;a:3:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"80";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"70";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"60";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}}}},[currency] => 4,[vatnum] => EXEMPT,[comm_course] => 20,[commission_accomm] => 0,[commission_expense_admin] => 0,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => 0,[order] => ,[active] => y,[respmarketing] => Vilma Gomes,[resp1_charge] => Managing Director,[emailmarketing] => vilma.gomes@ih-saopaulo.com,[resp_reservations] => Vilma Gomes,[resp2_charge] => Managing Director,[email_reservations] => vilma.gomes@ih-saopaulo.com,[skype] => Vilma_Gomes,[phone] => +55 11 2533 3611,[fax] => +55 11 2533 3611,[urlweb] => www.ih-saopaulo.com,[address] => Av. Pedroso de Morais, 783,[address2] => Pinheiros,[cp] => 05419-000,[classrooms] => 6,[averageage] => 3,[minimumage] => 18,[leveltest] => y,[airportdistance] => 35,[nearestairport] => Guarulhos International Airport,[yearschoolopen] => 2001,[openingtimeshi] => 800,[openingtimeshf] => 1800,[openingdays] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5,[5] => 6),[bankname] => INSTITUTO INTERNATIONAL HOUSE SAO PAULO,[banksortcode] => -,[banknumber] => 15253-5,[bankiban] => Bank Branch Name and Code: Pedroso de Morais - 2926,[bankswift] => ITAUBRSP,[bankaddress] => Banco Itau Unibanco S.A. - BANK Code: 341,[bankaddress2] => Av Pedroso de Morais, 1549 – São Paulo – SP - Brazil,[logo] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[transfertmp] => ,[photo] => ,[city] => 148,[com_expenses_admin_accomm] => 0,[bankbic] => ,[accommfee] => 0,[currencytmp] => ,[facilities] => Array ([0] => 5,[1] => 23,[2] => 8,[3] => 1,[4] => 2,[5] => 7,[6] => 4,[7] => 6,[8] => 3,[9] => 16,[10] => 19,[11] => 14),[sysname] => international-house-s-o-paulo,[transfer] => Array ([0] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Guarulhos International Airport,[precio] => 120,[precioiv] => 220,[activa] => ,[school] => 1037,[transfer_id] => 2466)),[holidays] => ,[sales] => 0,[reviewavg] => 0,[country] => 114,[youtube] => ,[accrs] => Array ([0] => 70,[1] => 58,[2] => 72),[pagehits] => 30334,[cancels] => 0,[isready] => y,[manualrating] => 50,[reviewnum] => 0,[refer] => ,[simpleschool] => 0,[cheapestacc] => -1,[rating] => 23.1,[visible] => y,[award] => ,[company] => Instituto International House São Paulo,[regnumber] => 15.567.267/0001-32,[comm_promotion] => 20,[transfer2] => a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:10:"aeropuerto";s:31:"Guarulhos International Airport";s:6:"precio";s:3:"120";s:8:"precioiv";s:3:"220";s:6:"activa";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:1037;s:5:"ownid";i:1037;}},[location_lat] => -23.563441329033004,[location_lng] => -46.691733598709106,[status] => live,[global_discount] => y,[followup_needs_editing] => 0000-00-00,[global_discount_value] => ,[tmpdistance] => ,[ownid] => 1037,[lang] => de,[name] => International House Sao Paulo,[description] => Im Pinheiros neben Vila Madalena und Faria Lima u-Bahnstation gelegen, konnte nicht IH São Paulo eine bessere Lage in der Stadt – ein Viertel entschieden haben wo brauchen Sie nicht zu gehen mehr als ein paar Blöcke um herauszufinden was São Paulo das beste zu bieten - Museen, Plätze, Parks, Bibliotheken, Kulturzentren, Theatern, Buchhandlungen, Einkaufszentren, Galerien, Universitäten, alle Arten von Unternehmen und Banken neben seiner erstaunlichen Anzahl der Balken hat, Restaurants und Nachtclubs.,[details] => ,[amenities] => ,[info_students] => Die Schule ist klein und bietet eine perfekte Umgebung für diejenigen, die Pflege und Aufmerksamkeit. Es ist gut beleuchtet, es hat klimatisierte Klassenräume, einen Studie mit ein Self-access Center mit Computer und TV für Studenten und WLAN-Internetzugang im gesamten Gebäude zur Verfügung. IH São Paulo hat auch ein Reisebüro, nach oben Studie Ausland und Reisen, die bequem direkt neben uns an der Rezeption um den Kontakt mit unseren Schülern zu maximieren befindet, damit sie ihre Ausflüge planen können.,[practice_info] => ,[terms] => Zahlungen können per Banküberweisung oder online über unsere Website gemacht werden und müssen in volle 14 Tage vor dem Kurs Start empfangen werden. Eine Anzahlung muss sofort bei der Buchung fällig. Eine Buchungsbestätigung wird nur gesendet werden, wenn eine Anzahlung eingegangen ist. Zahlung muss alle Bankgebühren für Überweisung (einschließlich zwischengeschaltete Bankgebühren) enthalten. Die Zahlung muss in vollem Umfang vor alle Visum-Dokumente ausgestellt werden. Es gibt eine Gebühr von USD 50 jeder Zeit Dokumente ausgestellt werden müssen.,[url] => ,[separatormetas] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[accomms] => a:0:{},[transfer_backup] => ,[autotranslated] => y,[idid] => 3363),[czo0OiIxNTk5IjtiOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 1599,[insert_timestamp] => 2014-08-31 17:45:54,[update_timestamp] => 2023-03-01 19:52:25,[mainimg] => 57306,[location] => ,[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => -22.9820643,[longitude] => -43.19116489999999),[videos] => -,[autoterms] => a:3:{s:11:"termselects";a:4:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:0;s:2:"14";}s:12:"cancellation";a:1:{i:2;s:2:"14";}s:9:"refundsub";a:3:{i:1;a:13:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"30";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:5;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:8;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:9;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:11;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:12;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:13;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:15;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:16;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:2;a:3:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:3;a:5:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"30";}i:2;a:2:{i:0;s:2:"21";i:1;s:2:"29";}i:3;a:2:{i:0;s:2:"28";i:1;s:2:"15";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"14";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:1;a:6:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:6;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}}s:10:"termchecks";a:5:{s:4:"main";a:4:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";}s:12:"cancellation";a:10:{i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";i:5;s:1:"1";i:6;s:1:"1";i:7;s:1:"1";i:8;s:1:"1";i:9;s:1:"1";i:10;s:1:"1";}s:6:"refund";s:11:"percentage3";s:9:"refundsub";a:2:{i:1;a:4:{i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:4:{i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";}}s:4:"visa";s:2:"no";}s:10:"terminputs";a:3:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:3;s:2:"18";}s:9:"refundsub";a:2:{i:2;a:2:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}i:3;a:3:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"70";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"60";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"50";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}}}},[currency] => 4,[vatnum] => 17.172.869/0001-16,[comm_course] => 15,[commission_accomm] => 15,[commission_expense_admin] => ,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => ,[order] => ,[active] => y,[respmarketing] => ELODIE PIGEON,[resp1_charge] => -,[emailmarketing] => contato@idiomasrio.com.br,[resp_reservations] => Elodie Pigeon,[resp2_charge] => CEO,[email_reservations] => ep@idiomasrio.com.br,[skype] => idiomasrio,[phone] => +55 (21) 3256-4002 / +55 (21) 98330-7273,[fax] => -,[urlweb] => http://idiomasrio.com.br/,[address] => Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, 1226, room 1202, Copacabana,[address2] => -,[cp] => 22070-012,[classrooms] => 3,[averageage] => 8,[minimumage] => 18,[leveltest] => y,[airportdistance] => 25,[nearestairport] => Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro-Galeão,[yearschoolopen] => 2011,[openingtimeshi] => 900,[openingtimeshf] => 830,[openingdays] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5),[bankname] => Idiomas Rio,[banksortcode] => Agência: 0395 ,[banknumber] => 02266-8,[bankiban] => -,[bankswift] => ITAUBRSP,[bankaddress] => Itaú Unibanco S.A,[bankaddress2] => Ag 0395 Rio Barata Ribeiro Rua Barata Ribeiro,573 Rio de Janeiro, RJ,[logo] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[transfertmp] => ,[photo] => ,[city] => 769,[com_expenses_admin_accomm] => 0,[bankbic] => ,[accommfee] => ,[currencytmp] => ,[facilities] => Array ([0] => 17,[1] => 15,[2] => 23,[3] => 22,[4] => 8,[5] => 1,[6] => 2,[7] => 7,[8] => 6,[9] => 19),[sysname] => idiomas-rio,[transfer] => Array ([0] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro-Galeão,[precio] => 100,[precioiv] => 200,[activa] => y),[1] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro-Galeão,[precio] => 100,[precioiv] => 200,[active] => y,[transfer_id] => 3042)),[holidays] => ,[sales] => 0,[reviewavg] => 0,[country] => 114,[youtube] => ,[accrs] => Array (),[pagehits] => 17071,[cancels] => 0,[isready] => y,[manualrating] => 50,[reviewnum] => 0,[refer] => ,[simpleschool] => 0,[cheapestacc] => 0,[rating] => 0,[visible] => y,[award] => ,[company] => IDIOMAS RIO,[regnumber] => 17.172.869/0001-16,[comm_promotion] => 20,[transfer2] => ,[location_lat] => ,[location_lng] => ,[status] => live,[global_discount] => y,[followup_needs_editing] => 2014-09-02,[global_discount_value] => ,[tmpdistance] => ,[ownid] => 1599,[lang] => de,[name] => IDIOMAS RIO,[description] => IDIOMAS RIO, the best language school in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, offers Portuguese Immersion Programs for foreigners. We have Portuguese intensive, semi-intensive and regular Portuguese courses for small groups (3 to 8 students) and individuals. IDIOMAS RIO works with qualified native teachers. What sets us apart is our flexibility in adapting to the needs of each student. Students can plan their lessons at any place, any hour of the day and can also enjoy tailored classes.,[details] => ,[amenities] => ,[info_students] => Our intensive courses are located in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, and include 3 hours of daily classes - Monday to Friday. Our classroom environment is very pleasant. We focus on communication, grammar and Brazilian culture (music, dances, habits, and so on). IDIOMAS RIO invites students to participate actively, through dynamic, cultural activities, which enrich learning! You can stay with a Brazilian family or rent an apartment one block away from Copacabana beach. You can also enjoy day and night tours and activities on the beach (Paddle boarding, Volley ball, Soccer, and many others) through out Rio de Janeiro! Brazil is waiting for you! Learn Portuguese with our friendly team! ,[practice_info] => ,[terms] => Payments may be made by bank transfer and must be received in full 14 days prior to the course start date. Payment must include all bank transfer charges (including intermediary bank charges). Payment must be received in full prior to any visa documents being issued. There is a charge of USD 50 each time documents have to be issued.,[url] => ,[separatormetas] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[accomms] => ,[transfer_backup] => ,[autotranslated] => n,[idid] => 12868)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Courses_Model] => Courses_Model Object ([] => Array ([15] => Array ([id] => 15,[symbol] => $,[value] => 0.0010812463,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-12 12:30:01,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:10,[iso] => ARS,[ownid] => 15,[lang] => de,[name] => Argentinischer Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 72),[6] => Array ([id] => 6,[symbol] => AU$,[value] => 0.60133155,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:16:38,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:44,[iso] => AUD,[ownid] => 6,[lang] => de,[name] => Australischer Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 30),[17] => Array ([id] => 17,[symbol] => R$,[value] => 0.18463669,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-08-31 11:32:44,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:00,[iso] => BRL,[ownid] => 17,[lang] => de,[name] => Brazilian real,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 82),[8] => Array ([id] => 8,[symbol] => C$,[value] => 0.67888801,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 19:43:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:19,[iso] => CAD,[ownid] => 8,[lang] => de,[name] => Kanada-Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 40),[9] => Array ([id] => 9,[symbol] => CN¥,[value] => 0.12774515,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-04-27 20:54:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:37,[iso] => CNY,[ownid] => 9,[lang] => de,[name] => Chinesischer Renminbi Yuan,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 45),[16] => Array ([id] => 16,[symbol] => CO$,[value] => 0.00023719435,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-24 11:14:42,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:46:18,[iso] => COP,[ownid] => 16,[lang] => de,[name] => kolumbianischer Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 77),[1] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => de,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 6),[12] => Array ([id] => 12,[symbol] => INR,[value] => 0.011054872,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 12:11:18,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:47:35,[iso] => INR,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Indische Rupie,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 60),[3] => Array ([id] => 3,[symbol] => ¥,[value] => 0.0060982004,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:31,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:48:12,[iso] => JPY,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => de,[name] => Yen,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 8),[7] => Array ([id] => 7,[symbol] => M$,[value] => 0.19495678,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:25:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:02,[iso] => MYR,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => de,[name] => Malaysia Ringgits,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 35),[14] => Array ([id] => 14,[symbol] => MX$,[value] => 0.0550712,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-04-11 19:41:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:20,[iso] => MXN,[ownid] => 14,[lang] => de,[name] => Mexikanischer Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 67),[11] => Array ([id] => 11,[symbol] => NZ$,[value] => 0.55383736,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 11:07:22,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:51,[iso] => NZD,[ownid] => 11,[lang] => de,[name] => New Zealand Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 55),[13] => Array ([id] => 13,[symbol] => S/,[value] => 0.25020781,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-03-09 00:03:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:50:31,[iso] => PEN,[ownid] => 13,[lang] => en,[name] => Peruvian Nuevo Sol,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 63),[2] => Array ([id] => 2,[symbol] => £,[value] => 1.1635878,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:08:59,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:04,[iso] => GBP,[ownid] => 2,[lang] => de,[name] => Bitisches Pfund ,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 7),[21] => Array ([id] => 21,[symbol] => руб.,[value] => 0.010022757,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2014-02-07 10:50:56,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:35,[iso] => RU,[ownid] => 21,[lang] => de,[name] => Russischer Rubel,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 193),[5] => Array ([id] => 5,[symbol] => ZAR,[value] => 0.048632431,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-02-14 14:09:17,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:09,[iso] => ZAR,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => de,[name] => South Africa Rand,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 25),[10] => Array ([id] => 10,[symbol] => F,[value] => 1.0285768,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-05-11 13:17:07,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:40,[iso] => CHF,[ownid] => 10,[lang] => de,[name] => Schweizer Franken,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 50),[19] => Array ([id] => 19,[symbol] => ฿,[value] => 0.025395918,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-10 20:00:02,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:54:05,[iso] => THB,[ownid] => 19,[lang] => de,[name] => Thailändischer Baht,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 93),[4] => Array ([id] => 4,[symbol] => U$D,[value] => 0.92336283,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:55:57,[iso] => USD,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => de,[name] => US Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 9)),[] => Array ([15] => Array ([id] => 15,[symbol] => $,[value] => 0.0010812463,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-12 12:30:01,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:10,[iso] => ARS,[ownid] => 15,[lang] => de,[name] => Argentinischer Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 72),[6] => Array ([id] => 6,[symbol] => AU$,[value] => 0.60133155,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:16:38,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:44,[iso] => AUD,[ownid] => 6,[lang] => de,[name] => Australischer Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 30),[17] => Array ([id] => 17,[symbol] => R$,[value] => 0.18463669,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-08-31 11:32:44,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:00,[iso] => BRL,[ownid] => 17,[lang] => de,[name] => Brazilian real,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 82),[8] => Array ([id] => 8,[symbol] => C$,[value] => 0.67888801,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 19:43:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:19,[iso] => CAD,[ownid] => 8,[lang] => de,[name] => Kanada-Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 40),[9] => Array ([id] => 9,[symbol] => CN¥,[value] => 0.12774515,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-04-27 20:54:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:37,[iso] => CNY,[ownid] => 9,[lang] => de,[name] => Chinesischer Renminbi Yuan,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 45),[16] => Array ([id] => 16,[symbol] => CO$,[value] => 0.00023719435,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-24 11:14:42,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:46:18,[iso] => COP,[ownid] => 16,[lang] => de,[name] => kolumbianischer Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 77),[1] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => de,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 6),[12] => Array ([id] => 12,[symbol] => INR,[value] => 0.011054872,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 12:11:18,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:47:35,[iso] => INR,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Indische Rupie,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 60),[3] => Array ([id] => 3,[symbol] => ¥,[value] => 0.0060982004,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:31,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:48:12,[iso] => JPY,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => de,[name] => Yen,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 8),[7] => Array ([id] => 7,[symbol] => M$,[value] => 0.19495678,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:25:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:02,[iso] => MYR,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => de,[name] => Malaysia Ringgits,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 35),[14] => Array ([id] => 14,[symbol] => MX$,[value] => 0.0550712,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-04-11 19:41:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:20,[iso] => MXN,[ownid] => 14,[lang] => de,[name] => Mexikanischer Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 67),[11] => Array ([id] => 11,[symbol] => NZ$,[value] => 0.55383736,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 11:07:22,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:51,[iso] => NZD,[ownid] => 11,[lang] => de,[name] => New Zealand Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 55),[13] => Array ([id] => 13,[symbol] => S/,[value] => 0.25020781,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-03-09 00:03:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:50:31,[iso] => PEN,[ownid] => 13,[lang] => en,[name] => Peruvian Nuevo Sol,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 63),[2] => Array ([id] => 2,[symbol] => £,[value] => 1.1635878,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:08:59,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:04,[iso] => GBP,[ownid] => 2,[lang] => de,[name] => Bitisches Pfund ,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 7),[21] => Array ([id] => 21,[symbol] => руб.,[value] => 0.010022757,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2014-02-07 10:50:56,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:35,[iso] => RU,[ownid] => 21,[lang] => de,[name] => Russischer Rubel,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 193),[5] => Array ([id] => 5,[symbol] => ZAR,[value] => 0.048632431,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-02-14 14:09:17,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:09,[iso] => ZAR,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => de,[name] => South Africa Rand,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 25),[10] => Array ([id] => 10,[symbol] => F,[value] => 1.0285768,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-05-11 13:17:07,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:40,[iso] => CHF,[ownid] => 10,[lang] => de,[name] => Schweizer Franken,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 50),[19] => Array ([id] => 19,[symbol] => ฿,[value] => 0.025395918,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-10 20:00:02,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:54:05,[iso] => THB,[ownid] => 19,[lang] => de,[name] => Thailändischer Baht,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 93),[4] => Array ([id] => 4,[symbol] => U$D,[value] => 0.92336283,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:55:57,[iso] => USD,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => de,[name] => US Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 9)),[] => Array ([US] => Array ([id] => 34,[language] => 2,[languageb] => 11,[currency] => 4,[image] => usa.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:09,[iso2] => US,[iso3] => USA,[importantcities] => a:10:{i:119;i:4;i:131;i:3;i:1;i:1;i:177;i:1;i:113;i:1;i:81;i:1;i:2;i:1;i:93;i:1;i:176;i:1;i:64;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:10:{i:131;a:1:{i:928;i:3;}i:93;a:1:{i:497;i:1;}i:119;a:2:{i:540;i:3;i:750;i:1;}i:176;a:1:{i:650;i:1;}i:2;a:1:{i:472;i:1;}i:64;a:1:{i:447;i:1;}i:113;a:1:{i:524;i:1;}i:1;a:1:{i:514;i:1;}i:177;a:1:{i:651;i:1;}i:81;a:1:{i:478;i:1;}},[nameold] => United States of America,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => -7,[sales] => 141,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 3,[reviewsnum] => 189,[reviewspoints] => 900,[ownid] => 34,[lang] => de,[name] => Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika,[title] => Sprachreise USA: Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Englisch sprachkurs in USA!,[description] =>

                      Sprachreise USASuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für Englische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule in USA?
                      Für welche Sprachweiterbildung auch auch immer, Language Bookings wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum güstigsten Preis!

                      Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Englischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten in USA, bis Du „Deinen Englischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                      Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen von USA zu verschaffen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Englischschulen in USA an.

                      Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Englisch in USA zu lernen.

                      Unsere Service Garantie

                       Beste-Preis Garantie

                      Beste-Preis Garantie

                      100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                      Excellent Advice

                      Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                      Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                      100% Confirmed

                      Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                      Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                      Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                      Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr





                      ,[sysname] => vereinigte-staaten-von-amerika,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Sprachreise USA, {LANG} Sprachreisen, Sprachschule USA,[mdesc] => {LANG} Sprachreisen nach USA. Besonderen Angeboten für {LANG} Sprachkurse. Sprachreisen kombinieren Sie Urlaub mit Sprachkurs!,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 514)),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([106] => 6,[413] => 0,[414] => 0,[415] => 0,[416] => 0,[417] => 0,[418] => 0,[419] => 0,[420] => 0,[421] => 0,[412] => 0,[411] => 0,[127] => 0,[403] => 0,[404] => 0,[405] => 0,[406] => 0,[407] => 0,[408] => 0,[409] => 0,[410] => 0,[422] => 0),[] => Array ([20-25] => 1452,[15-19] => 784,[26-30] => 409,[10-14] => 96,[1-9] => 77,[31-35] => 11,[36-9999] => 7),[] => Array ([1-9] => Array ([0] => 0,[1] => 9),[10-14] => Array ([0] => 10,[1] => 14),[15-19] => Array ([0] => 15,[1] => 19),[20-25] => Array ([0] => 20,[1] => 25),[26-30] => Array ([0] => 26,[1] => 30),[31-35] => Array ([0] => 31,[1] => 35),[36-9999] => Array ([0] => 36,[1] => 9999)),[] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name)),[key] => 1),[separador_type] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Kunst des Monatsmiete)),[sku] => Array ([name] => Kurs-Verweis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([rows] => 10,[limit] => 20,[tip] => Dies ist für Ihren Gebrauch bestimmt und werden nicht sichtbar für Studenten),[listable] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([events] => Array ([onchange] => $.post('/backend/select_language/'+ $('#language').val(),'',function(data) { $('#category').replaceWith(data['widget']['category']); $('#mg-field-calification .controls').html(data['widget']['calification']); },'json');),[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)),[tip] => In diesem Kurs unterrichtete Sprache)),[category] => Array ([name] => Course Type,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ()),[lessons] => Array ([name] => Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => per week),[listable] => 1),[duration_lesson] => Array ([name] => Lesson duration,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => Minutes)),[avgclasssize] => Array ([name] => Average class size,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)))),[max_students_class] => Array ([name] => Max class size,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)))),[age_min] => Array ([name] => Minimum age,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)))),[classdays] => Array ([name] => Class dates,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 7),[values] => Array ([1] => Montag,[2] => Dienstag,[3] => Mittwoch,[4] => Donnerstag,[5] => Freitag,[6] => Samstag,[7] => Sonntag))),[hstart] => Array ([name] => Class times,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[prepend] => Startzeit ,[continue] => 1),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00),[listable] => 1),[hend] => Array ([name] => end,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[prepend] => Abschlusszeit ),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00)),[certificate] => Array ([name] => Am Ende des Kurses Zertifikat,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein)))),[levels] => Array ([name] => Course levels,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[rows] => 2),[filler] => Array ([model] => levels,[label] => name))),[calification] => Array ([name] => Qualification,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[rows] => 2),[values] => Array ())),[separador_images] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Bildergalerie,[description] => To upload pictures click on the "browse button" and select as many pictures as you want, then click on the "Open" button on the window and all the pictures will upload, to select the main picture just click on one picture and save. The more pictures you upload the more attractive your profile will become. This gallery is shared with school gallery. Don't delete it. Image must be greater than 800x600px)),[mainimg] => Array ([name] => Hochladen Sie Bilder:,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Images,[label] => image,[filter] => Array ([school] => {ID}))),[data] => Array ()),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Beschreibung)),[title] => Array ([name] => Titel des Kurses,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Kursbeschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([rows] => 10,[limit] => 20,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1),[separador_geotargeting] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Geotargeting,[description] => Geo-targeting ist die Methode der Bestimmung der Geolocation eines Website-Besuchers und Bereitstellung von Icons für die Besucher, die auf der Grundlage von seinem Speicherort, z. B. Land-IP-Adresse. Sie sind in der Lage, eine spezielle Preisliste für Studenten, die ein bestimmtes Land oder eine Reihe von Ländern auf der Grundlage festgelegt. Auf diese Weise werden wir in der Lage, unterschiedliche Preise je nachdem, wo der Student kommt zu verwalten.)),[geotargeting_option] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting für,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([all] => Array ([name] => Alle,[default] => 1),[exclude] => Array ([name] => Ausschließen ausgewählt),[include] => Array ([name] => Enthalten ausgewählte)))),[geotargeting_select] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting Länder,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal)),[separador_price] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Kurspreis und Termine)),[charges_admin] => Array ([name] => Registration fee,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([currency] => ,[width] => 70,[tip] => Bitte geben Sie den Vorwurf, die Studenten für das Recht zur Teilnahme an des Sprachkurs beurteilt)),[material_type] => Array ([name] => Books & materials,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 3),[values] => Array ([included] => Array ([name] => Im Preis inbegriffen,[default] => 1),[optional] => Array ([name] => Nicht inbegriffen im Preis und nicht obligatorisch),[mandatory] => Array ([name] => Nicht inbegriffen im Preis und verbindliche)))),[material] => Array ([name] => Book and materials price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([currency] => ,[width] => 70,[tip] => Bitte geben Sie die Gebühr für die Materialien und Bücher, die im Unterricht verwendet)),[type_course] => Array ([name] => Kursbeginn,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[values] => Array ([normal] => Array ([name] => Saisonale Preisliste,[default] => 1),[fijo] => Array ([name] => Fixtermin-Preise,[default] => )),[events] => Array ())),[price] => Array ([name] => Kurs-Preisliste,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wochen {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => courses,[colspan] => 1,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice)))),[separador_discount] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Rabatt,[description] => From this section you will be able to give a special discount and/or increase the commission rate for the selected period. Just add the percentage discount you want to give on the tuition prices added on the price list section, select the dates and click save. Done!

                      This discount and or promotion will appear on our home page, in the special offer section, highlighted on the search results page and other sections of LanguageBookings.com and partner websites. The higher the discount and the commission given on the promotion, the more visibility your promotion will have.)),[discount_active] => Array ([name] => Discount Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[discount] => Array ([name] => Discount,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[default] => 1,[tip] => %,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => number,[step] => any),[1] => Array ([type] => greater_than,[value] => -1),[2] => Array ([type] => less_than,[value] => 100)))),[minweeks] => Array ([name] => Minimum weeks,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ([1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20,[21] => 21,[22] => 22,[23] => 23,[24] => 24,[25] => 25,[26] => 26,[27] => 27,[28] => 28,[29] => 29,[30] => 30,[31] => 31,[32] => 32,[33] => 33,[34] => 34,[35] => 35,[36] => 36,[37] => 37,[38] => 38,[39] => 39,[40] => 40,[41] => 41,[42] => 42,[43] => 43,[44] => 44,[45] => 45,[46] => 46,[47] => 47,[48] => 48,[49] => 49,[50] => 50,[51] => 51,[52] => 52)),[maxweeks] => Array ([name] => Maximum weeks,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ([0] => Unlimited,[1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20,[21] => 21,[22] => 22,[23] => 23,[24] => 24,[25] => 25,[26] => 26,[27] => 27,[28] => 28,[29] => 29,[30] => 30,[31] => 31,[32] => 32,[33] => 33,[34] => 34,[35] => 35,[36] => 36,[37] => 37,[38] => 38,[39] => 39,[40] => 40,[41] => 41,[42] => 42,[43] => 43,[44] => 44,[45] => 45,[46] => 46,[47] => 47,[48] => 48,[49] => 49,[50] => 50,[51] => 51,[52] => 52)),[discount_publication_start] => Array ([name] => Booking start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird veröffentlicht und kann gebucht werden)),[discount_publication_end] => Array ([name] => Booking End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird nicht veröffentlicht und kann nicht gebucht werden)),[discount_reservation_start] => Array ([name] => Course start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Ab wann der Kurs stattfinden wird)),[discount_reservation_end] => Array ([name] => Course End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Wenn der Kurs schließen oder beenden wird)),[commission] => Array ([name] => Commission on tuition,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => This is the commission you will pay when we sell this course with this promotion.)),[separador_other] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Andere )),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[holidays] => Array ([name] => Holidays,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[price_particular] => Array ([name] => price classes particulars,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Preis hinzufügen,[fields] => Array ([volume] => Array ([name] => Anzahl der Klassen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => form,[width] => 75,[tip] => )),[price] => Array ([name] => Gesamtpreis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €))))),[horary_course] => Array ([name] => Comment of horary,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[url] => Array ([name] => URL,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Desc,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keys,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array ([sku] => Array ([name] => Course references),[lessons] => Array ([name] => Lessons per week),[hstart] => Array ([name] => Class time),[complete_name] => Array ([name] => Save Order,[function] => Closure Object ()),[active_] => Array ([name] => Status,[function] => Closure Object ())),[] => courses,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 0,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`courses` main) JOIN `courses_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `language` = '12' AND school IN(SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active = 'y' AND s.city IN (SELECT c.id FROM cities c WHERE c.country = '114' AND c.active = 'y')) AND category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND school IN (SELECT school FROM schoolsaccomms WHERE type_accomm = 13) AND school IN (SELECT school FROM schoolsaccomms WHERE persons = '6' OR persons = '7') AND `category` IN ('127', '127≤vel=4') AND `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `rating` DESC,[] => `order`,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => sku,[2] => lessons,[3] => order),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[form_validation] => CI_Form_validation Object ([] => Coursessearch Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] =>

                      ,[] =>

                      ,[] => ,[] => ),[Promotions_Model] => Promotions_Model Object ([] => Array (),[data] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([separador_promotions] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([description] => Wir entwickeln ständig neue Werkzeuge um Ihre Schule alles bieten, was es braucht, um Geld zu verdienen und erfolgreich zu sein. Bitte geben Sie die Einzelheiten für Ihr Geschäft, einschließlich Preis, Wert und Titel. Legen Sie die Bedingungen, bei Target und der Zeitplan für Ihr Angebot. Sie werden mehrere Sub-Angebote für dasselbe (Haupt-) hinzufügen können. Bitte klicken Sie auf "Senden zur Genehmigung" Ihr Geschäft zur Genehmigung vorzulegen. Sobald LanguageBookings, Ihr Geschäft veröffentlicht und wird beworben.

