We are an green academy with a total immersion program in the Spanish Language and our culture, we are the only one in Sacatepéquez that offer you a marvelous experience where besides of your Spanish lessons you will have contact with the nature from a cloudy forest, they said that ”We are in heaven of biodiversity” making efforts to conserve our forest you will relax feeling the sound produced by the cornfields air firs, oaks and scent of wild flowers as well as the singing of birds circling the natural environment a lizard jumping and the singing of the ow in the afternoon and announcing the night.
Green School: We chose an ecological environment in order to provide our students a different experience other Spanish schools. School El Mirador offers : Quiet, safety, clean air, ample facilities, spectacular views and most importantly: Personalized Education Quality, and also each of our maestros posee a graduate of accreditation which was granted by the University Rafael Landivar as: SPANISH MASTER . We cover every academic need structured lessons regarding the student assigned.
In the Mirador Spanish Academy: Our main objective is that our students become people who master perfectly the second most spoken language in the world -Spanish language-. Studying abroad and learning a second language helps them to personally and occupationally stand out in:
Linguistic knowledge
Analysis skills
Flexibility and adaptation
Team work
Understanding of other cultures
Proactive and independent, etc.
Visit Guatemala and continue earning credits towards your degree
A new adventure awaits, are you ready?
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