Wertung: 100%

Beruht Auf 2 Teilnehmer Bewertungen
"Peak Me provided a perfect combination of learning Spanish, exploring the friendly village of Panes ..."

Die Unteren sortir Wurden von Studenten Angegeben, Die Hier Gelernt Haben. Peak Me Languages

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Wertung   100%
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2 Sortir
die Lehre
Peak Me provided a perfect combination of learning Spanish, exploring the friendly village of Panes and walking in the beautiful surrounding Picos. The whole week was exceptionally well organised and the Spanish lessons meticulously planned, full of variety and taught with skill, patience and humour.

die Lehre
The school is small, without feeling formal. There were only 4 people in my class which was great. The classes are well organised and fun. We only scratched the surface of routes to take, with countless great days out to be had in close proximity to Panes. I can only encourage this part of Spain to the fellow traveller. There is so much to see and do, whether you’re the sporting enthusiast or want to brush up on your Spanish (or both!), get to the Picos de Europa and have a jolly good time!!

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