                      Tips :
                      · Geben Sie einen attraktiven Rabatt für Studenten und auf der Förderung-Titel anzeigen.
                      · Nicht nur über den Preis konkurrieren, sondern einen Mehrwert für Ihr Angebot Standardkurs

                      )),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[school] => Array ([name] => Schulen,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([tip] => Wählen Sie die Schule der Förderung,[filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[listable] => 1),[status] => Array ([name] => Status,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([tip] => Only applicable if active is no),[data] => Array ([] => Bitte Wählen Sie,[1] => Ausstehende für ausrücklichen,[2] => Bedürfnisse bearbeiten,[3] => Leben,[4] => Unveröffentlicht,[5] => Abgelaufen),[listable] => 1),[name] => Array ([name] => Förderung-Verweis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[listable] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([events] => Array ([onchange] => $.post('/backend/select_language/'+ $('#language').val(),'',function(data) { $('#category').replaceWith(data['widget']['category']); $('#mg-field-calification .controls').html(data['widget']['calification']); },'json');),[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)),[tip] => In diesem Kurs unterrichtete Sprache)),[category] => Array ([name] => Course Type,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([] => Select a language)),[persons] => Array ([name] => Students,[widget] => select,[data] => Array ([1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20),[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[tip] => Minimum Anzahl der Schüler, der Toguether dieses Paket buchen),[listable] => 1),[accomm_included] => Array ([name] => Unterkunft,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([tip] => Wählen Sie Ja, wenn die Unterkunft in dieser Aktion enthalten ist,[values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[startpublish] => Array ([name] => Buchung-Startdatum,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[width] => 75,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird veröffentlicht und kann gebucht werden)),[endpublish] => Array ([name] => Buchung Ende,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[width] => 75,[class] => form,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird nicht veröffentlicht und kann nicht gebucht werden)),[startpromotion] => Array ([name] => Kursbeginn,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[tip] => Ab wann der Kurs stattfinden wird)),[endpromotion] => Array ([name] => Ende des Kurses,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[tip] => Wenn der Kurs schließen oder beenden wird)),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Titel und Beschreibung der Förderung)),[title] => Array ([name] => Förderung-Titel,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[tip] => Verwenden Sie einen kurzen und einprägsamen Titel!),[description] => Array ([name] => Förderung Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([tip] => Bitte geben Sie eine kurze Beschreibung der Förderung/Paket),[multilang] => 1),[images] => Array ([name] => Bilder,[widget] => multipleimg2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[90x90] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[separador_geotargeting] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Geotargeting,[description] => Geo-targeting ist die Methode der Bestimmung der Geolocation eines Website-Besuchers und Bereitstellung von Icons für die Besucher, die auf der Grundlage von seinem Speicherort, z. B. Land-IP-Adresse. Sie sind in der Lage, eine spezielle Preisliste für Studenten, die ein bestimmtes Land oder eine Reihe von Ländern auf der Grundlage festgelegt. Auf diese Weise werden wir in der Lage, unterschiedliche Preise je nachdem, wo der Student kommt zu verwalten.)),[geotargeting_option] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting für,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([all] => Array ([name] => Alle Länder,[default] => 1),[exclude] => Array ([name] => Ausschließen ausgewählt),[include] => Array ([name] => Enthalten ausgewählte)))),[geotargeting_select] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting Länder,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal)),[separador_subdeals] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Sub befasst sich,[description] => Sie werden mehrere Sub-Angebote für dasselbe (Haupt-) hinzufügen können. Jetzt kann jedes Geschäft bieten Ihnen mehrere verschiedene Angebote-Typen haben, die ist perfekt für Ihre Schule bieten eine Vielzahl von Angebote, die allen Marktsegmenten locken zu lassen. Zum Beispiel können Sie Sub-Angebote bieten das gleiche Angebot aber für unterschiedliche Preise. Beispielsweise könnte eine Schule 4 Wochen mit einem Rabatt von 25 %, 8 Wochen mit einem Rabatt von 50 % und so weiter anbieten. Eine weitere Möglichkeit, die Sie verwenden können, Sub-Angebote ist ein Geschäft für Freunde zusammen kommen oder ein Sub-Deal für Familien zu bieten.)),[subdeals] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => dynamictable,[options] => Array ([template] => promotion_subdeal,[defaultrow] => 1,[text_add] => Neue Sub-deal,[fields] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1),[type] => Array ([name] => Elementtyp,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([days] => Array ([name] => Tage),[weeks] => Array ([name] => Wochen),[month] => Array ([name] => Monate),[years] => Array ([name] => Jahre),[other] => Array ([name] => Andere ,[default] => 1)))),[precioneto] => Array ([name] => Sonderpreis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[preciobruto] => Array ([name] => Originalpreis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[percentdiscount] => Array ([name] => Prozent Rabatt,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[comision] => Array ([name] => Kommission,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Kontos Angebot an LanguageBookings.com,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))))))),[] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => Schools),[status2] => Array ([name] => Status,[function] => Closure Object ()),[name] => Array ([name] => Reference Name),[persons] => Array ([name] => Persons),[sendforapproval] => Array ([name] => Sent for approval)),[] => promotions,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Reviewmails_Model] => Reviewmails_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[lastname] => Array ([name] => Nachname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[email] => Array ([name] => E-Mail,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name))),[review] => Array ([name] => Review,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ()),[idi] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([default] => en,[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name))),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1))))),[] => Array (),[] => reviewmails,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => insert_timestamp DESC,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => lastname,[3] => email),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Images_Model] => Images_Model Object ([] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select))),[key] => 1),[name] => Array ([name] => Titelbild (Praktikant),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validate] => Array ()),[listable] => 1),[image] => Array ([name] => Foto,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[empty] => 1,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[114x114] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[238x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[349x220] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)))),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => images,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => school,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Packages_Model] => Packages_Model Object ([] => Array (),[data] => Array (),[] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name))),[reference] => Array ([name] => Referenz,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([counter] => 500),[multilang] => 1),[persons] => Array ([name] => Persons,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ()),[include] => Array ([name] => Enthalten,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([course] => Sprachniveau,[course+accomm] => Sprachniveau + Inlineskaten,[course+accomm+collection] => Sprachniveau + Inlineskaten + Sammlung)),[extras] => Array ([name] => Deal extras,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Dealsextras,[label] => name))),[bstart] => Array ([name] => Booking Start,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[bend] => Array ([name] => Booking End,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[cstart] => Array ([name] => Course Start,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[cend] => Array ([name] => Course End,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[url] => Array ([name] => URL,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1),[listable] => ),[price] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([defaultrow] => 1,[text_add] => Preis hinzufügen,[fields] => Array ([semanas] => Array ([name] => Wochen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form validateInteger)),[precioneto] => Array ([name] => Netto Preis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[class] => form validateFloat),[multilang] => ),[preciobruto] => Array ([name] => Brutto Preis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form validateFloat))))),[course] => Array ([name] => Course,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[accomm] => Array ([name] => Accomm,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[collection] => Array ([name] => Transfer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => packages,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => school,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => reference,[2] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Categories_Model] => Categories_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array ([segment] => Array ([name] => Segment,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => segments,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[idi] => Array ([name] => Gehört zur,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[categorytemplate] => Array ([name] => Kategorie Vorlagen,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => categoriestemplates,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Titel,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separator_country] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Countries Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[title_country] => Array ([name] => Titel für Länder,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description_country] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung für Länder,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separator_city] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Cities Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[title_city] => Array ([name] => Titel für Städte,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description_city] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung für Städte,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[url] => Array ([name] => URL,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1)),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Landing,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle3] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search + Location,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle4] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search + country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => categories,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order asc,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => title,[3] => title_country,[4] => title_city,[5] => url),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Qualifications_Model] => Qualifications_Model Object ([] => Array ([idi] => Array ([name] => Gehört zur,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[empty] => 1)),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search + Location,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => URL,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => qualifications,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Discount_Model] => Discount_Model Object ([] => 3,[] => Array ([descuento] => Array ([name] => Descuento,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => %),[multilang] => ),[descuentomax] => Array ([name] => Descuento Máx.,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => €),[multilang] => )),[] => Array (),[] => discount,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => descuento,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Pages_Model] => Pages_Model Object ([] => Array ([title] => Array ([name] => Título,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[listable] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[searcheable] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1,[visual] => 1),[images] => Array ([name] => Images,[widget] => multipleimg2,[options] => Array ([block] => imgupload,[dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[empty] => 1,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[114x114] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[multilang] => )),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdescription] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[sort] => Array ([name] => Sort,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[directaccess] => Array ([name] => Direct Access,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)),[tip] => this page will be listed on the sitemap)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => pages,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => title,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => title,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Wishlist_Model] => Wishlist_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[user] => Array ([name] => Benutzer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Users,[label] => name)),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => wishlist,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => user),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Accreditations_Model] => Accreditations_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Titel,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x75] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1)),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => accreditations,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 129,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accreditations` main) JOIN `accreditations_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => title),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Segments_Model] => Segments_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separadornewlanding] => Array ([name] => New contents for landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title] => Array ([name] => Short Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description] => Array ([name] => Short Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image_language_small] => Array ([name] => Small Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[long_title] => Array ([name] => Long Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[long_description] => Array ([name] => Long Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image_language_large] => Array ([name] => Large Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[90x90] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[segment] => Array ([name] => Beiträge zu diesem segment,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => segments,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[separator_country] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Countries Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title_country] => Array ([name] => Short Title Country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description_country] => Array ([name] => Short Description Country,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separator_city] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Cities Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title_city] => Array ([name] => Short Title City,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description_city] => Array ([name] => Short Description City,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[filter] => Array ([name] => Beiträge zu diesem filter,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Example: 0-14)),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle3] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle4] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang + Location Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle5] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang + Country Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[home_publish] => Array ([name] => Published at home,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1))))),[] => Array (),[] => segments,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order asc,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => segment = 0,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([YToxOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6NjoiYWR1bHRzIjt9YjowO047] => Array ([id] => 1,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-08-01 18:21:06,[update_timestamp] => 2014-09-09 14:17:31,[sysname] => adults,[order] => 0,[active] => y,[image_language_small] => 2Ys000336_1.jpg,[image_language_large] => adults1.jpg,[segment] => 0,[filter] => ,[home_publish] => n,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => de,[name] => Sprachreisen für Erwachsene,[description] =>
                      Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene. Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten Sprachkurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden im Ausland tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
                      ,[short_title] => {LANG}kurse für Erwachsene,[short_description] =>

                      Mit ei­ner Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.

                      ,[short_title_country] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[short_description_country] =>
                      Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene, Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten {LANG}kurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
                      ,[short_title_city] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[short_description_city] =>

                      {LANG} lernen in {LOCATION} für einen Sommer , wird ein paar Wochen , Monate oder ein Jahr als Erwachsener geben Ihnen eine neue Perspektive auf sich. Wohnen in {LOCATION} wird ständig fordern Sie sich in vielen neuen und aufregenden Möglichkeiten und gewinnen ein Maß an Vertrauen in der {LANG}en Sprache. Sie werden in der {LANG}en Sprache , Kultur und Menschen von {LOCATION} eingetaucht werden und lernen Sie das Leben als Einwohner und nicht nur als Tourist zu erleben. Diese {LANG}kurse für Erwachsene und Studenten in {LOCATION} wird Ihnen helfen, die Grammatik und Struktur der {LANG}en Sprache , entwickeln ihre Sprechen, Hören , Lesen und Schreiben Fähigkeiten . Live- Erfahrungen aus erster Hand und Immatrikulation in einen {LANG}kurs für Erwachsene in {LOCATION} heute .

                      ,[long_title] => {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene,[long_description] =>
                      Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene, Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten {LANG}kurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
                      ,[mtitle] => Sprachreisen für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle2] => {LANG} Sprachreisen für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle3] => {LANG} Sprachkurse für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle4] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[mtitle5] => {LANG} Courses in {LOCATION} for Adults and Students,[idid] => 5)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Accommtypes_Model] => Accommtypes_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => accommtypes,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 15,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accommtypes` main) JOIN `accommtypes_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `order` asc,[] => order asc,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Roomtypes_Model] => Roomtypes_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([sysname] => 1),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein))))),[] => Array (),[] => roomtypes,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Landings_Model] => Landings_Model Object ([] => Array ([language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[country] => Array ([name] => Country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[city] => Array ([name] => City,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[segment] => Array ([name] => Segment,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[numcourses] => Array ([name] => Num Courses,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[numcountries] => Array ([name] => Num Countries,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[numcities] => Array ([name] => Num Cities,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[item] => Array ([name] => Item,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[itemtype] => Array ([name] => Item type,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => landings,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => language,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Schoolsaccomms_Model] => Schoolsaccomms_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([separador_schoolaccomm] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Unterkunftstyp)),[type_accomm] => Array ([name] => Accommodation type,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Accommtypes,[label] => name)),[listable] => 1),[food] => Array ([name] => Board,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([sin] => Selbstbedienung,[desayuno] => Frühstück,[media] => Halbpension,[completa] => Vollpension),[listable] => 1),[minimumage] => Array ([name] => Minimum-Alter,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[tip] => Bitte geben Sie das Mindestalter, das die Unterkunft akzeptiert)),[persons] => Array ([name] => Students,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[tip] => Bitte geben Sie die maximale Anzahl von Studenten, die in dem Raum bleiben durfte),[data] => Array ([1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20,[21] => 21,[22] => 22,[23] => 23,[24] => 24,[25] => 25)),[together] => Array ([name] => Nur Teilnehmer Werden Zusammen Gelegt.,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja
                      ),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein,[default] => 1)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Option nur für Gemeinschaftsunterkunft. Wählen Sie "Ja", wenn diese Unterkunft nur ist für die Studierenden zusammen zu buchen, wählen Sie "Nein", wenn diese Unterkunft für Studenten, die Buchung zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten verkauft werden kann oder kundenspezifisch.)),[distance] => Array ([name] => Entfernung Zur Sprachschule,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[continue] => 1)),[distancetype] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([tip] => Geben Sie die durchschnittliche Entfernung oder Zeit von der Unterkunft zur Schule),[data] => Array ([km] => Km,[minutes] => Minuten Zu Fuss,[public] => Minuten Mit Dem Öffentlichen Verkehr)),[requires_collection] => Array ([name] => Abholung Vom Flughafen,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Mandatory
                      ),[n] => Array ([name] => Optional,[default] => 1)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Verwenden Sie "Zwingend", wenn der Student Übertragung auf diese buchen, verwenden Sie Optional, wenn der Student nicht Buch Transfer mit dieser Unterkunft muss buchen muss.)),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja
                      ,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Wenn legen Sie auf "Ja" und es gibt Verfügbarkeit der Schüler werden in der Lage diese Unterkunft buchen, wenn auf "No" gesetzt ist die Unterkunft wird nicht veröffentlicht)),[school] => Array ([name] => Allgemeine Informationen,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name)),[searcheable] => 1),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Beschreibung)),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([sysname] => 1,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([rows] => 10,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1),[separador_images] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Bildergalerie)),[images] => Array ([name] => Hochladen Sie Bilder:,[widget] => multipleimg2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[800x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1)),[separador_facilities] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Einrichtungen)),[facilities_accomm] => Array ([name] => Facilities,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[class] => facilitiesColumns),[filler] => Array ([model] => Accommequipment,[label] => name))),[separador_accomm] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Unterkunftstyp)),[accommfee] => Array ([name] => Placement Fee,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => € If there is a placement fee please enter it here,[width] => 50)),[type] => Array ([name] => Pricing,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([semana] => Array ([name] => Pro Woche
                      ,[default] => 1),[dia] => Array ([name] => Pro Nacht)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Wenn Ihre Preisliste von Woche ist plus Verlängerungsnacht Bitte wählen Sie "pro Woche", wenn Ihre Preisliste pro Nacht verwendet, wählen Sie bitte "pro Nacht".)),[min_days] => Array ([name] => Minimum nights,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Minimale Anzahl der Nächte, die der Gast an der Unterkunft bleiben müssen)),[max_days] => Array ([name] => Maximum nights,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Maximale Anzahl der Nächte, die der Gast an der Unterkunft bleiben können)),[price] => Array ([name] => Course price list,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wochen {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => accomms,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice)),[colspan] => 1)),[for_day] => Array ([name] => Per night,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Preis hinzufügen,[fields] => Array ([comienzo] => Array ([name] => Start,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([width] => 75)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Precio Por noche,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €))),[colspan] => 1,[defaultrow] => 1)),[mainimg] => Array ([name] => Wichtigsten Img,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[individual] => Array ([name] => Room,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([y] => individual,[n] => shared))),[] => Array ([type_accomm] => Array ([name] => Accommodation type),[food] => Array ([name] => Board),[name] => Array ([name] => Name),[active_] => Array ([name] => Status,[function] => Closure Object ())),[] => schoolsaccomms,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => main.id asc,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => school,[2] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[countries_Model] => Countries_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Country Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[languageb] => Array ([name] => Country Language 2,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[currency] => Array ([name] => Currency,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name))),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[separatorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatorcity] => Array ([name] => Metas for Landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => countries,[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 237,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => )),[db] => CI_DB_mysqli_driver Object ([dbdriver] => mysqli,[_escape_char] => `,[_like_escape_str] => ,[_like_escape_chr] => ,[_count_string] => SELECT COUNT(*) AS ,[_random_keyword] => RAND(),[delete_hack] => 1,[use_set_names] => ,[ar_select] => Array ([0] => SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *),[ar_distinct] => ,[ar_from] => Array ([0] => `promotions` main),[ar_join] => Array ([0] => JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en'),[ar_where] => Array ([0] => (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-04-29' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '12' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '114') AND main.category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND main.category IN(127,127≤vel=4) ),[ar_like] => Array (),[ar_groupby] => Array (),[ar_having] => Array (),[ar_keys] => Array (),[ar_limit] => ,[ar_offset] => ,[ar_order] => ,[ar_orderby] => Array ([0] => `main`.`endpublish` ASC),[ar_set] => Array (),[ar_wherein] => Array (),[ar_aliased_tables] => Array ([0] => main,[1] => lang),[ar_store_array] => Array (),[ar_caching] => ,[ar_cache_exists] => Array (),[ar_cache_select] => Array (),[ar_cache_from] => Array (),[ar_cache_join] => Array (),[ar_cache_where] => Array (),[ar_cache_like] => Array (),[ar_cache_groupby] => Array (),[ar_cache_having] => Array (),[ar_cache_orderby] => Array (),[ar_cache_set] => Array (),[ar_no_escape] => Array ([0] => ),[ar_cache_no_escape] => Array (),[username] => lb2,[password] => aHCWz6RE37WXHUZA,[hostname] => localhost,[database] => lb2,[dbprefix] => ,[char_set] => utf8,[dbcollat] => utf8_general_ci,[autoinit] => 1,[swap_pre] => ,[port] => ,[pconnect] => 1,[conn_id] => mysqli Object ([affected_rows] => ,[client_info] => ,[client_version] => ,[connect_errno] => ,[connect_error] => ,[errno] => ,[error] => ,[error_list] => ,[field_count] => ,[host_info] => ,[info] => ,[insert_id] => ,[server_info] => ,[server_version] => ,[stat] => ,[sqlstate] => ,[protocol_version] => ,[thread_id] => ,[warning_count] => ),[result_id] => ,[db_debug] => 1,[benchmark] => 0.015125513076782,[query_count] => 92,[bind_marker] => ?,[save_queries] => 1,[queries] => Array ([0] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `code` = 'de',[1] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `code` = 'de',[2] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[3] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[4] => SELECT * FROM languages_lang WHERE ownid IN(11,20,10,13,14,2,4,17,5,15,19,26,7,6,25,18,21,12,9,3,22,16) AND lang = 'de',[5] => SELECT * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `currency_lang`.`ownid` AND currency_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = 1,[6] => SELECT * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `currency_lang`.`ownid` AND currency_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = 1,[7] => INSERT INTO tracking.lb2_tracker_queue (query) VALUES ('INSERT INTO tracking.lb2_tracker (id,ip,inpag,outpag,intime,views,referer,lastviewtime,browser,affid) VALUES (\'292398519\',INET_ATON(\'\'),\'/search/kurs-portugiesisch/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4\',\'/search/kurs-portugiesisch/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4\',\'2024-04-23 09:22:15\',1,\'https://de.languagebookings.com/search/kurs-portugiesisch/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6%253B7&atype=13&coursetype=127%253B127%25E2%2589%25A4vel=4\',\'2024-04-23 09:22:15\',\'Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com)\',\'\')'),[8] => INSERT DELAYED INTO tracking.lb2_tracker_track (ownid,pag,timestamp,referer,`host`) VALUES ('292398519','/search/kurs-portugiesisch/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6;7&atype=13&coursetype=127;127%E2%89%A4vel=4','2024-04-23 09:22:15','https://de.languagebookings.com/search/kurs-portugiesisch/brazil/program-adults?segment=1&rtype=6%253B7&atype=13&coursetype=127%253B127%25E2%2589%25A4vel=4','de.languagebookings.com'),[9] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `sysname` = 'portugiesisch',[10] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'portugiesisch',[11] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `lang` = 'de' AND `main`.`id` = '12',[12] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `lang` = 'de' AND `main`.`id` = '12',[13] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `sysname` = 'brazil',[14] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'brazil',[15] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `lang` = 'de' AND `main`.`id` = '114',[16] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `lang` = 'de' AND `main`.`id` = '114',[17] => SELECT * FROM (`segments` main) JOIN `segments_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `segments_lang`.`ownid` AND segments_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `sysname` = 'adults',[18] => SELECT * FROM (`segments` main) JOIN `segments_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `segments_lang`.`ownid` AND segments_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `sysname` = 'adults',[19] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[20] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[21] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `code` = 'pt',[22] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `code` = 'pt',[23] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[24] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[25] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[26] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'es' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[27] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[28] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'it' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[29] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[30] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'it' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[31] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[32] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[33] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[34] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[35] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[36] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'fr' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[37] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[38] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'fr' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[39] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[40] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'pt' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[41] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[42] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'pt' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[43] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[44] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'ru' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[45] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[46] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'ru' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[47] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[48] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'zh' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[49] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[50] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'zh' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[51] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[52] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'ko' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[53] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[54] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'ko' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[55] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[56] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'ja' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[57] => SELECT * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `languages_lang`.`ownid` AND languages_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '12',[58] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'ja' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[59] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '114',[60] => SELECT id, sales FROM categories WHERE idi = 12 ORDER BY sales DESC,[61] => SELECT lessons, SUM(sales) ventas FROM courses GROUP BY lessons ORDER BY ventas DESC,[62] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accreditations` main) JOIN `accreditations_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[63] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[64] => SELECT * FROM accreditations_lang WHERE ownid IN(19,1,2,81,3,33,4,102,5,34,6,7,92,8,9,103,115,10,104,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,105,46,20,86,90,116,108,22,23,24,25,84,109,26,87,27,70,106,28,29,30,95,31,96,32,110,133,93,124,120,36,37,132,69,112,118,38,39,82,100,71,40,79,131,66,35,44,42,117,80,75,43,76,45,107,123,89,111,47,122,67,130,88,74,48,101,68,49,51,50,113,52,97,53,54,18,99,128,129,55,94,114,119,85,41,57,56,83,73,98,77,58,126,78,59,127,72,134,60,61,62,125,65) AND lang = 'de',[65] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accommtypes` main) JOIN `accommtypes_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `order` asc,[66] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[67] => SELECT * FROM accommtypes_lang WHERE ownid IN(20,26,21,18,22,23,17,19,11,12,13,14,16,24,25) AND lang = 'de',[68] => SELECT * FROM single WHERE id = 3,[69] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`courses` main) JOIN `courses_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `language` = '12' AND school IN(SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active = 'y' AND s.city IN (SELECT c.id FROM cities c WHERE c.country = '114' AND c.active = 'y')) AND category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `rating` DESC,[70] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[71] => SELECT * FROM courses_lang WHERE ownid IN(6078,6079,6080,6081,6082,4034,4037,4038,4039,4040,4041,6710,6712,11062,9330,9356) AND lang = 'de',[72] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[73] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[74] => SELECT * FROM countries_lang WHERE ownid IN(229,228,107,124,231,125,40,226,127,27,126,235,122,123,121,219,223,119,225,218,118,217,116,221,25,115,120,24,114,145,220,224,117,222,86,37,113,110,191,215,157,39,23,112,85,129,216,213,11,96,111,109,15,108,212,211,36,151,106,210,56,99,209,21,105,44,208,101,103,104,17,100,170,156,207,14,205,16,3,236,202,9,206,203,98,201,43,204,200,199,198,97,197,91,22,95,92,93,196,138,94,12,214,195,89,139,90,84,88,194,128,35,192,87,190,183,189,185,186,182,187,82,184,180,81,173,75,174,179,77,80,176,175,76,135,20,102,132,181,177,78,30,74,178,73,171,70,31,227,72,69,4,71,172,233,232,79,32,2,65,165,6,68,66,64,67,19,169,166,167,133,164,63,18,62,38,193,188,168,47,45,160,57,5,130,42,162,131,234,58,59,141,137,140,163,159,41,8,83,61,158,161,55,60,13,1,50,53,49,54,155,154,152,150,52,51,153,7,149,148,48,230,33,147,34,28,146,142,237,46,143,144,10,29,136,134,26) AND lang = 'de',[75] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `iso2` = 'US',[76] => SELECT * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `countries_lang`.`ownid` AND countries_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `iso2` = 'US',[77] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[78] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[79] => SELECT * FROM currency_lang WHERE ownid IN(15,6,17,8,9,16,1,12,3,7,14,11,13,2,21,5,10,19,4) AND lang = 'de',[80] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '584',[81] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '584',[82] => SELECT * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `currency_lang`.`ownid` AND currency_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '4',[83] => SELECT * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `currency_lang`.`ownid` AND currency_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '4',[84] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '719',[85] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '719',[86] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1037',[87] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1037',[88] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'de' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1599',[89] => SELECT * FROM (`schools` main) JOIN `schools_lang` ON `main`.`id` = `schools_lang`.`ownid` AND schools_lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `main`.`id` = '1599',[90] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`courses` main) JOIN `courses_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `language` = '12' AND school IN(SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active = 'y' AND s.city IN (SELECT c.id FROM cities c WHERE c.country = '114' AND c.active = 'y')) AND category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND school IN (SELECT school FROM schoolsaccomms WHERE type_accomm = 13) AND school IN (SELECT school FROM schoolsaccomms WHERE persons = '6' OR persons = '7') AND `category` IN ('127', '127≤vel=4') AND `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `rating` DESC,[91] => SELECT FOUND_ROWS(),[92] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`promotions` main) JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-04-29' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '12' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '114') AND main.category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND main.category IN(127,127≤vel=4) ORDER BY `main`.`endpublish` ASC),[query_times] => Array ([0] => 0.00026988983154297,[1] => 0.00023102760314941,[2] => 0.00044107437133789,[3] => 0.0001828670501709,[4] => 0.00017499923706055,[5] => 0.00017905235290527,[6] => 9.4175338745117E-5,[7] => 0.00022292137145996,[8] => 0.00032901763916016,[9] => 0.00021505355834961,[10] => 0.00015115737915039,[11] => 0.00014996528625488,[12] => 0.00010800361633301,[13] => 0.00015401840209961,[14] => 7.9870223999023E-5,[15] => 0.00013899803161621,[16] => 7.6055526733398E-5,[17] => 0.00015878677368164,[18] => 8.8930130004883E-5,[19] => 0.00013613700866699,[20] => 7.2002410888672E-5,[21] => 0.00014877319335938,[22] => 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0.00013017654418945,[59] => 6.8187713623047E-5,[60] => 0.00011706352233887,[61] => 6.1988830566406E-5,[62] => 0.0004730224609375,[63] => 0.00019502639770508,[64] => 0.00017499923706055,[65] => 0.00013399124145508,[66] => 0.0001068115234375,[67] => 5.6982040405273E-5,[68] => 0.00011801719665527,[69] => 0.00025820732116699,[70] => 0.0001521110534668,[71] => 7.3909759521484E-5,[72] => 0.00040197372436523,[73] => 0.00017619132995605,[74] => 0.00017499923706055,[75] => 0.00017595291137695,[76] => 7.7962875366211E-5,[77] => 0.00011706352233887,[78] => 0.00011205673217773,[79] => 4.9114227294922E-5,[80] => 0.00015807151794434,[81] => 9.3936920166016E-5,[82] => 0.00012803077697754,[83] => 5.2928924560547E-5,[84] => 0.00017905235290527,[85] => 0.0001070499420166,[86] => 0.0001680850982666,[87] => 0.00010013580322266,[88] => 0.0001680850982666,[89] => 0.00010490417480469,[90] => 0.0027542114257812,[91] => 9.3936920166016E-5,[92] => 0),[data_cache] => Array (),[trans_enabled] => 1,[trans_strict] => 1,[_trans_depth] => 0,[_trans_status] => ,[cache_on] => ,[cachedir] => ,[cache_autodel] => ,[CACHE] => ,[_protect_identifiers] => 1,[_reserved_identifiers] => Array ([0] => *),[stmt_id] => ,[curs_id] => ,[limit_used] => ,[stricton] => ),[modulegenerator] => Modulegenerator Object ([obj] => Single_Model Object ([] => 0,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => single,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 25,[] => en,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[fields] => ,[buttons] => Array (),[posterrors] => ,[javascript] => Array ([includes] => ,[general] => ,[class] => try { jsObjects['left_topdestinations'] = new selectwidget("left_topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['add_topdestinations'] = new button("add_topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['remove_topdestinations'] = new button("remove_topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['topdestinations'] = new selectwidget("topdestinations"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['left_geotargeting_select'] = new selectwidget("left_geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['add_geotargeting_select'] = new button("add_geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['remove_geotargeting_select'] = new button("remove_geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['geotargeting_select'] = new selectwidget("geotargeting_select"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['price_particular[{I}][volume]'] = new inputtext("price_particular[{I}][volume]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['price_particular[{I}][price]'] = new inputtext("price_particular[{I}][price]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][aeropuerto]'] = new inputtext("transfer[{I}][aeropuerto]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][precio]'] = new inputtext("transfer[{I}][precio]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][precioiv]'] = new inputtext("transfer[{I}][precioiv]"); }catch(e){ }; try { jsObjects['transfer[{I}][activa]'] = new radio("transfer[{I}][activa]"); }catch(e){ }; ,[onload] => ),[js_incluidos] => ,[jsok] => Array (),[cmd] => ,[default_width] => 200,[CI] => Coursessearch Object ( *RECURSION*,[jsfiles] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js,[1] => /js/widgets/fileupload.js,[2] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[3] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[4] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[5] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[6] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[7] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[8] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[9] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[10] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[11] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js,[12] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js,[13] => /js/widgets/courseprice.js,[14] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[15] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[16] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[17] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js,[18] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js,[19] => /js/widgets/autocomplete.js,[20] => /js/widgets/autoterms.js,[21] => /js/widgets/googlemap.js,[22] => https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyDxgA4uG6EPIjaJ041H6HNvTmF4NVz3Uh0&sensor=true,[23] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[cssfiles] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[2] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[3] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css,[4] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[widgetvars] => Array ([topdestinations] => Array (),[file] => Array (),[image_language] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[image] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[image_language_small] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[image_language_large] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[geotargeting_select] => Array (),[price] => ,[discount_publication_start] => Array (),[discount_publication_end] => Array (),[discount_reservation_start] => Array (),[discount_reservation_end] => Array (),[price_particular] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[city] => Array (),[autoterms] => Array (),[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => ,[longitude] => ),[transfer] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0)),[widgets] => Array ([Languages_Model-topdestinations-selectmove] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => topdestinations,[widget] => Array ([name] => Top Destinations,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ())),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                      Seleccionar Todos

