Wertung: 100%

Beruht Auf 2 Teilnehmer Bewertungen
"The school is more intimate than any other school, and the student is always put first. To make the ..."

Die Unteren sortir Wurden von Studenten Angegeben, Die Hier Gelernt Haben. Verbum

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die Lehre 100%

Verschiedene Bewertungen der Studenten über Verbum

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2 Sortir
die Lehre
The school is more intimate than any other school, and the student is always put first. To make the transition into a new life situation easier, Laura and Nico, who administer the school, always come up with fun and cultural activities when the school door closes. To me and to other students they are like family. The teachers are simply amazing, both pedagogically and as humans who really care about you. Oh, and before I forget, I feel much more confident about speaking Spanish now!
Antwort von Verbum: Thank you very much Joakim. It was a pleasure to have you here with us as well :)

die Lehre
Had a great time at Verbum. Great School,really good and patient teachers and the lessons were excellent. I learned a lot in only one week. I can reccommend them to everyone :)

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