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"35 days that i’ll never forget, totally recommend Accent Français to everyone. Everything was rea..."
Die Unteren sortir Wurden von Studenten Angegeben, Die Hier Gelernt Haben. Accent Francais
Das Sind Die Bewertungen der Studierenden, die Ihre Erfahrungen eine Dieser Schule Angegeben Haben, Sie Entsprechen Nicht der Meinung von LanguageBookings.com
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Wertung | 95% |
Sehr schlecht | Schlecht | Durchschnitt | Darm | Ausgezeichnet | ||
Einrichtungen | 91% | |||||
Ort | 99% | |||||
Spaß | 93% | |||||
die Lehre | 96% |
Verschiedene Bewertungen der Studenten über Accent Francais
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Servizio ed esperienza indimenticabili! Durante il mio soggiorno di 3 settimane, ho migliorato il mio francese in un'atmosfera cosmopolita, grazie anche alla mia insegnante Sadia che ha sempre saputo creare un rapporto di discussione tra i nostri studenti. Inoltre, la reception era sempre disponibile a rispondere alle mie domande. Infine, ho avuto l'opportunità di vedere la meravigliosa Occitane con una guida eccezionale, Jéremie! Avrò sempre voglia di tornare!
Fue una experiencia maravillosa, sólo tuve 2 semanas para disfrutarla pero aprendí mucho, me encantaron las excursiones y conocí a gente increíble. Gracias y hasta pronto
I had the chance to spend three weeks with Accent Français in June 2021. I had an unforgettable time! The teachers were professional but friendly, and my host family welcomed me and took good care of me. I had the school to support me and help me learn, but I also had the freedom to explore and go places and do things alone. On top of that, the staff were all wonderful and helpful, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
立地に関しては言わずもがな、コメディ広場からすぐのところにあり、アクセスが非常に良い。 また、学校スタッフの対応もよく、非常に多くの言語で対応できるというのには驚いた。 現状、日本語が可能なのは校長のみだが、日本に居住していた経験もあることから、日本人の受入に慣れていると感じた。 授業に関しては、毎週のテーマがあり、また文法事項も散らされているが、日本の従来の言語教育と異なり、文法が中心にはならず、あくまで各週のテーマに沿って授業が展開される。 また、授業中はとにかく参加する姿勢や発言することが重要で、思い切って間違いを恐れずに踏み込む勇気が多少なり求められる。 イベントや遠足など、事前予約が必須のものが多いが、関心があれば一度は参加をするべきだろう。 モンペリエ周辺のスポットの中には、自分ひとりで行くのがなかなかに難しいところもある。 そういった場所への移動は学校のイベントを通じていくことで、別途移動手段を確保する必要がなくなる。 またスマートフォンのアプリを通じて授業で使った資料や関連資料にアクセスが出来る。 最初は戸惑ったが、慣れてしまえば難しいことはない。
I did an unpaid internship in Accent Français and highly recommend them as employer. I had many varied tasks: as a multilingual, I had to translate different advertising texts, price lists, descriptions. I was also asked to help students and potential clients from my home country in case of language barrier. For every mission I was allowed to take as much time as I needed which was amazing, I had never been in rush and could do my work properly.
J'ai pu effectuer mon stage de fin d'année d'études à Accent Français en été 2019 et je peux dire que j'ai vécu une très belle expérience ! Un peu stressé au départ en ne connaissant personne, j'ai très vite pu faire la connaissance de tout le monde durant mes deux mois passés à Accent Français. En tant que stagiaire j'ai pu rencontrer beaucoup d'étudiants étrangers me permettant d'enrichir mon anglais à l'oral et de découvrir différentes langues.
It was just perfect. I met a lot of new people from many different countries. I enjoyed my stay very much and the time at Accent Français passed extremely fast. I was able to improve my French level extremely fast and felt the increase very quickly.
Es waren eine der besten Erfahrungen meines Lebens und ich kann es allen nur weiterempfehlen! Den Sprachkurs fand ich super aber auch mein Praktikum, welches ich hier absolvierte. Das ganze Team ist super und man hat niemals das Gefühl man wird zu etwas gezwungen, im Gegenteil es herrscht eine lockere Stimmung und es wird viel gelacht ☺ Mir bleibt nichts Anderes übrig als euch unendlich dankbar für diese Zeit zu sein und ich werde euch sehr vermissen♥
Comme prof de français et la cuisine française, je voulais un expérience d’immersion simplement pour améliorer ce que je fais en classe avec mes élèves. Accent Français était vraiment super. Situé au cœur de Montpellier, avec des excursions très bien guidées, et avec les cours intéressants et courants, je recommanderais ce programme aux experts et débutants, tous les deux. Quelles merveilleuses trois semaines !