                      Seleccionar Todos
                      ),[Languages_Model-file-fileupload] => MGW_Fileupload Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/fileupload.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => fileupload,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => file,[widget] => Array ([name] => File,[widget] => fileupload,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/../language/locales/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wait to 100%))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[Languages_Model-image_language-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([1200x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[1170x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                        ),[Countries_Model-image-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                          ),[Segments_Model-image_language_small-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language_small,[widget] => Array ([name] => Small Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                            ),[Segments_Model-image_language_large-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language_large,[widget] => Array ([name] => Large Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[90x90] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                              ),[Accreditations_Model-image-imgupload2] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x75] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                ),[Courses_Model-geotargeting_select-selectmove] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => geotargeting_select,[widget] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting Länder,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                Seleccionar Todos

                                Seleccionar Todos
                                ),[Courses_Model-price-courseprice] => MGW_Courseprice Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/courseprice.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => courseprice,[] => ,[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price,[widget] => Array ([name] => Kurs-Preisliste,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wochen {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => courses,[colspan] => 1,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                Course price list + Add new price list

                                Start date Weeks Tools
                                New Minimum weeks Maximum Weeks
                                Start Date Weeks Actions
                                Please click in the button "Add new price list" to add a price list without this the courses will not be visible in our store
                                ),[Courses_Model-discount_publication_start-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird veröffentlicht und kann gebucht werden))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird veröffentlicht und kann gebucht werden
                                ),[Courses_Model-discount_publication_end-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird nicht veröffentlicht und kann nicht gebucht werden))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird nicht veröffentlicht und kann nicht gebucht werden
                                ),[Courses_Model-discount_reservation_start-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Ab wann der Kurs stattfinden wird))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                Ab wann der Kurs stattfinden wird
                                ),[Courses_Model-discount_reservation_end-inputdate] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Wenn der Kurs schließen oder beenden wird))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                Wenn der Kurs schließen oder beenden wird
                                ),[Courses_Model-price_particular-dynamicfields] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price_particular,[widget] => Array ([name] => price classes particulars,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Preis hinzufügen,[fields] => Array ([volume] => Array ([name] => Anzahl der Klassen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => form,[width] => 75,[tip] => )),[price] => Array ([name] => Gesamtpreis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €)))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                Anzahl der KlassenGesamtpreis 
                                ),[Schools_Model-city-autocomplete] => MGW_Autocomplete Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autocomplete.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autocomplete,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => city,[widget] => Array ([name] => City2,[widget] => autocomplete,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[disabled_permanent_filter] => 1),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1)),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[Schools_Model-autoterms-autoterms] => MGW_Autoterms Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autoterms.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autoterms,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => autoterms,[widget] => Array ([name] => Autoterms,[widget] => autoterms,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1,[currency] => €))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                Dienste müssen vollständig bezahlt werden Tage vor dem Kurs beginnt um die Anmeldung abzuschließen und sichern Sie sich einen Platz im Kurs und/oder Unterkunft. Buchungen sind nicht übertragbar. Bankgebühren sind zahlbar von Studenten Studenten müssen Jahre alt oder älter


                                Die Kündigung muss schriftlich mitzuteilen, die Schule von der Person, die den Kurs gebucht. Erstattungen bei Kursabsage ausgleichen dürfen keine Kurs-Änderungen. Wo ist eine Stornierung Tagen nach Anmeldung es werden überhaupt keine Erstattung. Die Anzahlung wird nicht zurückerstattet. Einschreibegebühren sind nicht erstattungsfähig. Gebühr für die Eintragung sind nicht erstattungsfähig. Unterkunft Buchungsgebühren werden nicht erstattet. Zur Verkürzung der Dauer des Kurses nach der Zahlung erfolgt keine Rückerstattung. Sobald der Kurs begonnen hat, gibt es keine Erstattung für jede Stornierung. Nach ein Kurs begonnen hat, ist keine Rückerstattung für jede Unterkunft oder ein anderes Element gebucht. Keine Rückerstattung der Studiengebühren werden aus verspäteter Ankunft, vorzeitiger Abreise oder Abwesenheiten, aus irgendeinem Grund von Klassen während jeder Kurs gegeben. Wenn ein Schüler fehlt für eine oder mehrere Wochen hintereinander, können Vorkehrungen für die Dauer des Kurses ohne erweitert werden zusätzliche Kosten.


                                Keine Rückerstattung erhalten bei Stornierungen jeglicher Art. Stornierungsgebühr sind basierend auf Zulassung, Studiengebühren oder Unterkunft berechnet. Stornierungsgebühr werden als Prozentsatz der gesamten Zahlung berechnet. Stornierungsgebühr sind ein fester Betrag.


                                Buchungen bis zu Absage werden Wochen vor Kursbeginn ohne Strafe oder Gebühr

                                Wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist mehr als Tage vor dem Beginn die folgenden fallen Gebühren an:


                                Woche Unterricht

                                Woche Unterkunft

                                Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor dem Startdatum folgenden Gebühren gelten:


                                Woche Unterricht

                                Woche Unterkunft

                                Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor dem Startdatum folgenden Gebühren gelten:


                                Woche Unterricht

                                Woche Unterkunft

                                Wenn Sie ein Kurs stornieren weniger als Tage und das Startdatum gelten folgenden Gebühren:


                                Woche Unterricht

                                Woche Unterkunft

                                Betrag festsetzen

                                Buchungen bis zu Absage werden Wochen vor Kursbeginn ohne Strafe oder Gebühr.

                                Eine Stornogebühr von € gilt, wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist weniger als Woche/s vor dem Eingangsdatum Kurs.

                                Eine Stornogebühr von € gilt, wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist weniger als Woche vor Kurs Beginn Datum.


                                Buchungen bis zu Absage werden Wochen vor Kursbeginn ohne Strafe oder Gebühr.

                                Wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist mehr als Tage vor Kursbeginn: % Erstattung

                                Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor Kursbeginn starten:

                                Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor Kursbeginn: % Erstattung

                                Wenn Sie ein Kurs stornieren weniger als Tage vor der Start Datum vollen Preis berechnet wird.


                                Keine Rückerstattungen sind für die Visa-Verweigerung jeglicher Art. Weigerung Visagebühren werden basierend auf Zulassung, Studiengebühren oder Unterkunft berechnet Weigerung Visagebühren sind ein fester Betrag.

                                Betrag festsetzen

                                Für den Fall, dass dem Teilnehmer ein Visum verweigert wird, berechnet die Schule Euro und der Restbetrag werden dem Teilnehmer nach Erhalt eines original VISA-Verweigerung-Briefes zurückerstattet.


                                Wenn kein Einreisevisum erteilt wird und die Schule wird informiert über Tage vor dem Beginn die folgenden fallen Gebühren an:


                                Woche Unterricht

                                Woche Unterkunft

                                Wenn kein Einreisevisum erteilt wird und die Schule wird zwischen informiert und Tage vor dem Startdatum folgenden Gebühren gelten:


                                Woche Unterricht

                                Woche Unterkunft

                                Der Student nach Erhalt eines original VISA-Verweigerung-Briefes wird der Restbetrag zurückerstattet.

                                ),[Schools_Model-coordinates-googlemap] => MGW_Googlemap Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/googlemap.js,[1] => https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyDxgA4uG6EPIjaJ041H6HNvTmF4NVz3Uh0&sensor=true),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => googlemap,[] => Array ([latitude] => ,[longitude] => ),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => coordinates,[widget] => Array ([name] => Koordinaten,[widget] => googlemap,[options] => Array ([tip] => Drücken Sie die Taste, wenn Sie möchten das System suchen Sie nach der Schule auf der Karte und ziehen dann das rote Pivot auf die genaue Lage.,[setlocation] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                Festgelegten Position nach Ihrer Adresse

                                Drücken Sie die Taste, wenn Sie möchten das System suchen Sie nach der Schule auf der Karte und ziehen dann das rote Pivot auf die genaue Lage.

                                ),[Schools_Model-transfer-dynamicfields] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => transfer,[widget] => Array ([name] => Transfers,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Add transfer,[fields] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Array ([name] => Flughafen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 200)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Preis-Abreise,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[precioiv] => Array ([name] => Preis Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeiten,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[activa] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein)))))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                FlughafenPreis-AbreisePreis Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeitenaktiv 
                                )),[acl] => admin,[oldobjs] => Array (),[widget] => ,[widgetscache] => Array ([Languages_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[name2] => ,[sysname] => ,[topdestinations] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => topdestinations,[widget] => Array ([name] => Top Destinations,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ())),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                Seleccionar Todos

                                Seleccionar Todos
                                ),[code] => ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => ,[extradesc] => ,[file] => MGW_Fileupload Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/fileupload.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => fileupload,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => file,[widget] => Array ([name] => File,[widget] => fileupload,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/../language/locales/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wait to 100%))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[short_title] => ,[short_description] => ,[image_language] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([1200x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[1170x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                  ),[home_publish] => ),[Currency_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[symbol] => ,[value] => ,[iso] => ,[active] => ),[Countries_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[sysname] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[language] => ,[languageb] => ,[currency] => ,[image] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                    ),[active] => ,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ),[Segments_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[description] => ,[short_title] => ,[short_description] => ,[image_language_small] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language_small,[widget] => Array ([name] => Small Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                      ),[long_title] => ,[long_description] => ,[image_language_large] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image_language_large,[widget] => Array ([name] => Large Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[90x90] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                        ),[segment] => ,[short_title_country] => ,[short_description_country] => ,[short_title_city] => ,[short_description_city] => ,[filter] => ,[sysname] => ,[order] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mtitle2] => ,[mtitle3] => ,[mtitle4] => ,[mtitle5] => ,[active] => ,[home_publish] => ),[Accreditations_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[image] => MGW_Imgupload2 Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/imgupload2.js,[1] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/jquery.fineuploader-3.8.0.min.js),[] => Array ([0] => /thirdparty/fineuploader/fineuploader-3.8.0.min.css),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => imgupload2,[] => Array ([button_text] => Browse),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => image,[widget] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x75] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          ),[order] => ,[active] => ),[Accommtypes_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[description] => ,[order] => ,[active] => ),[Courses_Model] => Array ([school] => ,[sku] => ,[language] => ,[category] => ,[lessons] => ,[duration_lesson] => ,[avgclasssize] => ,[max_students_class] => ,[age_min] => ,[classdays] => ,[hstart] => ,[hend] => ,[certificate] => ,[levels] => ,[calification] => ,[mainimg] => ,[title] => ,[description] => ,[geotargeting_option] => ,[geotargeting_select] => MGW_Selectmove Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/selectmove.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => selectmove,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => geotargeting_select,[widget] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting Länder,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                          Seleccionar Todos

                                          Seleccionar Todos
                                          ),[charges_admin] => ,[material_type] => ,[material] => ,[type_course] => ,[price] => MGW_Courseprice Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/courseprice.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => courseprice,[] => ,[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price,[widget] => Array ([name] => Kurs-Preisliste,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wochen {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => courses,[colspan] => 1,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                          Course price list + Add new price list

                                          Start date Weeks Tools
                                          New Minimum weeks Maximum Weeks
                                          Start Date Weeks Actions
                                          Please click in the button "Add new price list" to add a price list without this the courses will not be visible in our store
                                          ),[discount_active] => ,[discount] => ,[minweeks] => ,[maxweeks] => ,[discount_publication_start] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird veröffentlicht und kann gebucht werden))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird veröffentlicht und kann gebucht werden
                                          ),[discount_publication_end] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_publication_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Booking End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird nicht veröffentlicht und kann nicht gebucht werden))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird nicht veröffentlicht und kann nicht gebucht werden
                                          ),[discount_reservation_start] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_start,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Ab wann der Kurs stattfinden wird))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          Ab wann der Kurs stattfinden wird
                                          ),[discount_reservation_end] => MGW_Inputdate Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/inputdate.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => inputdate,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => discount_reservation_end,[widget] => Array ([name] => Course End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Wenn der Kurs schließen oder beenden wird))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          Wenn der Kurs schließen oder beenden wird
                                          ),[commission] => ,[order] => ,[active] => ,[holidays] => ,[price_particular] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => price_particular,[widget] => Array ([name] => price classes particulars,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Preis hinzufügen,[fields] => Array ([volume] => Array ([name] => Anzahl der Klassen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => form,[width] => 75,[tip] => )),[price] => Array ([name] => Gesamtpreis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €)))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          Anzahl der KlassenGesamtpreis 
                                          ),[horary_course] => ,[url] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ),[Schools_Model] => Array ([name] => ,[address] => ,[address2] => ,[cp] => ,[city] => MGW_Autocomplete Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autocomplete.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autocomplete,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => city,[widget] => Array ([name] => City2,[widget] => autocomplete,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[disabled_permanent_filter] => 1),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1)),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => ),[respmarketing] => ,[resp1_charge] => ,[emailmarketing] => ,[skype] => ,[phone] => ,[fax] => ,[resp_reservations] => ,[resp2_charge] => ,[email_reservations] => ,[urlweb] => ,[currency] => ,[company] => ,[regnumber] => ,[vatnum] => ,[bankname] => ,[banksortcode] => ,[banknumber] => ,[bankiban] => ,[bankswift] => ,[bankaddress] => ,[bankaddress2] => ,[comm_course] => ,[commission_accomm] => ,[commission_expense_admin] => ,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => ,[comm_promotion] => ,[classrooms] => ,[averageage] => ,[minimumage] => ,[leveltest] => ,[nearestairport] => ,[airportdistance] => ,[yearschoolopen] => ,[openingtimeshi] => ,[openingtimeshf] => ,[openingdays] => ,[videos] => ,[facilities] => ,[accrs] => ,[autoterms] => MGW_Autoterms Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/autoterms.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => autoterms,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => autoterms,[widget] => Array ([name] => Autoterms,[widget] => autoterms,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1,[currency] => €))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                          Dienste müssen vollständig bezahlt werden Tage vor dem Kurs beginnt um die Anmeldung abzuschließen und sichern Sie sich einen Platz im Kurs und/oder Unterkunft. Buchungen sind nicht übertragbar. Bankgebühren sind zahlbar von Studenten Studenten müssen Jahre alt oder älter


                                          Die Kündigung muss schriftlich mitzuteilen, die Schule von der Person, die den Kurs gebucht. Erstattungen bei Kursabsage ausgleichen dürfen keine Kurs-Änderungen. Wo ist eine Stornierung Tagen nach Anmeldung es werden überhaupt keine Erstattung. Die Anzahlung wird nicht zurückerstattet. Einschreibegebühren sind nicht erstattungsfähig. Gebühr für die Eintragung sind nicht erstattungsfähig. Unterkunft Buchungsgebühren werden nicht erstattet. Zur Verkürzung der Dauer des Kurses nach der Zahlung erfolgt keine Rückerstattung. Sobald der Kurs begonnen hat, gibt es keine Erstattung für jede Stornierung. Nach ein Kurs begonnen hat, ist keine Rückerstattung für jede Unterkunft oder ein anderes Element gebucht. Keine Rückerstattung der Studiengebühren werden aus verspäteter Ankunft, vorzeitiger Abreise oder Abwesenheiten, aus irgendeinem Grund von Klassen während jeder Kurs gegeben. Wenn ein Schüler fehlt für eine oder mehrere Wochen hintereinander, können Vorkehrungen für die Dauer des Kurses ohne erweitert werden zusätzliche Kosten.


                                          Keine Rückerstattung erhalten bei Stornierungen jeglicher Art. Stornierungsgebühr sind basierend auf Zulassung, Studiengebühren oder Unterkunft berechnet. Stornierungsgebühr werden als Prozentsatz der gesamten Zahlung berechnet. Stornierungsgebühr sind ein fester Betrag.


                                          Buchungen bis zu Absage werden Wochen vor Kursbeginn ohne Strafe oder Gebühr

                                          Wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist mehr als Tage vor dem Beginn die folgenden fallen Gebühren an:


                                          Woche Unterricht

                                          Woche Unterkunft

                                          Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor dem Startdatum folgenden Gebühren gelten:


                                          Woche Unterricht

                                          Woche Unterkunft

                                          Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor dem Startdatum folgenden Gebühren gelten:


                                          Woche Unterricht

                                          Woche Unterkunft

                                          Wenn Sie ein Kurs stornieren weniger als Tage und das Startdatum gelten folgenden Gebühren:


                                          Woche Unterricht

                                          Woche Unterkunft

                                          Betrag festsetzen

                                          Buchungen bis zu Absage werden Wochen vor Kursbeginn ohne Strafe oder Gebühr.

                                          Eine Stornogebühr von € gilt, wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist weniger als Woche/s vor dem Eingangsdatum Kurs.

                                          Eine Stornogebühr von € gilt, wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist weniger als Woche vor Kurs Beginn Datum.


                                          Buchungen bis zu Absage werden Wochen vor Kursbeginn ohne Strafe oder Gebühr.

                                          Wenn ein Kurs abgesagt ist mehr als Tage vor Kursbeginn: % Erstattung

                                          Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor Kursbeginn starten:

                                          Wenn Sie ein Kurs zwischen stornieren und Tage vor Kursbeginn: % Erstattung

                                          Wenn Sie ein Kurs stornieren weniger als Tage vor der Start Datum vollen Preis berechnet wird.


                                          Keine Rückerstattungen sind für die Visa-Verweigerung jeglicher Art. Weigerung Visagebühren werden basierend auf Zulassung, Studiengebühren oder Unterkunft berechnet Weigerung Visagebühren sind ein fester Betrag.

                                          Betrag festsetzen

                                          Für den Fall, dass dem Teilnehmer ein Visum verweigert wird, berechnet die Schule Euro und der Restbetrag werden dem Teilnehmer nach Erhalt eines original VISA-Verweigerung-Briefes zurückerstattet.


                                          Wenn kein Einreisevisum erteilt wird und die Schule wird informiert über Tage vor dem Beginn die folgenden fallen Gebühren an:


                                          Woche Unterricht

                                          Woche Unterkunft

                                          Wenn kein Einreisevisum erteilt wird und die Schule wird zwischen informiert und Tage vor dem Startdatum folgenden Gebühren gelten:


                                          Woche Unterricht

                                          Woche Unterkunft

                                          Der Student nach Erhalt eines original VISA-Verweigerung-Briefes wird der Restbetrag zurückerstattet.

                                          ),[description] => ,[info_students] => ,[terms] => ,[mainimg] => ,[coordinates] => MGW_Googlemap Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/googlemap.js,[1] => https://maps.google.com/maps/api/geocode/json?key=AIzaSyDxgA4uG6EPIjaJ041H6HNvTmF4NVz3Uh0&sensor=true),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => googlemap,[] => Array ([latitude] => ,[longitude] => ),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => coordinates,[widget] => Array ([name] => Koordinaten,[widget] => googlemap,[options] => Array ([tip] => Drücken Sie die Taste, wenn Sie möchten das System suchen Sie nach der Schule auf der Karte und ziehen dann das rote Pivot auf die genaue Lage.,[setlocation] => 1))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>

                                          Festgelegten Position nach Ihrer Adresse

                                          Drücken Sie die Taste, wenn Sie möchten das System suchen Sie nach der Schule auf der Karte und ziehen dann das rote Pivot auf die genaue Lage.

                                          ),[details] => ,[location] => ,[practice_info] => ,[sysname] => ,[order] => ,[isready] => ,[visible] => ,[global_discount] => ,[active] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[followup_needs_editing] => ,[transfer] => MGW_Dynamicfields Object ([] => Array ([0] => /js/widgets/dynamicfields.js),[] => Array (),[] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/js/,[] => dynamicfields,[] => Array ([template] => ,[counter] => 0),[] => Array ([value] => ,[id] => 0,[lang] => en,[name] => transfer,[widget] => Array ([name] => Transfers,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Add transfer,[fields] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Array ([name] => Flughafen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 200)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Preis-Abreise,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[precioiv] => Array ([name] => Preis Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeiten,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[activa] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein)))))))),[] => Modulegenerator Object ( *RECURSION*,[] =>
                                          FlughafenPreis-AbreisePreis Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeitenaktiv 
                                          ))),[debug] => ),[single_model] => Single_Model Object ([] => 0,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => single,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 25,[] => en,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[session] => MG_Session Object ([] => 1,[] => Redis Object ([socket] => Resource id #2),[sess_encrypt_cookie] => ,[sess_use_database] => 1,[sess_table_name] => sessions,[sess_expiration] => 604800,[sess_expire_on_close] => ,[sess_match_ip] => ,[sess_match_useragent] => ,[sess_cookie_name] => lb_session,[cookie_prefix] => ,[cookie_path] => /,[cookie_domain] => .languagebookings.com,[cookie_secure] => ,[sess_time_to_update] => 300,[encryption_key] => tT/x`s!Zon$)m~C flash,[time_reference] => local,[gc_probability] => 5,[userdata] => Array ([session_id] => e12902ffd8a67956d046378363b5b4ff,[ip_address] =>,[user_agent] => Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0; +claudebot@anthropic.com),[last_activity] => 1713856935,[user_data] => a:3:{s:11:"currentlang";s:2:"de";s:8:"currency";i:1;s:7:"trackid";i:292398519;},[currentlang] => de,[currency] => 1,[trackid] => 292398519),[CI] => Coursessearch Object ( *RECURSION*,[now] => 1713856935,[setted_cookies] => Array ()),[Languages_Model] => Languages_Model Object ([] => Array ([es] => cursos-,[en] => learn-,[fr] => cours-,[de] => kurs-,[it] => corso-,[pt] => cursos-,[ru] => кursy-,[zh] => learn-,[ko] => learn-,[ja] => learn-),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[name2] => Array ([name] => Name Alternative,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Alternative name for russian and other languages),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => System name (not modify),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[topdestinations] => Array ([name] => Top Destinations,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ()),[code] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[separadorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separadorciudad] => Array ([name] => Metas para Landing,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separadorlanding] => Array ([name] => Extra text for Landing,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[extratitle] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[extradesc] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separadorfiles] => Array ([name] => Upload a file,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[file] => Array ([name] => File,[widget] => fileupload,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/models/../language/locales/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wait to 100%)),[separadornewlanding] => Array ([name] => New contents for landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title] => Array ([name] => Short Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description] => Array ([name] => Short Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image_language] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([1200x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[1170x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[home_publish] => Array ([name] => Published at home,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1))))),[] => Array (),[] => languages,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 22,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`languages` main) JOIN `languages_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => name2,[3] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([YToxOntzOjQ6ImNvZGUiO3M6MjoiZGUiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 5,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-06 20:53:09,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:00:11,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-16,[1] => c-117,[2] => c-64,[3] => c-118,[4] => c-101),[code] => de,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => de_DE,[file] => ,[image_language] => german.jpg,[home_publish] => y,[num_courses] => 85,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => de,[name] => Deutsch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => deutsch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Deutsch sprachkurse, Sprachschulen, Lernen Sprache,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Besonderen Angeboten für Deutsch Sprachkurs, deutsch sprachkurse, sprachkurs deutsch, sprachschulen deutsch, deutsch sprach kurs, deutsch sprachschulen, deutsch sprache lernen, lernen deutsch sprache ,[mkeys] => deutsch sprachkurs, deutsch sprachkurse, sprachkurs deutsch, sprachschulen deutsch, deutsch sprach kurs, deutsch sprachschulen, deutsch sprache lernen, lernen deutsch sprache ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise für Deinen Deutsch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Deutsch sprachkurse Suchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die deutsche Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland ?

                                          Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                                          Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Deutschschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland , bis Du „Deinen Deutschkurs“ gefunden hast.

                                          Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland  zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Deutschschulen im Ausland  an.

                                          Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Deutsch im Ausland  zu lernen.

                                          Unsere Service Garantie


                                           Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                                          Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                                          Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                                          Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                                          Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Deutsch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
                                          Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Deutschkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
                                          Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Deutschkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Deutsch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
                                          ,[idid] => 28),[YToxOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6MTM6InBvcnR1Z2llc2lzY2giO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Portugiesisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugiesisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portugiesisch Sprachkurs - Portugiesischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Portugiesisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Portugiesisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Portugiesischkurse, Portugiesisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Portugiesisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Portugiesisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die portugiesische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

                                          Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                                          Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Portugiesischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Portugiesischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                                          Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Portugiesischschulen im Ausland an.

                                          Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Portugiesisch im Ausland zu lernen.

                                          Unsere Service Garantie

                                           Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                                          Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                                          Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                                          Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                                          Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portugiesisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
                                          Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Portugiesischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
                                          Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Portugiesischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Portugiesisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
                                          ,[idid] => 56),[YToyOntzOjI6ImlkIjtzOjI6IjEyIjtzOjQ6ImxhbmciO3M6MjoiZGUiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Portugiesisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugiesisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portugiesisch Sprachkurs - Portugiesischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Portugiesisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Portugiesisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Portugiesischkurse, Portugiesisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Portugiesisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Portugiesisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die portugiesische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

                                          Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                                          Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Portugiesischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Portugiesischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                                          Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Portugiesischschulen im Ausland an.

                                          Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Portugiesisch im Ausland zu lernen.

                                          Unsere Service Garantie

                                           Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                                          Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                                          Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                                          Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                                          Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portugiesisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
                                          Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Portugiesischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
                                          Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Portugiesischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Portugiesisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
                                          ,[idid] => 56),[YToxOntzOjQ6ImNvZGUiO3M6MjoicHQiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Portugiesisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugiesisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portugiesisch Sprachkurs - Portugiesischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Portugiesisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Portugiesisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Portugiesischkurse, Portugiesisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Portugiesisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Portugiesisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die portugiesische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

                                          Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                                          Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Portugiesischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Portugiesischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                                          Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Portugiesischschulen im Ausland an.

                                          Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Portugiesisch im Ausland zu lernen.

                                          Unsere Service Garantie

                                           Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                                          Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                                          Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                                          Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                                          Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portugiesisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
                                          Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Portugiesischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
                                          Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Portugiesischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Portugiesisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
                                          ,[idid] => 56),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJlbiI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => en,[name] => Portuguese,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portuguese,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portuguese Courses - Portuguese language Schools Abroad,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Whatever type of Portuguese course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Find the lowest prices for Portuguese language courses abroad!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Portuguese CoursesAre you looking for Portuguese language schools Abroad or a Portuguese summer school? How about studying Portuguese abroad or language courses for adults abroad? Whatever type of Portuguese course you are looking for, Languagebookings.com will help you find it—and at the lowest possible price!

                                          Browse through numerous Portuguese schools in dozens of locations across the globe until you find the Portuguese course and school that is right for you. We make it easy to find discount prices at the most popular schools abroad and we provide detailed school information, photos, videos and student reviews for a great variety of Portuguese schools abroad. Choose Languagebookings.com for all your courses reservation, and discover why more and more students are choosing us to study Portuguese abroad!

