CIC (Certificato di italiano commerciale) in Ascona

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Certificates of Knowledge of Italian Commercial (CIC Intermediate and CIC Advanced) are aimed at people who work or intend to work, in business and organizational areas that require the knowledge of the Italian language. They are based on the approach and on the learning objectives of the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference of the Council of Europe and the principles adopted in the study of languages ​​for specific purposes. The tests required by the CIC Intermediate and CIC Advanced reproduce the typical tasks and activities that present themselves to those who actually work in Italian working environments, especially in business and organizational contexts. Although the topics and selected content always gravitate in the economic and commercial interest, the candidate is not required no previous knowledge of specific technical fields. CIC exams take place once a year, in the month of June.

Scuola Glossa, Ascona, Switzerland
Italienischkurs + Konversation 15 Unterrichtseinheiten pro Woche
Italian language course - all levels: from Beginners to C2 with extras, grammar and conversation.
Sprachniveau + Unterkunft in Gastfamilie ab 568,19 € Siehe + 3 Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten Weitere Optionen
  • Gastfamilie
    ab 568,19 € Wochenansicht
  • Gastfamilie
    ab 649,19 € Wochenansicht
  • Gastfamilie
    ab 756,26 € Wochenansicht

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