Ich habe einen 14 tägigen Sprachkurs in Montpelier gemacht. Es war fantastisch, ich lernte viele nette Leute aus der ganzen Welt kennen. Dazu noch die herrliche Stadt im Sommer erkundet. An dem vielseitigen Freizeitprogramm der Schule konnte ich auch häufig teilnehmen. Alles zusammen war super! Besonders meine Gastfamilie, danke für die schöne Zeit!
Bonjour tout le monde. Je suis Malaysienne. Accent Francais is situated at the city of Montpellier and it's a very beautiful as well as peaceful city. The people there are super friendly too. I have learnt a lot from Accent Francais and they arranged us a few activities after classes. It was a fruitful and satisfied trip to Montpellier. Merci beaucoup.
L'école est sympa. Excellent emplacement, service parfait et excellents professeurs. Service de support complet. Je le recommande fortement.
J’ai beaucoup aimé l’école, j’ai vécu une expérience formidable pendant près 5 mois. Les professeurs sont excellents et la méthode d’enseignement est très bonne, j’ai beaucoup appris! L’équipe est super accueillant et attentif. L’école propose plusieurs activités hors cours qui sont idéales pour interagir avec les autres étudiants, s’amuser et continuer à pratiquer le français. Je dois juste remercier et je recommande fortement l’école Accent Français!
Comme prof de français et la cuisine française, je voulais un expérience d’immersion simplement pour améliorer ce que je fais en classe avec mes élèves. Accent Français était vraiment super. Situé au cœur de Montpellier, avec des excursions très bien guidées, et avec les cours intéressants et courants, je recommanderais ce programme aux experts et débutants, tous les deux. Quelles merveilleuses trois semaines !
Ich habe einen 14 tägigen Sprachkurs in Montpelier gemacht. Es war fantastisch, ich lernte viele nette Leute aus der ganzen Welt kennen. Dazu noch die herrliche Stadt im Sommer erkundet. An dem vielseitigen Freizeitprogramm der Schule konnte ich auch häufig teilnehmen. Alles zusammen war super! Besonders meine Gastfamilie, danke für die schöne Zeit!
Ok so, what did I love the most? The super amazing classes which follow a clever pedagogical strategy? The talented and enthusiasts teachers? The charming building that gives the most frenchy touch? Maybe all of the above. Accent Français + Montpellier is the perfect match. Don't expect the classic boring lessons and be prepared to face debates, to train the different skills day by day. Just be prepared to face the incredible Accent Français adventure.
I spent 3 months there from June to September and I enjoyed my classes. There are four teacher particularly who I think are excellent in teaching, it is however, a shame that we change teachers quite often. The reception team is very very helpful as well. The host family accommodation with the school is expensive so I just stay in an Airbnb, not much a problem because Montpellier is easy to get around with the tram, moreover AF is located at the city centre.
Es una escuela muy buena, está muy bien organizada y además hacen muchas actividades fuera de clase y excursiones los fines de semana. La recomiendo.
C'est une expérience agréable, ses professeurs sont très professionnels et dévoués et en général tous les gens du lieu sont toujours attentifs pour que vous soyez à l'aise
Beste Lehrer! Beste Stadt! Beste Struktur (A1-C1mit jeweils circa 7-20 Abstufungen nach Themen aufgegliedert)! Ich war dort 4 Wochen und habe den Intensíf Kurs genommen, ich habe so extrem viel daraus gelernt! Viele Leute kommen aber auch für 6 Monate... um so länger man bleibt um so günstiger wird es pro Monat. Danke für alles & à bientot!!!! Je vais revenir, ça c'est sûr!
I stayed for two weeks and made so much progress in all areas of my french very quickly. My teachers were great and there was lots of support to keep me busy when school finished with cool activities and trips. I will be back next year for a month because two weeks wasn't enough
Merci Accent Français pour tous les enseignements, avec et grâce à vous je suis ce que je suis ici en France. C'était une année magnifique, merci à tout l’equipe!