                                          Our Service Guarantees

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          100% guaranteed, that you will pay the lowest price. We offer you the lowest possible course rates - you never pay more than if you booked directly with the school itself or anywhere else. Besides, our service is free. We do not charge any booking fees.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Exceptional Customer Support

                                          Whenever you need assistance, you can always call our customer support. Before, during and after your course, we are here for you. You can easily contact our experienced and friendly consultants. We're always just a click away through e-mail, phone call, skype or even live chat!
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Your booking 100% confirmed!

                                          It's very unlikely that something will go wrong with your booking once confirmed by the language schools. In fact we're so confident, that if you don't have your course place at the selected school, we'll credit your account with your full deposit AND find another possible alternative for you.

                                          Trust and SafetyTrust & Safety

                                          We are a marketplace that promotes trust and collaboration. This is why we have built the best ever class tools and services to surely assist and hone you into making the right decisions. Find students reviews, host references, school quality seals and accreditations.


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portuguese Language Courses Abroad,[short_description] =>
                                          Portuguese courses abroad are a great way to see the world and immerse yourself in another culture and also a great opportunity to learn impeccable Portuguese. All of our language courses are designed to combine a cultural holiday with a language learning experience. The idea is to use your language course to enhance your holiday and your holiday to enhance your language course. You will be making a lot of international friends as you take classes and learn Portuguese with accredited, native Portuguese speakers with correct accents. 
                                          ,[idid] => 54),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJlcyI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => es,[name] => Portugués,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugues,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Portugues - Cursos de Portugués en el Extranjero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de portugues en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encuentra los precios mas bajos para Cursos de portugues en el Extranjero!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Cursos de PortuguesEstás buscando clases portugues en el extranjero? ¿Cuales son los cursos intensivos de portugues el extranjero? ¿Te gustaría estudiar en una academia de portugues económica en el extranjero? ¿O encontrar los centros de estudios de portugues en el exterior? Cualquiera sea el tipo de curso de portugues en el extranjero que estás buscando, LanguageBookings.com te ayudará a encontrarlo al precio más bajo posible!

                                          Busca entre numerosos de cursos de portugues en el extranjero hasta que encuentres el de tu agrado. Ahora es más fácil encontrar clases de portugues al precio mas bajo para las escuelas mas destacadas en el extranjero. También encontraras fotos, videos y comentarios reales de estudiantes sobre una gran variedad de academias de portugues. Elije LanguageBookings.com para todas las reservas de cursos, alojamiento y traslados, y veras porque cada vez mas estudiantes nos elijen para sus viajes de estudios de portugues al extranjero.

                                          Nuestro Servicio Garantiza

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          El mejor precio garantizado

                                          100% garantizado, te ofrecemos el precio más bajo. Nunca pagarás más que si reservases directamente con la escuela. A parte de esto, nuestro servicio es gratuito y no cobramos ninguna coste por reservar.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Atención al Cliente Excepcional

                                          Siempre que necesites cualquier tipo de ayuda, aquí estamos para ti. Antes, durante y después de tu curso, puedes contactar con nosotros siempre que lo desees. Estamos a un sólo click de solucionar todas tus dudas, bien sea a través de e-mail, teléfono, skype o incluso chat en directo !
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          ¡Tu reserva 100% confirmada!

                                          Es muy poco probable que algo vaya mal una vez que tu plaza ha sido confirmada por la escuela o por el anfitrión. De hecho, estamos tan seguros de ello que si no tienes plaza en esa escuela, te devolvemos todo el depósito y te buscamos otra alternativa, sólo para ti.

                                          Trust and SafetyConfianza y Seguridad

                                          Somos un mercado comunitario basado en la confianza y la colaboración. Por ello hemos creado las mejores herramientas y servicios para asegurarte y aconsejarte a la hora de tomar la mejor decisión. Encuentra comentarios de antiguos estudiantes, referencias sobre anfitriones, sellos de calidad con las que cuentan las escuelas y sus acreditaciones., ..más


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de Portugues en el extranjero,[short_description] =>
                                          Cursos de Portugues en el extranjero son una buena manera de ver el mundo y sumergirse en otra cultura y también una gran oportunidad para aprender Portugues impecable. Tu podrás hacer un montón de amigos internacionales como también tomar clases y aprender Portugues con acreditados profesores de Portugues, nativos con acentos correctos.
                                          Los cursos de Portugues en el extranjero son ideales para estudiantes de todos los niveles que deseen mejorar su Portugues de forma rápida y eficaz. Cada uno de los cursos tiene un enfoque especial, permitiéndote orientar tu estudio de una forma que se adapte a tus necesidades.
                                          ,[idid] => 53),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJpdCI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => it,[name] => Portoghese,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portoghese,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Corsi Portoghese Economiche - Scuola di lingue Portoghese all'estero,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Qualunque sia il tipo di Corsi di Portoghese che stai cercando, Languagebookings.com ti aiutera’ a trovarlo — e al prezzo più conveniente!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Corsi portoghese economiche: Trova i prezzi più bassi per studiare portoghese all estero!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Corsi PortogheseStai cercando delle vacanze studio di portoghese all'estero o una scuola estiva di portoghese? Oppure stai pensando di studiare portoghese all estero o forse un corso di lingua per adulti all'estero? Viaggi studio di portoghese? Qualunque sia il tipo di Corso di Portoghese che stai cercando, Languagebookings.com ti aiutera’ a trovarlo — e al prezzo più conveniente!

                                          Potrai valutare l’offerta di numerose scuole di portoghese in decine di citta’ in tutto il mondo, fino a trovare il corso che piu’ si adatta alle tue esigenze. Noi ti aiutiamo a trovare i prezzi piu’ vantaggiosi delle scuole piu’ frequentate fornendo informazioni dettagliate sull’istituto, foto, video e recensioni di studenti.

                                          Visita Languagebookings.com e scoprirai perché sempre più studenti stanno scegliendo il nostro sito per studiare il portoghese all'estero!

                                          Garanzia dei nostri servizi

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          Miglior Prezzo Garantito

                                          Garantiamo al 100% che pagherai il prezzo più basso. Ti offriamo le tariffe più basse possibili per i corsi di lingua - non pagherai mai di più, nemmeno prenotando direttamente con la scuola stessa o da qualunque altra parte. Inoltre, il nostro servizio è gratuito. Non addebitiamo alcuna spesa di prenotazione.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Assistenza clienti eccezzionale

                                          Ogni volta che avrai bisogno di assistenza, potrai sempre chiamare il nostro servizio clienti. Prima, durante e alla fine del tuo corso, noi saremo sempre qui per te. Puoi contattare facilmente i nostri cordiali e professionali consulenti. Siamo sempre ad un "click" da te, attraverso e-mail, telefono, skype o anche chat live!
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          La tua prenotazione confermata al 100%!

                                          E' davvero poco probabile qualcosa vada storto con la tua prenotazione, una volta confermata dalla scuola di lingua. Infatti, noi siamo talmente fiduciosi, che se non avessi il tuo posto prenotato presso la scuola scelta, ti restituiremmo l'intero deposito e troveremmo un'altra possibile alternativa per te.

                                          Trust and SafetyFiducia & Sicurezza

                                          Siamo un'attività che promuove fiducia e collaborazione. Questo perchè abbiamo costruito i migliori strumenti di classe per assisterti ed aiutarti a prendere le giuste decisioni. Trova i commenti degli studenti, le referenze dei locatori e i marchi di qualità e le certificazioni della scuola, ... per saperne di più


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Corsi di portoghese e vacanze studio all'estero,[short_description] =>
                                          Language Bookings propone corsi di portoghese all'estero, soggiorni studio e corsi di preparazione accademica a studenti internazionali.  I corsi di portoghese per studenti di tutti i livelli - principiante, intermedio e avanzato- sono studiati per aiutare gli studenti a raggiungere i propri obiettivi nel più breve tempo possibile, anche grazie alle attività di socializzazione organizzate dalla scuola per far sì che gli studenti continuino a praticare l' portoghese al di fuori delle aule. Con un soggiorno studio LanguageBookings lo studente avrà l'opportunità di viaggiare, venire a contatto con nuove culture, incontrare studenti provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, consentirà di migliorare le prospettive di carriera, arricchire il CV e avere una mentalità più aperta nel mondo del lavoro. Il modo più efficace, e allo stesso tempo piacevole, per imparare o migliorare l' portoghese è partecipare ad una delle nostre vacanze studio.


                                          ,[idid] => 55),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJkZSI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Portugiesisch,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugiesisch,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Portugiesisch Sprachkurs - Portugiesischkurse - Sprachschulen und Sprachkurse Portugiesisch,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Der beste Preis im Portugiesisch sprachkurs - Angebote und Pakete - Bewertungen von Studenten, detaillierte Beschreibungen, Portugiesischkurse, Portugiesisch Sprachschulen,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Portugiesisch Sprachkurs im Ausland!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Portugiesisch SprachkursSuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für die portugiesische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule im Ausland?

                                          Für welche Sprachweiterbildung Du Dich auch entscheidest, LanguageBookings.com wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum günstigsten Preis!

                                          Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Portugiesischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten im Ausland, bis Du „Deinen Portugiesischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                                          Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen im Ausland zu bekommen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Portugiesischschulen im Ausland an.

                                          Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Portugiesisch im Ausland zu lernen.

                                          Unsere Service Garantie

                                           Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                                          Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                                          Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                                          Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                                          Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Portugiesisch Sprachreisen,[short_description] =>
                                          Am wirkungsvollsten lernt man eine Fremdsprache in dem Land, wo die Sprache gesprochen wird. LanguageBookings bietet Portugiesischkurse und Sprachreisen weltweit mit verschiedenen Kurslängen und unterschiedlicher Intensität an.   
                                          Sie können das ganze Jahr über mit unseren Portugiesischkursen beginnen. Mit unseren Sprachreisen Portugiesisch können auch Sie Ihre Sprachkenntnisse schnell, effektiv und nachhaltig verbessern und festigen!
                                          ,[idid] => 56),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJmciI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => fr,[name] => Portugais,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugais,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cours Portugais pas cher - Séjour Linguistique Portugais,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Quel que soit le type de cours d'portugais à l'étranger que vous recherchez, LanguageBookings.com vous aidera à trouver le meilleur prix possible!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Séjour Linguistique portugais pas cher: Trouvez les prix les plus bas pour les cours d'portugais à l'étranger!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Cours PortugaisVous cherchez pour enseigner l'portugais à l'étranger pas cher? Quels sont les cours intensifs d'portugais à l'étranger? Souhaitez-vous étudier à une économie académie portugaise à l'étranger? Ou trouver les centres d'étude de l'portugais à l'étranger? Séjour Linguistique portugais? Quel que soit le type de cours d'portugais à l'étranger que vous recherchez, LanguageBookings.com vous aidera à trouver le meilleur prix possible!

                                          Consultez des milliers de cours d'portugais à l'étranger jusqu'à ce que vous trouviez celui de votre goût. Maintenant, il est facile de trouver des cours d'portugais au prix le plus bas pour les écoles les plus remarquables à l'étranger. Vous trouverez également des photos, vidéos et commentaires des étudiants réels sur une grande variété d'académies portugaise. Choisissez LanguageBookings.com pour toutes les réservations et pour les cours, hébergement et transferts, et vous verrez pourquoi les etudiants sont de plus en plus nombreux à nous choisir d`etudier l´portugais à l´etranger.

                                          Nos Services Garantis

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          Meilleur Prix Garanti

                                          100% garanti signifie que vous paierez le prix le plus bas. Nous offrons les cours au meilleur prix possible, pas cher! - vous ne paierez jamais plus que si vous réserviez directement avec l'école ou ailleurs. De plus, notre service est gratuit. Nous ne facturons pas de frais de réservation.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Service Client Exceptionnel

                                          Dès que vous avez besoin d'aide, vous pouvez appeler notre service client. Avant, pendant et après vos cours, nous sommes là pour vous. Vous pouvez facilement contacter nor conseillers étudiants expérimentés. Ils sont juste à portée de clic via email, skype, téléphone et même le tchat!
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Votre réservation 100% confirmée!

                                          Il est très peu probable que quelque chose se passe mal une fois que votre réservation soit confirmée par l'école de langue. Et dans le cas où il y avait un souci et que vous n'obteniez pas de cours dans l'école que vous aviez choisi, nous vous rembouserons votre acompte et nous vous trouverons une autre alternative.
                                          Trust and Safety

                                          Sécurité & Confiance

                                          Nous sommes un marché qui promouvoit la confiance et la collaboration. C'est pourquoi nous avons mis en place les meilleurs outils et services pour vous assister et vous aider à prendre les bonnes décisions. Retrouver les commentaires des étudiants, les références des hôtes, les labels et accréditations des écoles,....en savoir plus


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Séjour linguistique portugais,[short_description] =>
                                          La manière la plus efficace pour apprendre l'portugais et améliorer son aisance en langue portugais est de partir en séjour linguistique portugais. LanguageBookings offre tout une gamme de cours d' portugais à l'étranger variant en durées et niveaux d'intensité. 
                                          L'portugais est une des langues les plus parlées au monde, et grâce à nos séjours linguistiques d' portugais, vous pourrez choisir la formation qui vous correspond le mieux. Quel que soit votre niveau de langue, nous vous proposons un large choix de formules d’ portugais. 
                                          ,[idid] => 57),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJwdCI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => pt,[name] => Português,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portugues,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Cursos de Português - Aulas de Português para estrangeiros,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Independente do tipo de curso de Português que você está procurando, Languagebookings.com vai ajudar você encontrá-lo com o menor preço possível!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Encontre os preços mais baixos para aulas de Português para estrangeiros!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Portuguese Courses Você está procurando escolas de língua portuguesa no esterior? Que tal estudar Português no exterior? Independente do tipo de curso Português que você está procurando, Languagebookings. com irá ajudá-lo a encontrá-lo — e pelo menor preço possível!

                                          Navegue por inúmeras escolas de portugês em dezenas de locais em todo o mundo até você encontrar o curso de Português e a escola certa para você. Tornamos mais fácil para encontrar preços e descontos nas mais populares escolas no exterior e fornecemos informações detalhadas da escola, fotos, vídeos e comentários de estudantes além de uma grande variedade de escolas de portugyês no exterior. Escolha Languagebookings. com para fazer sua reserva de cursos e descubra por que mais e mais alunos estão nos escolhendo para estudar português no estrangeiro!

                                          Nossas garantias de serviço

                                          Best Price Guaranteed

                                          Melhor preço garantido

                                          100% garantido que você vai pagar o preço mais barato. Oferecemos-lhe as mais baixas taxas de curso possível - você nunca paga mais do que se tiver reservando diretamente com a escola em si ou em qualquer outro lugar. Além disso, nosso serviço é gratuito. Não cobramos quaisquer taxas de reserva.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Apoio ao cliente excepcional

                                          Sempre que precisar de ajuda, você pode sempre chamar o nosso apoio ao cliente. Antes, durante e após o seu curso, estamos aqui para você. Você pode facilmente contactar nossos consultores experientes e amigáveis. Nós estamos sempre a apenas um clique de distância através de e-mail, telefone, skype ou chat mesmo ao vivo!
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Sua reserva 100% confirmado!

                                          É muito pouco provável que algo dê errado com sua reserva uma vez confirmada pelas escolas de idiomas. Na verdade nós estamos tão confiantes, que, se você não conseguir reservar o seu curso na escola selecionada, nós vamos creditar sua conta o depósito integral e encontrar outra alternativa possível para você.

                                          Trust and Safety Confiança & segurança

                                          Nós somos um mercado que promove a confiança e colaboração. É por isso que nós construímos as melhores ferramentas e serviços para auxiliar você a fazer as decisões certas. Encontre comentários de alunos, referências de host, selos de qualidade da escola e credenciamentos, tudo no nosso site!


                                          ,[image1] => ,[link1] => ,[image2] => ,[link2] => ,[image3] => ,[link3] => ,[image4] => ,[link4] => ,[short_title] => Cursos de língua Portuguesa,[short_description] =>
                                          Cursos de Português no estrangeiro são uma ótima maneira de ver o mundo e mergulhar em outra cultura e também, uma grande oportunidade para aprender um Português impecável. Todos os nossos cursos de idioma são projetados para combinar férias culturais com uma experiência de aprendizagem de línguas. A idéia é usar seu curso de idiomas para melhorar suas férias e suas férias para aprimorar o seu curso de idiomas. Você estará fazendo um monte de amigos internacionais como você ter aulas e aprende Português com falantes de Português credenciados, nativos com acentos corretos.
                                          ,[idid] => 126),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJydSI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => ru,[name] => Португальский,[name2] => Португальского,[sysname] => portugalyskiy,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Изучение Португальского за рубежом | Курсы Португальского Языка,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Независимо от типа курса Португальского, который вы ищете, Languagebookings.com поможет вам найти его — по самой низкой цене, которая возможна!,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => Найти самые низкие цены на курсы португальского языка за рубежом!,[extradesc] =>

                                          Portuguese Courses Вы ищете школу Португальского Языка за рубежом или летние курсы Португальского? Как насчет учебы за рубежом или языковых курсов Португальского языка для взрослых за границей? Независимо от типа курса Португальского языка, который вы ищете, Languagebookings.com поможет вам найти его — по самой низкой цене, которая возможна!

                                          Вы просматриваете бесчисленное количество школ Португальского в десятках мест по всему миру, пока не найдете курс Португальского и школу, которая подходит именно вам. Мы сделали этот процесс более простым, чтобы в одном месте вы нашли цены со скидкой на наиболее популярные школы за рубежом, а также подробную информацию с фотографиями, видео и отзывы студентов для большинства школ Португальского за границей. Выберите Languagebookings.com для бронирования всех ваших курсов и узнайте, почему все больше и больше студентов выбирают нас для изучения Португальского за рубежом!

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                                          Гарантия лучшей цены

                                          100% гарантия, что вы заплатите минимальную цену за курс. Мы предлагаем вам самые низкие цены на курсы - вы никогда не заплатите больше чем, если бы вы заказали, непосредственно связавшись со школой или в другом любом месте. Кроме того, наши услуги совершенно бесплатны. Мы не взимаем никаких дополнительных сборов за бронирование.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Исключительная Клиентская Поддержка

                                          Всякий раз, когда вы нуждаетесь в помощи, вы всегда можете позвонить в нашу службу поддержки. До, во время и после курса, мы здесь для вас. Вы всегда и легко можете связаться с нашими опытными и дружелюбными консультантами. Мы всегда на расстоянии одного клика с помощью электронной почты, телефонного звонка, скайпа или чата!
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Ваш заказ 100% подтвержден!

                                          Существует очень малая вероятность того, что что-то пойдет не так с вашим бронированием в случае, когда оно подтверждено языковой школой. Мы в этом на столько уверены, что если вы не получите вами зарезервирован курс в выбранной школе, то мы вернем на ваш счет всю суму депозита и найдем другую альтернативу для вас.

                                          Trust and Safety Доверие и Безопасность

                                          Мы являемся площадкой, которая содействует распространению доверия и сотрудничества. Именно поэтому мы создали лучшие инструменты для этого и услуги, чтобы помочь вам в принятии правильных решений. Просмотрите мнения студентов, рекомендации, качество услуг предоставляемых школами и их аккредитование,... Узнать больше


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                                          Курсы Португальского языка за рубежом являются отличным способом, чтобы увидеть что-то новое и погрузиться в мир другой культуры, а также прекрасная возможность узнать безупречный Португальский. Все наши языковые курсы предназначены для того, чтобы совместить культурный отдых с изучением языка. Идея состоит в том, чтобы использовать языковой курс для улучшения вашего отдыха и свой отпуск для улучшения знаний иностранного языка. Вы сможете завести много друзей с других стран, так как вы будете ходить на занятия со студентами, которые приехали со всего мира. Вы будете изучать Португальский язык с аккредитованными преподавателями, для которых Португальский язык родной и которые имеют правильно поставленный акцент.

                                          ,[idid] => 146),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJ6aCI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => zh,[name] => 葡萄牙语,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portuguese,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => 葡萄牙语课程-葡萄牙语语言国外学校,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => 任何类型的葡萄牙语课程你正在寻找,Languagebookings.com 将帮助你找到它 — — 和在尽可能低的价格 !,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => 葡萄牙语语言课程国外找到最低的价格 !,[extradesc] =>

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                                          我们是一个促进信任与协作的市场。这就是为什么我们已经建立的最佳过类工具和服务,当然协助和磨练你做出正确的决定。找到学生点评、 主机引用、 学校质量密封件和资格认证。.. 了解更多

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                                          포르투갈어-해외 세계를 보고 다른 문화와 완벽 한 포르투갈어를 배울 수 있는 좋은 기회에 자신을 몰두 하는 좋은 방법입니다. 우리의 코스의 모든 경험을 학습 하는 언어와 문화 휴가 결합 하 여 설계 되었습니다. 아이디어 휴가 및 언어 실력을 향상 시키기 위해 귀하의 휴가 향상 시키기 위해 언어 과정을 사용 하는. 당신이 만드는 것입니다 국제 친구를 많이 수업 방법과 올바른 악센트.
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                                          ,[idid] => 187),[czoyOiIxMiI7czoyOiJqYSI7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 12,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-07-16 11:57:58,[update_timestamp] => 2014-05-13 10:02:40,[topdestinations] => Array ([0] => p-114,[1] => c-205),[code] => pt,[sort] => 0,[active] => y,[locale] => pt_BR,[file] => ,[image_language] => portuguese.jpg,[home_publish] => n,[num_courses] => 25,[web_lang] => y,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => ja,[name] => ポルトガル語,[name2] => ,[sysname] => portuguese,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ポルトガル語コース - ポルトガル語学校留学,[mtitle2] => ,[mdesc] => Languagebookings.com を助けるために探しているポルトガル語コースのどんなタイプのあなたはそれを見つける- と最低の価格で !,[mkeys] => ,[extratitle] => ポルトガル語学留学のための最低価格を見つける !,[extradesc] =>

                                          Portuguese Coursesポルトガル語学留学またはポルトガル語夏の学校をお探しですか。海外の大人のためポルトガル語留学や語学勉強方法についてですか?あなたが探して、Languagebookings ポルトガル語コースの種類を問わず。com は見つけることができますが — と最低の価格で !

                                          ポルトガル語コースとは、あなたにぴったりの学校を見つけるまで世界中の場所の多数の多数のポルトガル語の学校を参照します。我々 それを見つけやすく割引価格で最も人気のある学校海外と詳細な学校の情報、写真、ビデオ、学生ポルトガル学校海外の多種多様のレビューします。Languagebookings を選択します。あなたのコースご予約は、com と学生はポルトガル語を学ぶ海外私たちを選んでいる理由より多くを発見 !

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                                          Excellent Advice

                                          卓越した顧客 Support

                                          あなたは、援助を必要とするたびに常に当社のカスタマー サポートを呼び出すことができます。前に、中にあなたのコースの後、我々 はここであなたのためです。当社の経験とフレンドリーなコンサルタントを簡単に連絡することができます。我々 ' 常にクリックするだけ離れて電子メール、電話、skype やさらにはライブ チャットを介して再 !
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                                          Trust and Safety信託 Safety

                                          我々 は市場の信頼とのコラボレーションを促進します。これはなぜ最高のこれまでクラス ツールとサービスを確実に支援し、右の意思決定に磨きをかけるを築いております。認定を取得した品質のシールが学校やホスト参照学生のレビューを見つけます。.. more を学ぶ

