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"We are very pleased to be associated with the School.Since the time of Inception,We have seen it gro..."
Mita R.

Die Unteren sortir Wurden von Studenten Angegeben, Die Hier Gelernt Haben. Oakridge International Boarding School - India.

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Verschiedene Bewertungen der Studenten über Oakridge International Boarding School - India.

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die Lehre
"It's like one big family out here.....". In terms of facilities,Oakridge International School is fantastic.It has a fabulous environment and the teachers here are amazing.They are extremely open-minded and the parents can speak to them any time. The infrastructure and food along with accommodation is the best in India. Mrs.Deepti Reddy Managing Director-WOW Hyderabad MAgazine. Mother of Shravya(Class XI)and Vishal (Class VII)
Antwort von Oakridge International Boarding School - India.: Thanks so much for your comments.

die Lehre
Mita R.
We are very pleased to be associated with the School.Since the time of Inception,We have seen it grow like a baby.My daughters Trisha and Arushi have been very adaptive to the faculty and warm environment above. Mrs.MIta R.Mehra Mother of Arushi Mehta(Class V) and Trisha Mehta (Class IX -IGCSE)

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