This was a great experience that I highly recommend to anyone looking to study French. It is perfectly located in the city center, in one of the most beautiful places in all of France. I really appreciate that the teaching staff was a little younger than in most schools I've been to, which meant they could relate to the students better. The staff was very helpful and responsive, and the tours with Jean-Paul were unforgettable.
Excellent programs to learn, experience and encounter the real france. The host family is ‘tres agréable aussi.’ Would like to come back to Accent Français again in the near future. Merci beaucoup pour tous les temps à Montpellier !
It was an amazing experience. Loved it. Learned a lot. Met so many interesting people from all nationalities. The administration, staff, teachers and other students were very helpful and positive. The excursions and trips were very joyful. I really liked the atmosphere. The location of the school is beeautiful, basically the heart of Montpellier - Place de la comedie! I recommend the school to everyone!!
In March 2016 while in Montpellier I visited five language schools, I finally decided on Accent François because of your representative Maria Gonzalez who was so professional and accommodating. She went through all your literature, costs and what I should expect and then took the time to walk me around all buildings and classrooms and introduced me to a few students. This took about forty five minutes and reassured me, some of the other schools just spent a few minutes going through costs.
Amazing school located at the central of beautiful Montpelier. Couldn't choose any better, super glad I went. The classes are small enough for good learning and perfect for meeting new people from all over the world. Went 4 weeks, and after I got a job in Montpellier. So if you want to live in Montpelier; accent français is a good place to start! Thank you a lot
I stayed at Accent Français for a few months and i absolutely loved it, all the teachers I had were amazing, dynamic and really fun! Something I really enjoyed is the method the school uses like the change of teachers and the way they give us class, the videos they use and the papers they give us with all the exercises. The environment in general is really nice and warm and I felt really welcome, from the reception, to the teachers. Everyone was so kind and warm, I just want to say thank you !
Accent Français est vraiment une école extraordinaire, mon séjour là-bas a été super. Les professeurs sont gentils, énergiques et professionnels. Les cours sont dynamiques et cherchent le vrai progrès des élèves. Il a été une opportunité pas seulement pour apprendre la langue française mais aussi pour connaître la culture et faire beaucoup des amis! :) Salutations du Mexique.
C'était une semaine très jolie, j'ai pu meilleurer mon français grâce aux leçons très créatives enseignées à l'école
C'était une semaine très jolie, j'ai pu meilleurer mon français grâce aux leçons très créatives enseignées à l'école
C'était une semaine très jolie, j'ai pu meilleurer mon français grâce aux leçons très créatives enseignées à l'école
Comme je suis plus ainée que la majorité des étudiants d´Accent francais j´avais des craints que la difference d´age serait un désavantage - pour moi et pour les jeunes. Mais au contraire j´ai trouvé cette situation très sympathique. J´ai aussi apprécié que les professeurs ont été jeunes et modernes dans leur apparition et dans ses métodes d´enseignement. C´est bien qu´on a accentué le francais actuel (et aussi l´argot) et des phénomènes sociaux dans la France d´aujourd´hui.
I fully recommend this school. From beginning to end it was well organised. All staff were positive and helpful. Each week had specific objectives and I enjoyed seeing my progression throughout the time I was there. Two teachers daily, teaching different topics, helped keep the class fresh and motivated. Thanks Accent Français!
I was lucky to be in a very small group of students (3-4). I'm not sure how common that is, but generally speaking, classes seem to be pretty small. I really liked the teachers, too.
My experience in Montpellier was really amazing and definitely above expectations! The school is located in the city center and is well organized. Before arriving there I took a french test in order to establish my french level. Once I got there I had a brief oral interview to confirm the level. This allowed the teachers to divide the students into a lots of levels. My class was wonderful. It was so nice to get in touch with people from all over the world - we still are in touch
35 days that i’ll never forget, totally recommend Accent Français to everyone. Everything was really great : My host family, friends, the city and the school... EXCEPT ONE THING: Half of the students (Unfortunately, i was in that group,too) have classes from 4pm till 7pm. It seemed great at first but then I realised that I’d never actually had the chance to go to the beach in Montpellier.