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                                          ,[idid] => 208)),[] => 1,[] => ),[remotestorage] => RemoteStorage Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => languagebookings,[] => img,[] => files,[] => d1wvdd0wr61utq.cloudfront.net,[] => Aws\S3\S3Client Object ([] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/vendor/aws/aws-sdk-php/src/Aws/S3,[] => Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type)),[] => ,[] => Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Object ([] => Array ([AbortMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => AbortMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadAbort.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified multipart upload does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchUploadException)),[name] => AbortMultipartUpload),[CompleteMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CompleteMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CompleteMultipartUpload,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CompleteMultipartUpload),[CopyObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CopyObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectCOPY.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MetadataDirective] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-metadata-directive),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.,[class] => ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => CopyObject),[CreateBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CreateBucketConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LocationConstraint] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.,[class] => BucketAlreadyExistsException)),[name] => CreateBucket),[CreateMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadInitiate.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CreateMultipartUpload),[DeleteBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucket),[DeleteBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketCors),[DeleteBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETElifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[DeleteBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketPolicy),[DeleteBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketTagging),[DeleteBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketWebsite),[DeleteObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[name] => DeleteObject),[DeleteObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}?delete,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Delete,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Objects] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Quiet] => Array ([type] => boolean,[format] => boolean-string,[location] => xml),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => DeleteObjects),[GetBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketAcl),[GetBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketCors),[GetBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLifecycle),[GetBucketLocation] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?location,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLocationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketLocation),[GetBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlogging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLogging),[GetBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETnotification.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketNotification),[GetBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketPolicy),[GetBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketRequestPayment),[GetBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketTagging),[GetBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETversioningStatus.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketVersioning),[GetBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketWebsite),[GetObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ResponseCacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-cache-control),[ResponseContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-disposition),[ResponseContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-encoding),[ResponseContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-language),[ResponseContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-type),[ResponseExpires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-expires),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[SaveAs] => Array ([location] => response_body)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObject),[GetObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObjectAcl),[GetObjectTorrent] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?torrent,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectTorrentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETtorrent.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey))),[name] => GetObjectTorrent),[HeadBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => HeadBucket),[HeadObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => HeadObject),[ListBuckets] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListBucketsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTServiceGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListBuckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListMultipartUploadsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListMPUpload.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-uploads),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => upload-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListMultipartUploads),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versions,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectVersionsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => version-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListObjectVersions),[ListObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => ListObjects),[ListParts] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListPartsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListParts.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-parts),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => part-number-marker),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListParts),[PutBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutBucketAcl),[PutBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTcors.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CORSConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric))))),[name] => PutBucketCors),[PutBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => LifecycleConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Rules] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Status] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketLifecycle),[PutBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => BucketLoggingStatus,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketLogging),[PutBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTnotification.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => NotificationConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TopicConfiguration] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketNotification),[PutBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Policy] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body)),[name] => PutBucketPolicy),[PutBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RequestPaymentConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Payer] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketRequestPayment),[PutBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTtagging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Tagging,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TagSet] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Value] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))))),[name] => PutBucketTagging),[PutBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => VersioningConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketVersioning),[PutBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTwebsite.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => WebsiteConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketWebsite),[PutObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutObject),[PutObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => PutObjectAcl),[RestoreObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?restore,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => RestoreObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectRestore.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RestoreRequest,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Days] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => This operation is not allowed against this storage tier,[class] => ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => RestoreObject),[UploadPart] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html,[parameters] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[name] => UploadPart),[UploadPartCopy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartCopyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPartCopy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[CopySourceRange] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-range),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => UploadPartCopy)),[] => Array ([AbortMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CompleteMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CopyObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Bucket),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Deleted] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean),[DeleteMarkerVersionId] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Errors] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Error,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Error,[properties] => Array ([Code] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Message] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Rules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Rule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string),[Status] => Array ([type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLocationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => body,[filters] => Array ([0] => strval,[1] => strip_tags,[2] => trim)))),[GetBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TopicConfiguration] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Policy] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Payer] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TagSet] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Tag,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Value] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[sentAs] => RoutingRule,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectTorrentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListBucketsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Buckets] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Bucket,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Bucket,[properties] => Array ([CreationDate] => Array ([type] => string),[Name] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListMultipartUploadsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextUploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Uploads] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Upload,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Upload,[properties] => Array ([Initiated] => Array ([type] => string),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectVersionsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[DeleteMarkers] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[properties] => Array ([IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextVersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Versions] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Version,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Version,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => string),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Contents] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListPartsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextPartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Part,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id),[ObjectURL] => Array ())),[PutObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[RestoreObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartCopyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id)))),[] => ,[] => 2006-03-01,[] => ,[] => Array ([endpointPrefix] => s3,[serviceFullName] => Amazon Simple Storage Service,[serviceAbbreviation] => Amazon S3,[serviceType] => rest-xml,[timestampFormat] => rfc822,[globalEndpoint] => s3.amazonaws.com,[signatureVersion] => s3,[namespace] => S3,[regions] => Array ([us-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.amazonaws.com),[us-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com),[us-west-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com),[eu-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-northeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com),[sa-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com),[cn-north-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn),[us-gov-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com)),[iterators] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[waiters] => Array ([__default__] => Array ([interval] => 5,[max_attempts] => 20),[BucketExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchBucket)),[BucketNotExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => error,[success.value] => NoSuchBucket),[ObjectExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadObject,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchKey)))),[] => ),[] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\CompositeFactory Object ([] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\AliasFactory Object ([] => Array ([GetService] => ListBuckets,[GetBucket] => ListObjects,[PutBucket] => CreateBucket,[GetBucketHeaders] => HeadBucket,[GetObjectHeaders] => HeadObject,[SetBucketAcl] => PutBucketAcl,[CreateObject] => PutObject,[DeleteObjects] => DeleteMultipleObjects,[PutObjectCopy] => CopyObject,[SetObjectAcl] => PutObjectAcl,[GetLogs] => GetBucketLogging,[GetVersioningStatus] => GetBucketVersioning,[SetBucketPolicy] => PutBucketPolicy,[CreateBucketNotification] => PutBucketNotification,[GetBucketNotifications] => GetBucketNotification,[CopyPart] => UploadPartCopy,[CreateWebsiteConfig] => PutBucketWebsite,[GetWebsiteConfig] => GetBucketWebsite,[DeleteWebsiteConfig] => DeleteBucketWebsite,[CreateObjectExpirationConfig] => PutBucketLifecycle,[GetObjectExpirationConfig] => GetBucketLifecycle,[DeleteObjectExpirationConfig] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[] => Aws\S3\S3Client Object ( *RECURSION*),[1] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\ServiceDescriptionFactory Object ([] => Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Object ([] => Array ([AbortMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => AbortMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadAbort.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified multipart upload does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchUploadException)),[name] => AbortMultipartUpload),[CompleteMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CompleteMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CompleteMultipartUpload,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CompleteMultipartUpload),[CopyObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CopyObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectCOPY.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MetadataDirective] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-metadata-directive),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.,[class] => ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => CopyObject),[CreateBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CreateBucketConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LocationConstraint] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.,[class] => BucketAlreadyExistsException)),[name] => CreateBucket),[CreateMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadInitiate.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CreateMultipartUpload),[DeleteBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucket),[DeleteBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketCors),[DeleteBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETElifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[DeleteBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketPolicy),[DeleteBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketTagging),[DeleteBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketWebsite),[DeleteObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[name] => DeleteObject),[DeleteObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}?delete,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Delete,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Objects] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Quiet] => Array ([type] => boolean,[format] => boolean-string,[location] => xml),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => DeleteObjects),[GetBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketAcl),[GetBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketCors),[GetBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLifecycle),[GetBucketLocation] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?location,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLocationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketLocation),[GetBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlogging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLogging),[GetBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETnotification.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketNotification),[GetBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketPolicy),[GetBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketRequestPayment),[GetBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketTagging),[GetBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETversioningStatus.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketVersioning),[GetBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketWebsite),[GetObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ResponseCacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-cache-control),[ResponseContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-disposition),[ResponseContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-encoding),[ResponseContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-language),[ResponseContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-type),[ResponseExpires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-expires),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[SaveAs] => Array ([location] => response_body)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObject),[GetObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObjectAcl),[GetObjectTorrent] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?torrent,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectTorrentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETtorrent.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey))),[name] => GetObjectTorrent),[HeadBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => HeadBucket),[HeadObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => HeadObject),[ListBuckets] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListBucketsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTServiceGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListBuckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListMultipartUploadsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListMPUpload.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-uploads),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => upload-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListMultipartUploads),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versions,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectVersionsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => version-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListObjectVersions),[ListObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => ListObjects),[ListParts] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListPartsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListParts.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-parts),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => part-number-marker),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListParts),[PutBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutBucketAcl),[PutBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTcors.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CORSConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric))))),[name] => PutBucketCors),[PutBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => LifecycleConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Rules] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Status] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketLifecycle),[PutBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => BucketLoggingStatus,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketLogging),[PutBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTnotification.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => NotificationConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TopicConfiguration] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketNotification),[PutBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Policy] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body)),[name] => PutBucketPolicy),[PutBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RequestPaymentConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Payer] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketRequestPayment),[PutBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTtagging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Tagging,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TagSet] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Value] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))))),[name] => PutBucketTagging),[PutBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => VersioningConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketVersioning),[PutBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTwebsite.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => WebsiteConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketWebsite),[PutObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutObject),[PutObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => PutObjectAcl),[RestoreObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?restore,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => RestoreObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectRestore.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RestoreRequest,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Days] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => This operation is not allowed against this storage tier,[class] => ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => RestoreObject),[UploadPart] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html,[parameters] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[name] => UploadPart),[UploadPartCopy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartCopyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPartCopy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[CopySourceRange] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-range),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => UploadPartCopy)),[] => Array ([AbortMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CompleteMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CopyObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Bucket),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Deleted] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean),[DeleteMarkerVersionId] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Errors] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Error,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Error,[properties] => Array ([Code] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Message] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Rules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Rule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string),[Status] => Array ([type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLocationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => body,[filters] => Array ([0] => strval,[1] => strip_tags,[2] => trim)))),[GetBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TopicConfiguration] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Policy] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Payer] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TagSet] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Tag,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Value] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[sentAs] => RoutingRule,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectTorrentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListBucketsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Buckets] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Bucket,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Bucket,[properties] => Array ([CreationDate] => Array ([type] => string),[Name] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListMultipartUploadsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextUploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Uploads] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Upload,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Upload,[properties] => Array ([Initiated] => Array ([type] => string),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectVersionsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[DeleteMarkers] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[properties] => Array ([IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextVersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Versions] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Version,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Version,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => string),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Contents] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListPartsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextPartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Part,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id),[ObjectURL] => Array ())),[PutObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[RestoreObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartCopyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id)))),[] => ,[] => 2006-03-01,[] => ,[] => Array ([endpointPrefix] => s3,[serviceFullName] => Amazon Simple Storage Service,[serviceAbbreviation] => Amazon S3,[serviceType] => rest-xml,[timestampFormat] => rfc822,[globalEndpoint] => s3.amazonaws.com,[signatureVersion] => s3,[namespace] => S3,[regions] => Array ([us-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.amazonaws.com),[us-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com),[us-west-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com),[eu-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-northeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com),[sa-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com),[cn-north-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn),[us-gov-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com)),[iterators] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[waiters] => Array ([__default__] => Array ([interval] => 5,[max_attempts] => 20),[BucketExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchBucket)),[BucketNotExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => error,[success.value] => NoSuchBucket),[ObjectExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadObject,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchKey)))),[] => ),[] => ),[2] => Guzzle\Service\Command\Factory\ConcreteClassFactory Object ([] => Aws\S3\S3Client Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Guzzle\Inflection\MemoizingInflector Object ([] => Array ([snake] => Array (),[camel] => Array ()),[] => 500,[] => Guzzle\Inflection\Inflector Object ())))),[] => Aws\Common\Iterator\AwsResourceIteratorFactory Object ([] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets,[input_token] => ,[output_token] => ,[limit_key] => ,[more_results] => ),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[] => Guzzle\Service\Resource\ResourceIteratorClassFactory Object ([] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\Iterator),[] => Guzzle\Inflection\MemoizingInflector Object ([] => Array ([snake] => Array (),[camel] => Array ()),[] => 500,[] => Guzzle\Inflection\Inflector Object ()))),[] => ,[] => Guzzle\Common\Collection Object ([] => Array ()),[] => aws-sdk-php2/2.6.0 Guzzle/3.8.1 curl/7.38.0 PHP/5.6.30-0+deb8u1,[] => Guzzle\Common\Collection Object ([] => Array ([key] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[secret] => 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,[client.backoff] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[signature] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type)),[scheme] => https,[version] => 2006-03-01,[service.description] => Guzzle\Service\Description\ServiceDescription Object ([] => Array ([AbortMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => AbortMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadAbort.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified multipart upload does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchUploadException)),[name] => AbortMultipartUpload),[CompleteMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CompleteMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadComplete.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CompleteMultipartUpload,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CompleteMultipartUpload),[CopyObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CopyObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectCOPY.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MetadataDirective] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-metadata-directive),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The source object of the COPY operation is not in the active tier and is only stored in Amazon Glacier.,[class] => ObjectNotInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => CopyObject),[CreateBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CreateBucketConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LocationConstraint] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The requested bucket name is not available. The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system. Please select a different name and try again.,[class] => BucketAlreadyExistsException)),[name] => CreateBucket),[CreateMultipartUpload] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => CreateMultipartUploadOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadInitiate.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => CreateMultipartUpload),[DeleteBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucket),[DeleteBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketCors),[DeleteBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETElifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketLifecycle),[DeleteBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketPolicy),[DeleteBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketTagging),[DeleteBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketDELETEwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => DeleteBucketWebsite),[DeleteObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => DELETE,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectDELETE.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[name] => DeleteObject),[DeleteObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}?delete,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => DeleteObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/multiobjectdeleteapi.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Delete,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Objects] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Quiet] => Array ([type] => boolean,[format] => boolean-string,[location] => xml),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => DeleteObjects),[GetBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketAcl),[GetBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETcors.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketCors),[GetBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlifecycle.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLifecycle),[GetBucketLocation] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?location,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLocationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlocation.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketLocation),[GetBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETlogging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketLogging),[GetBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETnotification.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketNotification),[GetBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[name] => GetBucketPolicy),[GetBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketRequestPayment),[GetBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETtagging.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketTagging),[GetBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETversioningStatus.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketVersioning),[GetBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETwebsite.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => GetBucketWebsite),[GetObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ResponseCacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-cache-control),[ResponseContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-disposition),[ResponseContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-encoding),[ResponseContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-language),[ResponseContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-content-type),[ResponseExpires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => query,[sentAs] => response-expires),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[SaveAs] => Array ([location] => response_body)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObject),[GetObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETacl.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => GetObjectAcl),[GetObjectTorrent] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?torrent,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => GetObjectTorrentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectGETtorrent.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey))),[name] => GetObjectTorrent),[HeadBucket] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadBucketOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => HeadBucket),[HeadObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => HEAD,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => HeadObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectHEAD.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[IfMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Match),[IfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Modified-Since),[IfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-None-Match),[IfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => If-Unmodified-Since),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Range] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => versionId)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => HeadObject),[ListBuckets] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListBucketsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTServiceGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListBuckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?uploads,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListMultipartUploadsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListMPUpload.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-uploads),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => upload-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListMultipartUploads),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versions,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectVersionsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGETVersion.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => key-marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => version-id-marker),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListObjectVersions),[ListObjects] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListObjectsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketGET.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Delimiter] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => delimiter),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => encoding-type),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => marker),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-keys),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => prefix),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified bucket does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchBucketException)),[name] => ListObjects),[ListParts] => Array ([httpMethod] => GET,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => ListPartsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadListParts.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => max-parts),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => part-number-marker),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => ListParts),[PutBucketAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutBucketAcl),[PutBucketCors] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?cors,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketCorsOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTcors.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => CORSConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric))))),[name] => PutBucketCors),[PutBucketLifecycle] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?lifecycle,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLifecycleOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlifecycle.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => LifecycleConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Rules] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Status] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketLifecycle),[PutBucketLogging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?logging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketLoggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTlogging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => BucketLoggingStatus,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketLogging),[PutBucketNotification] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?notification,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketNotificationOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTnotification.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => NotificationConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TopicConfiguration] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string)))),[name] => PutBucketNotification),[PutBucketPolicy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?policy,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketPolicyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTpolicy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Policy] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body)),[name] => PutBucketPolicy),[PutBucketRequestPayment] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?requestPayment,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTrequestPaymentPUT.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RequestPaymentConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Payer] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketRequestPayment),[PutBucketTagging] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?tagging,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketTaggingOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTtagging.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => Tagging,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[contentMd5] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[TagSet] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Value] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))))),[name] => PutBucketTagging),[PutBucketVersioning] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?versioning,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketVersioningOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTVersioningStatus.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => VersioningConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[MFA] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-mfa),[MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml)),[name] => PutBucketVersioning),[PutBucketWebsite] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}?website,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutBucketWebsiteOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTBucketPUTwebsite.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => WebsiteConfiguration,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/)),[xmlAllowEmpty] => 1),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string))))))),[name] => PutBucketWebsite),[PutObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUT.html,[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[Expires] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-storage-class),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[name] => PutObject),[PutObjectAcl] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?acl,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => PutObjectAclOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectPUTacl.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => AccessControlPolicy,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([ACL] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-acl),[Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[GrantFullControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-full-control),[GrantRead] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read),[GrantReadACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-read-acp),[GrantWrite] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write),[GrantWriteACP] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-grant-write-acp),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[ACP] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => The specified key does not exist.,[class] => NoSuchKeyException)),[name] => PutObjectAcl),[RestoreObject] => Array ([httpMethod] => POST,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*}?restore,[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => RestoreObjectOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/RESTObjectRestore.html,[data] => Array ([xmlRoot] => Array ([name] => RestoreRequest,[namespaces] => Array ([0] => http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/))),[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[Days] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => xml)),[errorResponses] => Array ([0] => Array ([reason] => This operation is not allowed against this storage tier,[class] => ObjectAlreadyInActiveTierErrorException)),[name] => RestoreObject),[UploadPart] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPart.html,[parameters] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => object),[location] => body),[Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentMD5] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => string,[1] => boolean),[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-MD5),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId)),[name] => UploadPart),[UploadPartCopy] => Array ([httpMethod] => PUT,[uri] => /{Bucket}{/Key*},[class] => Aws\S3\Command\S3Command,[responseClass] => UploadPartCopyOutput,[responseType] => model,[documentationUrl] => http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/mpUploadUploadPartCopy.html,[parameters] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri),[CopySource] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source),[CopySourceIfMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-match),[CopySourceIfModifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-modified-since),[CopySourceIfNoneMatch] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-none-match),[CopySourceIfUnmodifiedSince] => Array ([type] => Array ([0] => object,[1] => string,[2] => integer),[format] => date-time-http,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-if-unmodified-since),[CopySourceRange] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-range),[Key] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => uri,[filters] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Client::explodeKey)),[PartNumber] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => numeric,[location] => query,[sentAs] => partNumber),[UploadId] => Array ([required] => 1,[type] => string,[location] => query,[sentAs] => uploadId),[command.expects] => Array ([static] => 1,[default] => application/xml)),[name] => UploadPartCopy)),[] => Array ([AbortMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CompleteMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CopyObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[CreateMultipartUploadOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Bucket),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[DeleteObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Deleted] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean),[DeleteMarkerVersionId] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Errors] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Error,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Error,[properties] => Array ([Code] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Message] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CORSRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => CORSRule,[properties] => Array ([AllowedHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedHeader)),[AllowedMethods] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedMethod)),[AllowedOrigins] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => AllowedOrigin)),[ExposeHeaders] => Array ([type] => array,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => ExposeHeader)),[MaxAgeSeconds] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Rules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Rule,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Rule,[properties] => Array ([Expiration] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric))),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string),[Status] => Array ([type] => string),[Transition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Date] => Array ([type] => string),[Days] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketLocationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Location] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => body,[filters] => Array ([0] => strval,[1] => strip_tags,[2] => trim)))),[GetBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([LoggingEnabled] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([TargetBucket] => Array ([type] => string),[TargetGrants] => Array ([type] => array,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[TargetPrefix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TopicConfiguration] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Event] => Array ([type] => string),[Topic] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Policy] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Payer] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([TagSet] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Tag,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Tag,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Value] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([MFADelete] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Status] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ErrorDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Key] => Array ([type] => string))),[IndexDocument] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([Suffix] => Array ([type] => string))),[RedirectAllRequestsTo] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string))),[RoutingRules] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => RoutingRule,[type] => object,[sentAs] => RoutingRule,[properties] => Array ([Condition] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HttpErrorCodeReturnedEquals] => Array ([type] => string),[KeyPrefixEquals] => Array ([type] => string))),[Redirect] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([HostName] => Array ([type] => string),[HttpRedirectCode] => Array ([type] => string),[Protocol] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyPrefixWith] => Array ([type] => string),[ReplaceKeyWith] => Array ([type] => string)))))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Grants] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => AccessControlList,[items] => Array ([name] => Grant,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Grant,[properties] => Array ([Grantee] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[EmailAddress] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string),[Type] => Array ([type] => string,[sentAs] => xsi:type,[data] => Array ([xmlAttribute] => 1,[xmlNamespace] => http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance)),[URI] => Array ([type] => string))),[Permission] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[GetObjectTorrentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Body] => Array ([type] => string,[instanceOf] => Guzzle\Http\EntityBody,[location] => body),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadBucketOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[HeadObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([AcceptRanges] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => accept-ranges),[CacheControl] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Cache-Control),[ContentDisposition] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Disposition),[ContentEncoding] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Encoding),[ContentLanguage] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Language),[ContentLength] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Length),[ContentType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Content-Type),[DeleteMarker] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-delete-marker),[ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[Expires] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Last-Modified),[Metadata] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-meta-,[additionalProperties] => Array ([type] => string)),[MissingMeta] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-missing-meta),[Restore] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-restore),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[WebsiteRedirectLocation] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-website-redirect-location),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListBucketsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Buckets] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[items] => Array ([name] => Bucket,[type] => object,[sentAs] => Bucket,[properties] => Array ([CreationDate] => Array ([type] => string),[Name] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListMultipartUploadsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxUploads] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextUploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Uploads] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Upload,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Upload,[properties] => Array ([Initiated] => Array ([type] => string),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectVersionsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[DeleteMarkers] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => DeleteMarker,[properties] => Array ([IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[KeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextKeyMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextVersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[VersionIdMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Versions] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Version,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Version,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[IsLatest] => Array ([type] => boolean),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => string),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string)))),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListObjectsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([CommonPrefixes] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([Prefix] => Array ([type] => string)))),[Contents] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[Key] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string)))),[EncodingType] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => Encoding-Type),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Marker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxKeys] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Name] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[NextMarker] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Prefix] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[ListPartsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([Bucket] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[Initiator] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[IsTruncated] => Array ([type] => boolean,[location] => xml),[Key] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[MaxParts] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[NextPartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Owner] => Array ([type] => object,[location] => xml,[properties] => Array ([DisplayName] => Array ([type] => string),[ID] => Array ([type] => string))),[PartNumberMarker] => Array ([type] => numeric,[location] => xml),[Parts] => Array ([type] => array,[location] => xml,[sentAs] => Part,[data] => Array ([xmlFlattened] => 1),[items] => Array ([type] => object,[sentAs] => Part,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string),[PartNumber] => Array ([type] => numeric),[Size] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[StorageClass] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[UploadId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketCorsOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLifecycleOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketLoggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketNotificationOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketPolicyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketRequestPaymentOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketTaggingOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketVersioningOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutBucketWebsiteOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[PutObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[Expiration] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-expiration),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[VersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-version-id),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id),[ObjectURL] => Array ())),[PutObjectAclOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[RestoreObjectOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id))),[UploadPartCopyOutput] => Array ([type] => object,[additionalProperties] => 1,[properties] => Array ([ETag] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[LastModified] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => xml),[CopySourceVersionId] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-copy-source-version-id),[ServerSideEncryption] => Array ([type] => string,[location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-server-side-encryption),[RequestId] => Array ([location] => header,[sentAs] => x-amz-request-id)))),[] => ,[] => 2006-03-01,[] => ,[] => Array ([endpointPrefix] => s3,[serviceFullName] => Amazon Simple Storage Service,[serviceAbbreviation] => Amazon S3,[serviceType] => rest-xml,[timestampFormat] => rfc822,[globalEndpoint] => s3.amazonaws.com,[signatureVersion] => s3,[namespace] => S3,[regions] => Array ([us-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.amazonaws.com),[us-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-1.amazonaws.com),[us-west-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com),[eu-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-northeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com),[ap-southeast-2] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com),[sa-east-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-sa-east-1.amazonaws.com),[cn-north-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com.cn),[us-gov-west-1] => Array ([http] => 1,[https] => 1,[hostname] => s3-us-gov-west-1.amazonaws.com)),[iterators] => Array ([ListBuckets] => Array ([result_key] => Buckets),[ListMultipartUploads] => Array ([limit_key] => MaxUploads,[more_results] => IsTruncated,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextUploadIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => UploadIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Uploads,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjectVersions] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => Array ([0] => NextKeyMarker,[1] => NextVersionIdMarker),[input_token] => Array ([0] => KeyMarker,[1] => VersionIdMarker),[result_key] => Array ([0] => Versions,[1] => DeleteMarkers,[2] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListObjects] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxKeys,[output_token] => NextMarker,[input_token] => Marker,[result_key] => Array ([0] => Contents,[1] => CommonPrefixes)),[ListParts] => Array ([more_results] => IsTruncated,[limit_key] => MaxParts,[output_token] => NextPartNumberMarker,[input_token] => PartNumberMarker,[result_key] => Parts)),[waiters] => Array ([__default__] => Array ([interval] => 5,[max_attempts] => 20),[BucketExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchBucket)),[BucketNotExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadBucket,[success.type] => error,[success.value] => NoSuchBucket),[ObjectExists] => Array ([operation] => HeadObject,[success.type] => output,[ignore_errors] => Array ([0] => NoSuchKey)))),[] => ),[service] => s3,[region] => us-east-1,[base_url] => https://s3.amazonaws.com,[token] => ,[token.ttd] => ,[profile] => ,[credentials.cache] => ,[credentials.cache.key] => ,[credentials.client] => ,[curl.options] => Array ([10065] => /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Http/Resources/cacert.pem,[64] => 1,[81] => 2),[params.cache.key_filter] => header=date,x-amz-date,x-amz-security-token,x-amzn-authorization)),[] => https://s3.amazonaws.com,[] => ,[] => ,[] => Guzzle\Http\Message\RequestFactory Object ([] => Array ([getInstance] => 0,[__construct] => 1,[fromMessage] => 2,[fromParts] => 3,[create] => 4,[cloneRequestWithMethod] => 5,[applyOptions] => 6,[visit_headers] => 7,[visit_body] => 8,[visit_allow_redirects] => 9,[visit_auth] => 10,[visit_query] => 11,[visit_cookies] => 12,[visit_events] => 13,[visit_plugins] => 14,[visit_exceptions] => 15,[visit_save_to] => 16,[visit_params] => 17,[visit_timeout] => 18,[visit_connect_timeout] => 19,[visit_debug] => 20,[visit_verify] => 21,[visit_proxy] => 22,[visit_cert] => 23,[visit_ssl_key] => 24),[] => Guzzle\Http\Message\Request,[] => Guzzle\Http\Message\EntityEnclosingRequest),[] => Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher Object ([] => Array ([request.sent] => Array ([100] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Http\RedirectPlugin Object ([] => 5),[1] => onRequestSent)),[0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[1] => onRequestSent))),[request.clone] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Http\RedirectPlugin Object ([] => 5),[1] => cleanupRequest))),[request.before_send] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Http\RedirectPlugin Object ([] => 5),[1] => cleanupRequest)),[-255] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Signature\SignatureListener Object ([] => Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type))),[1] => onRequestBeforeSend))),[client.credentials_changed] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Signature\SignatureListener Object ([] => Aws\Common\Credentials\Credentials Object ([] => AKIAJROOF7SZUHRZHNVA,[] => 6UOE+plScMIzkrxeHXMd9AuLzFqBKfLjy2EZFwPv,[] => ,[] => ),[] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type))),[1] => onCredentialsChanged))),[request.exception] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[1] => onRequestSent))),[curl_multi.polling_request] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\BackoffPlugin Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\TruncatedBackoffStrategy Object ([] => 3,[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\HttpBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([500] => 1,[503] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\SocketTimeoutChecker Object ([] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\CurlBackoffStrategy Object ([] => Array ([6] => 1,[7] => 1,[18] => 1,[23] => 1,[26] => 1,[28] => 1,[35] => 1,[45] => 1,[52] => 1,[55] => 1,[56] => 1),[] => Aws\Common\Client\ExpiredCredentialsChecker Object ([] => Array ([RequestExpired] => 1,[ExpiredTokenException] => 1,[ExpiredToken] => 1),[] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Guzzle\Plugin\Backoff\ExponentialBackoffStrategy Object ([] => )))))),[] => ),[1] => onRequestPoll))),[request.error] => Array ([-1] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Exception\ExceptionListener Object ([] => Aws\Common\Exception\NamespaceExceptionFactory Object ([] => Aws\S3\Exception\Parser\S3ExceptionParser Object (),[] => Aws\S3\Exception,[] => Aws\S3\Exception\S3Exception)),[1] => onRequestError))),[command.before_send] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Client\UserAgentListener Object (),[1] => onBeforeSend))),[command.after_prepare] => Array ([-255] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\BucketStyleListener Object (),[1] => onCommandAfterPrepare)),[0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\S3Md5Listener Object ([] => Aws\S3\S3Signature Object ([] => Array ([0] => acl,[1] => cors,[2] => delete,[3] => lifecycle,[4] => location,[5] => logging,[6] => notification,[7] => partNumber,[8] => policy,[9] => requestPayment,[10] => response-cache-control,[11] => response-content-disposition,[12] => response-content-encoding,[13] => response-content-language,[14] => response-content-type,[15] => response-expires,[16] => restore,[17] => tagging,[18] => torrent,[19] => uploadId,[20] => uploads,[21] => versionId,[22] => versioning,[23] => versions,[24] => website),[] => Array ([0] => Content-MD5,[1] => Content-Type))),[1] => onCommandAfterPrepare))),[command.before_prepare] => Array ([-255] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\S3\AcpListener Object (),[1] => onCommandBeforePrepare)),[0] => Array ([0] => Array ([0] => Aws\Common\Client\UploadBodyListener Object ([] => Array ([0] => PutObject,[1] => UploadPart),[] => Body,[] => SourceFile),[1] => onCommandBeforePrepare)))),[] => Array ())),[] => ),[Users_Model] => Users_Model Object ([] => Array ([firstname] => Array ([name] => Vorname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => maxlength,[value] => 30))),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[lastname] => Array ([name] => Nachname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => maxlength,[value] => 30))),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[email] => Array ([name] => E-Mail-Adresse,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([readonly] => ,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => email))),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[pass] => Array ([name] => Passwort,[widget] => password,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1,[tip] => Bitte Lass Dieses Feld Frei um Dein Aktuelles Passwort Zu Erhalten)),[nationality] => Array ([name] => Nationalität,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Countries,[label] => name))),[address] => Array ([name] => Profil-Adresse,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[address2] => Array ([name] => Adresse 2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[postalcode] => Array ([name] => Postleitzahl,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[city] => Array ([name] => City,[widget] => location,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => cities,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select))),[data] => Array (),[listable] => 1),[phone1] => Array ([name] => Telefonnummer #1,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[searcheable] => 1),[phone2] => Array ([name] => Telefonnummer #2,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibe Dich selbst,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([rows] => 5)),[avatar] => Array ([name] => Foto,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([212x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)))),[genre] => Array ([name] => Geschlecht,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([m] => Array ([name] => Male,[default] => 1),[f] => Array ([name] => Female)))),[birthdate] => Array ([name] => Geburtsdatum,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => )),[work] => Array ([name] => Arbeit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[languages] => Array ([name] => Sprachen,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Füge Mehr Sprachen hinzu,[defaultrow] => 1,[fields] => Array ([language] => Array ([name] => Sprache,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name)),[data] => Array ()),[level] => Array ([name] => Ebene,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 100),[data] => Array ([beginner] => Anfänger,[intermediate] => Fortgeschrittener Anfänger,[advanced] => Fortgeschritten,[native] => Muttersprachlichem))))),[confirmkey] => Array ([name] => Die Anwendung Schlüssel,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[confirmed] => Array ([name] => Bestätigt,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[level] => Array ([name] => Ebene,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([user] => Array ([name] => User,[default] => 1),[admin] => Array ([name] => Admin),[restricted] => Array ([name] => Restricted)))),[agent] => Array ([name] => Agent,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[affiliate] => Array ([name] => Affiliate,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Affiliates,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[register_web] => Array ([name] => Register web,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[ip_country] => Array ([name] => IP Country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[source] => Array ([name] => Source,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[agent_assigned] => Array ([name] => Agent assignated,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[contact_again] => Array ([name] => Kontakt wieder,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => )),[last_login_user] => Array ([name] => Letztes login,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => ),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[autolead] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => users,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => last_login_user DESC,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => firstname,[2] => lastname,[3] => email,[4] => phone1,[5] => phone2,[6] => last_login_user),[] => Array ([user] => Array ([fields] => Array ([firstname] => Array (),[lastname] => Array (),[email] => Array (),[pass] => Array (),[nationality] => Array (),[address] => Array (),[address2] => Array (),[postalcode] => Array (),[country] => Array (),[region] => Array (),[city] => Array (),[phone1] => Array (),[phone2] => Array (),[description] => Array (),[avatar] => Array (),[genre] => Array (),[birthdate] => Array (),[work] => Array (),[languages] => Array ()),[filters] => Array ([id] => {USERID}),[cmds] => Array ([0] => edit,[1] => processedit),[forced] => Array ([id] => Array ([value] => {USERID})))),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([register_web] => y),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Currency_Model] => Currency_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[symbol] => Array ([name] => Symbol,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[value] => Array ([name] => Value,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => euro value)),[iso] => Array ([name] => ISO Code,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => mandatory!)),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein))))),[] => Array (),[] => currency,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 19,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`currency` main) JOIN `currency_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([aToxO2I6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => de,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[idid] => 6),[czoxOiI0IjtiOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 4,[symbol] => U$D,[value] => 0.92336283,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:55:57,[iso] => USD,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => de,[name] => US Dollar,[sysname] => ,[idid] => 9)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Tracker_Model] => Tracker_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => tracking.lb2_tracker,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => ,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Customizations_Model] => Customizations_Model Object ([] => Array ([separador_customize] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Passen Sie Ihre Buchung)),[domain] => Array ([name] => Link,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[school] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name))),[header] => Array ([name] => Header-Bild,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /img/upload/,[empty] => 1,[tip] => Wählen Sie Bild oder Logo für Header-Buchungsseite)),[comcourse] => Array ([name] => Commission Course,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50,[default] => 10)),[comaccomm] => Array ([name] => Commission Accommodation,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[comcostadmin] => Array ([name] => Commission of the admin costs.,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[comcostadminaccomm] => Array ([name] => Commission of the admin accom costs.,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[comtransfer] => Array ([name] => Commission transfer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomcourse] => Array ([name] => Course deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomaccomm] => Array ([name] => Accomm deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomgastosadmin] => Array ([name] => Admin fee deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomgastosadminaloj] => Array ([name] => Accomm admin fee deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[dcomtransfer] => Array ([name] => Transfer deposit,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => %,[width] => 50)),[separador_color] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Wählen Sie Farben für Ihre Buchungs-System. (Bleibt leer, um die Standardfarben festgelegt))),[infoblockheaderbg] => Array ([name] => Information block header background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[infoblockheadertxt] => Array ([name] => Information block header text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttonbg] => Array ([name] => Button background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttontxt] => Array ([name] => Button text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttonhoverbg] => Array ([name] => Button hover background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[buttonhovertxt] => Array ([name] => Button hover text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[importanttxt] => Array ([name] => Important texts,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2bg] => Array ([name] => Button 2 background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2txt] => Array ([name] => Button 2 text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2hoverbg] => Array ([name] => Button 2 hover background,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[button2hovertxt] => Array ([name] => Button 2 hover text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[widgettxt] => Array ([name] => Widget text,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => colorpicker)),[thingstitle] => Array ([name] => Things to note (title),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[thingsdesc] => Array ([name] => Things to note (text),[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein))))),[] => Array (),[] => customizations,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => domain,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Countries_Model] => Countries_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Country Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[languageb] => Array ([name] => Country Language 2,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[currency] => Array ([name] => Currency,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name))),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[separatorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatorcity] => Array ([name] => Metas for Landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => countries,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([YToxOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6NjoiYnJhemlsIjt9YjowO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => en,[name] => Brazil,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 354),[czozOiIxMTQiO2I6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => en,[name] => Brazil,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 354),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoiZXMiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => es,[name] => Brasil,[title] => ,[description] =>  ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 114),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoiaXQiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => it,[name] => Brasile,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brasile,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 583),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoiZGUiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => en,[name] => Brazil,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 354),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoiZnIiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => en,[name] => Brazil,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 354),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoicHQiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => pt,[name] => Brasil,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brasil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 714),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoicnUiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => ru,[name] => Бразилия,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => braziliya,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 951),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoiemgiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => zh,[name] => 巴西,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 1191),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6Mjoia28iO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => ko,[name] => 브라질,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 1428),[czozOiIxMTQiO3M6MjoiamEiO047] => Array ([id] => 114,[language] => 12,[languageb] => 0,[currency] => 17,[image] => brazil2.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:06,[iso2] => BR,[iso3] => BRA,[importantcities] => a:9:{i:1;i:7;i:2;i:2;i:20;i:2;i:41;i:1;i:84;i:1;i:58;i:1;i:27;i:1;i:24;i:1;i:61;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:9:{i:1;a:5:{i:530;i:2;i:941;i:1;i:802;i:2;i:534;i:1;i:338;i:1;}i:20;a:1:{i:336;i:2;}i:27;a:1:{i:824;i:1;}i:24;a:1:{i:597;i:1;}i:58;a:1:{i:474;i:1;}i:61;a:1:{i:476;i:1;}i:2;a:2:{i:472;i:1;i:519;i:1;}i:84;a:1:{i:473;i:1;}i:41;a:1:{i:407;i:1;}},[nameold] => Brazil,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => 0,[sales] => 6,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 7,[reviewsnum] => 1,[reviewspoints] => 3.5,[ownid] => 114,[lang] => ja,[name] => ブラジル,[title] => ,[description] => ,[sysname] => brazil,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 1665),[YToxOntzOjQ6ImlzbzIiO3M6MjoiVVMiO31iOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 34,[language] => 2,[languageb] => 11,[currency] => 4,[image] => usa.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:09,[iso2] => US,[iso3] => USA,[importantcities] => a:10:{i:119;i:4;i:131;i:3;i:1;i:1;i:177;i:1;i:113;i:1;i:81;i:1;i:2;i:1;i:93;i:1;i:176;i:1;i:64;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:10:{i:131;a:1:{i:928;i:3;}i:93;a:1:{i:497;i:1;}i:119;a:2:{i:540;i:3;i:750;i:1;}i:176;a:1:{i:650;i:1;}i:2;a:1:{i:472;i:1;}i:64;a:1:{i:447;i:1;}i:113;a:1:{i:524;i:1;}i:1;a:1:{i:514;i:1;}i:177;a:1:{i:651;i:1;}i:81;a:1:{i:478;i:1;}},[nameold] => United States of America,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => -7,[sales] => 141,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 3,[reviewsnum] => 189,[reviewspoints] => 900,[ownid] => 34,[lang] => de,[name] => Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika,[title] => Sprachreise USA: Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Englisch sprachkurs in USA!,[description] =>

                                          Sprachreise USASuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für Englische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule in USA?
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                                          Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Englischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten in USA, bis Du „Deinen Englischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                                          Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen von USA zu verschaffen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Englischschulen in USA an.

                                          Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Englisch in USA zu lernen.

                                          Unsere Service Garantie

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                                          Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                                          Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
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                                          Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                                          Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

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Sprachreisen kombinieren Sie Urlaub mit Sprachkurs!,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 514)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Cities_Model] => Cities_Model Object ([] => Array ([lang] => Array ()),[] => Array ([region] => Array ([name] => Region,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([class] => select2,[filler] => Array ([model] => Regions,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Country Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name))),[currency] => Array ([name] => Currency,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name))),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[400x250] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[cover_image] => Array ([name] => Cover Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array 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inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatormec] => Array ([name] => Metas for Becas MEC,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mecmtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mecmdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mecmkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => cities,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => region,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([schoolcity] => y),[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Schools_Model] => Schools_Model Object ([] => Array ([4] => Array ([id] => 4,[symbol] => U$D,[value] => 0.92336283,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:55:57,[iso] => USD,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => de,[name] => US Dollar,[sysname] => ,[idid] => 9)),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([separador_contact2] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Schule-Kontaktdaten)),[name] => Array ([name] => Name der Schule,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([events] => Array ([onchange] => document.getElementById('sysname').value=make_url_friendly(document.getElementById('name').value);,[onkeyup] => 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inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[resp1_charge] => Array ([name] => Position,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[emailmarketing] => Array ([name] => Kontakt e-mail,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[skype] => Array ([name] => Skype-ID,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[phone] => Array ([name] => Telefonnummer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please include country code i.e.: +353 (0)1 443 4037)),[fax] => Array ([name] => Fax,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please include country code i.e.: +353 (0)1 443 4037)),[resp_reservations] => Array ([name] => Reservierungen Kontakt Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[resp2_charge] => Array ([name] => Position,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[email_reservations] => Array ([name] => Kontakt e-mail,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[urlweb] => Array ([name] => Webseite,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[currency] => Array ([name] => Währung,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name),[tip] => Currency you use in your prices)),[company] => Array ([name] => Name des Unternehmens,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => As appears on the certificate of incorporation)),[regnumber] => Array ([name] => Firmenbuchnummer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[vatnum] => Array ([name] => Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => If no VAT number, please write EXEMPT)),[separador_bank] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Bank)),[bankname] => Array ([name] => Name der Bank,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[banksortcode] => Array ([name] => Bankleitzahl,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[banknumber] => Array ([name] => Kontonummer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankiban] => Array ([name] => IBAN-code,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankswift] => Array ([name] => SWIFT,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankaddress] => Array ([name] => Bank Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[bankaddress2] => Array ([name] => Bank Address,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[separador_comm] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Bestimmung)),[comm_course] => Array ([name] => Nachhilfe,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on tuition. To change this please email us at info@languagebookings.com,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[commission_accomm] => Array ([name] => Unterkunftstyp,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on accommodation.,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[commission_expense_admin] => Array ([name] => Anmeldegebühr,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on registration fee,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => Array ([name] => Accom. Vermittlungsgebühr,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on the accom. placement fee,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[comtransfer] => Array ([name] => Abholung Vom Flughafen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % Percentage of commission given on transfers,[width] => 50,[readonly] => 1)),[comm_promotion] => Array ([name] => Kommission-Förderung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => % This is the minimum commission accepted for promotions and special deals,[width] => 50,[default] => 20,[readonly] => 1)),[separador_info] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Schulinformationen)),[classrooms] => Array ([name] => Zahl der Klassenräume,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[averageage] => Array ([name] => Durchschnittliche Anzahl der Schüler p/Klasse,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[minimumage] => Array ([name] => Mindestalter,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[leveltest] => Array ([name] => Einstufungstest am ersten Tag,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein)))),[nearestairport] => Array ([name] => Nächstgelegenen Flughafen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[airportdistance] => Array ([name] => Entfernung zum Flughafen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[tip] => Km)),[yearschoolopen] => Array ([name] => Jahr Schule (eröffnet),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70)),[openingtimeshi] => Array ([name] => Öffnungszeiten von,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[continue] => 1,[tip] => to),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00)),[openingtimeshf] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00)),[openingdays] => Array ([name] => Öffnungstage,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 7),[values] => Array ([0] => Sonntag,[1] => Montag,[2] => Dienstag,[3] => Mittwoch,[4] => Donnerstag,[5] => Freitag,[6] => Samstag))),[videos] => Array ([name] => Video,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Enter the Youtube URL for the promotional video of your school here)),[separador_facilities] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Einrichtungen)),[facilities] => Array ([name] => Einrichtungen,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[class] => facilitiesColumns),[filler] => Array ([model] => Facilities,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal,[colspan] => 1)),[separador_accreditations] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Akkreditierungen und Qualitätssiegel)),[accrs] => Array ([name] => Akkreditierungen,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[class] => facilitiesColumns),[filler] => Array ([model] => Accreditations,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal,[colspan] => 1)),[separador_terms] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen)),[autoterms] => Array ([name] => Autoterms,[widget] => autoterms,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1,[currency] => €)),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Beschreibung)),[description] => Array ([name] => Schulinformationen,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please provide a short description of the school (you must enter it in English, all other languages are optional)),[multilang] => 1),[info_students] => Array ([name] => Infos für Studierende,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([tip] => Please provide useful information for the student about your school (you must enter it in English, all other languages are optional)),[multilang] => 1),[terms] => Array ([name] => Nutzungsbedingungen,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([counter] => 500,[tip] => Please provide the terms and conditions of the school (you must enter it in English, all other languages are optional)),[multilang] => 1),[separador_images] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Bildergalerie,[description] => To upload pictures click on the "browse button" and select as many pictures as you want, then click on the "Open" button on the window and all the pictures will upload, to select the main picture just click on one picture and save. The more pictures you upload the more attractive your profile will become. Image must be greater than 800x600px.)),[mainimg] => Array ([name] => Hochladen Sie Bilder:,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Images,[label] => image,[filter] => Array ([school] => {ID}))),[data] => Array ()),[separador_map] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Lage - Stadtplan)),[coordinates] => Array ([name] => Koordinaten,[widget] => googlemap,[options] => Array ([tip] => Drücken Sie die Taste, wenn Sie möchten das System suchen Sie nach der Schule auf der Karte und ziehen dann das rote Pivot auf die genaue Lage.,[setlocation] => 1)),[details] => Array ([name] => Informationen,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[location] => Array ([name] => Ort,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[practice_info] => Array ([name] => Praxis-info,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[isready] => Array ([name] => Ist bereit,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[visible] => Array ([name] => Sichtbar,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[global_discount] => Array ([name] => Global Discount,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta-Titel,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Desc,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta-Tasten,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[followup_needs_editing] => Array ([name] => Followup_needs_editing,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[transfer] => Array ([name] => Transfers,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Add transfer,[fields] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Array ([name] => Flughafen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 200)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Preis-Abreise,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[precioiv] => Array ([name] => Preis Abfahrts- und Ankunftszeiten,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 100,[tip] => €,[class] => validateFloat)),[activa] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein)))))))),[] => Array (),[] => schools,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => city),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([0] => description,[1] => info_students,[2] => terms),[] => Array ([czozOiI1ODQiO2I6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 584,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-12 14:21:06,[update_timestamp] => 2023-03-01 19:52:25,[mainimg] => 7168,[location] => ,[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => -23.56923848805689,[longitude] => -46.65990114212036),[videos] => ,[autoterms] => 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=> 4,[vatnum] => CNPJ 06.787.880/0001-74,[comm_course] => 15,[commission_accomm] => 15,[commission_expense_admin] => 0,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => 0,[order] => ,[active] => y,[respmarketing] => Marcia,[resp1_charge] => Director,[emailmarketing] => info@fastforward.com.br,[resp_reservations] => Marcia Camisa,[resp2_charge] => Director,[email_reservations] => info@fastforward.com.br,[skype] => marciacamisa,[phone] => +551130517112,[fax] => +551130517112,[urlweb] => www.fastforward.com.br,[address] => Alameda Lorena, 684, Casa 4 Sao Paulo, SP,[address2] => ,[cp] => 01424-000,[classrooms] => 10,[averageage] => 5,[minimumage] => 16,[leveltest] => y,[airportdistance] => 32,[nearestairport] => Guarulhos International Airport,[yearschoolopen] => 1991,[openingtimeshi] => 900,[openingtimeshf] => 1800,[openingdays] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5),[bankname] => Fast Intercambio Cultural Ltda,[banksortcode] => .,[banknumber] => 130063705,[bankiban] => .,[bankswift] => BSCHBRSP,[bankaddress] => BANCO SANTANDER (BRASIL) S/A,[bankaddress2] => AGENCIA 3563 - AV. 9 DE JULHO/ SÃO PAULO – SP,[logo] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[transfertmp] => ,[photo] => ,[city] => 148,[com_expenses_admin_accomm] => 0,[bankbic] => ,[accommfee] => 0,[currencytmp] => ,[facilities] => Array ([0] => 15,[1] => 13,[2] => 5,[3] => 23,[4] => 18,[5] => 8,[6] => 1,[7] => 2,[8] => 4,[9] => 6,[10] => 16,[11] => 19,[12] => 14),[sysname] => fast-forward-language-and-cultural-institute-sao-paulo,[transfer] => Array ([0] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Guarulhos International Airport,[precio] => 100,[precioiv] => 200,[activa] => y),[1] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Congonhas Domestic Airport,[precio] => 100,[precioiv] => 200,[activa] => y),[2] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Congonhas Domestic Airport,[precio] => 100,[precioiv] => 200,[active] => y,[transfer_id] => 2557),[3] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Guarulhos International Airport,[precio] => 110,[precioiv] => 220,[active] => y,[transfer_id] => 2556)),[holidays] => ,[sales] => 1,[reviewavg] => 3.5,[country] => 114,[youtube] => ,[accrs] => Array ([0] => 47),[pagehits] => 38755,[cancels] => 0,[isready] => y,[manualrating] => 50,[reviewnum] => 1,[refer] => ,[simpleschool] => 0,[cheapestacc] => -1,[rating] => 33.504972677596,[visible] => y,[award] => ,[company] => Fast Intercambio Cultural Ltda,[regnumber] => CNPJ 06.787.880/0001-74,[comm_promotion] => 20,[transfer2] => a:2:{i:0;a:6:{s:10:"aeropuerto";s:31:"Guarulhos International Airport";s:6:"precio";s:2:"90";s:8:"precioiv";s:3:"180";s:6:"activa";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:584;s:5:"ownid";i:584;}i:1;a:6:{s:10:"aeropuerto";s:26:"Congonhas Domestic Airport";s:6:"precio";s:2:"90";s:8:"precioiv";s:3:"180";s:6:"activa";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:584;s:5:"ownid";i:584;}},[location_lat] => -23.56923848805689,[location_lng] => -46.65990114212036,[status] => live,[global_discount] => y,[followup_needs_editing] => 0000-00-00,[global_discount_value] => ,[tmpdistance] => ,[ownid] => 584,[lang] => de,[name] => Fast Forward Language and Cultural Institute - Sao Paulo,[description] => Die Sprachschule befindet sich in einem grünen Wohngebiet in Sao Paulo, wenige hundert Meter vom Geschäftsviertel in der Paulista Avenue. Rund um das Kurszentrum sind mit Bäumen gesäumte Straßen mit Restaurants, Bars, Diskotheken, im Gegensatz zu den umliegenden Parks, wo es angenehm zu gehen ist beschäftigt. Wir haben mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung im Unterrichten von Portugiesisch als Fremdsprache.,[details] => ,[amenities] => ,[info_students] => Interaktive Methoden und engagierte Lehrer fördern Kommunikation und Verständigung durch Eintauchen in die Sprache zu fördern. Schule Gästen acht komfortable Klassenzimmer, einen Aufenthaltsraum mit TV und DVD-Player, Computer mit kostenlosem Internetzugang und eine kleine Essecke. Neben dem Kurs ein Kiosk verkauft Snacks und Getränke und viele Restaurants bieten abwechslungsreiche Essen zu vernünftigen Preisen in seiner unmittelbaren Umgebung.,[practice_info] => ,[terms] => Eine Stornierung wird nach Erhalt von Fast Forward Language Institute schriftliche oder verkabelte Bekanntgabe wirksam. Wenn Sie Nein spätestens 4 Wochen Abbrechen vor Beginn des Kurses, behalten wir uns nur die Gebühr für die Eintragung. Kündigen Sie weniger als 4 Wochen vor Beginn des Kurses, erstatten wir Ihnen 80 % der Kurs und Unterkunft Kosten. Keine Erstattung ist möglich im Falle der Kündigung drei Tage oder weniger vor Beginn des Kurses. ,[url] => ,[separatormetas] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[accomms] => a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:11:"Gastfamilie";s:11:"descripcion";s:539:"Private Zimmer. Gastfamilien sind die am häufigsten Gehäuse Option gewählt. Fast Forward Language Institute stellt sicher, dass jede Familie eine Qualität-Lebenssituation bietet und Hinsicht jeder Student so viel wie möglich in die Familie Auswahl will. Die Gastfamilien selbst sind erfahrene und begeisterte Teilnehmer das Studentenleben. Wenn es zum Eintauchen ins Leben, Sprache, etc., ist mit einer Gastfamilie zu Leben bei weitem die am intensivsten. Es ist wirklich ein Erlebnis, das man nicht nach oben weitergegeben werden.";}},[transfer_backup] => ,[autotranslated] => y,[idid] => 1271),[czozOiI3MTkiO2I6MDtOOw==] => Array ([id] => 719,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-01-09 16:49:35,[update_timestamp] => 2023-03-01 19:52:25,[mainimg] => 56785,[location] => ,[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => -13.00278061598139,[longitude] => -38.528398275375366),[videos] => http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syjSDjewjyA&feature=player_embedded,[autoterms] => a:3:{s:11:"termselects";a:4:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}s:12:"cancellation";a:1:{i:2;s:1:"5";}s:9:"refundsub";a:3:{i:1;a:13:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:5;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:8;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:9;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:11;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:12;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:13;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:15;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:16;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:2;a:3:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:3;a:5:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:1;a:6:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:6;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}}s:10:"termchecks";a:5:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:2;s:1:"1";}s:12:"cancellation";a:4:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";i:5;s:1:"1";i:11;s:1:"1";}s:6:"refund";s:11:"percentage3";s:4:"visa";s:7:"visafix";s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}s:10:"terminputs";a:3:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:3;s:2:"18";}s:9:"refundsub";a:2:{i:2;a:2:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}i:3;a:3:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"42";}}}}},[currency] => 4,[vatnum] => 57813,[comm_course] => 15,[commission_accomm] => 0,[commission_expense_admin] => 0,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => 0,[order] => ,[active] => y,[respmarketing] => Tamila Carvalho,[resp1_charge] => Marketing,[emailmarketing] => dialogobrasil10@gmail.com,[resp_reservations] => Cristina Duarte,[resp2_charge] => Communication Dept.,[email_reservations] => office@dialogo.tur.br,[skype] => dialogo.school,[phone] => (00+55 71) 3264-0053,[fax] => ,[urlweb] => www.dialogo-brazilstudy.com,[address] => Rua Dr. João Pondé. 240, Barra,[address2] => Salvador-Ba Brazil ,[cp] => 40140-810,[classrooms] => 7,[averageage] => 5,[minimumage] => 16,[leveltest] => y,[airportdistance] => 28,[nearestairport] => Aeroporto Luis Eduardo Magalhães,[yearschoolopen] => 1989,[openingtimeshi] => 800,[openingtimeshf] => 1700,[openingdays] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5),[bankname] => DIALOGO IDIOMAS E CULTURA BRASILEIRA LTDA.,[banksortcode] => ABA: 026002561 CHIPS UID: 0256 ,[banknumber] => 3544034644001,[bankiban] => n/A,[bankswift] => BSCHBRSP ,[bankaddress] => Banco Santander (Brasil) SA ,[bankaddress2] => Salvador - Bahia, Brazil,[logo] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[transfertmp] => ,[photo] => ,[city] => 205,[com_expenses_admin_accomm] => 0,[bankbic] => ,[accommfee] => 0,[currencytmp] => ,[facilities] => Array ([0] => 15,[1] => 5,[2] => 23,[3] => 18,[4] => 11,[5] => 8,[6] => 1,[7] => 7,[8] => 6,[9] => 19),[sysname] => dialogo-language-school,[transfer] => Array ([0] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Aeroporto Luis Eduardo Magalhães,[precio] => 60,[precioiv] => 120,[activa] => y),[1] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Aeroporto Luis Eduardo Magalhães,[precio] => 143,[precioiv] => 260,[active] => y,[transfer_id] => 2710)),[holidays] => ,[sales] => 5,[reviewavg] => 0,[country] => 114,[youtube] => ,[accrs] => Array (),[pagehits] => 71837,[cancels] => 0,[isready] => y,[manualrating] => 50,[reviewnum] => 0,[refer] => ,[simpleschool] => 0,[cheapestacc] => -1,[rating] => 23.312894810074,[visible] => y,[award] => ,[company] => DIÁLOGO ENSINO DE LÍNGUAS E TURISMO CULTURAL LTDA ME,[regnumber] => 05.913.125-0001-26,[comm_promotion] => 20,[transfer2] => a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:10:"aeropuerto";s:33:"Aeroporto Luis Eduardo Magalhães";s:6:"precio";s:2:"60";s:8:"precioiv";s:3:"105";s:6:"activa";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:719;s:5:"ownid";i:719;}},[location_lat] => -13.00278061598139,[location_lng] => -38.528398275375366,[status] => live,[global_discount] => y,[followup_needs_editing] => 0000-00-00,[global_discount_value] => ,[tmpdistance] => ,[ownid] => 719,[lang] => de,[name] => Dialogo Brazil,[description] => Eine der ersten Sprachschulen in Brasilien. Wir bieten Gruppen und Einzelunterricht-Programme, einschließlich der Capoeira, Samba und Gastronomie-Klassen, Excurssions und Unterkunft. Spezielle Programme für Hochschulen, Unternehmen und Botschaften. Ehrenamt und Internship Programme.,[details] => ,[amenities] => ,[info_students] => Im allgemeinen dürfen Studenten bis 18 Jahre nicht in den Programmen, wenn sie von einem Elternteil begleitet werden. Die Altersgruppe variiert in der Regel zwischen 25 und 50. Die Schule erhält Studenten aus der ganzen Welt, vor allem aus den USA, Europa, Kanada und Japan. Students Motivation um Portugiesisch zu studieren sind Tourismus, Universitätslehrgänge oder beruflichen und geschäftlichen Gründen. ,[practice_info] => ,[terms] => -Gebühren sind zahlbar durch Studenten - Studenten müssen Jahre alt sein oder über - Anmeldegebühr wird nicht zurückerstattet. -Wo eine Tage nach der Anmeldung Stornierung gibt es keine Rückerstattung. -Wenn ein Schüler fehlt für eine oder mehrere Wochen hintereinander, können Vorkehrungen für die Dauer des Kurses ohne erweitert werden zusätzliche Kosten. -Die Anmeldegebühr wird nicht zurückerstattet. -Stornogebühr wird als Prozentsatz der gesamten Zahlung berechnet. -Weigerung Visagebühr ist eine feste amoun,[url] => ,[separatormetas] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[accomms] => a:7:{i:0;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:11:"Gastfamilie";s:11:"descripcion";s:380:"Gastfamilien sind: -Einzelzimmer -Frühstück -Badezimmer -Zu Fuß von der Schule Gastfamilien können die Schüler direkt die Bahia Lebensweise durch den täglichen Kontakt mit Brasilianer probieren. Alle Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten beginnt am Sonntag und endet am Samstag Morgen. Studenten, die bei einer Gastfamilie bleiben möglicherweise die Möglichkeit, Halbpension";}i:1;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:14:"Einfache Hotel";s:11:"descripcion";s:508:"Alle Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten beginnt am Sonntag und endet am Samstag Morgen. Zusätzliche Übernachtungen können erworben werden, wenn der Student ankommen, bevor Sonntag oder Samstag verlassen muss. Doppelzimmer können nur von zwei Personen, was bedeutet, dass Kunden eine buchen können nicht gebucht werden Halbjahr Doppelzimmer. -Einfache Hotel verfügt über: -Kleine und einfache Zimmer -Frühstück -Klimaanlage -Badezimmer -Kühlschrank -Safe -5 Minuten Fuß vom Strand und der Schule ";}i:2;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:10:"Gästehaus";s:11:"descripcion";s:512:"Frühstück . Badezimmer auf der Etage . Direkt am Strand (50 m) . Zu Fuß von der Schule entfernt (15 Minuten) . Einfache Küche. Kleine Wäscherei . Zimmer mit Ventilator oder Klimaanlage . 4 bis 6 Personen Zimmer Preis: je nach Saison. Dies ist eine preiswerte und gute Option für junge Menschen oder Rucksacktouristen mögen zu gehen in der Nacht, nahe zur Schule und zum Strand. Dies ist auch eine Möglichkeit, Menschen aus anderen Teilen von Brasilien sowie Praxis Ihre Portugiesisch gerecht.";}i:3;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:11:"Gastfamilie";s:11:"descripcion";s:380:"Gastfamilien sind: -Einzelzimmer -Frühstück -Badezimmer -Zu Fuß von der Schule Gastfamilien können die Schüler direkt die Bahia Lebensweise durch den täglichen Kontakt mit Brasilianer probieren. Alle Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten beginnt am Sonntag und endet am Samstag Morgen. Studenten, die bei einer Gastfamilie bleiben möglicherweise die Möglichkeit, Halbpension";}i:4;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:34:"Schulwohnheim - Einzelzimmer + Bad";s:11:"descripcion";s:419:". Einzel- oder gemeinsam genutzten Raum. Wäscherei. Grosse Küche. Kostenlose Bettwäsche und Decken auf dem Bett . Zu Fuß zur Schule und zum Strand (10 Minuten) . Kostenloser Internetzugang und WiFi, TV-Raum. Sichere und edlen Bereich (Restaurants, Kino, Theater, Banken, Einkaufszentrum) Es ist ein großes und schönes Haus, moderne und neue Gebäude, einfache Zimmer, Jugendliche, Kontakt mit Brasilianern. ";}i:5;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:45:"Schulwohnheim - Doppelzimmer + Zimmer mit Bad";s:11:"descripcion";s:419:". Einzel- oder gemeinsam genutzten Raum. Wäscherei. Grosse Küche. Kostenlose Bettwäsche und Decken auf dem Bett . Zu Fuß zur Schule und zum Strand (10 Minuten) . Kostenloser Internetzugang und WiFi, TV-Raum. Sichere und edlen Bereich (Restaurants, Kino, Theater, Banken, Einkaufszentrum) Es ist ein großes und schönes Haus, moderne und neue Gebäude, einfache Zimmer, Jugendliche, Kontakt mit Brasilianern. ";}i:6;a:2:{s:6:"nombre";s:33:"KARNEVAL - SPEZIELLE UNTERKÜNFTE";s:11:"descripcion";s:135:"Während des Karnevals sind die Unterkunft Preise teurer, aufgrund der Nachfrage. 5 Tage Unterkunft. Identisch mit der Gastfamilie. ";}},[transfer_backup] => ,[autotranslated] => y,[idid] => 1796),[czo0OiIxMDM3IjtiOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 1037,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-02-26 10:28:25,[update_timestamp] => 2023-03-01 19:52:26,[mainimg] => 9233,[location] => ,[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => -23.563441329033004,[longitude] => -46.691733598709106),[videos] => ,[autoterms] => a:3:{s:11:"termselects";a:4:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:0;s:2:"14";}s:12:"cancellation";a:1:{i:2;s:2:"14";}s:9:"refundsub";a:3:{i:1;a:13:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:5;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:8;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:9;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:11;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:12;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:13;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:15;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:16;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:2;a:3:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:3;a:5:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"30";}i:2;a:2:{i:0;s:2:"21";i:1;s:2:"30";}i:3;a:2:{i:0;s:2:"11";i:1;s:2:"20";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"10";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:1;a:6:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"14";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:2:"13";}i:6;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}}s:10:"termchecks";a:6:{s:4:"main";a:3:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";}s:12:"cancellation";a:11:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";i:5;s:1:"1";i:6;s:1:"1";i:7;s:1:"1";i:8;s:1:"1";i:9;s:1:"1";i:10;s:1:"1";}s:6:"refund";s:11:"percentage3";s:9:"refundsub";a:1:{i:3;a:4:{i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";}}s:4:"visa";s:7:"visafee";s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:1;a:5:{i:1;s:1:"1";i:5;s:1:"1";i:6;s:1:"1";i:7;s:1:"1";i:8;s:1:"1";}}}s:10:"terminputs";a:3:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:3;s:2:"18";}s:9:"refundsub";a:2:{i:2;a:2:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}i:3;a:3:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"80";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"70";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"60";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}}}},[currency] => 4,[vatnum] => EXEMPT,[comm_course] => 20,[commission_accomm] => 0,[commission_expense_admin] => 0,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => 0,[order] => ,[active] => y,[respmarketing] => Vilma Gomes,[resp1_charge] => Managing Director,[emailmarketing] => vilma.gomes@ih-saopaulo.com,[resp_reservations] => Vilma Gomes,[resp2_charge] => Managing Director,[email_reservations] => vilma.gomes@ih-saopaulo.com,[skype] => Vilma_Gomes,[phone] => +55 11 2533 3611,[fax] => +55 11 2533 3611,[urlweb] => www.ih-saopaulo.com,[address] => Av. Pedroso de Morais, 783,[address2] => Pinheiros,[cp] => 05419-000,[classrooms] => 6,[averageage] => 3,[minimumage] => 18,[leveltest] => y,[airportdistance] => 35,[nearestairport] => Guarulhos International Airport,[yearschoolopen] => 2001,[openingtimeshi] => 800,[openingtimeshf] => 1800,[openingdays] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5,[5] => 6),[bankname] => INSTITUTO INTERNATIONAL HOUSE SAO PAULO,[banksortcode] => -,[banknumber] => 15253-5,[bankiban] => Bank Branch Name and Code: Pedroso de Morais - 2926,[bankswift] => ITAUBRSP,[bankaddress] => Banco Itau Unibanco S.A. - BANK Code: 341,[bankaddress2] => Av Pedroso de Morais, 1549 – São Paulo – SP - Brazil,[logo] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[transfertmp] => ,[photo] => ,[city] => 148,[com_expenses_admin_accomm] => 0,[bankbic] => ,[accommfee] => 0,[currencytmp] => ,[facilities] => Array ([0] => 5,[1] => 23,[2] => 8,[3] => 1,[4] => 2,[5] => 7,[6] => 4,[7] => 6,[8] => 3,[9] => 16,[10] => 19,[11] => 14),[sysname] => international-house-s-o-paulo,[transfer] => Array ([0] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Guarulhos International Airport,[precio] => 120,[precioiv] => 220,[activa] => ,[school] => 1037,[transfer_id] => 2466)),[holidays] => ,[sales] => 0,[reviewavg] => 0,[country] => 114,[youtube] => ,[accrs] => Array ([0] => 70,[1] => 58,[2] => 72),[pagehits] => 30334,[cancels] => 0,[isready] => y,[manualrating] => 50,[reviewnum] => 0,[refer] => ,[simpleschool] => 0,[cheapestacc] => -1,[rating] => 23.1,[visible] => y,[award] => ,[company] => Instituto International House São Paulo,[regnumber] => 15.567.267/0001-32,[comm_promotion] => 20,[transfer2] => a:1:{i:0;a:6:{s:10:"aeropuerto";s:31:"Guarulhos International Airport";s:6:"precio";s:3:"120";s:8:"precioiv";s:3:"220";s:6:"activa";s:0:"";s:2:"id";i:1037;s:5:"ownid";i:1037;}},[location_lat] => -23.563441329033004,[location_lng] => -46.691733598709106,[status] => live,[global_discount] => y,[followup_needs_editing] => 0000-00-00,[global_discount_value] => ,[tmpdistance] => ,[ownid] => 1037,[lang] => de,[name] => International House Sao Paulo,[description] => Im Pinheiros neben Vila Madalena und Faria Lima u-Bahnstation gelegen, konnte nicht IH São Paulo eine bessere Lage in der Stadt – ein Viertel entschieden haben wo brauchen Sie nicht zu gehen mehr als ein paar Blöcke um herauszufinden was São Paulo das beste zu bieten - Museen, Plätze, Parks, Bibliotheken, Kulturzentren, Theatern, Buchhandlungen, Einkaufszentren, Galerien, Universitäten, alle Arten von Unternehmen und Banken neben seiner erstaunlichen Anzahl der Balken hat, Restaurants und Nachtclubs.,[details] => ,[amenities] => ,[info_students] => Die Schule ist klein und bietet eine perfekte Umgebung für diejenigen, die Pflege und Aufmerksamkeit. Es ist gut beleuchtet, es hat klimatisierte Klassenräume, einen Studie mit ein Self-access Center mit Computer und TV für Studenten und WLAN-Internetzugang im gesamten Gebäude zur Verfügung. IH São Paulo hat auch ein Reisebüro, nach oben Studie Ausland und Reisen, die bequem direkt neben uns an der Rezeption um den Kontakt mit unseren Schülern zu maximieren befindet, damit sie ihre Ausflüge planen können.,[practice_info] => ,[terms] => Zahlungen können per Banküberweisung oder online über unsere Website gemacht werden und müssen in volle 14 Tage vor dem Kurs Start empfangen werden. Eine Anzahlung muss sofort bei der Buchung fällig. Eine Buchungsbestätigung wird nur gesendet werden, wenn eine Anzahlung eingegangen ist. Zahlung muss alle Bankgebühren für Überweisung (einschließlich zwischengeschaltete Bankgebühren) enthalten. Die Zahlung muss in vollem Umfang vor alle Visum-Dokumente ausgestellt werden. Es gibt eine Gebühr von USD 50 jeder Zeit Dokumente ausgestellt werden müssen.,[url] => ,[separatormetas] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[accomms] => a:0:{},[transfer_backup] => ,[autotranslated] => y,[idid] => 3363),[czo0OiIxNTk5IjtiOjA7Tjs=] => Array ([id] => 1599,[insert_timestamp] => 2014-08-31 17:45:54,[update_timestamp] => 2023-03-01 19:52:25,[mainimg] => 57306,[location] => ,[coordinates] => Array ([latitude] => -22.9820643,[longitude] => -43.19116489999999),[videos] => -,[autoterms] => a:3:{s:11:"termselects";a:4:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:0;s:2:"14";}s:12:"cancellation";a:1:{i:2;s:2:"14";}s:9:"refundsub";a:3:{i:1;a:13:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"30";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:5;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:8;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:9;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:11;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:12;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:13;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:15;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:16;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:2;a:3:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}i:3;a:5:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"30";}i:2;a:2:{i:0;s:2:"21";i:1;s:2:"29";}i:3;a:2:{i:0;s:2:"28";i:1;s:2:"15";}i:4;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"14";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:1;a:6:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:4;a:2:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";}i:6;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}i:7;a:1:{i:0;s:1:"1";}}}}s:10:"termchecks";a:5:{s:4:"main";a:4:{i:0;s:1:"1";i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";}s:12:"cancellation";a:10:{i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";i:5;s:1:"1";i:6;s:1:"1";i:7;s:1:"1";i:8;s:1:"1";i:9;s:1:"1";i:10;s:1:"1";}s:6:"refund";s:11:"percentage3";s:9:"refundsub";a:2:{i:1;a:4:{i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";}i:3;a:4:{i:1;s:1:"1";i:2;s:1:"1";i:3;s:1:"1";i:4;s:1:"1";}}s:4:"visa";s:2:"no";}s:10:"terminputs";a:3:{s:4:"main";a:1:{i:3;s:2:"18";}s:9:"refundsub";a:2:{i:2;a:2:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}i:3;a:3:{i:1;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"70";}i:2;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"60";}i:3;a:1:{i:0;s:2:"50";}}}s:7:"visasub";a:1:{i:2;a:1:{i:0;a:1:{i:0;s:0:"";}}}}},[currency] => 4,[vatnum] => 17.172.869/0001-16,[comm_course] => 15,[commission_accomm] => 15,[commission_expense_admin] => ,[commission_expense_admin_accomms] => ,[comtransfer] => ,[order] => ,[active] => y,[respmarketing] => ELODIE PIGEON,[resp1_charge] => -,[emailmarketing] => contato@idiomasrio.com.br,[resp_reservations] => Elodie Pigeon,[resp2_charge] => CEO,[email_reservations] => ep@idiomasrio.com.br,[skype] => idiomasrio,[phone] => +55 (21) 3256-4002 / +55 (21) 98330-7273,[fax] => -,[urlweb] => http://idiomasrio.com.br/,[address] => Avenida Nossa Senhora de Copacabana, 1226, room 1202, Copacabana,[address2] => -,[cp] => 22070-012,[classrooms] => 3,[averageage] => 8,[minimumage] => 18,[leveltest] => y,[airportdistance] => 25,[nearestairport] => Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro-Galeão,[yearschoolopen] => 2011,[openingtimeshi] => 900,[openingtimeshf] => 830,[openingdays] => Array ([0] => 1,[1] => 2,[2] => 3,[3] => 4,[4] => 5),[bankname] => Idiomas Rio,[banksortcode] => Agência: 0395 ,[banknumber] => 02266-8,[bankiban] => -,[bankswift] => ITAUBRSP,[bankaddress] => Itaú Unibanco S.A,[bankaddress2] => Ag 0395 Rio Barata Ribeiro Rua Barata Ribeiro,573 Rio de Janeiro, RJ,[logo] => ,[urlbackup] => ,[transfertmp] => ,[photo] => ,[city] => 769,[com_expenses_admin_accomm] => 0,[bankbic] => ,[accommfee] => ,[currencytmp] => ,[facilities] => Array ([0] => 17,[1] => 15,[2] => 23,[3] => 22,[4] => 8,[5] => 1,[6] => 2,[7] => 7,[8] => 6,[9] => 19),[sysname] => idiomas-rio,[transfer] => Array ([0] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro-Galeão,[precio] => 100,[precioiv] => 200,[activa] => y),[1] => Array ([aeropuerto] => Aeroporto Internacional do Rio de Janeiro-Galeão,[precio] => 100,[precioiv] => 200,[active] => y,[transfer_id] => 3042)),[holidays] => ,[sales] => 0,[reviewavg] => 0,[country] => 114,[youtube] => ,[accrs] => Array (),[pagehits] => 17071,[cancels] => 0,[isready] => y,[manualrating] => 50,[reviewnum] => 0,[refer] => ,[simpleschool] => 0,[cheapestacc] => 0,[rating] => 0,[visible] => y,[award] => ,[company] => IDIOMAS RIO,[regnumber] => 17.172.869/0001-16,[comm_promotion] => 20,[transfer2] => ,[location_lat] => ,[location_lng] => ,[status] => live,[global_discount] => y,[followup_needs_editing] => 2014-09-02,[global_discount_value] => ,[tmpdistance] => ,[ownid] => 1599,[lang] => de,[name] => IDIOMAS RIO,[description] => IDIOMAS RIO, the best language school in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, offers Portuguese Immersion Programs for foreigners. We have Portuguese intensive, semi-intensive and regular Portuguese courses for small groups (3 to 8 students) and individuals. IDIOMAS RIO works with qualified native teachers. What sets us apart is our flexibility in adapting to the needs of each student. Students can plan their lessons at any place, any hour of the day and can also enjoy tailored classes.,[details] => ,[amenities] => ,[info_students] => Our intensive courses are located in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, and include 3 hours of daily classes - Monday to Friday. Our classroom environment is very pleasant. We focus on communication, grammar and Brazilian culture (music, dances, habits, and so on). IDIOMAS RIO invites students to participate actively, through dynamic, cultural activities, which enrich learning! You can stay with a Brazilian family or rent an apartment one block away from Copacabana beach. You can also enjoy day and night tours and activities on the beach (Paddle boarding, Volley ball, Soccer, and many others) through out Rio de Janeiro! Brazil is waiting for you! Learn Portuguese with our friendly team! ,[practice_info] => ,[terms] => Payments may be made by bank transfer and must be received in full 14 days prior to the course start date. Payment must include all bank transfer charges (including intermediary bank charges). Payment must be received in full prior to any visa documents being issued. There is a charge of USD 50 each time documents have to be issued.,[url] => ,[separatormetas] => ,[mtitle] => ,[mdesc] => ,[mkeys] => ,[accomms] => ,[transfer_backup] => ,[autotranslated] => n,[idid] => 12868)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Courses_Model] => Courses_Model Object ([] => Array ([15] => Array ([id] => 15,[symbol] => $,[value] => 0.0010812463,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-12 12:30:01,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:10,[iso] => ARS,[ownid] => 15,[lang] => de,[name] => Argentinischer Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 72),[6] => Array ([id] => 6,[symbol] => AU$,[value] => 0.60133155,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:16:38,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:44,[iso] => AUD,[ownid] => 6,[lang] => de,[name] => Australischer Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 30),[17] => Array ([id] => 17,[symbol] => R$,[value] => 0.18463669,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-08-31 11:32:44,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:00,[iso] => BRL,[ownid] => 17,[lang] => de,[name] => Brazilian real,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 82),[8] => Array ([id] => 8,[symbol] => C$,[value] => 0.67888801,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 19:43:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:19,[iso] => CAD,[ownid] => 8,[lang] => de,[name] => Kanada-Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 40),[9] => Array ([id] => 9,[symbol] => CN¥,[value] => 0.12774515,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-04-27 20:54:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:37,[iso] => CNY,[ownid] => 9,[lang] => de,[name] => Chinesischer Renminbi Yuan,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 45),[16] => Array ([id] => 16,[symbol] => CO$,[value] => 0.00023719435,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-24 11:14:42,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:46:18,[iso] => COP,[ownid] => 16,[lang] => de,[name] => kolumbianischer Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 77),[1] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => de,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 6),[12] => Array ([id] => 12,[symbol] => INR,[value] => 0.011054872,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 12:11:18,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:47:35,[iso] => INR,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Indische Rupie,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 60),[3] => Array ([id] => 3,[symbol] => ¥,[value] => 0.0060982004,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:31,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:48:12,[iso] => JPY,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => de,[name] => Yen,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 8),[7] => Array ([id] => 7,[symbol] => M$,[value] => 0.19495678,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:25:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:02,[iso] => MYR,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => de,[name] => Malaysia Ringgits,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 35),[14] => Array ([id] => 14,[symbol] => MX$,[value] => 0.0550712,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-04-11 19:41:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:20,[iso] => MXN,[ownid] => 14,[lang] => de,[name] => Mexikanischer Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 67),[11] => Array ([id] => 11,[symbol] => NZ$,[value] => 0.55383736,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 11:07:22,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:51,[iso] => NZD,[ownid] => 11,[lang] => de,[name] => New Zealand Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 55),[13] => Array ([id] => 13,[symbol] => S/,[value] => 0.25020781,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-03-09 00:03:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:50:31,[iso] => PEN,[ownid] => 13,[lang] => en,[name] => Peruvian Nuevo Sol,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 63),[2] => Array ([id] => 2,[symbol] => £,[value] => 1.1635878,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:08:59,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:04,[iso] => GBP,[ownid] => 2,[lang] => de,[name] => Bitisches Pfund ,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 7),[21] => Array ([id] => 21,[symbol] => руб.,[value] => 0.010022757,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2014-02-07 10:50:56,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:35,[iso] => RU,[ownid] => 21,[lang] => de,[name] => Russischer Rubel,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 193),[5] => Array ([id] => 5,[symbol] => ZAR,[value] => 0.048632431,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-02-14 14:09:17,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:09,[iso] => ZAR,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => de,[name] => South Africa Rand,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 25),[10] => Array ([id] => 10,[symbol] => F,[value] => 1.0285768,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-05-11 13:17:07,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:40,[iso] => CHF,[ownid] => 10,[lang] => de,[name] => Schweizer Franken,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 50),[19] => Array ([id] => 19,[symbol] => ฿,[value] => 0.025395918,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-10 20:00:02,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:54:05,[iso] => THB,[ownid] => 19,[lang] => de,[name] => Thailändischer Baht,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 93),[4] => Array ([id] => 4,[symbol] => U$D,[value] => 0.92336283,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:55:57,[iso] => USD,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => de,[name] => US Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 9)),[] => Array ([15] => Array ([id] => 15,[symbol] => $,[value] => 0.0010812463,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-12 12:30:01,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:10,[iso] => ARS,[ownid] => 15,[lang] => de,[name] => Argentinischer Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 72),[6] => Array ([id] => 6,[symbol] => AU$,[value] => 0.60133155,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:16:38,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:44:44,[iso] => AUD,[ownid] => 6,[lang] => de,[name] => Australischer Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 30),[17] => Array ([id] => 17,[symbol] => R$,[value] => 0.18463669,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-08-31 11:32:44,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:00,[iso] => BRL,[ownid] => 17,[lang] => de,[name] => Brazilian real,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 82),[8] => Array ([id] => 8,[symbol] => C$,[value] => 0.67888801,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 19:43:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:19,[iso] => CAD,[ownid] => 8,[lang] => de,[name] => Kanada-Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 40),[9] => Array ([id] => 9,[symbol] => CN¥,[value] => 0.12774515,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-04-27 20:54:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:45:37,[iso] => CNY,[ownid] => 9,[lang] => de,[name] => Chinesischer Renminbi Yuan,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 45),[16] => Array ([id] => 16,[symbol] => CO$,[value] => 0.00023719435,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-05-24 11:14:42,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:46:18,[iso] => COP,[ownid] => 16,[lang] => de,[name] => kolumbianischer Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 77),[1] => Array ([id] => 1,[symbol] => €,[value] => 1,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:07:13,[update_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[iso] => EUR,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => de,[name] => Euro,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 6),[12] => Array ([id] => 12,[symbol] => INR,[value] => 0.011054872,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 12:11:18,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:47:35,[iso] => INR,[ownid] => 12,[lang] => de,[name] => Indische Rupie,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 60),[3] => Array ([id] => 3,[symbol] => ¥,[value] => 0.0060982004,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:31,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:48:12,[iso] => JPY,[ownid] => 3,[lang] => de,[name] => Yen,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 8),[7] => Array ([id] => 7,[symbol] => M$,[value] => 0.19495678,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-03-24 11:25:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:02,[iso] => MYR,[ownid] => 7,[lang] => de,[name] => Malaysia Ringgits,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 35),[14] => Array ([id] => 14,[symbol] => MX$,[value] => 0.0550712,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-04-11 19:41:37,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:20,[iso] => MXN,[ownid] => 14,[lang] => de,[name] => Mexikanischer Peso,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 67),[11] => Array ([id] => 11,[symbol] => NZ$,[value] => 0.55383736,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-08-08 11:07:22,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:49:51,[iso] => NZD,[ownid] => 11,[lang] => de,[name] => New Zealand Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 55),[13] => Array ([id] => 13,[symbol] => S/,[value] => 0.25020781,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2012-03-09 00:03:33,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:50:31,[iso] => PEN,[ownid] => 13,[lang] => en,[name] => Peruvian Nuevo Sol,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 63),[2] => Array ([id] => 2,[symbol] => £,[value] => 1.1635878,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:08:59,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:04,[iso] => GBP,[ownid] => 2,[lang] => de,[name] => Bitisches Pfund ,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 7),[21] => Array ([id] => 21,[symbol] => руб.,[value] => 0.010022757,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2014-02-07 10:50:56,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:51:35,[iso] => RU,[ownid] => 21,[lang] => de,[name] => Russischer Rubel,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 193),[5] => Array ([id] => 5,[symbol] => ZAR,[value] => 0.048632431,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-02-14 14:09:17,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:09,[iso] => ZAR,[ownid] => 5,[lang] => de,[name] => South Africa Rand,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 25),[10] => Array ([id] => 10,[symbol] => F,[value] => 1.0285768,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2011-05-11 13:17:07,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:52:40,[iso] => CHF,[ownid] => 10,[lang] => de,[name] => Schweizer Franken,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 50),[19] => Array ([id] => 19,[symbol] => ฿,[value] => 0.025395918,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-07-10 20:00:02,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:54:05,[iso] => THB,[ownid] => 19,[lang] => de,[name] => Thailändischer Baht,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 93),[4] => Array ([id] => 4,[symbol] => U$D,[value] => 0.92336283,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 2010-05-09 17:09:46,[update_timestamp] => 2024-03-23 14:55:57,[iso] => USD,[ownid] => 4,[lang] => de,[name] => US Dollar,[sysname] => ,[multilang_id] => 9)),[] => Array ([US] => Array ([id] => 34,[language] => 2,[languageb] => 11,[currency] => 4,[image] => usa.jpg,[flickr] => n,[active] => y,[insert_timestamp] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00,[update_timestamp] => 2014-03-23 07:00:09,[iso2] => US,[iso3] => USA,[importantcities] => a:10:{i:119;i:4;i:131;i:3;i:1;i:1;i:177;i:1;i:113;i:1;i:81;i:1;i:2;i:1;i:93;i:1;i:176;i:1;i:64;i:1;},[importantsales] => a:0:{},[importantschools] => a:10:{i:131;a:1:{i:928;i:3;}i:93;a:1:{i:497;i:1;}i:119;a:2:{i:540;i:3;i:750;i:1;}i:176;a:1:{i:650;i:1;}i:2;a:1:{i:472;i:1;}i:64;a:1:{i:447;i:1;}i:113;a:1:{i:524;i:1;}i:1;a:1:{i:514;i:1;}i:177;a:1:{i:651;i:1;}i:81;a:1:{i:478;i:1;}},[nameold] => United States of America,[analytics_old] => ,[sort] => -7,[sales] => 141,[cover_image] => ,[continent] => 3,[reviewsnum] => 189,[reviewspoints] => 900,[ownid] => 34,[lang] => de,[name] => Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika,[title] => Sprachreise USA: Finde die günstigsten Preise, für Deinen Englisch sprachkurs in USA!,[description] =>