J’ai adoré le école, les classes, les professeurs et les collègues. Il était paisible et agréable apprendre un peu français de cette façon. Malgré le peu de temps que je pouvais consacrer à l’apprentissage (4 semaines), je réalisé que j’avançais assez dans ma maîtrise du français.
The School was better than I expected. Theachers were very good and skillful. They created a good atmosphere for studying.I was improving my French during two weeks which I spent in Montpellier. I lived in a family with which I was very satisfied. Many, many good diners with speaking French. I really will recommend Accent Francaise Montpellier to anyone interested in improving French.
I enjoyed my 3 week visit to Montpelier even more than I had expected. The city is wonderfully friendly. I had an apt in the old city for a short while when friends visited from home.They loved Montpelier and they want to come back just like I do! However, for learning french it is better not to have english speaking visitors! The language school had some other students in my mature age bracket which was important for me.The teachers were enthusiastic and lively.Admin staff were lovely.
Excellent experience The School was better than I expected. Theachers were very good and skillful. They created a good atmosphere for studying.I was improving my French during two weeks which I spent in Montpellier. I lived in a family with which I was very satisfied. Many, many good diners with speaking French. I really will recommend Accent Francaise Montpellier to anyone interested in improving French.
Apprendre le FRANÇAIS où le soleil ne se couche jamais Französisch lernen – dort wo die Sonne immer scheint Ich habe gerade vier Wochen Sprachkurs bei Accent Francais gemacht – und es war einfach perfekt! Der Unterricht war sehr gut strukturiert, ich war in kleinen, sehr international zusammen gesetzten Klassen und die Lehrer dort sind mehr als engagiert. Die Betreuung war optimal (z. B. einfacher Kurswechsel) und es wurde immer viel Wert auf einen freundlichen Umgang gelegt. Die Schule selber ist ideal, ca. 100m zum Place de la Comedie, gelegen und sehr gut, überall mit TV, DVD, Stereoanlage und kostenlosem WiFi ausgestattet. Auch das „Studierzimmer“ mit PCs und einer kleinen Bibliothek war immer wieder ein netter Treffpunkt für uns. Das täglich unterschiedliche Zusatzangebot der Schule hat mir sehr gefallen und es ist für alle etwas dabei, wie Stadtführungen, Kochkurse, Ausflüge in nahegelegene Städte etc. Besonders mit dem Animateur der Schule hatten wir viel Spaß und er gibt definitiv die besten Restaurantempfehlungen. J Da Montpellier selber eine wunderschöne Stadt ist, die viele leckere Restaurants und Bars bietet, sowie gute Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, die Nähe zum Strand etc. und dort viele Studenten aus aller Welt zusammenkommen, war es einfach perfekt um mein französisch wieder aufzufrischen. Ich kann Accent Francais also einfach nur jedem weiterempfehlen!!
it was absoluteley great environment to study french here. the teachers are very kind and eager to help students out. i thought that the accent francais team is very well organized. you can ask anything to anyone who works there it was very warm atmosphere. Montpellier is very international and the climate is very confortable. if you want to study and master french, Accent Francais is the way to go.
This is a really special school. You are looked after from your first email in a friendly, professional way. Montpellier is the most wonderful town in a fascinating part of France with a climate to die for! The pain is completely taken out of language learning and you enter a world that is terribly hard to leave.
I really enjoyed this trip. It was the first language school I went to, and I can say that my french has really improved. The first day, I couldn't even talk to my host family.. But all changed after my first lessons..I really recommend Accent francais, I got to know so many great people there and truly benefited from my stay. Apart from that Montpellier is a very nice and beautiful city and very good for shopping.
I have spent a truely fantastic three months at Accent Français. I learnt so much, made some great friends and really made the most of my time in France and in Montpellier. The lessons at Accent Francais were great, really informative and the teachers were awesome. The social activities were well organised and really gave me the chance to discover the region. I highly reccommend Accent Francais to anyone who is thinking about learning the language, dont hesitate, just to do it!!!
I had standard French courses at Accent Francais for 6 months. I was having classes in the mornings and in the afternoons, I was participating school's activity program which was very fun. During my stay in Montpellier, I have improved my French a lot and I met very nice people from different countries. This is all thanks to Accent Français. Dynamic team of teachers and serious education made it all even better. I highly recommend Accent Français to people who wants to learn efficient French in the South of France.
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