                                          Sprachreise USASuchst Du nach einem Sprachkurs oder einer Sommerschule für Englische Sprache ? Wie wäre es mit einem Kurs oder einer Schule in USA?
                                          Für welche Sprachweiterbildung auch auch immer, Language Bookings wird Dir helfen, den richtigen Kurs für Dich zu finden – und das zum güstigsten Preis!

                                          Stöbere durch unser Angebot verschiedener Englischschulen, an verschiedenen Orten in USA, bis Du „Deinen Englischkurs“ gefunden hast.

                                          Wir machen es Dir einfach, den günstigsten Preis an den besten Schulen von USA zu verschaffen und bieten Dir detailierte Schulinformationen, Fotos, Videos und Studentenbewertungen verschiedener Englischschulen in USA an.

                                          Nutze LanguageBookings.com, für all Deine Sprachkursreservierungen und erfahre warum mehr und mehr Sprachkursstudenten uns wählen, um Englisch in USA zu lernen.

                                          Unsere Service Garantie

                                           Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          Beste-Preis Garantie

                                          100%ige Garantie, dass Du den niedrigsten Preis zahlen wirst. Wir bieten Dir die niedrigst mögliche Kursgebühr an - Du wirst niemals mehr bezahlen, als wenn Du direkt über die Schule oder woanders buchen würdest. Außerdem ist unser Service kostelos. Wir erheben keine Buchungsgebühren.
                                          Excellent Advice

                                          Außergewöhnliche Kundenbetreuung

                                          Wann auch immer Du Unterstützung benötigst, Du kannst Dich immer mit unserer Kundenbetreuung in Verbindung setzen. Wir sind vor, während und nach Deinem Kurs für Dich da. Du kannst einfach unsere freundlichen und erfahrenen Mitarbeiter kontaktieren. Wir sind immer nur ein Klick durch Email, Telefon, Skype oder sogar Chat von Dir entfernt.
                                          100% Confirmed

                                          Deine Buchung ist zu 100% bestätigt!

                                          Es ist sehr unwahrscheinlich, dass etwas schief geht mit deiner Buchung, sobald diese durch die Sprachschule bestätigt wurde. Wir sind sogar so zuversichtlich, dass wir Dir versichern, dass wir Dir Deine volle Anzahlung zurück zahlen UND eine andere mögliche Alternative für Dich finden, falls du keinen Platz in Deiner gewählten Schule bekommst.

                                          Trust and Safety Vertrauen & Sicherheit

                                          Wir sind ein Marktplatz, der Vertrauen und Zusammenarbeit fördert. Deshalb haben wir den besten Kurs-Tool und Service aufgebaut, um Dich dabei zu unterstützen die richtig Entscheidung zu treffen. Finde Bewertungen ehemaliger Schüler, Gastgeberreferenzen, Schulqualitätssiegel und Akkreditierungen, ... erfahre mehr





                                          ,[sysname] => vereinigte-staaten-von-amerika,[analytics] => ,[mtitle] => Sprachreise USA, {LANG} Sprachreisen, Sprachschule USA,[mdesc] => {LANG} Sprachreisen nach USA. Besonderen Angeboten für {LANG} Sprachkurse. Sprachreisen kombinieren Sie Urlaub mit Sprachkurs!,[mkeys] => ,[idid] => 514)),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([106] => 6,[413] => 0,[414] => 0,[415] => 0,[416] => 0,[417] => 0,[418] => 0,[419] => 0,[420] => 0,[421] => 0,[412] => 0,[411] => 0,[127] => 0,[403] => 0,[404] => 0,[405] => 0,[406] => 0,[407] => 0,[408] => 0,[409] => 0,[410] => 0,[422] => 0),[] => Array ([20-25] => 1452,[15-19] => 784,[26-30] => 409,[10-14] => 96,[1-9] => 77,[31-35] => 11,[36-9999] => 7),[] => Array ([1-9] => Array ([0] => 0,[1] => 9),[10-14] => Array ([0] => 10,[1] => 14),[15-19] => Array ([0] => 15,[1] => 19),[20-25] => Array ([0] => 20,[1] => 25),[26-30] => Array ([0] => 26,[1] => 30),[31-35] => Array ([0] => 31,[1] => 35),[36-9999] => Array ([0] => 36,[1] => 9999)),[] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name)),[key] => 1),[separador_type] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Kunst des Monatsmiete)),[sku] => Array ([name] => Kurs-Verweis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([rows] => 10,[limit] => 20,[tip] => Dies ist für Ihren Gebrauch bestimmt und werden nicht sichtbar für Studenten),[listable] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([events] => Array ([onchange] => $.post('/backend/select_language/'+ $('#language').val(),'',function(data) { $('#category').replaceWith(data['widget']['category']); $('#mg-field-calification .controls').html(data['widget']['calification']); },'json');),[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)),[tip] => In diesem Kurs unterrichtete Sprache)),[category] => Array ([name] => Course Type,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ()),[lessons] => Array ([name] => Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => per week),[listable] => 1),[duration_lesson] => Array ([name] => Lesson duration,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => Minutes)),[avgclasssize] => Array ([name] => Average class size,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)))),[max_students_class] => Array ([name] => Max class size,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)))),[age_min] => Array ([name] => Minimum age,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)))),[classdays] => Array ([name] => Class dates,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 7),[values] => Array ([1] => Montag,[2] => Dienstag,[3] => Mittwoch,[4] => Donnerstag,[5] => Freitag,[6] => Samstag,[7] => Sonntag))),[hstart] => Array ([name] => Class times,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[prepend] => Startzeit ,[continue] => 1),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00),[listable] => 1),[hend] => Array ([name] => end,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[prepend] => Abschlusszeit ),[data] => Array ([700] => 7:00,[715] => 7:15,[730] => 7:30,[745] => 7:45,[800] => 8:00,[815] => 8:15,[830] => 8:30,[845] => 8:45,[900] => 9:00,[915] => 9:15,[930] => 9:30,[945] => 9:45,[1000] => 10:00,[1015] => 10:15,[1030] => 10:30,[1045] => 10:45,[1100] => 11:00,[1115] => 11:15,[1130] => 11:30,[1145] => 11:45,[1200] => 12:00,[1215] => 12:15,[1230] => 12:30,[1245] => 12:45,[1300] => 13:00,[1315] => 13:15,[1330] => 13:30,[1345] => 13:45,[1400] => 14:00,[1415] => 14:15,[1430] => 14:30,[1445] => 14:45,[1500] => 15:00,[1515] => 15:15,[1530] => 15:30,[1545] => 15:45,[1600] => 16:00,[1615] => 16:15,[1630] => 16:30,[1645] => 16:45,[1700] => 17:00,[1715] => 17:15,[1730] => 17:30,[1745] => 17:45,[1800] => 18:00,[1815] => 18:15,[1830] => 18:30,[1845] => 18:45,[1900] => 19:00,[1915] => 19:15,[1930] => 19:30,[1945] => 19:45,[2000] => 20:00,[2015] => 20:15,[2030] => 20:30,[2045] => 20:45,[2100] => 21:00)),[certificate] => Array ([name] => Am Ende des Kurses Zertifikat,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein)))),[levels] => Array ([name] => Course levels,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[rows] => 2),[filler] => Array ([model] => levels,[label] => name))),[calification] => Array ([name] => Qualification,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[rows] => 2),[values] => Array ())),[separador_images] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Bildergalerie,[description] => To upload pictures click on the "browse button" and select as many pictures as you want, then click on the "Open" button on the window and all the pictures will upload, to select the main picture just click on one picture and save. The more pictures you upload the more attractive your profile will become. This gallery is shared with school gallery. Don't delete it. Image must be greater than 800x600px)),[mainimg] => Array ([name] => Hochladen Sie Bilder:,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Images,[label] => image,[filter] => Array ([school] => {ID}))),[data] => Array ()),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Beschreibung)),[title] => Array ([name] => Titel des Kurses,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Kursbeschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([rows] => 10,[limit] => 20,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1),[separador_geotargeting] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Geotargeting,[description] => Geo-targeting ist die Methode der Bestimmung der Geolocation eines Website-Besuchers und Bereitstellung von Icons für die Besucher, die auf der Grundlage von seinem Speicherort, z. B. Land-IP-Adresse. Sie sind in der Lage, eine spezielle Preisliste für Studenten, die ein bestimmtes Land oder eine Reihe von Ländern auf der Grundlage festgelegt. Auf diese Weise werden wir in der Lage, unterschiedliche Preise je nachdem, wo der Student kommt zu verwalten.)),[geotargeting_option] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting für,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([all] => Array ([name] => Alle,[default] => 1),[exclude] => Array ([name] => Ausschließen ausgewählt),[include] => Array ([name] => Enthalten ausgewählte)))),[geotargeting_select] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting Länder,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal)),[separador_price] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Kurspreis und Termine)),[charges_admin] => Array ([name] => Registration fee,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([currency] => ,[width] => 70,[tip] => Bitte geben Sie den Vorwurf, die Studenten für das Recht zur Teilnahme an des Sprachkurs beurteilt)),[material_type] => Array ([name] => Books & materials,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 3),[values] => Array ([included] => Array ([name] => Im Preis inbegriffen,[default] => 1),[optional] => Array ([name] => Nicht inbegriffen im Preis und nicht obligatorisch),[mandatory] => Array ([name] => Nicht inbegriffen im Preis und verbindliche)))),[material] => Array ([name] => Book and materials price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([currency] => ,[width] => 70,[tip] => Bitte geben Sie die Gebühr für die Materialien und Bücher, die im Unterricht verwendet)),[type_course] => Array ([name] => Kursbeginn,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[values] => Array ([normal] => Array ([name] => Saisonale Preisliste,[default] => 1),[fijo] => Array ([name] => Fixtermin-Preise,[default] => )),[events] => Array ())),[price] => Array ([name] => Kurs-Preisliste,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wochen {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => courses,[colspan] => 1,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice)))),[separador_discount] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Rabatt,[description] => From this section you will be able to give a special discount and/or increase the commission rate for the selected period. Just add the percentage discount you want to give on the tuition prices added on the price list section, select the dates and click save. Done!

                                          This discount and or promotion will appear on our home page, in the special offer section, highlighted on the search results page and other sections of LanguageBookings.com and partner websites. The higher the discount and the commission given on the promotion, the more visibility your promotion will have.)),[discount_active] => Array ([name] => Discount Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[discount] => Array ([name] => Discount,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[default] => 1,[tip] => %,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => number,[step] => any),[1] => Array ([type] => greater_than,[value] => -1),[2] => Array ([type] => less_than,[value] => 100)))),[minweeks] => Array ([name] => Minimum weeks,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ([1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20,[21] => 21,[22] => 22,[23] => 23,[24] => 24,[25] => 25,[26] => 26,[27] => 27,[28] => 28,[29] => 29,[30] => 30,[31] => 31,[32] => 32,[33] => 33,[34] => 34,[35] => 35,[36] => 36,[37] => 37,[38] => 38,[39] => 39,[40] => 40,[41] => 41,[42] => 42,[43] => 43,[44] => 44,[45] => 45,[46] => 46,[47] => 47,[48] => 48,[49] => 49,[50] => 50,[51] => 51,[52] => 52)),[maxweeks] => Array ([name] => Maximum weeks,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ([0] => Unlimited,[1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20,[21] => 21,[22] => 22,[23] => 23,[24] => 24,[25] => 25,[26] => 26,[27] => 27,[28] => 28,[29] => 29,[30] => 30,[31] => 31,[32] => 32,[33] => 33,[34] => 34,[35] => 35,[36] => 36,[37] => 37,[38] => 38,[39] => 39,[40] => 40,[41] => 41,[42] => 42,[43] => 43,[44] => 44,[45] => 45,[46] => 46,[47] => 47,[48] => 48,[49] => 49,[50] => 50,[51] => 51,[52] => 52)),[discount_publication_start] => Array ([name] => Booking start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird veröffentlicht und kann gebucht werden)),[discount_publication_end] => Array ([name] => Booking End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird nicht veröffentlicht und kann nicht gebucht werden)),[discount_reservation_start] => Array ([name] => Course start date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Ab wann der Kurs stattfinden wird)),[discount_reservation_end] => Array ([name] => Course End date,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([date_now] => 23-04-2024,[tip] => Wenn der Kurs schließen oder beenden wird)),[commission] => Array ([name] => Commission on tuition,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => This is the commission you will pay when we sell this course with this promotion.)),[separador_other] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Andere )),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[holidays] => Array ([name] => Holidays,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[price_particular] => Array ([name] => price classes particulars,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Preis hinzufügen,[fields] => Array ([volume] => Array ([name] => Anzahl der Klassen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([class] => form,[width] => 75,[tip] => )),[price] => Array ([name] => Gesamtpreis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €))))),[horary_course] => Array ([name] => Comment of horary,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[url] => Array ([name] => URL,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Desc,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keys,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array ([sku] => Array ([name] => Course references),[lessons] => Array ([name] => Lessons per week),[hstart] => Array ([name] => Class time),[complete_name] => Array ([name] => Save Order,[function] => Closure Object ()),[active_] => Array ([name] => Status,[function] => Closure Object ())),[] => courses,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 0,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`courses` main) JOIN `courses_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `language` = '12' AND school IN(SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active = 'y' AND s.city IN (SELECT c.id FROM cities c WHERE c.country = '114' AND c.active = 'y')) AND category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND school IN (SELECT school FROM schoolsaccomms WHERE type_accomm = 13) AND school IN (SELECT school FROM schoolsaccomms WHERE persons = '6' OR persons = '7') AND `category` IN ('127', '127≤vel=4') AND `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `rating` DESC,[] => `order`,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => sku,[2] => lessons,[3] => order),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[form_validation] => CI_Form_validation Object ([] => Coursessearch Object ( *RECURSION*,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] =>

                                          ,[] =>

                                          ,[] => ,[] => ),[Promotions_Model] => Promotions_Model Object ([] => Array (),[data] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([separador_promotions] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([description] => Wir entwickeln ständig neue Werkzeuge um Ihre Schule alles bieten, was es braucht, um Geld zu verdienen und erfolgreich zu sein. Bitte geben Sie die Einzelheiten für Ihr Geschäft, einschließlich Preis, Wert und Titel. Legen Sie die Bedingungen, bei Target und der Zeitplan für Ihr Angebot. Sie werden mehrere Sub-Angebote für dasselbe (Haupt-) hinzufügen können. Bitte klicken Sie auf "Senden zur Genehmigung" Ihr Geschäft zur Genehmigung vorzulegen. Sobald LanguageBookings, Ihr Geschäft veröffentlicht und wird beworben.

                                          Tips :
                                          · Geben Sie einen attraktiven Rabatt für Studenten und auf der Förderung-Titel anzeigen.
                                          · Nicht nur über den Preis konkurrieren, sondern einen Mehrwert für Ihr Angebot Standardkurs

                                          )),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[school] => Array ([name] => Schulen,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([tip] => Wählen Sie die Schule der Förderung,[filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[listable] => 1),[status] => Array ([name] => Status,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([tip] => Only applicable if active is no),[data] => Array ([] => Bitte Wählen Sie,[1] => Ausstehende für ausrücklichen,[2] => Bedürfnisse bearbeiten,[3] => Leben,[4] => Unveröffentlicht,[5] => Abgelaufen),[listable] => 1),[name] => Array ([name] => Förderung-Verweis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[listable] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([events] => Array ([onchange] => $.post('/backend/select_language/'+ $('#language').val(),'',function(data) { $('#category').replaceWith(data['widget']['category']); $('#mg-field-calification .controls').html(data['widget']['calification']); },'json');),[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)),[tip] => In diesem Kurs unterrichtete Sprache)),[category] => Array ([name] => Course Type,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([] => Select a language)),[persons] => Array ([name] => Students,[widget] => select,[data] => Array ([1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20),[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[tip] => Minimum Anzahl der Schüler, der Toguether dieses Paket buchen),[listable] => 1),[accomm_included] => Array ([name] => Unterkunft,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([tip] => Wählen Sie Ja, wenn die Unterkunft in dieser Aktion enthalten ist,[values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1)))),[startpublish] => Array ([name] => Buchung-Startdatum,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[width] => 75,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird veröffentlicht und kann gebucht werden)),[endpublish] => Array ([name] => Buchung Ende,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[width] => 75,[class] => form,[tip] => Datum, ab wann diese Promotion Package wird nicht veröffentlicht und kann nicht gebucht werden)),[startpromotion] => Array ([name] => Kursbeginn,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[tip] => Ab wann der Kurs stattfinden wird)),[endpromotion] => Array ([name] => Ende des Kurses,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[tip] => Wenn der Kurs schließen oder beenden wird)),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Titel und Beschreibung der Förderung)),[title] => Array ([name] => Förderung-Titel,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[tip] => Verwenden Sie einen kurzen und einprägsamen Titel!),[description] => Array ([name] => Förderung Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([tip] => Bitte geben Sie eine kurze Beschreibung der Förderung/Paket),[multilang] => 1),[images] => Array ([name] => Bilder,[widget] => multipleimg2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[90x90] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[separador_geotargeting] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Geotargeting,[description] => Geo-targeting ist die Methode der Bestimmung der Geolocation eines Website-Besuchers und Bereitstellung von Icons für die Besucher, die auf der Grundlage von seinem Speicherort, z. B. Land-IP-Adresse. Sie sind in der Lage, eine spezielle Preisliste für Studenten, die ein bestimmtes Land oder eine Reihe von Ländern auf der Grundlage festgelegt. Auf diese Weise werden wir in der Lage, unterschiedliche Preise je nachdem, wo der Student kommt zu verwalten.)),[geotargeting_option] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting für,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([all] => Array ([name] => Alle Länder,[default] => 1),[exclude] => Array ([name] => Ausschließen ausgewählt),[include] => Array ([name] => Enthalten ausgewählte)))),[geotargeting_select] => Array ([name] => Geotargeting Länder,[widget] => selectmove,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => countries,[label] => name),[orientation] => horizontal)),[separador_subdeals] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Sub befasst sich,[description] => Sie werden mehrere Sub-Angebote für dasselbe (Haupt-) hinzufügen können. Jetzt kann jedes Geschäft bieten Ihnen mehrere verschiedene Angebote-Typen haben, die ist perfekt für Ihre Schule bieten eine Vielzahl von Angebote, die allen Marktsegmenten locken zu lassen. Zum Beispiel können Sie Sub-Angebote bieten das gleiche Angebot aber für unterschiedliche Preise. Beispielsweise könnte eine Schule 4 Wochen mit einem Rabatt von 25 %, 8 Wochen mit einem Rabatt von 50 % und so weiter anbieten. Eine weitere Möglichkeit, die Sie verwenden können, Sub-Angebote ist ein Geschäft für Freunde zusammen kommen oder ein Sub-Deal für Familien zu bieten.)),[subdeals] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => dynamictable,[options] => Array ([template] => promotion_subdeal,[defaultrow] => 1,[text_add] => Neue Sub-deal,[fields] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1),[type] => Array ([name] => Elementtyp,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([days] => Array ([name] => Tage),[weeks] => Array ([name] => Wochen),[month] => Array ([name] => Monate),[years] => Array ([name] => Jahre),[other] => Array ([name] => Andere ,[default] => 1)))),[precioneto] => Array ([name] => Sonderpreis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[preciobruto] => Array ([name] => Originalpreis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[percentdiscount] => Array ([name] => Prozent Rabatt,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))),[comision] => Array ([name] => Kommission,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Kontos Angebot an LanguageBookings.com,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required),[1] => Array ([type] => numeric)))))))),[] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => Schools),[status2] => Array ([name] => Status,[function] => Closure Object ()),[name] => Array ([name] => Reference Name),[persons] => Array ([name] => Persons),[sendforapproval] => Array ([name] => Sent for approval)),[] => promotions,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Reviewmails_Model] => Reviewmails_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[lastname] => Array ([name] => Nachname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[email] => Array ([name] => E-Mail,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name))),[review] => Array ([name] => Review,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ()),[idi] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([default] => en,[filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name))),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1))))),[] => Array (),[] => reviewmails,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => insert_timestamp DESC,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => lastname,[3] => email),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Images_Model] => Images_Model Object ([] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select))),[key] => 1),[name] => Array ([name] => Titelbild (Praktikant),[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([validate] => Array ()),[listable] => 1),[image] => Array ([name] => Foto,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[empty] => 1,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[114x114] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[238x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[349x220] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th8/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)))),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => images,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => school,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Packages_Model] => Packages_Model Object ([] => Array (),[data] => Array (),[] => Array ([school] => Array ([name] => School,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name))),[reference] => Array ([name] => Referenz,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([counter] => 500),[multilang] => 1),[persons] => Array ([name] => Persons,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80),[data] => Array ()),[include] => Array ([name] => Enthalten,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([course] => Sprachniveau,[course+accomm] => Sprachniveau + Inlineskaten,[course+accomm+collection] => Sprachniveau + Inlineskaten + Sammlung)),[extras] => Array ([name] => Deal extras,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Dealsextras,[label] => name))),[bstart] => Array ([name] => Booking Start,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[bend] => Array ([name] => Booking End,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[cstart] => Array ([name] => Course Start,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[cend] => Array ([name] => Course End,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([yfrom] => 2010,[yto] => 2025)),[url] => Array ([name] => URL,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1),[listable] => ),[price] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([defaultrow] => 1,[text_add] => Preis hinzufügen,[fields] => Array ([semanas] => Array ([name] => Wochen,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form validateInteger)),[precioneto] => Array ([name] => Netto Preis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[class] => form validateFloat),[multilang] => ),[preciobruto] => Array ([name] => Brutto Preis,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => ,[class] => form validateFloat))))),[course] => Array ([name] => Course,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[accomm] => Array ([name] => Accomm,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[collection] => Array ([name] => Transfer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => packages,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => school,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => reference,[2] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Categories_Model] => Categories_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array ([segment] => Array ([name] => Segment,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => segments,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[idi] => Array ([name] => Gehört zur,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[categorytemplate] => Array ([name] => Kategorie Vorlagen,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => categoriestemplates,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Titel,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separator_country] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Countries Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[title_country] => Array ([name] => Titel für Länder,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description_country] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung für Länder,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separator_city] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Cities Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[title_city] => Array ([name] => Titel für Städte,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description_city] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung für Städte,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[url] => Array ([name] => URL,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1)),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Landing,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle3] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search + Location,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle4] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search + country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => categories,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order asc,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => title,[3] => title_country,[4] => title_city,[5] => url),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ()),[Qualifications_Model] => Qualifications_Model Object ([] => Array ([idi] => Array ([name] => Gehört zur,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[empty] => 1)),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Search + Location,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => URL,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => qualifications,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Discount_Model] => Discount_Model Object ([] => 3,[] => Array ([descuento] => Array ([name] => Descuento,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => %),[multilang] => ),[descuentomax] => Array ([name] => Descuento Máx.,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 50,[tip] => €),[multilang] => )),[] => Array (),[] => discount,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => descuento,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Pages_Model] => Pages_Model Object ([] => Array ([title] => Array ([name] => Título,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[searcheable] => 1,[listable] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[searcheable] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1,[visual] => 1),[images] => Array ([name] => Images,[widget] => multipleimg2,[options] => Array ([block] => imgupload,[dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[empty] => 1,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[114x114] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required)),[multilang] => )),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdescription] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[sort] => Array ([name] => Sort,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[directaccess] => Array ([name] => Direct Access,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)),[tip] => this page will be listed on the sitemap)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => pages,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => title,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => title,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Wishlist_Model] => Wishlist_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[user] => Array ([name] => Benutzer,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Users,[label] => name)),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => wishlist,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => user),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Accreditations_Model] => Accreditations_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Titel,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x75] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1)),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => accreditations,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 129,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accreditations` main) JOIN `accreditations_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => title),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Segments_Model] => Segments_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separadornewlanding] => Array ([name] => New contents for landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title] => Array ([name] => Short Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description] => Array ([name] => Short Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image_language_small] => Array ([name] => Small Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[370x180] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[long_title] => Array ([name] => Long Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[long_description] => Array ([name] => Long Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[image_language_large] => Array ([name] => Large Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([800x600] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[200x200] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[90x90] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[segment] => Array ([name] => Beiträge zu diesem segment,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => segments,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[separator_country] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Countries Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title_country] => Array ([name] => Short Title Country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description_country] => Array ([name] => Short Description Country,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[separator_city] => Array ([name] => Title and Description for Cities Landings and Search,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[short_title_city] => Array ([name] => Short Title City,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[short_description_city] => Array ([name] => Short Description City,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[filter] => Array ([name] => Beiträge zu diesem filter,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Example: 0-14)),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([empty] => 1),[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle2] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle3] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle4] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang + Location Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mtitle5] => Array ([name] => Meta Title Lang + Country Search,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[home_publish] => Array ([name] => Published at home,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes),[n] => Array ([name] => No,[default] => 1))))),[] => Array (),[] => segments,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => order asc,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name,[2] => sysname),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => segment = 0,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array ([YToxOntzOjc6InN5c25hbWUiO3M6NjoiYWR1bHRzIjt9YjowO047] => Array ([id] => 1,[insert_timestamp] => 2013-08-01 18:21:06,[update_timestamp] => 2014-09-09 14:17:31,[sysname] => adults,[order] => 0,[active] => y,[image_language_small] => 2Ys000336_1.jpg,[image_language_large] => adults1.jpg,[segment] => 0,[filter] => ,[home_publish] => n,[ownid] => 1,[lang] => de,[name] => Sprachreisen für Erwachsene,[description] =>
                                          Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene. Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten Sprachkurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden im Ausland tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
                                          ,[short_title] => {LANG}kurse für Erwachsene,[short_description] =>

                                          Mit ei­ner Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.

                                          ,[short_title_country] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[short_description_country] =>
                                          Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene, Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten {LANG}kurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
                                          ,[short_title_city] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[short_description_city] =>

                                          {LANG} lernen in {LOCATION} für einen Sommer , wird ein paar Wochen , Monate oder ein Jahr als Erwachsener geben Ihnen eine neue Perspektive auf sich. Wohnen in {LOCATION} wird ständig fordern Sie sich in vielen neuen und aufregenden Möglichkeiten und gewinnen ein Maß an Vertrauen in der {LANG}en Sprache. Sie werden in der {LANG}en Sprache , Kultur und Menschen von {LOCATION} eingetaucht werden und lernen Sie das Leben als Einwohner und nicht nur als Tourist zu erleben. Diese {LANG}kurse für Erwachsene und Studenten in {LOCATION} wird Ihnen helfen, die Grammatik und Struktur der {LANG}en Sprache , entwickeln ihre Sprechen, Hören , Lesen und Schreiben Fähigkeiten . Live- Erfahrungen aus erster Hand und Immatrikulation in einen {LANG}kurs für Erwachsene in {LOCATION} heute .

                                          ,[long_title] => {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene,[long_description] =>
                                          Ent­de­cken Sie die Welt und ler­nen Sie ganz ne­ben­bei im Ur­laub ei­ne neue Fremd­spra­che, egal ob Anfänger oder Fortgeschrittene, Sie können die Sprache dank der perfekt auf Ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmten {LANG}kurse besonders effizient lernen. Ei­ne Fremd­spra­che ler­nen Sie am wir­kungs­volls­ten in dem Land, wo die Spra­che ge­spro­chen wird. Ei­ne iSt Sprach­rei­se bie­tet dem Ler­nen­den den Vor­teil, die Spra­che vor Ort ef­fek­tiv zu er­le­ben. Mit ei­ner {LANG} Sprach­rei­se für Erwachsene und Studierenden  tau­chen Sie in ei­ne an­de­re Kul­tur und Spra­che ein.
                                          ,[mtitle] => Sprachreisen für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle2] => {LANG} Sprachreisen für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle3] => {LANG} Sprachkurse für Erwachsene & Schüler im Ausland,[mtitle4] => {LANG} Sprachkurse in {LOCATION} für Erwachsene & Schüler,[mtitle5] => {LANG} Courses in {LOCATION} for Adults and Students,[idid] => 5)),[] => 1,[] => ),[Accommtypes_Model] => Accommtypes_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[order] => Array ([name] => Bestellung,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => accommtypes,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 15,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`accommtypes` main) JOIN `accommtypes_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE `active` = 'y' ORDER BY `order` asc,[] => order asc,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Roomtypes_Model] => Roomtypes_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([sysname] => 1),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein))))),[] => Array (),[] => roomtypes,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Landings_Model] => Landings_Model Object ([] => Array ([language] => Array ([name] => Language,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[country] => Array ([name] => Country,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[city] => Array ([name] => City,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[segment] => Array ([name] => Segment,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[numcourses] => Array ([name] => Num Courses,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[numcountries] => Array ([name] => Num Countries,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[numcities] => Array ([name] => Num Cities,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[item] => Array ([name] => Item,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[itemtype] => Array ([name] => Item type,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No))))),[] => Array (),[] => landings,[] => 1,[] => ,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => language,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[Schoolsaccomms_Model] => Schoolsaccomms_Model Object ([] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => Array ([separador_schoolaccomm] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Unterkunftstyp)),[type_accomm] => Array ([name] => Accommodation type,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Accommtypes,[label] => name)),[listable] => 1),[food] => Array ([name] => Board,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([sin] => Selbstbedienung,[desayuno] => Frühstück,[media] => Halbpension,[completa] => Vollpension),[listable] => 1),[minimumage] => Array ([name] => Minimum-Alter,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[tip] => Bitte geben Sie das Mindestalter, das die Unterkunft akzeptiert)),[persons] => Array ([name] => Students,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([width] => 80,[tip] => Bitte geben Sie die maximale Anzahl von Studenten, die in dem Raum bleiben durfte),[data] => Array ([1] => 1,[2] => 2,[3] => 3,[4] => 4,[5] => 5,[6] => 6,[7] => 7,[8] => 8,[9] => 9,[10] => 10,[11] => 11,[12] => 12,[13] => 13,[14] => 14,[15] => 15,[16] => 16,[17] => 17,[18] => 18,[19] => 19,[20] => 20,[21] => 21,[22] => 22,[23] => 23,[24] => 24,[25] => 25)),[together] => Array ([name] => Nur Teilnehmer Werden Zusammen Gelegt.,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja
                                          ),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein,[default] => 1)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Option nur für Gemeinschaftsunterkunft. Wählen Sie "Ja", wenn diese Unterkunft nur ist für die Studierenden zusammen zu buchen, wählen Sie "Nein", wenn diese Unterkunft für Studenten, die Buchung zu unterschiedlichen Zeiten verkauft werden kann oder kundenspezifisch.)),[distance] => Array ([name] => Entfernung Zur Sprachschule,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 70,[continue] => 1)),[distancetype] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([tip] => Geben Sie die durchschnittliche Entfernung oder Zeit von der Unterkunft zur Schule),[data] => Array ([km] => Km,[minutes] => Minuten Zu Fuss,[public] => Minuten Mit Dem Öffentlichen Verkehr)),[requires_collection] => Array ([name] => Abholung Vom Flughafen,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Mandatory
                                          ),[n] => Array ([name] => Optional,[default] => 1)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Verwenden Sie "Zwingend", wenn der Student Übertragung auf diese buchen, verwenden Sie Optional, wenn der Student nicht Buch Transfer mit dieser Unterkunft muss buchen muss.)),[active] => Array ([name] => aktiv,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Ja
                                          ,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => Nein)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Wenn legen Sie auf "Ja" und es gibt Verfügbarkeit der Schüler werden in der Lage diese Unterkunft buchen, wenn auf "No" gesetzt ist die Unterkunft wird nicht veröffentlicht)),[school] => Array ([name] => Allgemeine Informationen,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Schools,[label] => name)),[searcheable] => 1),[separador_description] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Beschreibung)),[name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([sysname] => 1,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1,[listable] => 1,[searcheable] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Beschreibung,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([rows] => 10,[validations] => Array ([0] => Array ([type] => required))),[multilang] => 1),[separador_images] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Bildergalerie)),[images] => Array ([name] => Hochladen Sie Bilder:,[widget] => multipleimg2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 90,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit),[800x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 90,[type] => limit)),[empty] => 1)),[separador_facilities] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Einrichtungen)),[facilities_accomm] => Array ([name] => Facilities,[widget] => checkbox,[options] => Array ([display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 4,[class] => facilitiesColumns),[filler] => Array ([model] => Accommequipment,[label] => name))),[separador_accomm] => Array ([name] => ,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([tip] => Unterkunftstyp)),[accommfee] => Array ([name] => Placement Fee,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => € If there is a placement fee please enter it here,[width] => 50)),[type] => Array ([name] => Pricing,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([semana] => Array ([name] => Pro Woche
                                          ,[default] => 1),[dia] => Array ([name] => Pro Nacht)),[display] => Array ([type] => table,[cols] => 2),[tip] => Wenn Ihre Preisliste von Woche ist plus Verlängerungsnacht Bitte wählen Sie "pro Woche", wenn Ihre Preisliste pro Nacht verwendet, wählen Sie bitte "pro Nacht".)),[min_days] => Array ([name] => Minimum nights,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Minimale Anzahl der Nächte, die der Gast an der Unterkunft bleiben müssen)),[max_days] => Array ([name] => Maximum nights,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([tip] => Maximale Anzahl der Nächte, die der Gast an der Unterkunft bleiben können)),[price] => Array ([name] => Course price list,[widget] => courseprice,[options] => Array ([coltitle] => Wochen {i},[cols] => 2,[from] => 1,[to] => 12,[type] => accomms,[widget] => Array ([name] => Price,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 30,[class] => form validatePrice)),[colspan] => 1)),[for_day] => Array ([name] => Per night,[widget] => dynamicfields,[options] => Array ([text_add] => Preis hinzufügen,[fields] => Array ([comienzo] => Array ([name] => Start,[widget] => inputdate,[options] => Array ([width] => 75)),[precio] => Array ([name] => Precio Por noche,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ([width] => 75,[tip] => €))),[colspan] => 1,[defaultrow] => 1)),[mainimg] => Array ([name] => Wichtigsten Img,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array ()),[individual] => Array ([name] => Room,[widget] => select,[options] => Array (),[data] => Array ([y] => individual,[n] => shared))),[] => Array ([type_accomm] => Array ([name] => Accommodation type),[food] => Array ([name] => Board),[name] => Array ([name] => Name),[active_] => Array ([name] => Status,[function] => Closure Object ())),[] => schoolsaccomms,[] => 1,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => ,[] => ,[] => main.id asc,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => school,[2] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => ),[countries_Model] => Countries_Model Object ([] => Array ([name] => Array ([name] => Name,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[listable] => 1,[multilang] => 1),[sysname] => Array ([name] => Sysname,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[title] => Array ([name] => Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[description] => Array ([name] => Description,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array ([wysiwyg] => 1),[multilang] => 1),[language] => Array ([name] => Country Language,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[languageb] => Array ([name] => Country Language 2,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Languages,[label] => name,[default] => Array ([] => Please select)))),[currency] => Array ([name] => Currency,[widget] => select,[options] => Array ([filler] => Array ([model] => Currency,[label] => name))),[image] => Array ([name] => Image,[widget] => imgupload2,[options] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/up/,[thumbs] => Array ([100x100] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th1/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[50x50] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th2/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[370x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th4/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[150x10000] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th3/,[quality] => 75,[type] => limit),[250x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th6/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[270x150] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th7/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut),[1170x178] => Array ([dstpath] => /uploads/img/th5/,[quality] => 75,[type] => cut)),[empty] => 1)),[active] => Array ([name] => Active,[widget] => radio,[options] => Array ([values] => Array ([y] => Array ([name] => Yes,[default] => 1),[n] => Array ([name] => No)))),[separatorcode] => Array ([name] => Analytics,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[analytics] => Array ([name] => Code,[widget] => textarea,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[separatorcity] => Array ([name] => Metas for Landings,[widget] => separador,[options] => Array ([colspan] => 1),[db] => ,[multilang] => 1),[mtitle] => Array ([name] => Meta Title,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mdesc] => Array ([name] => Meta Description,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1),[mkeys] => Array ([name] => Meta Keywords,[widget] => inputtext,[options] => Array (),[multilang] => 1)),[] => Array (),[] => countries,[] => ,[] => 1,[] => Array ([en] => English,[es] => Spanish,[it] => Italian,[de] => German,[fr] => French,[pt] => português,[ru] => Russian,[zh] => Chinese,[ko] => Korean,[ja] => Japanese),[] => 237,[] => SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`countries` main) JOIN `countries_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' ORDER BY `name`,[] => name,[] => 25,[] => de,[] => Array ([0] => main.id,[1] => name),[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => ,[] => ,[] => Array (),[] => Array (),[] => 1,[] => )),[1] => index), Array ([0] => kurs,[1] => portugiesisch,[2] => brazil,[3] => program-adults)) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/system/core/CodeIgniter.php:357] #10 require_once(/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/system/core/CodeIgniter.php) called at [/var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/public/index.php:214] Database Error

                                          A Database Error Occurred

                                          Error Number: 1054

                                          Unknown column '127≤vel' in 'where clause'

                                          SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM (`promotions` main) JOIN `promotions_lang` lang ON `main`.`id` = `lang`.`ownid` AND lang.lang = 'en' WHERE (main.startpublish <= NOW() AND main.endpublish >= NOW()) AND main.status = 3 AND main.endpromotion >= '2024-04-29' AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM promotions_subdeals sd WHERE main.id = sd.parent_id) AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.active='y' ) AND main.language = '12' AND main.school IN (SELECT s.id FROM schools s WHERE s.country = '114') AND main.category IN(SELECT c.id FROM categories c WHERE c.segment = '1') AND main.category IN(127,127≤vel=4) ORDER BY `main`.`endpublish` ASC

                                          Filename: /var/www/dev2.languagebookings.com/application/core/MG_Model.php

                                          Line Number: 417